201 research outputs found

    Necesidades de información laboral de alumnos de farmacia: experiencias para la implantación del EEES como herramienta para conocer el mercado de trabajo

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    En este estudio se recogen datos sobre el conocimiento de los futuros profesionales respecto al mercado laboral y a la formación de postgrado; se pretende obtener una herramienta docente para organizar estrategias que motiven y estimulen el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El diseño de investigación seleccionado fue de carácter descriptivo, con un cuestionario de 10 preguntas de respuestas múltiples agrupadas según proporcionan información sobre I) las necesidades de información laboral y búsqueda de empleo, II) los conocimientos sobre la formación de postgrado, y III) el grado de conocimiento sobre los futuros desarrollos profesionales. Los alumnos reconocen que sus conocimientos sobre la gestión de una Oficina de Farmacia, Centro de Distribución o Industria Farmacéutica, eran escasos o nulos al iniciar la asignatura (70%); pero fueron considerados más que suficientes para el 82% al final del curso. Igualmente, hasta un 85% de los alumnos aseguraron poseer poca o ninguna información sobre aspectos de la gestión en Hospitales o Atención Primaria; pero al final de curso un 59% dicen poseer conocimientos suficientes en este camp

    Reuse and recycle solutions in refineries by ozone-based advanced oxidation processes: A statistical approach

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    [EN]Fresh water sources are under pressure globally by the increasing population and consequently increasing production, which increases the water demand day by day. Thus, decreasing the industrial fresh water demand and wastewater production became crucial both for the water availability in the future and for its impact to the environment. This study examined the ozone-based treatments as the possible solution to a refinery to treat the effluent already treated by the traditional techniques to reach the final requirements for reuse and recycle purposes. The screening tests performed by fractional factorial design revealed that the significant parameters for the treatment were ozone feed ratio, H2O2 amount and processing time while pH was found insignificant for this case. Based on the box-Behnken response surface methodology for effluent collected after biological treatment, the significant parameters were optimized as the ozone ratio of 0.9 g/h, H2O2 amount of 47 mg/L and 60 min duration. However, in case of increasing the H2O2 amount to 80 mg/L the duration can be minimized to 37.5 min decreasing the energy and reagent consumption costs by a 37%, reaching a final total organic carbon (TOC) under 4 mg/L, that is the target for reuse possibilities

    Comprehensive evaluation of maternal death in Mendoza 2003-2013: causes, contexts and implications for health policy

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    La Muerte Materna (MM) es considerada uno de los indicadores clave para evaluar el nivel de equidad y desarrollo humano. Tiene implicancias individuales como es la pérdida de una mujer joven y sana, sociales relacionadas a pérdida de la mujer – madre como activo social y aquellas que hacen al desarrollo temprano de los niños que sobreviven a la tragedia. La tendencia de la Razón de Mortalidad Materna (RMM) para el año 2015 en Argentina, es 3,3 veces superior a la meta comprometida y Mendoza se encuentra por encima de la media nacional. La MM como problema de salud pública y su descripción tienen significancia para la Provincia de Mendoza y su política de salud

    Co-Al spinel-based nanoparticles synthesized by flame spray pyrolysis for glycerol conversion

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    The catalytic properties of Co-Al spinel nanoparticles prepared by liquid-feed flame spray pyrolysis (L-F FSP) were investigated in the glycerol conversion in gas phase in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Reduction at 1123 K of the as-synthesized spinel nanoparticles induced the formation a new phase containing metallic cobalt species. Although, the reducibility of cobalt oxides is greatly decreased due to interaction with aluminium species, this strong interaction may prevent the aggregation of Co particles under the harsh reduction conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the reduced spinel nanoparticles at 1123 K revealed that the Co/Al atomic ratio has decreased to Co/Al = 0.11, which may indicate a redistribution of the aluminum and cobalt species at the surface of the sample submitted to the reduction in a flow of hydrogen at 1123 K. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM) also reinforced the formation of metallic cobalt species after reduction of cobalt from the spinel nanoparticles at 1123 K. The main products obtained from the conversion of glycerol in the gas phase were hydroxyacetone, pyruvaldehyde, lactic acid and lactide. FSP ensured uniform dispersion of the active metal on a support material

    Eployment information pharmacy student: experiences for the implementation of the European higher Education Area (EHEA) as a tool to know the job market

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    En este estudio se recogen datos sobre el conocimiento de los futuros profesionales respecto al mercado laboral y a la formación de postgrado; se pretende obtener una herramienta docente para organizar estrategias que motiven y estimulen el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El diseño de investigación seleccionado fue de carácter descriptivo, con un cuestionario de 10 preguntas de respuestas múltiples agrupadas según proporcionan información sobre I) las necesidades de información laboral y búsqueda de empleo, II) los conocimientos sobre la formación de postgrado, y III) el grado de conocimiento sobre los futuros desarrollos profesionales. Los alumnos reconocen que sus conocimientos sobre la gestión de una Oficina de Farmacia, Centro de Distribución o Industria Farmacéutica, eran escasos o nulos al iniciar la asignatura (70%); pero fueron considerados más que suficientes para el 82% al final del curso. Igualmente, hasta un 85% de los alumnos aseguraron poseer poca o ninguna información sobre aspectos de la gestión en Hospitales o Atención Primaria; pero al final de curso un 59% dicen poseer conocimientos suficientes en este campo.This study collects data on the knowledge of future professionals on the job market and graduate training. This can be useful for organizing strategies that motivate and stimulate the learning process of students. The selected research design was the descriptive type, such survey. We designed a questionnaire of 10 multiple choice questions, grouped according provide information about the needs of I) labour market information and job search, II) knowledge of postgraduate training and III) the achievement of objectives of the activities related to information on relevant aspects of some future professional developments. The students surveyed acknowledge that their knowledge on the management of a pharmacy, or Distribution Center, or Pharmaceutical Industry, were low or zero when starting the course (70%), but after the course, foreground were considered more than sufficient for 82% of respondents. Similarly, up to 85% of students claimed to have little or no information on aspects of management in Hospital or Primary Care, end-of course 59% of students surveyed considered to possess more than enough expertise in this field

    Нормування полів розсіювання координованих розмірів глибоких отворів на етапі технологічної підготовки виробництва

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    Оцінювання якості глибоких координованих отворів на етапі проектування, тобто на етапі прийняття рішення про можливість забезпечення їх повної взаємозамінності, враховуючи існуюче обладнання, інструмент, матеріал та оснащення являється актуальною задачею. Рішення таких питань потребує комплексу теоретичних і експериментальних досліджень. Під координованими (взаємопов'язаними) отворами вважаємо групи отворів, в яких задані міжосьові розміри або розміри від базової поверхні до осей отвору. Під точністю розмірів координованих отворів мається на увазі точність відстаней між отвором і базою та між двома або декількома отворами (позиційне відхилення). Вимоги до точності отворів задаються кресленнями

    Fibroblast growth factors 19 and 21 in acute liver damage

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    Currently there are very few pharmacological options available to treat acute liver injury. Because its natural exposure to noxious stimuli the liver has developed a strong endogenous hepatoprotective capacity. Indeed, experimental evidence exposed a variety of endogenous hepatic and systemic responses naturally activated to protect the hepatic parenchyma and to foster liver regeneration, therefore preserving individual’s survival. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family encompasses a range of polypeptides with important effects on cellular differentiation, growth survival and metabolic regulation in adult organisms. Among these FGFs, FGF19 and FGF21 are endocrine hormones that profoundly influence systemic metabolism but also exert important hepatoprotective activities. In this review, we revisit the biology of these factors and highlight their potential application for the clinical management of acute liver injur

    Direct construction of the effective action of chiral gauge fermions in the anomalous sector

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    The anomaly implies an obstruction to a fully chiral covariant calculation of the effective action in the abnormal parity sector of chiral theories. The standard approach then is to reconstruct the anomalous effective action from its covariant current. In this work we use a recently introduced formulation which allows to directly construct the non trivial chiral invariant part of the effective action within a fully covariant formalism. To this end we develop an appropriate version of Chan's approach to carry out the calculation within the derivative expansion. The result to four derivatives, i.e., to leading order in two and four dimensions and next-to-leading order in two dimensions, is explicitly worked out. Fairly compact expressions are found for these terms.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, no figures. Writing improved. (Refers to arXiv:0807.1696.

    Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research

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    This paper is the outcome of a workshop held in Rome in November 2011 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the POEM (Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean) program. In the workshop discussions, a number of unresolved issues were identified for the physical and biogeochemical properties of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole, i.e., comprising the Western and Eastern sub-basins. Over the successive two years, the related ideas were discussed among the group of scientists who participated in the workshop and who have contributed to the writing of this paper. Three major topics were identified, each of them being the object of a section divided into a number of different sub-sections, each addressing a specific physical, chemical or biological issue: 1. Assessment of basin-wide physical/biochemical properties, of their variability and interactions. 2. Relative importance of external forcing functions (wind stress, heat/moisture fluxes, forcing through straits) vs. internal variability. 3. Shelf/deep sea interactions and exchanges of physical/biogeochemical properties and how they affect the sub-basin circulation and property distribution. Furthermore, a number of unresolved scientific/methodological issues were also identified and are reported in each sub-section after a short discussion of the present knowledge. They represent the collegial consensus of the scientists contributing to the paper. Naturally, the unresolved issues presented here constitute the choice of the authors and therefore they may not be exhaustive and/or complete. The overall goal is to stimulate a broader interdisciplinary discussion among the scientists of the Mediterranean oceanographic community, leading to enhanced collaborative efforts and exciting future discoveries

    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμ channel in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    This article presents measurements of tt¯ differential cross-sections in a fiducial phase-space region, using an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb- 1 of proton–proton data at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015. Differential cross-sections are measured as a function of the transverse momentum and absolute rapidity of the top quark, and of the transverse momentum, absolute rapidity and invariant mass of the tt¯ system. The tt¯ events are selected by requiring one electron and one muon of opposite electric charge, and at least two jets, one of which must be tagged as containing a b-hadron. The measured differential cross-sections are compared to predictions of next-to-leading order generators matched to parton showers and the measurements are found to be consistent with all models within the experimental uncertainties with the exception of the Powheg-Box+ Herwig++ predictions, which differ significantly from the data in both the transverse momentum of the top quark and the mass of the tt¯ system