13,628 research outputs found

    Impacts of land abandonment and climate variability on runoff generation and sediment transport in the Pisuerga headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)

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    Producción CientíficaThe Atlantic mountains of Spain are suffering a strong landscape change due to a widespread and intensive emigration to urban areas since the 1950s. This process, representative of global developments in an imminent future, is dominated by urban societies and leads to deep landscape changes in which crop fields and grasslands are abandoned and progressively covered by forest and shrubs. These dynamics have caused in turn a decrease in the runoff and a general slowdown of geomorphological processes. The impacts of land cover change have been simultaneous to an irregularity in precipitation and a significant increase of temperatures. With this background, this paper assesses in detail the impact of landscape change occurred over the last decades (twentieth and twenty-first centuries) on the water and sediment yield in the Pisuerga catchment headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain). We analyzed the different components of Global Change in a catchment of 233 km2 extent, that has passed from 15 to 2 habitants/km2, from multiple data sources. Evolution of land cover was reconstructed from aerial photographs, remote sensing and other resources. The climatic parameters have been studied through meteorological stations, and the hydrological and sedimentological responses over time are based on available runoff data and sedimentological analysis. Our results show a significant decrease in water and sediment transport mainly driven by vegetation increase occurred in a non-linear way, more intense immediately after abandonment. This fact opens the opportunity to control more accurately water resources in Mediterranean catchments through land use management.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CGL2015-68144-R)Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (grant FPU13/05837

    Understanding the Personalistic Aspects of Jola Ethnomedicine

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    This paper discusses the contemporary expression of the personalistic aspects of Jola ethnomedicine. Ethnomedicine pertains to the culturally specific health- associated beliefs and behaviors of a society. Personalistic pertains to medical beliefs and practices that associate disease with direct or intentional factors of a social and supernatural origin. The inherent personalistic aspects of contemporary Jola ethnomedicine are heavily associated with the contemporary religious beliefs and practices of the Jola. In the Gambia, Jola religious beliefs and practices reflect a synthesis of traditional Jola religion and Islam. Contemporary Jola religious beliefs and practices manifest themselves in contemporary Jola ethnomedical beliefs and practices through the use of protective amulets known as jujus. Jujus serve to prevent misfortune, which is often presented in the form of health problems. Jujus are typically inscribed with verses from the Koran and with particular Islamic verses. The use of Islamic verses to address health problems is supported by Hadith, the sayings of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. As a result, the use of protective amulets inscribed with Islamic verses occurs not only in the Gambia but throughout West Africa and the Middle East. Such pervasiveness and continued use of these protective amulets demonstrates the persistence of the personalistic health-associated beliefs and practices as well as their continued relevance among societies experiencing increased exposure to Western medicine

    Dietary supplements’ endorsements. A content analysis of claims and appeals on Spanish radio

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    The aims of this study are to analyze the presence of endorsers in DS advertising on Spanish radio and the health-related product information of endorsements on full service Spanish radio. To this end, the content analysis of all radio spots broadcast throughout the year 2017 is conducted, deriving a corpus of 165 different radio spots belonging to the product category of dietary supplements, broadcast a total of 10,566 times. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, endorsers are a peripheral cue and increase advertising persuasion. The main results show that the most prevalent type of endorser in DS radio spots is the anonymous spokesperson, followed by celebrities, and that endorsers use explicit claims more frequently than implicit claims. Additionally, experts and celebrities use rational appeals more frequently while emotional appeals predominate in endorsements by typical consumers. Thus, rational appeals are prevalent in endorsements voiced by the most credible endorsers: experts and celebrities. That is, the higher the social recognition and credibility of the endorser, the greater the weight of direct, explicit and rational arguments in the message, while less attention is given to emotional appeals.The aims of this study are to analyze the presence of endorsers in DS advertising on Spanish radio and the health-related product information of endorsements on full service Spanish radio. To this end, the content analysis of all radio spots broadcast throughout the year 2017 is conducted, deriving a corpus of 165 different radio spots belonging to the product category of dietary supplements, broadcast a total of 10,566 times. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, endorsers are a peripheral cue and increase advertising persuasion. The main results show that the most prevalent type of endorser in DS radio spots is the anonymous spokesperson, followed by celebrities, and that endorsers use explicit claims more frequently than implicit claims. Additionally, experts and celebrities use rational appeals more frequently while emotional appeals predominate in endorsements by typical consumers. Thus, rational appeals are prevalent in endorsements voiced by the most credible endorsers: experts and celebrities. That is, the higher the social recognition and credibility of the endorser, the greater the weight of direct, explicit and rational arguments in the message, while less attention is given to emotional appeals

    The water supply of the roman city in el Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela (Driebes, Guadalajara)

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    Presentamos un acueducto romano localizado en el término municipal de Driebes, que abastecería a la ciudad romana del Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, y que ha sido identificada como la antigua Caraca. Esta obra de ingeniería es prueba de la relevancia que esta ciudad tuvo en la época altoimperial.In this paper we describe a Roman aqueduct located in the valley of the Tajo river, in Driebes, which served for the water supply of the Roman city located in the Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, probably the city of Caraca. This enginerial work is an evidence of the relevance of this city during the High Roman Empire

    Prenatal one carbon metabolism-gene interactions, placenta trace element content and their effect on pregnancy outcomes

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    El metabolisme monocarbonat i els elements traça essencials afecten al desenvolupament i resultat de l'embaràs. Es desconeixen els efectes de diversos polimorfismes del metabolisme monocarbonat (MTHFR c.665C>T, BHMT c.716G>A, SLC19A1 c.80G>A i MTRR c.66A>G) durant l'embaràs i la seva possible modulació segons l'estat en folat; i quins factors estan associats amb les concentracions d'elements traça (zinc, coure, seleni i ferro) en la placenta. Aquests aspectes dels esmentats polimorfismes i elements traça s’han estudiat en 617 embarassos del Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort i 218 placentes. Amb alt estat en folat eritrocitàri a ≤12 setmanes gestacionals (SG), i en folat plasmàtic des de les 15SG, l’MTHFR c.665C>T no va haver tenir cap efecte sobre l'homocisteïna plasmàtica. Els genotips variants de BHMT c.716 tenien menor concentració de dimetilglicina des de la meitat de l'embaràs, i a principis de l'embaràs si l'estat en folat plasmàtic era alt. Homozigots variants de MTRR c.66 van tenir major concentració d'homocisteïna plasmàtica a principis de l'embaràs, però això no es veia en els tercils extrems de folat plasmàtic. Les concentracions en placenta de zinc, coure i seleni estaven positivament correlacionades entre si, i negativament associades al pes al néixer. Les fumadores durant l'embaràs van tenir majors concentracions de coure i seleni. La ingesta d'aquests elements traça de la dieta i/o suplements no es va associar amb les seves concentracions en placenta. Les concentracions plasmàtiques de cobalamina a ≤12SG i d'homocisteïna al part es van associar negativa i positivament, respectivament, amb les de coure en la placenta. L'al•lel normal de MTHFR c.665 del neonat i la concentració de coure en la placenta es van associar positivament amb el creixement intrauterí restringit. Els polimorfismes i la seva modulació segons l'estat en folat, i elements traça en placenta estudiats estan associats amb canvis en el metabolisme i resultat de l'embaràs.El metabolismo monocarbonado y los elementos traza esenciales afectan al desarrollo y resultado del embarazo. Se desconocen los efectos de varios polimorfismos del metabolismo monocarbonado (MTHFR c.665C>T, BHMT c.716G>A, SLC19A1 c.80G>A y MTRR c.66A>G) en el embarazo y su posible modulación según el estado en folato; y qué factores están asociados con las concentraciones de elementos traza (zinc, cobre, selenio y hierro) en la placenta. Se estudiaron estos aspectos de dichos polimorfismos y elementos traza en 617 embarazos del Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort y 218 placentas. Con alto estado en folato eritrocitario a ≤12 semanas gestacionales (SG), y en folato plasmático desde las 15SG no se observó el efecto de MTHFR c.665C>T en la homocisteína plasmática. Genotipos variantes de BHMT c.716 tuvieron menor concentración de dimetilglicina desde la mitad del embarazo, y esto ocurrió también a principios del embarazo si el estado en folato plasmático era alto. Homozigotos variantes de MTRR c.66 tuvieron mayor concentración de homocisteína plasmática a principios del embarazo, pero esto no ocurría en los terciles extremos de folato plasmático. Las concentraciones en placenta de zinc, cobre y selenio estaban positivamente correlacionadas entre sí, y negativamente asociadas al peso al nacer. Fumadoras durante el embarazo tuvieron mayores concentraciones de cobre y selenio. La ingesta de estos elementos traza de la dieta y/o suplementos no se asoció con sus concentraciones en placenta. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de cobalamina a ≤12SG y de homocisteína en el parto se asociaron negativa y positivamente, respectivamente, con las de cobre en la placenta. El alelo normal de MTHFR c.665 del neonato y la concentración de cobre en la placenta se asociaron positivamente con el crecimiento intrauterino restringido. Los polimorfismos y su modulación según el estado en folato, y elementos traza en placenta estudiados están asociados con cambios en el metabolismo y resultado del embarazo.One carbon metabolism and essential trace elements affect foetal development and pregnancy outcome. The effects of several highly prevalent one carbon metabolism polymorphisms (MTHFR c.665C>T, BHMT c.716G>A, SLC19A1 c.80G>A and MTRR c.66A>G) in pregnancy and their possible modulation by folate status, and which factors are associated with the placenta trace element concentrations (zinc, copper, selenium and iron), are unknown. These aspects of the aforementioned polymorphisms and trace elements were studied in 617 pregnancies of the Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort and 218 placentas. With high erythrocyte folate status at ≤12 gestational weeks (GW) and with high plasma folate status from 15GW on, the homocysteine-enhancing effect of MTHFR c.665C>T was not observed. Lower plasma dimethylglycine in BHMT c.716 variant genotypes was found at mid-late pregnancy, and this was also true for early pregnancy if plasma folate status was high. MTRR c.66 variant homozygotes had higher plasma homocysteine concentration at early pregnancy, and after plasma folate status stratification this was not observed in the extreme tertiles. Placenta concentrations of zinc, copper and selenium were positively correlated, and negatively associated with birth weight. Smoking during pregnancy was associated with higher copper and selenium concentrations. Intake of these trace elements from food and/or supplements was not associated with their concentrations in placenta. Plasma cobalamin at ≤12GW and homocysteine at labour were negatively and positively, respectively, associated with placenta copper concentrations. MTHFR c.665 normal allele in the neonate and placenta copper concentration were positively associated with intrauterine growth restriction. These studied polymorphisms and their modulation by folate status, and the placenta trace elements, are associated with metabolic changes and pregnancy outcome

    Visitas botánicas y herborizaciones en el Lugar de Interés Comunitario 'Muela de Cortes y Caroche' (Valencia)

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    Se resaltan las aportaciones de diferentes botánicos nacionales y extranjeros en los últimos 218 años al conocimiento florístico del territorio actual- mente aprobado como Lugar de Interés Comunitario 'Muela de Cortes y Caroche', basados en datos bibliográficos y pliegos testigos depositados en los herbarios ofi- ciales nacionales y colecciones particulares. Entre los autores más destacados que han recorrido este territorio se citan a Cavanilles, Willkomm, Porta, Rigo, Pau, Vi- cioso, Borja, Rivas Goday, Rivas Martínez, Mansanet, Bolòs, Vigo, Peris, Stübing, Figuerola, Alcober, Mateo, Laguna, etc. Entre las citas más sobresalientes destacan, entre muchas otras, Chaenorhinum tenellum (Cav.) Lange, Cirsium valentinum Porta & Rigo, Biscutella leptophylla Pau, Crocus serotinus Salisb., Garidella nige- llastrum L., Doronicum plantagineum L., Campanula fastigiata Dufour, etc.There are highlighted the contributions of different national and foreign botanists in the last 218 years to the knowledge floral of the territory, at pre- sent approved like Site of Community Importance 'Muela de Cortes y Caroche', based on bibliographical information and bouchers deposited in official national herbaria and private collections. Among the most prominent authors that have cov- ered this territory are mentioned Cavanilles, Willkomm, Porta, Rigo, Pau, Vicioso, Borja, Rivas Goday, Rivas Martínez, Mansanet, Bolòs, Vigo, Peris, Stübing, Fi- guerola, Alcober, Mateo, Laguna, etc. Amongst the most outstanding quotations and of which there has been confirmed his presence as components of the flora in the territory in some moment of the history they stand out, among many others, Chaenorhinum tenellum (Cav.) Lange, Cirsium valentinum Porta & Rigo, Biscutella leptophylla Pau, Crocus serotinus Salisb., Garidella nigellastrum L., Doronicum plantagineum L., Campanula fastigiata Dufour, etc

    Enfoque histórico de la educación física en México

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    El trabajo de corte documental es un ensayo que revisa las concepciones teóricas y prácticas de la Educación Física en México. Desde el método histórico lógico, con enfoque genérico se produjo la cuidadosa revisión de programas, acuerdos planes de estudios y modelos educativos para que desde el análisis de contenido, estudiar el origen y la evolución de la formación en Educación Física a la luz de los cambios impuestos por planes y programas y modelos de Educación Física, para llegar a los requerimientos actuales contextualizados en la aspiración del proyecto educativo mexicano que desde el 2011 ha estado enfrascado en la Reforma Integral de la Educación Básica, la cual ha implicado serios cambios con nuevos estándares curriculares y campos formativos para este nivel. En todo el trabajo se sostiene la idea de que los cambios en las concepciones y prácticas de la Educación Física en el devenir histórico, han impuesto también cambios en la formación, así se revisan las dos principales instituciones formadoras de profesionales de la Educación Física en universidades y escuelas normales, ambas con el encargo social de la formación permanente y diversificada del profesor de Educación Física