2,345 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información en el área administrativa de la E.S.E Hospital Regional Noroccidental IPS Abrego bajo la Norma ISO 27001:2013.

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    El desarrollo de este proyecto permite conocer la situación actual de la Empresa Social del Estado hospital regional noroccidental IPS Abrego, en cuanto a su objetivo de diseñar un sistema de seguridad de la información que sirva como respaldo de las actividades realizadas en el área administrativa, agilizando el análisis de riesgos, confiabilidad y disponibilidad a los que se ve expuesta la información en el caso particular del área de contabilidad, la cual busca poder minimizar y controlar las amenazas que pueden estar presentes en el flujo, almacenamiento y ejecución de la información. Este sistema se realizó bajo un proceso sistemático, documentado y conocido por toda la organización para ser revisado y actualizado constantemente, con el uso de una metodología que permitiera indagar como era su funcionamiento y la incidencia directa e indirecta sobre el medio operativo de la empresa, ya que la información contable es de vital importancia para la toma de decisiones en el funcionamiento de esta. El desarrollo del proyecto está basado en la norma de gestión de seguridad ISO/IEC 27001:2013 la cual proporciona las directrices, practicas, selección, implementación y gestión de los controles, teniendo en cuenta el medio ambiente, riesgo y seguridad de la información para su diseño. La metodología empleada se basó en el ciclo PHVA (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar y Actuar) la cual ofrece una opción que permite mantener la competitividad de los servicios, mejorar la calidad, reduce los costos, mejora la productividad, la confiabilidad de la información, la toma de decisiones, supervivencia de la empresa y aumenta la rentabilidad de esta. El Diseño del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad Informática fue concebido para suministrar un conjunto de actividades que deben realizarse mediante procesos sistemáticos enfocados en el proceso contable de la Empresa Social del Estado hospital regional noroccidental IPS Abrego, la cual genera un impacto en la continuidad del negocio y del funcionamiento de los demás procesos dentro de la empresa. Su objetivo está orientado a generar políticas y controles de seguridad para que los riesgos sean conocidos, asumidos, gestionados y minimizados, de una forma documentada, sistemática, estructurada, continua, repetible, eficiente y adaptada a los cambios que se produzcan en la misma.The development of this project allows us to know the current situation of the State Social Enterprise of the regional hospital, the north-western IPS Abrego, in terms of its objective of designing an information security system that serves as a backup for the activities carried out in the administrative area, speeding up the analysis of risks, reliability and availability to which the information is exposed in the particular case of the accounting area, which seeks to minimize and control the threats that may be present in the flow, storage and execution of the information. This system was carried out under a systematic process, documented and known throughout the organization to be constantly reviewed and updated, with the use of a methodology that would allow to investigate how was its operation and the direct and indirect impact on the operating environment of the company, since the accounting information is of vital importance for the decision making in the operation of this. The development of the project is based on the security management standard ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 which provides the guidelines, practices, selection, implementation and management of the controls, taking into account the environment, risk and security of information for his design. The methodology used was based on the PHVA cycle (Plan, Do, Verify and Act) which offers an option that maintains the competitiveness of services, improves quality, reduces costs, improves productivity, reliability of information, making decisions, survival of the company and increases the profitability of this. The Design of the Information Security Management System was conceived to provide a set of activities that must be carried out through systematic processes focused on the accounting process of the State Social Enterprise of the Northwest Regional Hospital IPS Abrego, which generates an impact on business continuity and the operation of the other processes within the company. Its objective is aimed at generating security policies and controls so that the risks are known, assumed, managed and minimized, in a documented, systematic, structured, continuous, repeatable, efficient and adapted to the changes that occur in it

    Hábitos saludables tanto físicos como nutricionales en el ámbito de la Educación Física

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    Se trata de un Trabajo de Fin de Grado en el que se llevan a cabo una serie de medidas y se ponen en práctica unas ideas educativas con la intención de promover unos hábitos saludables en la escuela, además de prevenir ciertos trastornos provocados por unos malos hábitos o un estilo de vida ‘negativo’ en la sociedad actual. El objetivo es concienciar a los alumnos desde edades tempranas y, en general, a toda la comunidad educativa de los beneficios que nos aporta el llevar una vida saludable. Veremos que este tema no es únicamente labor del profesor de Educación Física, sino que el centro y las familias también juegan un papel importante.Grado en Educación Primari

    Competencias éticas en la práctica profesional de las/los trabajadoras/es sociales con personas mayores

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    El present article té com objectiu presentar els resultats sobre una subescala suministrada a treballadors socials, a Portugal, que intervenen amb personas grans i que avalua les seves competències el que fa a «Valors, ètiques i perspectives teòriques». L'estudi, a més d'analitzar l'estructura factorial i les propietats psicomètriques de la subescala, compara les puntuacions mitjanes amb les d'altres països. La investigació es va fer amb les/els traballadores/ors socials que assumeixen funcions de lideratge en les respostes socials dirigides a personas grans (n = 387). Els resultats indiquen una estructura bifactorial (competències transversals versus competències especialitzades sobre la pràctica professional), i que explica aproximadament el 64,72% de la variança. La consistència interna va ser de 0,90 (α de Cronbach). Les diferències de les medies trobades, que són superiors a Portugal, especialment en les competències transversals que porten a la integració dels valors i les ètiques a la pràctica professional, ens porten a considerar que, malgrat l'absència d'un codi d'ètica portuguès, el projecte educatiu i professional està basat en la centralitat dels valors i de l'ètica.This article presents the results of the administration, in Portugal, of a subscale that evaluates the competencies of social workers working with elderly users regarding “Values, Ethics and Theoretical Perspectives.” In addition to examining the factor structure and the psychometric properties of the subscale, the study compares the mean scores with those of samples collected in other countries. The research was carried out with social workers who assume leadership roles in social institutions targeted at the elderly population (n = 387). The results indicate a two-factor structure (transversal competences vs. specialized skills related to professional practice), which explains about 64.72% of the variance. The internal consistency was 0.90 (Cronbach’s α). The average differences found in Portugal, especially in transversal competencies that refer to the integration of values and ethics in professional practice, reveal that despite the absence of a Portuguese code of ethics, the educational and professional project of social workers is based on the centrality of values and ethics.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados sobre una subescala suministrada a trabajadores sociales, en Portugal, que intervienen con personas mayores y que evalúa las competencias de estos acerca de los «Valores, éticas y perspectivas teóricas». El estudio, además de analizar la estructura factorial y las propiedades psicométricas de la subescala, compara las puntuaciones medias con las de otros países. La investigación se hizo con las/los trabajadoras/es sociales que asumen funciones de liderazgo en las respuestas sociales dirigidas a personas mayores (n = 387). Los resultados indican una estructura bifactorial (competencias transversales versus competencias especializadas sobre la práctica profesional), y que explica aproximadamente el 64,72% de la varianza. La consistencia interna fue de 0,90 (α de Cronbach). Las diferencias de las medias encontradas, que son superiores en Portugal, especialmente en las competencias transversales que conducen a la integración de los valores y las éticas en la práctica profesional, nos llevan a considerar que, a pesar de la ausencia de un código de ética portugués, el proyecto educativo y profesional está basado en la centralidad de los valores y de la ética

    El análisis de la resiliencia en personas que constituyen parejas mixtas en Andalucía

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    Background. The study of resilience focuses on the analysis of resources and answers activated by formal and informal systems to prevent or lessen the effects of social problems. Married and mixed couples are in a difficult situation due to the economic crisis, to cultural differences and to the existing prejudices towards people from foreign countries. Objective. The aim of this study is to determine the level of resilience in members of interracial marriages and couples. Also, identify the degree of resilience and main characteristics and profiles of people with high levels of resilience in intercultural couples. Method. To complete this study, we have used the resilience scale by Wagnild and Young (1993), adapted by Rodríguez, Pereyra, Gil, Jofré, De Bortoli y Labiano, (2009). Results. The results show significant correlations between the variables of origin and gender and resilience. Aspects related to personal competence and autoefficacy appear to have influence on resilience. Conclusions. We understand the need to further deepen the study of contents and processes causing resilience in the intercultural relationships of these couples in order to create learning instruments able to be extrapolated to different professional areas, with the goal of building educational environments that contribute to social change, to promote coexistence and enriched diversity.Antecedentes. El estudio de la resiliencia está orientado hacia el análisis de los recursos y las respuestas que los sistemas formales e informales activan para prevenir o disminuir los efectos de los problemas sociales. Los matrimonios y parejas mixtas se conforman en un contexto de dificultad por la crisis económica, las diferencias culturales y los recelos grupales hacia los extranjeros. Objetivo. Conocer el grado de resiliencia de los componentes de los matrimonios y parejas mixtas, estableciendo sus principales características resilientes y el/los perfil/es de las personas con alto nivel de resiliencia emparejadas de manera intercultural. Método. Utilizamos la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young (1993) en la versión adaptada por Rodríguez, Pereyra, Gil, Jofré, De Bortoli y Labiano, (2009). Resultados. Los datos obtenidos nos ponen de manifiesto correlaciones significativas entre las variables origen y sexo con la resiliencia, así como la importancia que tienen en la construcción de la resiliencia los aspectos relacionados con la competencia personal y la autoeficacia. Conclusión. Entendemos que es necesario profundizar en los contenidos y los procesos generadores de resiliencia en las relaciones interculturales de estas parejas, como instrumento de aprendizaje extrapolable a marcos profesionales diversos que tengan como objetivos construir escenarios educativos de transformación social, de mejora de la convivencia y de una vida más diversa y rica

    La construcción teórica del objeto en Trabajo Social: un análisis empírico basado en la formación de segundo ciclo

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    Social Work’ object of study has traditionally been elaborated from a social intervention profesión matrix, being that only in the last decade of the twentieth century began to be built through a research-based knowledge matrix. Thus, this article seeks to deepen the theoretical construction of the object of study of Social Work using as a methodology a frequency and contingency keywords analysis of 132 Social Work Dissertations of ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon between 2009 and 2017, systematizing them into ad hoc categories that were created. The results show that currently the object of study of Social Work assumes new indicators such as reflective practice, ethics and deontology or human rights, although there is continuity in the study of the classic categories (childhood, family, old age, etc.). The article discusses the implications of these elements for the construction of the Social Work study object.El objeto de estudio del Trabajo Social ha sido elaborado tradicionalmente desde una matriz de profesión de intervención social, y sólo en la última década del siglo XX se comenzó a construir a través de una matriz basada en investigación. Así, este artículo procura profundizar en la construcción teórica del su objeto de estudio utilizando como metodología un análisis de frecuencia y contingencia de las palabras clave de 132 TFM en Trabajo Social de ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa entre 2009 y 2017, sistematizándolas bajo categorías creadas ad hoc. Los resultados muestran que en la actualidad el objeto de estudio del Trabajo Social asume nuevos indicadores tales como la práctica reflexiva, ética y deontología o derechos humanos, aunque existe una continuidad en el estudio de las categorías clásicas (infancia, familia, vejez, etc.). El artículo discute las implicaciones de estos elementos para la construcción del objeto de estudio de Trabajo Social. Social Work’ object of study has traditionally been elaborated from a social intervention profesión matrix, being that only in the last decade of the twentieth century began to be built through a research-based knowledge matrix. Thus, this article seeks to deepen the theoretical construction of the object of study of Social Work using as a methodology a frequency and contingency keywords analysis of 132 Social Work Dissertations of ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon between 2009 and 2017, systematizing them into ad hoc categories that were created. The results show that currently the object of study of Social Work assumes new indicators such as reflective practice, ethics and deontology or human rights, although there is continuity in the study of the classic categories (childhood, family, old age, etc.). The article discusses the implications of these elements for the construction of the Social Work study object

    Yellowtail Flounder Length at Maturity in the Grand Bank (1995-98)

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    In this paper yellowtail length at maturity estimates based data collected in the spring Spanish surveys in the Regulatory Area of Divisions 3NO are presented. Female length at 50 % maturity decreased from 35 cm in 1995 to 23 cm in 1998. In males, this parameter decreased from 23 cm in 1995 to 19 cm in 1998. The differences in L50 estimates in females were significant between 1997 and the previous years , and between 1998 and both 1996 and 1995, and were not significant between 1997 and 1998. In males, differences were significant between all the years, except between 1997 and 1998. The covariance analysis between the linearized maturity curves were highly significant in both sexes

    Data on sharks in NAFO Divisions 3LMNO: 1991-1998

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    A review of the species composition, distribution and abundance of sharks in both the Spanish commercial catches (1991-98) and research surveys (1988-98) are carried out. Shark species are by-catches of Greenland halibut fishery. The proportion of shark species in the total catch is small and the main retained species is the black dogfish, whereas the main discard is the boreal shark. Since 1996 the retained proportion of black dogfish increase notably, as well as the proportion of total sharks. In the surveys this shark is the species with the highest biomass index. Black dogfish is found in the deepest waters. The length range of black dogfish is mainly between 50 and 80 cm, with a mode about 62-63 cm. No evident geographic pattern in the length distribution is observed during the studied period

    Using Modelling Techniques to Analyze Urban Freight Distribution. A Case Study in Pamplona (Spain)

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    The city of Pamplona, in Spain, is currently experiencing several changes regarding sustainable mobility such as pedestrianization of some streets in the city center, and access control to the Old Town for motor vehicles through the use of automatic number-plate recognition. However, some groups including local neighbors and businesses are raising complaints as they are being affected by these measures. This is also the case for couriers and logistics companies which have now to comply with new regulations regarding delivery routes throughout the Old Town. This paper will present a comprehensive study of the situation that is being carried out, and in which social perceptions and freight traffic patterns in the Old Town of Pamplona are analyzed to understand how urban freight distribution could be improved in the area. For this purpose, we make use of a survey-based research to the stakeholders, i.e. pedestrians, logistics companies, retailers, and authorities of Pamplona. Results highlight pollution derived from transportation, lack of parking spaces as well as invasion of public spaces in the city center as the key issues for improving freight transportation in the Old Town. Finally, placing a distribution center in the Old Town and the promotion of the cycle-logistics are considered as the future of the urban distribution in Pamplona

    Co-valorization of discarded wood pinchips and sludge from the pulp and paper industry for production of advanced biofuels

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    Several lignocellulosic wastes are generated in the pulp and paper industry (PPI), such as small wood chips (pinchips) and paper sludge, presenting a high cellulose content suitable to be converted into biofuels or bio-products in a forest biorefinery scheme. In this work, two schemes of biorefinery were proposed for their valorization, processing small eucalyptus wood pinchips in two different strategies: (i) autohydrolysis at 230ºC, and (ii) autohydrolysis at 195ºC followed by organosolv process (47.7% ethanol-water, 198ºC for 60 min). More than 95% of cellulose was recovered in both schemes. In the combined process, 76% of delignification was achieved and 78% of xylan was solubilized as xylooligosaccharides. To reduce operational cost of lignocellulosic biomass-to-ethanol fermentation, the mixture of the treated eucalyptus pinchips from two processes with sludge was also proposed to increase the initial glucan content and to supply a rich source of nitrogen (present in the sludge). For that, two experimental designs were carried out for ethanol production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process. Ethanol from SSF assays using sludge as co-substrate at 0.6 g of sludge/g of treated wood pinchips and 16 FPU/g of pretreated solids allowed to obtain 59 g/L (90% of conversion) and 46 g/L (96% of conversion) when blended with the wood from autohydrolysis and with the wood from autohydrolysis followed by organosolv, respectively. Overall, this study shows an alternative process valorization of biomasses derived from PPI for production of advanced biofuels and bio-products (such as xylooligosaccharides and lignin) contributing to achieving a circular economy.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/62Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2022/09Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022-020Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2020-030690-IUniversidade de Vigo/CISU