199 research outputs found

    The effect of workload dependence in systems: Experimental evaluation, analytic models, and policy development

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    This dissertation presents an analysis of performance effects of burstiness (formalized by the autocorrelation function) in multi-tiered systems via a 3-pronged approach, i.e., experimental measurements, analytic models, and policy development. This analysis considers (a) systems with finite buffers (e.g., systems with admission control that effectively operate as closed systems) and (b) systems with infinite buffers (i.e., systems that operate as open systems).;For multi-tiered systems with a finite buffer size, experimental measurements show that if autocorrelation exists in any of the tiers in a multi-tiered system, then autocorrelation propagates to all tiers of the system. The presence of autocorrelated flows in all tiers significantly degrades performance. Workload characterization in a real experimental environment driven by the TPC-W benchmark confirms the existence of autocorrelated flows, which originate from the autocorrelated service process of one of the tiers. A simple model is devised that captures the observed behavior. The model is in excellent agreement with experimental measurements and captures the propagation of autocorrelation in the multi-tiered system as well as the resulting performance trends.;For systems with an infinite buffer size, this study focuses on analytic models by proposing and comparing two families of approximations for the departure process of a BMAP/MAP/1 queue that admits batch correlated flows, and whose service time process may be autocorrelated. One approximation is based on the ETAQA methodology for the solution of M/G/1-type processes and the other arises from lumpability rules. Formal proofs are provided: both approximations preserve the marginal distribution of the inter-departure times and their initial correlation structures.;This dissertation also demonstrates how the knowledge of autocorrelation can be used to effectively improve system performance, D_EQAL, a new load balancing policy for clusters with dependent arrivals is proposed. D_EQAL separates jobs to servers according to their sizes as traditional load balancing policies do, but this separation is biased by the effort to reduce performance loss due to autocorrelation in the streams of jobs that are directed to each server. as a result of this, not all servers are equally utilized (i.e., the load in the system becomes unbalanced) but performance benefits of this load unbalancing are significant

    An adaptive admission control and load balancing algorithm for a QoS-aware Web system

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    The main objective of this thesis focuses on the design of an adaptive algorithm for admission control and content-aware load balancing for Web traffic. In order to set the context of this work, several reviews are included to introduce the reader in the background concepts of Web load balancing, admission control and the Internet traffic characteristics that may affect the good performance of a Web site. The admission control and load balancing algorithm described in this thesis manages the distribution of traffic to a Web cluster based on QoS requirements. The goal of the proposed scheduling algorithm is to avoid situations in which the system provides a lower performance than desired due to servers' congestion. This is achieved through the implementation of forecasting calculations. Obviously, the increase of the computational cost of the algorithm results in some overhead. This is the reason for designing an adaptive time slot scheduling that sets the execution times of the algorithm depending on the burstiness that is arriving to the system. Therefore, the predictive scheduling algorithm proposed includes an adaptive overhead control. Once defined the scheduling of the algorithm, we design the admission control module based on throughput predictions. The results obtained by several throughput predictors are compared and one of them is selected to be included in our algorithm. The utilisation level that the Web servers will have in the near future is also forecasted and reserved for each service depending on the Service Level Agreement (SLA). Our load balancing strategy is based on a classical policy. Hence, a comparison of several classical load balancing policies is also included in order to know which of them better fits our algorithm. A simulation model has been designed to obtain the results presented in this thesis

    A New Approach to Manage QoS in Distributed Multimedia Systems

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    Dealing with network congestion is a criterion used to enhance quality of service (QoS) in distributed multimedia systems. The existing solutions for the problem of network congestion ignore scalability considerations because they maintain a separate classification for each video stream. In this paper, we propose a new method allowing to control QoS provided to clients according to the network congestion, by discarding some frames when needed. The technique proposed, called (m,k)-frame, is scalable with little degradation in application performances. (m,k)-frame method is issued from the notion of (m,k)-firm realtime constraints which means that among k invocations of a task, m invocations must meet their deadline. Our simulation studies show the usefulness of (m,k)-frame method to adapt the QoS to the real conditions in a multimedia application, according to the current system load. Notably, the system must adjust the QoS provided to active clients1 when their number varies, i.e. dynamic arrival of clients.Comment: 10 pages, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS

    Datacenter Traffic Control: Understanding Techniques and Trade-offs

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    Datacenters provide cost-effective and flexible access to scalable compute and storage resources necessary for today's cloud computing needs. A typical datacenter is made up of thousands of servers connected with a large network and usually managed by one operator. To provide quality access to the variety of applications and services hosted on datacenters and maximize performance, it deems necessary to use datacenter networks effectively and efficiently. Datacenter traffic is often a mix of several classes with different priorities and requirements. This includes user-generated interactive traffic, traffic with deadlines, and long-running traffic. To this end, custom transport protocols and traffic management techniques have been developed to improve datacenter network performance. In this tutorial paper, we review the general architecture of datacenter networks, various topologies proposed for them, their traffic properties, general traffic control challenges in datacenters and general traffic control objectives. The purpose of this paper is to bring out the important characteristics of traffic control in datacenters and not to survey all existing solutions (as it is virtually impossible due to massive body of existing research). We hope to provide readers with a wide range of options and factors while considering a variety of traffic control mechanisms. We discuss various characteristics of datacenter traffic control including management schemes, transmission control, traffic shaping, prioritization, load balancing, multipathing, and traffic scheduling. Next, we point to several open challenges as well as new and interesting networking paradigms. At the end of this paper, we briefly review inter-datacenter networks that connect geographically dispersed datacenters which have been receiving increasing attention recently and pose interesting and novel research problems.Comment: Accepted for Publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Traffic Profiles and Performance Modelling of Heterogeneous Networks

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    This thesis considers the analysis and study of short and long-term traffic patterns of heterogeneous networks. A large number of traffic profiles from different locations and network environments have been determined. The result of the analysis of these patterns has led to a new parameter, namely the 'application signature'. It was found that these signatures manifest themselves in various granularities over time, and are usually unique to an application, permanent virtual circuit (PVC), user or service. The differentiation of the application signatures into different categories creates a foundation for short and long-term management of networks. The thesis therefore looks from the micro and macro perspective on traffic management, covering both aspects. The long-term traffic patterns have been used to develop a novel methodology for network planning and design. As the size and complexity of interconnected systems grow steadily, usually covering different time zones, geographical and political areas, a new methodology has been developed as part of this thesis. A part of the methodology is a new overbooking mechanism, which stands in contrast to existing overbooking methods created by companies like Bell Labs. The new overbooking provides companies with cheaper network design and higher average throughput. In addition, new requirements like risk factors have been incorporated into the methodology, which lay historically outside the design process. A large network service provider has implemented the overbooking mechanism into their network planning process, enabling practical evaluation. The other aspect of the thesis looks at short-term traffic patterns, to analyse how congestion can be controlled. Reoccurring short-term traffic patterns, the application signatures, have been used for this research to develop the "packet train model" further. Through this research a new congestion control mechanism was created to investigate how the application signatures and the "extended packet train model" could be used. To validate the results, a software simulation has been written that executes the proprietary congestion mechanism and the new mechanism for comparison. Application signatures for the TCP/IP protocols have been applied in the simulation and the results are displayed and discussed in the thesis. The findings show the effects that frame relay congestion control mechanisms have on TCP/IP, where the re-sending of segments, buffer allocation, delay and throughput are compared. The results prove that application signatures can be used effectively to enhance existing congestion control mechanisms.AT&T (UK) Ltd, Englan

    Auto-scaling techniques for cloud-based Complex Event Processing

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    One key topic in cloud computing is elasticity, which is the ability of the cloud environment to timely adapt the resource assignment along with the workload demand. According to cloud on-demand model, the infrastructure should be able to scale up and down to unpredictable workloads, in order to achieve both a guaranteed service level and cost efficiency. This work addresses the cloud elasticity problem, with particular reference to the Complex Event Processing (CEP) systems. CEP systems are designed to process large volumes of event-driven data streams and continuously provide results with a low latency and in real-time. CEP systems need to adapt to changing query and events loads. Because of the high computational requirements and varying loads, CEP are distributed system and running on cloud infrastructures. In this work we review the cloud computing auto-scaling solutions, and study their suit- ability in the CEP model. We implement some solutions in a CEP prototype and evaluate the experimental results

    A distributed hard real-time Java system for high mobility components

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    In this work we propose a methodology for providing real-time capabilities to component-based, on-the-fly reconfigurable, distributed systems. In such systems, software components migrate across computational resources at run-time to allow applications to adapt to changes in user requirements or to external events. We describe how we achieve run-time reconfiguration in distributed Java applications by appropriately migrating servers. Guaranteed-rate schedulers at the servers provide the necessary temporal protection and so simplify remote method invocation management. We describe how we manage overhead and resource utilization by controlling the parameters of the server schedulers. According to our measurements, this methodology provides real-time capability to component-based reconfigurable distributed systems in an effcient and effective way. In addition, we propose a new resource discovery protocol, REALTOR, which is based on a combination of pull-based and push-based resource information dissemination. REALTOR has been designed for real-time component-based distributed applications in very dynamic or adverse environments. REALTOR supports survivability and information assurance by allowing the migration of components to safe locations under emergencies suchas externalattack, malfunction, or lackofresources. Simulation studies show that under normal and heavy load conditions REALTOR remains very effective in finding available resources, and does so with a reasonably low communication overhead.REALTOR 1)effectively locates resources under highly dynamic conditions, 2) has an overhead that is system-size independent, and 3) works well in highlyadverse environments.We evaluate the effectiveness of a REALTOR implementation as part of Agile Objects, an infrastructure for real-time capable, highly mobile Java components

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin