153 research outputs found

    Trebinje - Orguljaški koncert Željke Spinčić

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    Female southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, assemble in large groups and each gives birth to a single pup which is nursed for some 3 weeks. Weaning mass is highly variable; some pups are three times as heavy as others at weaning. After weaning, the pup fasts for several weeks before departing to sea. The function of this fast is unknown. We examined the relationships between maternal mass, pup weaning mass, and pup behaviour during the postweaning fast in 377 pups and 128 adult females over four breeding seasons at South Georgia. Pup weaning mass was positively related to maternal postpartum mass, which accounted for 55% of the variation in weaning mass. Over all 4 years male pups were significantly heavier at weaning than female pups (130 vs. 123 kg) but this difference disappeared after maternal mass was controlled for. After fasting for 21–66 days, weaned pups went to sea at an average of 68% of weaning mass. Heavier pups remained on the beach longer after weaning than lighter pups. There was no evidence that pups synchronized their departure to sea. Only male pups were observed to take part in mock fights. With increasing age, weaned pups spent more time in the water. Mortality during the postweaning fast was negligible (0.1 %). The timing of departure of weaned pups may involve a trade-off between an early departure with greater fat (energy) stores but poorer foraging ability and a late departure with increased swimming, diving, and social skills but reduced fat stores

    Site fidelity and movement patterns of short-finned pilot whales within the Canary Islands : evidence for resident and transient populations

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    Funding: co-funded by the Canary Government (Consejería de Política Territorial, Sostenibilidad y Seguridad), the Spanish Government (Fundación Biodiversidad and Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino), Fundación La Caixa, and by a number of international projects funded by EU programmes MACETUS (FEDER/INTERREG III-B MAC/4.2/M10), EMECETUS (FEDER/INTERREG III-B56105/MAC/4.2/M10), LIFE (LIFE03NAT0062), INDEMARES LIFE+ (LIFE07/NAT/E/00732).1. The geographic location and oceanographic, physical, and chemical water properties make the Canary Islands one of the planet's biodiversity hotspots. The short‐finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) is one of the archipelago's most commonly encountered species and is potentially vulnerable to a range of anthropogenic pressures, including habitat degradation, acoustic pollution, fishing, whale‐watching operations, and shipping. Assessment of impact has not been possible because of a lack of even basic information about occurrence and distribution. 2. Spatial and temporal distributions, ranging behaviour, and residence patterns of short‐finned pilot whales were explored for the first time using survey and photo‐identification data collected in the Canary Islands between 1999 and 2012. In total, 1,081 pilot whale sightings were recorded during 70,620 km of search effort over 1,782 survey days. 3. Pilot whales were detected year round and distributed non‐uniformly within the archipelago, with greater densities concentrated in patchy areas mainly on the leeward side of the main islands. In total, 1,320 well‐marked individuals were identified, which exhibited a large degree of variability in site fidelity. 4. Different but not isolated subpopulations of pilot whales that share ranges and maintain social interactions were apparently present in the Canary Islands. Strong evidence of an island‐associated subpopulation was found, with a group of 50 ‘core resident’ individuals associated particularly with Tenerife. There were also ‘transient’ individuals or temporary migrants, which, probably driven by inter‐ and intra‐specific competition, may travel long distances whilst using the archipelago as part of a larger range. 5. These findings fill a major gap in the knowledge of this species’ occurrence, distribution, movements, and site fidelity in the archipelago and provide much needed data to allow the initiation of informed conservation assessments and management actions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Replacement reactions and deformation by dissolution and precipitation processes in amphibolites

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    The deformation of the middle to lower crust in collisional settings occurs via deformation mechanisms that vary with rock composition, fluid content, pressure, and temperature. These mechanisms are responsible for the accommodation of large tectonic transport distances during nappe stacking and exhumation. Here, we show that fracturing and fluid flow triggered coupled dissolution–precipitation and dissolution–precipitation creep processes, which were responsible for the formation of a mylonitic microstructure in amphibolites. This fabric is developed over a crustal thickness >500 m in the Lower Seve Nappe (Scandinavian Caledonides). Amphibolites display a mylonitic foliation that wraps around albite porphyroclasts appearing dark in panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL). The albite porphyroclasts were dissected and fragmented by fractures preferentially developed along the (001) cleavage planes and display lobate edges with embayments and peninsular features. Two albite/oligoclase generations, bright in CL, resorbed and overgrew the porphyroclasts, sealing the fractures. Electron backscattered diffraction shows that the two albite/oligoclase generations grew both pseudomorphically and topotaxially at the expense of the albite porphyroclasts and epitaxially around them. These two albite/oligoclase generations also grew as neoblasts elongated parallel to the mylonitic foliation. The amphibole crystals experienced a similar microstructural evolution, as evidenced by corroded ferrohornblende cores surrounded by ferrotschermakite rims that preserve the same crystallographic orientation of the cores. Misorientation maps highlight how misorientations in amphibole are related to displacement along fractures perpendicular to its c-axis. No crystal plasticity is observed in either mineral species. Plagioclase and amphibole display a crystallographic preferred orientation that is the result of topotaxial growth on parental grains and nucleation of new grains with a similar crystallographic orientation. Amphibole and plagioclase thermobarometry constrains the mylonitic foliation development to the epidote amphibolite facies (˜600°C, 0.75–0.97 GPa). Our results demonstrate that at middle to lower crustal levels, the presence of H2O-rich fluid at grain boundaries facilitates replacement reactions by coupled dissolution–precipitation and favours deformation by dissolution–precipitation creep over dislocation creep in plagioclase and amphibole

    Att lokalisera kompetenser på flexkontoret :  

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    To find competencies on a workplace with flex office structure. Companies today, 2012 are facing new opportunities and challenges. Information technology develops, competition is bigger today than ever, increased environmental requirements will be added and new patterns of life and values are occurring. This means that people who work in offices feel strong pressure of conversion, which is something that people experience differently. Therefore it is essential how the working environment is designed in an office. Working in an office means a lot of information processing and we can see large changes taking place. The ability to work efficiently, flexible and to be able to lead and plan a company’s resources efficient is essential. The flex office was developed in the beginning of 1992 and was meant to be an office independent of space and time, and an office where all information and working material is gathered in a common database. At a flex office there are no given working places instead the employees chooses their working station for the day. A problem for the employees in flex office environment is to find the competencies they need. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a design proposal that solves the customer's information design problem in finding competencies at the workplace. Theoretical data has been gathered through studies of literature. Empirical data has been gathered through interviews, observation and a questionnaire. These data have then formed the basis for the design proposal which is created with help from Michanek and Breilers design model. To find the competencies, different working environments have been created and also a workplace location system. The design proposal divides the working environment in three different activity environments. These are made to help form the workplace location system; in order to include the needs from the target group as well as it gives the opportunities to find the working competencies through good information design. The workplace location system gives the employee the opportunity to find other competencies at the office by explicit showing the status and localization of the employee

    Sjoelefanter pa Sydgeorgien [Elephant seals on South Georgia]

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    Googleannonser, komprimerad reklam?

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    Denna studie har i syfte att språkvetenskapligt undersöka hur reklamgenren förädras i ett komprimerat format, formatet googleannonser. För att få fram de språkliga dragen analyseras 30 st googleannonser ur ett genreperspektiv med innehålls-, strukturell och interpersonell analys som metod. Resultatet visar på ett flertal gemensamma drag med traditionell reklamgenre men uppvisar också skillnader. En strukturell skillnad är att googleannonsens rubrikdel tenderar att vara hybrid, de innehåller ofta både information om tjänster och produkter tillsammans med företagsnamn. Andra språkliga drag från materialet är bortprioriteringen av innehållsliga och interpersonella drag annars vanligt återkommande i traditionell reklamgenre. De gemensamma dragen för googleannonserna skulle kunna ingå i en ny modifierad subgenre till traditionell reklam, där nya konventioner för utformingen utvecklats.  The purpose of this study is to explore how the advertising genre adapts to a compressed format, from a linguistic perspective. The format being Google ads. 30 Google ads are analyzed with a content, structural and interpersonal method to distinguish linguistic features. The result shows multiple linguistic features related to traditional advertising genre. The study also finds diffrences. One divergent structural feature is the Google ads headline, who tends to have a hybrid function that includes both information about the product and information about the company. The material differ in comparison to traditional advertinsing genre in content and structure features, where some parts have been prioritized due to the limiting format. The new features for the Google advertising genre could be a part of a new modified subgenre, where new conventions has developed.