297 research outputs found

    The structure of the Polish nobility in the 16th and the 17th century: some new findings and reflections

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    Neuere Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der eigentlichen Quantifizierung (bestehend in der Zusammenfassung von einzelnen Daten) in Bezug auf den Feudalbesitz in Polen in der frühen Periode der Neuzeit verändern die bestehenden Meinungen von Grund auf und geben Möglichkeiten der Interpretation politischer Geschichte. Die quantitative Analyse, die sich die Provinz Kalisz bezieht, zeigt, daß die frühere Behauptung, in Westpolen sei die Struktur des Landbesitzes vom mittleren Adel beherrscht gewesen (ein Adliger, der ein Dorf besaß), während jegliche zahlenmäßig stärkere Schicht reicheren Adels nicht vorhanden war, sich nicht halten kann. Für die Provinz Poznan wird die These über die wichtige Rolle des mittleren Adels in der allgemeinen Klassenstruktur weniger radikal formuliert. Gleichzeitig zeigen die bis dahin gemachten Feststellungen im Hinblick auf die Größe des polnischen Adels in der Neuzeit, daß die vorherrschende Meinung, daß der Adel zehn Prozent der Bevölkerung oder sogar mehr ausmacht, nicht haltbar ist. In Westpolen ging der Anteil des Adels nicht über ca. drei Prozent der Bevölkerung hinaus. (KWübers.)'The new findings in the field of quantification proper (consisting in grouping together scattered data) concerning the feudal property in Poland in the early modern period change substantially existing opinions giving thus new possibilities of the interpretation of political history. The quantitative analysis pertaining to the province of Kalisz shows that the earlier claim that in Western Poland in the structure of landed property was dominated by middle nobility (one noble being owner of one village) while any more numerous stratum of richer nobility was absent does not hold. For the province of Poznan the thesis on the large role of the middle nobility in the general structure of the class should be now formulated much less radically. At the same time the findings made so far concerning the number of the Polish nobility in modern times, show that the prevailing opinion that the nobility accounted for ten or even more percent of the population is untenable. In Western Poland the nobility did not exceed some three percent of the population.' (author's abstract

    Communication tools with residents in Polish municipalities with cohabitation (term of office 2014–2018)

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    W artykule scharakteryzowano wykorzystywane przez gminy narzędzia komunikowania z mieszkańcami. Podstawą do przygotowania artykułu były badania jakościowe (wywiady pogłębione) i ilościowe (wybrane pytanie z kwestionariusza ankiety) przeprowadzone w wyodrębnionej grupie gmin z koabitacją w kadencji 2014-2018. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie czy i jakiego rodzaju narzędzia komunikowania z mieszkańcami stosują władze gminy? Jaka jest skuteczność tych narzędzi? Czy rodzaj koabitacji: konfliktowa vs. pokojowa ma wpływ na sposób informowania mieszkańców? Jak wprowadzone w styczniu 2018 zmiany w prawie samorządowym (których celem było m.in. zwiększenie transparentności funkcjonowania władz samorządowych) wpłyną na sposób komunikowania się władz z mieszkańcami?The paper describes the tools for communication with residents used by municipalities. The basis for paper preparation was qualitative (extended interviews) and quantitative (a question chosen from a questionnaire) research conducted within a selected group of municipalities with cohabitation during the term of office between 2014 and 2018. The aim of the paper is to determine whether and what kind of tools for communication with residents are applied by municipal authorities. How effective are these tools? Does cohabitation type: conflict or peaceful, influence the channel through which residents acquire information? What impact will the changes introduced in 2018 in self-government law (the goal was, among others, to broaden the transparency of self-government work) have on the methods of communication with residents used by the authorities

    Urzędnicy grodzcy kcyńscy w XVI–XVIII w.

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     Artykuł przedstawia urzędników kancelaryjnych w XVI–XVIII w. na tle funkcjonowania kancelarii grodzkich powiatu kcyńskiego i innych jednostek administracyjnych Wielkopolski. Analizie zostały poddane: pochodzenie terytorialne i społeczne urzędników, ich kariery, a także majątek. Dopełnieniem tekstu jest aneks zawierający szczegółowe informacje o urzędnikach kancelarii grodzkiej w Kcyni w XVI–XVIII w

    Koalicja Wschowskich Kolędników. Between Cultural Heritage and Invented Tradition

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the activities of the carol formation named „Koalicja Wschowskich Kolędników” – a group of young people from Wschowa in western Poland, who practice Christmas carol singing celebrations around the streets of the city and near villages. This recent phenomenon due to the lack of intergenerational communication draws from various regions of Poland. The article consists of three parts: 1) ethnographic description of the group, its activity and social perception, 2) locating it in the background of regional carol traditions, 3) case study in terms of tradition, folklore, invented tradition and intangible cultural heritage.Celem artykułu jest analiza działalności Koalicji Wschowskich Kolędników – grupy młodych ludzi z okolic Wschowy (woj. lubuskie), która w okresie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia praktykuje obchody kolędnicze ulicami miasta i przylegających do niego wsi. Jest to zjawisko stosunkowo świeże, które z uwagi na brak przekazu międzypokoleniowego w formie i treści czerpie z różnych regionów Polski. Artykuł składa się z trzech części: 1) etnograficznego opisu kolędowania, prezentacji grupy i społecznego odbioru zjawiska, 2) osadzenia wschowskiego kolędowania na tle wielkopolsko-lubuskich tradycji kolędniczych, 3) analizy przypadku w kategoriach tradycji, folkloryzmu, tradycji wynalezionej i niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego

    Er:YAG laser, piezosurgery, and surgical drill for bone decortication during orthodontic mini-implant insertion: primary stability analysis-an animal study

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    It is important to identify factors that affect primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants because it determines the success of treatment. We assessed mini-implant primary stability (initial mechanical engagement with the bone) placed in pig jaws. We also assessed mini-implant insertion failure rate (mini-implant fracture, mini-implants to root contact). A total of 80 taper-shaped mini-implants (Absoanchor® Model SH1312-6; Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea) 6 mm long with a diameter of 1.1 mm were used. Bone decortication was made before mini-implant insertion by means of three different methods: Group G1: Er:YAG laser (LiteTouch®, Light Instruments, Yokneam, Israel) at energy of 300 mJ, frequency 25 Hz, fluence 38.2 J/cm2, cooling 14 ml/min, tip 1.0 × 17 mm, distance 1 mm, time of irradiation 6 s; Group G2: drill (Hager & Meisinger GmbH, Hansemannstr, Germany); Group G3: piezosurgery (Piezotom Solo, Acteon, NJ, USA). In G4 group (control), mini-implants were driven by a self-drilling method. The primary stability of mini-implants was assessed by measuring damping characteristics between the implant and the tapping head of Periotest device (Gulden-Medizinteknik, Eschenweg, Modautal, Germany). The results in range between − 8 to + 9 allowed immediate loading. Significantly lower Periotest value was found in the control group (mean 0.59 ± 1.57, 95% CI 0.7, 2.4) as compared with Er:YAG laser (mean 4.44 ± 1.64, 95% CI 3.6, 5.3), piezosurgery (mean 17.92 ± 2.73, 95% CI 16.5, 19.3), and a drill (mean 5.91 ± 1.52, 95% CI 5.2, 6.6) (p < 0.05). The highest failure rate (33.3%) during mini-implant insertion was noted for self-drilling method (G4) as compared with G1, G2, and G3 groups (p < 0.05). The small diameter decortication by Er:YAG laser appeared to provide better primary stability as compared to drill and piezosurgery. Decortication of the cortical bone before mini-implant insertion resulted in reduced risk of implant fracture or injury of adjacent teeth. The high initial stability with a smaller diameter of the mini-implant resulted in increased risk of fracture, especially for a self-drilling metho

    Post-glacial colonisation of Europe by the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus : evidence of a northern refugium and dispersal with humans

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    The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus is an opportunistic rodent that is found throughout most of the European mainland. It is present on many islands around the margins of the continent and in northern Africa. The species has been the subject of previous phylogeographic studies but these have focussed on the more southerly part of its range. A substantial number of new samples, many of them from the periphery of the species’ range, contribute to an exceptional dataset comprising 981 mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences. These new data provide sufficient resolution to transform our understanding of the species’ survival through the last glaciation and its subsequent re-colonisation of the continent. The deepest genetic split we found is in agreement with previous studies and runs from the Alps to central Ukraine, but we further distinguish two separate lineages in wood mice to the north and west of this line. It is likely that this part of Europe was colonised from two refugia, putatively located in the Iberian peninsula and the Dordogne or Carpathian region. The wood mouse therefore joins the growing number of species with extant populations that appear to have survived the Last Glacial Maximum in northern refugia, rather than solely in traditionally recognised refugial locations in the southern European peninsulas. Furthermore, the existence of a northern refugium for the species was predicted in a study of mitochondrial variation in a specific parasite of the wood mouse, demonstrating the potential value of data from parasites to phylogeographic studies. Lastly, the presence of related haplotypes in widely disparate locations, often on islands or separated by substantial bodies of water, demonstrates the propensity of the wood mouse for accidental human-mediated transport

    Er:YAG laser, piezosurgery, and surgical drill for bone decortication during orthodontic mini-implant insertion: primary stability analysis-an animal study

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    It is important to identify factors that affect primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants because it determines the success of treatment. We assessed mini-implant primary stability (initial mechanical engagement with the bone) placed in pig jaws. We also assessed mini-implant insertion failure rate (mini-implant fracture, mini-implants to root contact). A total of 80 taper-shaped mini-implants (Absoanchor® Model SH1312-6; Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea) 6 mm long with a diameter of 1.1 mm were used. Bone decortication was made before mini-implant insertion by means of three different methods: Group G1: Er:YAG laser (LiteTouch®, Light Instruments, Yokneam, Israel) at energy of 300 mJ, frequency 25 Hz, fluence 38.2 J/cm2, cooling 14 ml/min, tip 1.0 × 17 mm, distance 1 mm, time of irradiation 6 s; Group G2: drill (Hager & Meisinger GmbH, Hansemannstr, Germany); Group G3: piezosurgery (Piezotom Solo, Acteon, NJ, USA). In G4 group (control), mini-implants were driven by a self-drilling method. The primary stability of mini-implants was assessed by measuring damping characteristics between the implant and the tapping head of Periotest device (Gulden-Medizinteknik, Eschenweg, Modautal, Germany). The results in range between − 8 to + 9 allowed immediate loading. Significantly lower Periotest value was found in the control group (mean 0.59 ± 1.57, 95% CI 0.7, 2.4) as compared with Er:YAG laser (mean 4.44 ± 1.64, 95% CI 3.6, 5.3), piezosurgery (mean 17.92 ± 2.73, 95% CI 16.5, 19.3), and a drill (mean 5.91 ± 1.52, 95% CI 5.2, 6.6) (p < 0.05). The highest failure rate (33.3%) during mini-implant insertion was noted for self-drilling method (G4) as compared with G1, G2, and G3 groups (p < 0.05). The small diameter decortication by Er:YAG laser appeared to provide better primary stability as compared to drill and piezosurgery. Decortication of the cortical bone before mini-implant insertion resulted in reduced risk of implant fracture or injury of adjacent teeth. The high initial stability with a smaller diameter of the mini-implant resulted in increased risk of fracture, especially for a self-drilling metho

    0,1479% Redundancy

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    This is a list of words or names that start with every digraph combination of 2 letters, except one. We have managed to put together a list 675 digraphs, with many different sources