1,109 research outputs found

    El contrato para la formación y el aprendizaje = The contract for training and learning

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    Una de las características del Ordenamiento laboral español es la variedad de modalidades de contratación existentes. De entre todos ellos se ha seleccionado el contrato para la formación y el aprendizaje como objeto de análisis, como contrato formativo destinado, al tiempo, a la inserción laboral de jóvenes sin cualificación. Descritos los objetivos y la metodología, la investigación se inicia con una introducción que realiza un acercamiento conceptual al contrato objeto de análisis mostrando las variaciones sufridas en los últimos años, no sólo hasta la implantación del Real Decreto 1529/2012, de 8 de noviembre, por el que se desarrolla el contrato para la formación y el aprendizaje y se establecen las bases de la formación profesional dual, pues también se efectúa oportuna referencia a reformas posteriores. Tras esta primera parte, el trabajo se despliega alrededor de varios bloques hilados pero abastecidos de suficiente autodeterminación para posibilitar un análisis autónomo; a saber: caracterización del contrato, aspectos formativos del contrato, bonificaciones e incentivos y acción protectora de la Seguridad Social. Como no podía ser de otro modo, la investigación finaliza con el colofón dado por el repertorio de conclusiones alcanzadas durante la realización del trabajo y finaliza con la referencia obligada a la bibliografía y webgrafía que ha sido utilizada durante el proces

    jPET 2.0: un generador automático de casos de prueba sobre programas Java

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    JPet lleva desarrollándose varios años a fin de convertirlo en una herramienta competitiva en el campo del software testing. Se encarga de obtener casos de prueba (test-cases) de código java que garanticen el recubrimiento óptimo del mismo. En su comienzo la forma en que jPet mostraba la información a los usuarios no era fácil de entender, lo que hacía que no fuera útil durante el desarrollo de software. En la actualidad, se ha solucionado este problema guardando la información necesaria de los casos de prueba en ficheros .xml, mostrando al desarrollador de una manera más gráfica y sencilla el trabajo realizado. La herramienta incorpora un visor en el que se puede comprobar el valor de los datos antes y después de la ejecución del código, así como la posibilidad de ver la traza de un caso de prueba en concreto. En este proyecto vamos a ampliar jPet añadiéndole la funcionalidad de generar tests en código java a partir de los casos de prueba almacenados en los ficheros .xml. De esta manera, el desarrollador puede verificar el funcionamiento del código que pretende testear. Los tests contienen todo lo necesario para su ejecución en java, pero están escritos a modo de plantilla por lo que, aunque ayudan al desarrollador ahorrándole tiempo, es necesaria sucolaboración para que recobren sentido y pasen a ser tests válidos. [ABSTRACT] Jpet has become a competitive tool for software testing over the years. It obtains java code test-cases that ensures an optimal coverage. From its beginnings, showing data and explaining it wasn’t an easy task, so Jpet was not useful for software developing. Nowadays, this problem has been solved by saving test-cases relevant data to .xml files, guiding software developers through a more graphic and comprehensive way of the work carried out by Jpet. It has a budget that may be interesting for developers, a graphic interface in which you can check data values before and after running the piece of software tested and see a concrete test-case tracing painted in a glowing green. So now we are going to expand and continue this ongoing project by adding functionality to generate java code unit tests (junits) using the test-cases above-mentioned. Those tests can run on Java but they are just templates. Although it will certainly help developers saving their time, they need to be accordingly modified to apply

    Insecticidal Properties of Ocimum basilicum and Cymbopogon winterianus against Acanthoscelides obtectus, Insect Pest of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.)

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    [EN] The bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), causes severe post-harvest losses in the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. The control of this insect is still poor and involves the use of conventional insecticides. There is an increasing demand in the search for new active substances and products for pest control towards reduction of adverse e ects on human health and the environment. The protection of grains with alternative products, such as essential oils, is a possible alternative to meet the needs described above. Therefore, this investigation evaluated the applications of basil, Ocimum basilicum, and citronella, Cymbopogon winterianus, essential oils for A. obtectus control. These essential oils significantly reduced the bean weight losses and the number of beans damaged by A. obtectus at higher doses than 60 or 120 L/sample. The number of holes per bean did not di er between the doses of basil essential oil, not even at the dose of 60 L, while it was higher at 120 L, probably due to a lower capacity of movement of the insects treated with this dose and/or the oil’s direct or indirect e ects on the insects. Basil and citronella oils exhibited similar patterns of insecticidal activity over the insect, both directly in adult insects or indirectly over bean seeds. These essential oils a ected the development of A. obtectus since the greatest doses applied on beans decreased the emergence of the bean weevil. The results prove the insecticidal capacity of the tested essential oils and hence their potential as active substances against A. obtectus in environmentally low risk pest control strategies. Supplementary trials should be conducted under real storage conditions.SIThis work was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain), according to the Resolution of 27 July 2018, (BOE No. 184, of July 31) through the grant awarded to Álvaro Rodríguez González (PTA2017–14403-I). The authors are grateful to the Federal University of Reconcavo de Bahia and especially to Franceli Da Silva for providing us with their knowledge about essential oils

    Acute Effects of Global Postural Re-Education on Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Does Time-of-Day Play a Role?.

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    Low back pain is one the most common forms of musculoskeletal disorders. Thus, several physiotherapeutic strategies (e.g., global postural re-education therapy) have been used for reducing low back pain. The aim of this study was to determinate if acute application of global postural re-education session associated effects are influenced by the time-of-day when this physical therapy is applied. Eight participants in a randomized, counterbalanced order were acutely tested both before and 24 h after a global postural re-education therapy session (10 min session) in three different time-of-day points; morning (i.e., AM; 7:00–9:00 h), midday (i.e., AM; 12:00–14:00 h) and afternoon (i.e., PM; 18:00–20:00 h). In each session, low back pain Visual Analogue Pain Scale [VAS]), flexibility, function capacity (Roland Morris Questionnaire [RMQ], and physical functioning Oswestry Disability Index [ODI]) were recorded. Results showed a pain reduction (VAS Scale) 24 h post Global postural re-education [GPR] session (p = 0.001) and increasing of flexibility pre-post GPR session in all the time-of-day points (morning, midday, and afternoon) (p = 0.001) while no differences were reported in RMQ (p = 0.969) and ODI (p = 0.767). Thus, acute GPR session produces the same effects on flexibility, low back pain, function capacity, and physical functioning values independently of time-of-day when it is applied.post-print974 K

    Failure under stress of grapevine wood: The effects of the cerambycid xylotrechus arvicola on the biomechanics properties of vitis vinifera

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    Xylotrechus arvicola is an insect pest on Vitis vinifera in the main wine-producing regions of Spain. X. arvicola larvae bore inside grapevine wood, which cause structural damages in the plants´ biomechanical properties. Grapevine wood affected and unaffected by larvae, were collected from vineyards. Compression and flexural tests were used to quantify biomechanical wood properties. Affected wood broke more quickly and endured a lower supported force than unaffected wood in both varieties and moisture states. Tempranillo was the most resistant variety on trunks, while Cabernet-Sauvignon was the most resistant variety on branches, where all infested varieties showed a lower rate of bending. Grapevine wood affected by X. arvicola larvae shows an important decrease in its resistance in both moisture states - dry and wet wood - and it is observed due to the faster break in time and a lower supported force. These damages give the affected wood greater sensitivity to external mechanical factors in the vineyards, such as strong winds, harvest weight and the vibration exerted by harvesting machines. The aspect of stress-time curves in all cases follow similar patterns, so in future studies might be possible to stablish relationships between both wet and dry samples and different infestation levels

    Failure under stress of grapevine wood: The effects of the cerambycid Xylotrechus arvicola on the biomechanics properties of Vitis vinifera

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    [EN] Xylotrechus arvicola is an insect pest on Vitis vinifera in the main wine-producing regions of Spain. X. arvicola larvae bore inside grapevine wood, which cause structural damages in the plants´ biomechanical properties. Grapevine wood affected and unaffected by larvae, were collected from vineyards. Compression and flexural tests were used to quantify biomechanical wood properties. Affected wood broke more quickly and endured a lower supported force than unaffected wood in both varieties and moisture states. Tempranillo was the most resistant variety on trunks, while Cabernet-Sauvignon was the most resistant variety on branches, where all infested varieties showed a lower rate of bending. Grapevine wood affected by X. arvicola larvae shows an important decrease in its resistance in both moisture states - dry and wet wood - and it is observed due to the faster break in time and a lower supported force. These damages give the affected wood greater sensitivity to external mechanical factors in the vineyards, such as strong winds, harvest weight and the vibration exerted by harvesting machines. The aspect of stress-time curves in all cases follow similar patterns, so in future studies might be possible to stablish relationships between both wet and dry samples and different infestation levels

    Validation of an Aesthetic Assessment System for Commercial Tasks

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    [Abstract] Automatic prediction of the aesthetic value of images has received increasing attention in recent years. This is due, on the one hand, to the potential impact that predicting the aesthetic value has on practical applications. Even so, it remains a difficult task given the subjectivity and complexity of the problem. An image aesthetics assessment system was developed in recent years by our research group. In this work, its potential to be applied in commercial tasks is tested. With this objective, a set of three portals and three real estate agencies in Spain were taken as case studies. Images of their websites were taken to build the experimental dataset and a validation method was developed to test their original order with another proposed one according to their aesthetic value. So, in this new order, the images that have the high aesthetic score by the AI system will occupy the first positions of the portal. Relevant results were obtained, with an average increase of 52.54% in the number of clicks on the ads, in the experiment with Real Estate portals. A statistical analysis prove that there is a significant difference in the number of clicks after selecting the images with the AI system.This work is supported by the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia (Ref. ED431D 201716), Competitive Reference Groups (Ref. ED431C 201849) and Ministry of Science and Innovation project Society challenges (Ref. PID2020-118362RB-I00). We also wish to acknowledge the support received from the Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC”, funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020 Program), by grant ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 201716Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 201849Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Volatile-mediated interactions between Trichoderma harzianum and Acanthoscelides obtectus: A novel in vitro methodology to evaluate the impact of microbial volatile compounds on dry grain storage pests

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    .Biological interactions mediated by Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) is a well-established field that has been researched for decades. Although extensive focus is currently given to the control of insect pests using natural molecules, the study of volatile interactions between microorganisms and insects has been largely neglected and has only begun to attract more attention in recent years. In this work, we developed a novel protocol to assess the effects of microbial BVOCs directly produced by growing microbial strains on dry grain insect pests and the seed damage they cause, using VOC Chambers to evaluate both sealed and unsealed conditions. Four Trichoderma harzianum strains were tested against Acanthoscelides obtectus, a wild type and three of its transformants. These had been previously obtained by introducing the tri5 gene and thus overproducing the volatile trichodiene, or by silencing the erg1 gene, which encodes for a squalene epoxidase, therefore reducing ergosterol levels and increasing squalene ones in the fungus. Results demonstrated that ventilation plays a key role in these interactions. All fungal strains significantly increased adult mortality in sealed conditions, while this effect was barely noticeable in unsealed ones. Nevertheless, subsequent insect emergence from bean seeds and bean damage were still significantly reduced in both conditions. The erg1 silenced strains caused significantly higher levels of adult mortality than the rest in sealed conditions and lower insect emergence in both sealed and unsealed ones. Bean damage produced by insects was lower also when exposed to BVOCs from these strains in sealed conditions. Conversely, trichodiene overproduction did not show enhanced toxicity or significant reduction of insect emergence and bean damage in the tested conditions. Therefore, T. harzianum BVOCs, especially those from erg1 silenced strains, should be further researched for their potential use in the biological control of A. obtectus infestation in dry grain storing facilities. VOC Chambers have shown themselves to be a reliable method in the screening of in vitro volatile mediated interactions between growing microbial strains and insect pests.S

    Spiral Bevel Gears Face Roughness Prediction Produced by CNC End Milling Centers

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    The emergence of multitasking machines in the machine tool sector presents new opportunities for the machining of large size gears and short production series in these machines. However, the possibility of using standard tools in conventional machines for gears machining represents a technological challenge from the point of view of workpiece quality. Machining conditions in order to achieve both dimensional and surface quality requirements need to be determined. With these considerations in mind, computer numerical control (CNC) methods to provide useful tools for gear processing are studied. Thus, a model for the prediction of surface roughness obtained on the teeth surface of a machined spiral bevel gear in a multiprocess machine is presented. Machining strategies and optimal machining parameters were studied, and the roughness model is validated for 3 + 2 axes and 5 continuous axes machining strategies. Palabras claveThank you to the Department of Education, and to the Universities and Research program of the Basque Government for their financial support, by means of the ZABALDUZ program. We also thank the UFI in Mechanical Engineering department of the UPV/EHU for its support of this project

    UnrealROX: an extremely photorealistic virtual reality environment for robotics simulations and synthetic data generation

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    Data-driven algorithms have surpassed traditional techniques in almost every aspect in robotic vision problems. Such algorithms need vast amounts of quality data to be able to work properly after their training process. Gathering and annotating that sheer amount of data in the real world is a time-consuming and error-prone task. Those problems limit scale and quality. Synthetic data generation has become increasingly popular since it is faster to generate and automatic to annotate. However, most of the current datasets and environments lack realism, interactions, and details from the real world. UnrealROX is an environment built over Unreal Engine 4 which aims to reduce that reality gap by leveraging hyperrealistic indoor scenes that are explored by robot agents which also interact with objects in a visually realistic manner in that simulated world. Photorealistic scenes and robots are rendered by Unreal Engine into a virtual reality headset which captures gaze so that a human operator can move the robot and use controllers for the robotic hands; scene information is dumped on a per-frame basis so that it can be reproduced offline to generate raw data and ground truth annotations. This virtual reality environment enables robotic vision researchers to generate realistic and visually plausible data with full ground truth for a wide variety of problems such as class and instance semantic segmentation, object detection, depth estimation, visual grasping, and navigation.Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Informática. This work has been also funded by the Spanish Government TIN2016-76515-R Grant for the COMBAHO project, supported with Feder funds. This work has also been supported by three Spanish national grants for Ph.D. studies (FPU15/04516, FPU17/00166, and ACIF/2018/197), by the University of Alicante Project GRE16-19, and by the Valencian Government Project GV/2018/022. Experiments were made possible by a generous hardware donation from NVIDIA