15 research outputs found


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    Turistička zajednica destinacije predstavlja temeljnu ćeliju u sustavu turističkog organiziranja u Hrvatskoj, na čelu s Hrvatskom turističkom zajednicom. Zadatak joj je da stvara, promiče i koordinira aktivnosti vezane za identitet, sadržaj i kvalitetu turističke ponude destinacije. Kako su menadžmentu turističke zajednice u donošenju poslovnih odluka potrebne relevantne informacije, pristupilo se istraživanju stupnja izgrađenosti njihova računovodstvenog informacijskog sustava. Istraživanje je obavljeno anketnim upitnikom, koji je upućen na 82 najveće turističke zajednice gradova, općina, mjesta i otoka u Istarskoj, Primorsko-goranskoj, Ličko-senjskoj, Zadarskoj, Šibensko-kninskoj, Splitskodalmatinskoj, Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj, Krapinsko-zagorskoj, Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj, Koprivničko-križevačkoj i Zagrebačkoj županiji. Ispunjeni upitnik su poslale 42 turističke zajednice, što čini više od 50% izabranog uzorka, pa se isti ocjenjuje reprezentativnim. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na potrebu podizanja kvalitete računovodstvenih informacija. To znači prilagodbu načina i izvora njihove pripreme prvenstveno u području internog obračuna, te povezivanje sa ostalim izvorima informacija, što metodološki mora biti usklađeno u fazama planiranja, kontrole i izvješćivanja.The tourist association of the destination represents the fundamental cell within the system of tourist organizations in Croatia, headed by the Tourist Association of Croatia. The task of the association is to create, promote and coordinate the activities linked to the identity, context and quality of the tourist offer of the destination. As the managements of tourist association need to be well-informed in order to make the proper decisions, a survey was carried out regarding the implementation level of information technology systems in accounting. The survey was carried out using questionnaires that were sent to 82 of the largest tourist associations of the cities, municipalities, towns and islands of the following counties: Istria, Primorsko- goranska, Licko-Senjska, Zadarska, Sibensko-Kninska. Splitsko-Dalmatinska, Dubrovacko-Neretvanska, Krapinsko-Zagorska, Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska, Koprivnicko-Krizevacka and the Zagreb County. Answered questionnaires were returned by 42 tourist associations, which constitutes more than 50% of the selected sample, making it a representative sample. The results of the study indicate the need to improve the quality of accounting based information. This calls for the need of making adjustments in the data preparation methods and sources, primarily in the sphere of internal accounting. Also stronger connections are required with other sources of information. Methodologically, this should be coordinated through the phases of planning, controlling and reporting.Die Fremdenverkehrsgemeinschaft der Destination stellt die Grundeinheit im Fremdenverkehrsorganisierungssystem Kroatiens mit der Kroatischen Zentrale für Tourismus an der Spitze dar. Ihre Aufgabe besteht in der Gründung, Promotion und Koordinierung der Aktivitäten bezüglich der Identität, Inhalt und Qualität des touristischen Angebots der Destination. Da das Management der Fremdenverkehrsgemeinschaft beim Treffen einer Betriebsentscheidung relevante Infonnationen benötigt, wurde die Stufe des Aufbaus des Rechungswesens Informationssystem erforscht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Fragebogen erstellt, der an 82 größte Fremdenverkehrsgemeinschaften der Städte, Gemeinden, Orte und Inseln in Gespanschaßen Istarska, Primorsko-goranska, Ličko-senjska, Zadarska, Sibensko-kninska, Splitsko-dalmatinska, Dubrovačko-neretvanska, Krapinsko-zagorska, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska, Koprivničko-križevačka und Zagrebačka verschickt wurde. Der ausgefüllte Fragebogen wurde von 42 Fremdenverkehrsgemeinschaften zurückgeschickt, was mehr als die Hälfte des ausgewählten Sample darstellt. Aufgrund dessen wird es als repräsentativ bewertet. Die Forschungsresultate verweisen auf die Notwendigkeit der Verbesserung der Qualität der Rechungswesensinformationen. Dies bedeutet die Anpassung der Art und der Quelle ihrer Vorbereitung in erster Linie im Bereich der betriebsinternen Abrechnung und ihre Verbindung mit anderen Informationsquellen, was methodologisch in den Phasen der Planung, Kontrolle und Berichterstattung in Einklang gebracht werden muß

    FPGA Based System for High Dynamic Range Automotive Camera

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    Izrađen je sustav za prihvat i obradu digitalne slike s dvodimenzionalnog senzora Sony IMX390 koji podržava oslikavanje u visokom dinamičkom opsegu. Za razvoj sustava korištena je ZC706 razvojna pločica za Zynq-7000 SoC porodicu sklopova. Zynq-7000 sastoji se od FPGA sklopa i ARM procesorskog sustava integriranih na istom čipu. U FPGA dijelu realiziran je cijeli cjevovod za obradu slike i sustav za prikaz slike na monitoru. Na procesorskom sustavu izvršava se demonstracijska aplikacija koja sekvencijalno uključuje pojedine module cjevovoda u svrhu prikazivanja utjecaja pojedinog modula. Objašnjen je proces otkrivanja greški u radu sustava. Prikazana je mogućnost jednostavne modifikacije sustava zbog fleksibilnosti koje pruža FPGA sklop.A system for receiving and processing digital images from the two-dimensional sensor Sony IMX390, that supports high-dynamic imaging, is developed. System is developed using Zc706 development board for Zynq-7000 SoC family of integrated circuits. The Zynq-7000 consists of FPGAs and ARM processors integrated in the same chip. In the FPGA section, the entire image processing pipeline and display system are realized. The processor system executes a demonstration application that sequentially turns on individual piping modules, for the purpose of displaying the influence of a particular modules. The error detection process in the system operation is explained. The possibility of simple system modification due to the flexibility provided by the FPGA circuit is demonstrated

    FPGA Based System for High Dynamic Range Automotive Camera

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    Izrađen je sustav za prihvat i obradu digitalne slike s dvodimenzionalnog senzora Sony IMX390 koji podržava oslikavanje u visokom dinamičkom opsegu. Za razvoj sustava korištena je ZC706 razvojna pločica za Zynq-7000 SoC porodicu sklopova. Zynq-7000 sastoji se od FPGA sklopa i ARM procesorskog sustava integriranih na istom čipu. U FPGA dijelu realiziran je cijeli cjevovod za obradu slike i sustav za prikaz slike na monitoru. Na procesorskom sustavu izvršava se demonstracijska aplikacija koja sekvencijalno uključuje pojedine module cjevovoda u svrhu prikazivanja utjecaja pojedinog modula. Objašnjen je proces otkrivanja greški u radu sustava. Prikazana je mogućnost jednostavne modifikacije sustava zbog fleksibilnosti koje pruža FPGA sklop.A system for receiving and processing digital images from the two-dimensional sensor Sony IMX390, that supports high-dynamic imaging, is developed. System is developed using Zc706 development board for Zynq-7000 SoC family of integrated circuits. The Zynq-7000 consists of FPGAs and ARM processors integrated in the same chip. In the FPGA section, the entire image processing pipeline and display system are realized. The processor system executes a demonstration application that sequentially turns on individual piping modules, for the purpose of displaying the influence of a particular modules. The error detection process in the system operation is explained. The possibility of simple system modification due to the flexibility provided by the FPGA circuit is demonstrated

    Triage Indicators of the Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in the Emergency Department (ED)

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi trijažne indikatore u bolesnika s akutnim koronarnim sindromom zaprimljenih na Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijem Opće bolnice Zadar u razdoblju od 1. srpnja 2020. do 31 prosinca 2020. godine kao i prikazati važnost medicinske sestre/tehničara na poslovima trijaže. USTROJ STUDIJE: Retrospektivna stručna istraživačka studija. ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je izvršeno nad bolesnicima oboljelima od AKS-a, zaprimljenih na Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijem Opće bolnice Zadar u razdoblju od 1. srpnja 2020. do 31. prosinca 2020. godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvatilo 187 oboljelih, od kojih 134 muškaraca i 53 žene. REZULTATI: Prosječna dob oboljelih od AKS-a je 68 godina. Muški spol češće obolijeva od AKS-a nego ženski. U OHBP je 13 bolesnika dovezeno sanitetskim prijevozom, 87 bolesnika je došlo samostalno u hitni prijem, a 87 je dovezla hitna medicinska pomoć. Prosječno vrijeme čekanja ispitanika od dolaska u hitni prijem do trijažiranja je dvije minute. U prvoj trijažnoj kategoriji kategorizirano je pet bolesnika, u drugoj 49 bolesnika, u trećoj 105 bolesnika, u četvrtoj 25 bolesnika, a u petoj, najmanje hitnoj, kategorizirana su dva bolesnika. Unutar određenih trijažnih kategorija, prosječno vrijeme provedeno čekajući na početak pregleda liječnika za prvu trijažnu kategoriju iznosi osam minuta, za drugu dvije minute, za treću 22 minute, za četvrtu 36 minuta, a za dva pacijenta iz pete kategorije vrijeme nije ispravno upisano. ZAKLJUČAK: Akutni koronarni sindrom je hitno stanje koje predstavlja kritičnu ishemiju miokarda i kao takav zahtijeva hitno zbrinjavanje. Medicinske sestre i tehničari predstavljaju neizostavan dio tima pri zbrinjavanju AKS-a na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite. Prva osoba s kojom se pacijent susreće pri dolasku u bolničku hitnu službu upravo je medicinska sestra koja provodi trijažu. Utvrđena trijažna odluka ima utjecaj na kliničke ishode bolesnika. Stoga je važno da medicinske sestre i tehničari budu educirani, da posjeduju znanja i vještine o provođenju postupka trijaže te važnosti ranog prepoznavanja ACS kako bi doprinijeli pozitivnom ishodu za bolesnika.RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To determine triage indicators in patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted to the Emergency Hospital Admission of the Zadar General Hospital in the period from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 as well as to show the importance of the nurses during the medical procedure. STUDY STRUCTURE: A retrospective research study. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study included patients with ACS, admitted to the Emergency Hospital Admission of the Zadar General Hospital during the period from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The study included 187 patients (134 male and 53 female). RESEARCH RESULTS: The average age of patients with ACS is 68 years. Male patients more often suffer from ACS in comparison to female patients. In ER, 13 patients were brought by regular hospital vehicles, 87 patients came to the emergency room on their own, and 87 were brought by ambulance. The average waiting time of respondents from arrival at the emergency room to triage is two minutes. Five patients required the first level triage, the second level included 49 patients, the third 105 patients, the fourth 25 of them, and in the fifth, the least urgent one, there were 2 patients. Within certain triage categories, the average waiting time for the first category patients is 0 minutes, for the second it is 2 minutes, for the third it is 22 minutes, for the fourth it is 36 minutes, and for 2 patients from the fifth category the time is not entered correctly. CONCLUSIVE REMARKS: Acute coronary syndrome is an emergency condition that represents critical myocardial ischemia and as such requires urgent care. Nurses are an indispensable part of the team at all levels of ACS medical care. The triage nurse is the first person the patient meets on arrival at the hospital emergency department. The established triage decision has an impact on the patient’s clinical outcomes. It is therefore important that nurses are educated, that they possess the knowledge and skills to conduct the triage procedure, and the importance of early recognition of ACS to contribute to a positive outcome for the patient

    FPGA Based System for High Dynamic Range Automotive Camera

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    Izrađen je sustav za prihvat i obradu digitalne slike s dvodimenzionalnog senzora Sony IMX390 koji podržava oslikavanje u visokom dinamičkom opsegu. Za razvoj sustava korištena je ZC706 razvojna pločica za Zynq-7000 SoC porodicu sklopova. Zynq-7000 sastoji se od FPGA sklopa i ARM procesorskog sustava integriranih na istom čipu. U FPGA dijelu realiziran je cijeli cjevovod za obradu slike i sustav za prikaz slike na monitoru. Na procesorskom sustavu izvršava se demonstracijska aplikacija koja sekvencijalno uključuje pojedine module cjevovoda u svrhu prikazivanja utjecaja pojedinog modula. Objašnjen je proces otkrivanja greški u radu sustava. Prikazana je mogućnost jednostavne modifikacije sustava zbog fleksibilnosti koje pruža FPGA sklop.A system for receiving and processing digital images from the two-dimensional sensor Sony IMX390, that supports high-dynamic imaging, is developed. System is developed using Zc706 development board for Zynq-7000 SoC family of integrated circuits. The Zynq-7000 consists of FPGAs and ARM processors integrated in the same chip. In the FPGA section, the entire image processing pipeline and display system are realized. The processor system executes a demonstration application that sequentially turns on individual piping modules, for the purpose of displaying the influence of a particular modules. The error detection process in the system operation is explained. The possibility of simple system modification due to the flexibility provided by the FPGA circuit is demonstrated

    Triage Indicators of the Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in the Emergency Department (ED)

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi trijažne indikatore u bolesnika s akutnim koronarnim sindromom zaprimljenih na Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijem Opće bolnice Zadar u razdoblju od 1. srpnja 2020. do 31 prosinca 2020. godine kao i prikazati važnost medicinske sestre/tehničara na poslovima trijaže. USTROJ STUDIJE: Retrospektivna stručna istraživačka studija. ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je izvršeno nad bolesnicima oboljelima od AKS-a, zaprimljenih na Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijem Opće bolnice Zadar u razdoblju od 1. srpnja 2020. do 31. prosinca 2020. godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvatilo 187 oboljelih, od kojih 134 muškaraca i 53 žene. REZULTATI: Prosječna dob oboljelih od AKS-a je 68 godina. Muški spol češće obolijeva od AKS-a nego ženski. U OHBP je 13 bolesnika dovezeno sanitetskim prijevozom, 87 bolesnika je došlo samostalno u hitni prijem, a 87 je dovezla hitna medicinska pomoć. Prosječno vrijeme čekanja ispitanika od dolaska u hitni prijem do trijažiranja je dvije minute. U prvoj trijažnoj kategoriji kategorizirano je pet bolesnika, u drugoj 49 bolesnika, u trećoj 105 bolesnika, u četvrtoj 25 bolesnika, a u petoj, najmanje hitnoj, kategorizirana su dva bolesnika. Unutar određenih trijažnih kategorija, prosječno vrijeme provedeno čekajući na početak pregleda liječnika za prvu trijažnu kategoriju iznosi osam minuta, za drugu dvije minute, za treću 22 minute, za četvrtu 36 minuta, a za dva pacijenta iz pete kategorije vrijeme nije ispravno upisano. ZAKLJUČAK: Akutni koronarni sindrom je hitno stanje koje predstavlja kritičnu ishemiju miokarda i kao takav zahtijeva hitno zbrinjavanje. Medicinske sestre i tehničari predstavljaju neizostavan dio tima pri zbrinjavanju AKS-a na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite. Prva osoba s kojom se pacijent susreće pri dolasku u bolničku hitnu službu upravo je medicinska sestra koja provodi trijažu. Utvrđena trijažna odluka ima utjecaj na kliničke ishode bolesnika. Stoga je važno da medicinske sestre i tehničari budu educirani, da posjeduju znanja i vještine o provođenju postupka trijaže te važnosti ranog prepoznavanja ACS kako bi doprinijeli pozitivnom ishodu za bolesnika.RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To determine triage indicators in patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted to the Emergency Hospital Admission of the Zadar General Hospital in the period from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 as well as to show the importance of the nurses during the medical procedure. STUDY STRUCTURE: A retrospective research study. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study included patients with ACS, admitted to the Emergency Hospital Admission of the Zadar General Hospital during the period from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The study included 187 patients (134 male and 53 female). RESEARCH RESULTS: The average age of patients with ACS is 68 years. Male patients more often suffer from ACS in comparison to female patients. In ER, 13 patients were brought by regular hospital vehicles, 87 patients came to the emergency room on their own, and 87 were brought by ambulance. The average waiting time of respondents from arrival at the emergency room to triage is two minutes. Five patients required the first level triage, the second level included 49 patients, the third 105 patients, the fourth 25 of them, and in the fifth, the least urgent one, there were 2 patients. Within certain triage categories, the average waiting time for the first category patients is 0 minutes, for the second it is 2 minutes, for the third it is 22 minutes, for the fourth it is 36 minutes, and for 2 patients from the fifth category the time is not entered correctly. CONCLUSIVE REMARKS: Acute coronary syndrome is an emergency condition that represents critical myocardial ischemia and as such requires urgent care. Nurses are an indispensable part of the team at all levels of ACS medical care. The triage nurse is the first person the patient meets on arrival at the hospital emergency department. The established triage decision has an impact on the patient’s clinical outcomes. It is therefore important that nurses are educated, that they possess the knowledge and skills to conduct the triage procedure, and the importance of early recognition of ACS to contribute to a positive outcome for the patient