1,744 research outputs found

    Numerical evaluation of the Green's functions for arbitrarily shaped cylindrical enclosures and their optimization by a new spatial images method

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    IIn this paper, a spatial image technique is used to efficiently calculate the mixed potential Green’s functions associated with electric sources, when they are placed inside arbitrarily shaped cylindrical cavities. The technique is based on placing electric dipole images and charges outside the cavity region. Their strength and orientation are thencalculated by imposing the appropriate boundary conditions for the fields at discrete points on the metallic wall. A method for the assessment of the potentials accuracy is proposed, and several optimization techniques are presented. Three cavities are analyzed to demonstrate the usefulness of the techniques. The cutoff frequencies and potentials patterns are compared to those obtained by a standard finite elements technique, showing excellent agreement. Finally, a band-pass filter based on coupled lines is analyzed, demonstrating the practical value of the technique.This work has been developed with support from the Spanish National Project (CICYT) with reference TEC2004-04313-C02-02/TCM, and the Regional Seneca Project with reference 02972/PI/0

    Edition of the first judicial process about the attack on Joan de Palomar (1426-1428)

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    Es tracta de la instrucció de la cort del veguer de Barcelona per investigar el crim (per la llei Cornèlia de sicaris, la llei Júlia de lesa magestat i per sacrilegi) que haurien comès els germans Vidal, Narcís, sabater, Francesc, barber, i Pere, escuder del jurista i canonge Narcís de Sant Dionís. Se’ls acusa d’haver assaltat, colpejat i intentat assassinar el diaca i oïdor de comptes del General Joan de Palomar la nit de Nadal de 1426 a les rodalies de la Catedral de Santa Eulàlia, quan el clergue anava a assistir a Matines. Segons la instrucció, haurien comès el crim per a venjar l’honor del canonge Narcís de Sant Dionís, que a mitjan 1425 havia estat destituït del càrrec d’oïdor de comptes de la Diputació, després de ser-hi cooptat per al trienni de 1425-1428, però abans de jurar el càrrec, i havia estat substituït per Joan de Palomar. El crim va dur-se a terme per la complicitat del veguer de Girona, nebot de Sant Dionís, i homònim seu, qui va instigar un altre nebot del clergue, Bernat Sarriera, a organitzar l’atemptat.This is the instruction of the court of the magistrate of Barcelona to investigate the crime (by the law Cornelia de sicariis, the law Julia de la majesty and by sacrilege) that the brothers Vidal, Narcís, shoemaker, Francesc, barber, and Pere, squire of the jurist and canon Narcís de Sant Dionís would have committed. They are accused of assaulting, beating and attempting to murder the deacon and auditor of General Joan de Palomar on Christmas night 1426 near the Cathedral of Santa Eulàlia, when the clergyman was going to attend Matins. According to the instruction, they would have committed the crime to avenge the honor of the canon Narcís de Sant Dionís, who in the middle of 1425 had been dismissed from the position of auditor of accounts of the Deputation, after being co-opted there for the triennium of 1425-1428, but before taking the oath of office, and had been replaced by Joan de Palomar. The crime was carried out with the complicity of the veguer of Girona, nephew of Sant Dionís, and his namesake, who instigated another nephew of the clergyman, Bernat Sarriera, to organize the attack

    Efficient Calculation of the Green's Functions for Multilayered Shielded Cavities with Right Isosceles-Triangular Cross-Section

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    An efficient calculation of the Green’s functions inside multilayered shielded cavities with right isosceles-triangular cross-section is presented. The method is entirely developed in the spatial domain, and it is based on image theory. The idea is to use the spatial-domain Green’s functions inside a multilayered shielded square box, in order to accurately obtain the Green’s functions for the right isosceles-triangular cavity. Image theory is then used to enforce the boundary conditions along the non-equal side of the triangle. It is shown that the new algorithm is very robust, with limited computational effort. Resonance frequencies and potential patterns of a triangular cavity have been calculated and compared with those obtained by other techniques, showing very good agreement. Finally, a transversal filter inside a multilayered triangular-shaped cavity is designed, manufactured and tested using the developed technique.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under Grant FPU-AP2006-015 and with the Project TEC2007-67630-C03-02

    A new neural network technique for the design of multilayered microwave shielded bandpass filters

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    In this work, we propose a novel technique based on neural networks, for the design of microwave filters in shielded printed technology. The technique uses radial basis function neural networks to represent the non linear relations between the quality factors and coupling coefficients, with the geometrical dimensions of the resonators. The radial basis function neural networks are employed for the first time in the design task of shielded printed filters, and permit a fast and precise operation with only a limited set of training data. Thanks to a new cascade configuration, a set of two neural networks provide the dimensions of the complete filter in a fast and accurate way. To improve the calculation of the geometrical dimensions, the neural networks can take as inputs both electrical parameters and physical dimensions computed by other neural networks. The neural network technique is combined with gradient based optimization methods to further improve the response of the filters. Results are presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed technique for the design of practical microwave printed coupled line and hairpin filters

    The university mediation: a resource guide. Experience at the University of Alicante

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    Este trabajo de investigación parte del concepto de orientación que compartimos con Bisquerra (2008), definiéndola como un proceso de ayuda continuo a todas las personas, en todos los aspectos, con la finalidad de potenciar el desarrollo humano a lo largo de toda la vida. En este marco de referencia caben todas las acciones dirigidas hacia quien necesita y busca apoyo para su crecimiento personal, académico y profesional. En el ámbito universitario, históricamente poco receptivo a este tipo de actuaciones, se vienen generalizando a raíz de las nuevas concepciones metodológicas que exige la convergencia europea conceptos novedosos e innovadores y que avalan la orientación en la Universidad, como tutorización, transición universitaria, o mediación. Y son ya muchas instituciones las que han puesto en marcha organismos y programas de innovación para su desarrollo efectivo. La Universidad de Alicante viene trabajando en estos temas desde hace unos años y una de las experiencias más novedosas la desarrolla la Facultad de Educación, implantando la figura de la mediadora como recurso de resolución de situaciones conflictivas. En el marco de esta innovación nos planteamos abordar qué se entiende por mediación y cuál es su funcionalidad, al tiempo que realizar una reflexión sobre los agentes implicados y las competencias necesarias para su implementación. Ha participado en la investigación un grupo de alumnas solicitantes del recurso y un equipo docente constituido en Red de investigación. De los resultados obtenidos en la búsqueda de delimitación conceptual y funcional, de estrategias de gestión y de propuestas de actuación en el proceso mediador podemos concluir que es un aspecto positivo y necesario que rentabiliza las tareas de gestión universitaria y que soluciona al alumnado situaciones que pueden entorpecer un desarrollo personal y académico adecuado.This research on the concept of orientation we share with Bisquerra (2002), who defines it as a process of continuous assistance to all people, in all aspects, in order to enhance human development throughout the lifetime. In this framework fit all actions directed towards those who need and are looking for support for their personal, academic and professional growth. In the historically unreceptive to such actions, university level are widespread as a result of new methodological concepts that European convergence requires new and innovative concepts that support and guidance in the university as tutoring, college transition or mediation . And there are already many institutions that have launched innovation agencies and programs for effective development. The University of Alicante has been working on these issues for several years and one of the most innovative experiences develops the Faculty of Education, introducing the figure of the mediator as a resource for resolving conflicts. As part of this innovation we plan to address what is meant by mediation and what is its functionality, while making a reflection on those involved and the skills needed for implementation. He has participated in research a group of applicant’s resource students and faculty constituted Research Network. From the results obtained in the search for conceptual and functional delimitation, management strategies and proposals for action in the mediation process we can conclude that it is a positive and necessary aspect that pays the tasks of university management and solving the student’s situations that may hinder adequate personal and academic development

    “Localización, densidad y propuestas de áreas verdes en la zona urbana del municipio de Metepec"

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    Contiene figuras y cuadrosLa investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis efatzó en dos vertientes principales que fueron, medir la cantidad de metraje de arbolado urbano por medio de ortófotos Esc. 1:5000 en un contexto municipal, por otra parte se realizó una analogía con respecto a la población habitacional por manzana. De estas dos variables se desprende la investigación, analizado de manera uniforme ambos casos.Aunado a esto se desglosan diferentes gráficas, cuadros, fotografías, que permiten dar a explicar de manera clara y precisa la relación existente entre ambas. Existe un manual cartográfico generado a través del desarrollo de la investigación, que permite dar a conocer los principales pasos que efectúan para realizar el análisis espacial por medio del software Arc View 3.

    Cognitive activities through lyrics

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    Most of the times, students in English classes are not able to support their answers or opinions. This means that leaners are more focused on memorizing the answer about a certain question or exercise, but they are not informed about where the answer comes from or why is that the answer. Most of the daily topics addressed in an English lesson require the inference, opinions from learners in order to explore thoroughly different points of view and ways of expression. Taking into account what was previously mentioned, it was established to develop an appropriate level of argumentation in learners’ answers. The four skills (e.g. Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening) also need to be included. Paul and Elder (2006) claimed that Socratic Questioning (SQ) is an essential element that can give students the opportunity to learn the answer of a question or an exercise, but sharing the origins of that answer in their own words. Furthermore, English songs work as a necessary resource to enhance the motivation of students and encourage them to participate in class discussions

    Application of the high-gain substrate-superstrate configuration to dielectric leaky-wave antennas

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    The high-gain substrate-superstrate configuration, which was proposed to increase the gain in printed circuit antennas, is applied to dielectric leaky-wave antennas (LWAs) to improve its frequency response. Analysis of a slitted suspended dielectric rectangular waveguide is carried out using a full-wave method. It is proved that the minimum values of the leakage constant of the leaky-wave mode for the suspended configuration are related to the high-gain resonance conditions. Moreover, it is found that the suspended LWA exhibits very small beamwidth variations in a large frequency bandwidth. It is well-known that inhomogeneous filled LWAs suffer from variation of beamwidth as the angle of maximum radiation is scanned with frequency. The proposed topology can be adjusted so that a flat response of the beamwidth can be obtained in a large frequency band, while maintaining the frequency-scanning behavior of the LWA.This work was supported by Spanish National Projects ESP2001-4546-PE and TIC2000-0591- C03-03, by Regional Seneca Projects 2002 PB/4/FS/02 and PMPDI-UPCT- 2004, and by the EPSON-Ibérica Foundation