1,248 research outputs found

    The worsening impacts of land reclamation assessed with Sentinel-1: The Rize (Turkey) test case

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    Massive amounts of land are being reclaimed to build airports, new cities, ports, and highways. Hundreds of kilometers are added each year, as coastlines are extended further out to the sea. In this paper, this urbanization approach is monitored by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) technique with Sentinel-1 SAR data. The study aims to explore this technology in order to support local authorities to detect and evaluate subtle terrain displacements. For this purpose, a large 3-years Sentinel-1 stack composed by 92 images acquired between 07/01/2015 to 27/01/2018 is employed and stacking techniques are chosen to assess ground motion. The test site of this study, Rize, Turkey, has been declared at high risk of collapse and radical solutions such as the relocation of the entire city in another area are been taken into consideration. A media fact-checking approach, i.e. evaluating national and international press releases on the test site, is considered for the paper and this work presents many findings in different areas of the city. For instance, alerts are confirmed by inspecting several buildings reported by the press. Critical infrastructures are monitored as well. Portions of the harbor show high displacement rates, up to 1 cm/year, proving reported warnings. Rural villages belonging to the same municipality are also investigated and a mountainous village affected by landslide is considered in the study. Sentinel-1 is demonstrated to be a suitable system to detect and monitor small changes or buildings and infrastructures for these scenarios. These changes may be highly indicative of imminent damage which can lead to the loss of the structural integrity and subsequent failure of the structure in the long-term. In Rize, only a few known motion-critical structures are monitored daily with in-situ technologies. SAR interferometry can assist to save expensive inspection and monitoring services, especially in highly critical cases such as the one studied in this paper

    Basin scale assessment of landslides geomorphological setting by advanced InSAR analysis

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    An extensive investigation of more than 90 landslides affecting a small river basin in Central Italy was performed by combining field surveys and remote sensing techniques. We thus defined the geomorphological setting of slope instability processes. Basic information, such as landslides mapping and landslides type definition, have been acquired thanks to geomorphological field investigations and multi-temporal aerial photos interpretation, while satellite SAR archive data (acquired by ERS and Envisat from 1992 to 2010) have been analyzed by means of A-DInSAR (Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques to evaluate landslides past displacements patterns. Multi-temporal assessment of landslides state of activity has been performed basing on geomorphological evidence criteria and past ground displacement measurements obtained by A-DInSAR. This step has been performed by means of an activity matrix derived from information achieved thanks to double orbital geometry. Thanks to this approach we also achieved more detailed knowledge about the landslides kinematics in time and space

    Coherency Matrix Decomposition-Based Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The rationale of polarimetric optimization techniques is to enhance the phase quality of the interferograms by combining adequately the different polarization channels available to produce an improved one. Different approaches have been proposed for polarimetric persistent scatterer interferometry (PolPSI). They range from the simple and computationally efficient BEST, where, for each pixel, the polarimetric channel with the best response in terms of phase quality is selected, to those with high-computational burden like the equal scattering mechanism (ESM) and the suboptimum scattering mechanism (SOM). BEST is fast and simple, but it does not fully exploit the potentials of polarimetry. On the other side, ESM explores all the space of solutions and finds the optimal one but with a very high-computational burden. A new PolPSI algorithm, named coherency matrix decomposition-based PolPSI (CMD-PolPSI), is proposed to achieve a compromise between phase optimization and computational cost. Its core idea is utilizing the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) coherency matrix decomposition to determine the optimal polarization channel for each pixel. Three different PolSAR image sets of both full- (Barcelona) and dual-polarization (Murcia and Mexico City) are used to evaluate the performance of CMD-PolPSI. The results show that CMD-PolPSI presents better optimization results than the BEST method by using either DAD_{\mathrm{ A}} or temporal mean coherence as phase quality metrics. Compared with the ESM algorithm, CMD-PolPSI is 255 times faster but its performance is not optimal. The influence of the number of available polarization channels and pixel's resolutions on the CMD-PolPSI performance is also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Long-term monitoring of geodynamic surface deformation using SAR interferometry

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is a powerful tool to measure surface deformation and is well suited for surveying active volcanoes using historical and existing satellites. However, the value and applicability of InSAR for geodynamic monitoring problems is limited by the influence of temporal decorrelation and electromagnetic path delay variations in the atmosphere, both of which reduce the sensitivity and accuracy of the technique. The aim of this PhD thesis research is: how to optimize the quantity and quality of deformation signals extracted from InSAR stacks that contain only a low number of images in order to facilitate volcano monitoring and the study of their geophysical signatures. In particular, the focus is on methods of mitigating atmospheric artifacts in interferograms by combining time-series InSAR techniques and external atmospheric delay maps derived by Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. In the first chapter of the thesis, the potential of the NWP Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model for InSAR data correction has been studied extensively. Forecasted atmospheric delays derived from operational High Resolution Rapid Refresh for the Alaska region (HRRRAK) products have been compared to radiosonding measurements in the first chapter. The result suggests that the HRRR-AK operational products are a good data source for correcting atmospheric delays in spaceborne geodetic radar observations, if the geophysical signal to be observed is larger than 20 mm. In the second chapter, an advanced method for integrating NWP products into the time series InSAR workflow is developed. The efficiency of the algorithm is tested via simulated data experiments, which demonstrate the method outperforms other more conventional methods. In Chapter 3, a geophysical case study is performed by applying the developed algorithm to the active volcanoes of Unimak Island Alaska (Westdahl, Fisher and Shishaldin) for long term volcano deformation monitoring. The volcano source location at Westdahl is determined to be approx. 7 km below sea level and approx. 3.5 km north of the Westdahl peak. This study demonstrates that Fisher caldera has had continuous subsidence over more than 10 years and there is no evident deformation signal around Shishaldin peak.Chapter 1. Performance of the High Resolution Atmospheric Model HRRR-AK for Correcting Geodetic Observations from Spaceborne Radars -- Chapter 2. Robust atmospheric filtering of InSAR data based on numerical weather prediction models -- Chapter 3. Subtle motion long term monitoring of Unimak Island from 2003 to 2010 by advanced time series SAR interferometry -- Chapter 4. Conclusion and future work

    Deformation monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Sentinel-1 SAR data

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    During the last decades, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) has demonstrated to be a powerful tool able to measure and monitor deformations. This technique makes use of large stacks of interferometric SAR images to derive the deformation maps and deformation time series. In this paper, Sentinel-1 images are used to derive the deformation monitoring over the Catalonia region (Spain). These images brings new improvements due to its wide coverage and high revisiting time, which allows us to make a wide area processing. The first part of the paper describes the data processing implemented by the authors to analyze Sentinel-1 data and the PSI approach used in this ongoing research. The second part of the paper illustrates the results derived over an area of 6750 km2 using Sentinel-1 images

    Improving the reference network in wide-area Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for non-urban areas

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    Advanced Interferometric SAR (InSAR) technique, namely, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI), allows long term deformation time series analysis with millimeter accuracy. Reference network arcs construction, arcs estimation and integration for PSs are an important step in PSI. In rural regions, low density of PSs leads to separate clusters during reference network construction. Also, in case of wide-area PSI using ERS-1/2 or Sentinel-1 data, the computational load can be very high. Due to this, the reference network processing is usually divided into overlapping blocks and merged later. This can however lead to spatial error propagation. This paper presents algorithms for improving the reference network in wide-area PSI, with a focus on non-urban areas

    Imaging multi-age construction settlement behaviour by advanced SAR interferometry

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    This paper focuses on the application of Advanced Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (A-DInSAR) to subsidence-related issues, with particular reference to ground settlements due to external loads. Beyond the stratigraphic setting and the geotechnical properties of the subsoil, other relevant boundary conditions strongly influence the reliability of remotely sensed data for quantitative analyses and risk mitigation purposes. Because most of the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) measurement points (Persistent Scatterers, PSs) lie on structures and infrastructures, the foundation type and the age of a construction are key factors for a proper interpretation of the time series of ground displacements. To exemplify a methodological approach to evaluate these issues, this paper refers to an analysis carried out in the coastal/deltaic plain west of Rome (Rome and Fiumicino municipalities) affected by subsidence and related damages to structures. This region is characterized by a complex geological setting (alternation of recent deposits with low and high compressibilities) and has been subjected to different urbanisation phases starting in the late 1800s, with a strong acceleration in the last few decades. The results of A-DInSAR analyses conducted from 1992 to 2015 have been interpreted in light of high-resolution geological/geotechnical models, the age of the construction, and the types of foundations of the buildings on which the PSs are located. Collection, interpretation, and processing of geo-thematic data were fundamental to obtain high-resolution models; change detection analyses of the land cover allowed us to classify structures/infrastructures in terms of the construction period. Additional information was collected to define the types of foundations, i.e., shallow versus deep foundations. As a result, we found that only by filtering and partitioning the A-DInSAR datasets on the basis of the above-mentioned boundary conditions can the related time series be considered a proxy of the consolidation process governing the subsidence related to external loads as confirmed by a comparison with results from a physically based back analysis based on Terzaghi's theory. Therefore, if properly managed, the A-DInSAR data represents a powerful tool for capturing the evolutionary stage of the process for a single building and has potential for forecasting the behaviour of the terrain-foundation-structure combination

    First insights on the potential of Sentinel-1 for landslides detection

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    This paper illustrates the potential of Sentinel-1 for landslide detection, Accepted 23 March 2016 mapping and characterization with the aim of updating inventory maps and monitoring landslide activity. The study area is located in Molise, one of the smallest regions of Italy, where landslide processes are frequent. The results achieved by integrating Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) deformation maps and time series, and Geographical Information System (GIS) multilayer analysis (optical, geological, geomorphological, etc.) are shown. The adopted methodology is described followed by an analysis of future perspectives. Sixty-two landslides have been detected, thus allowing the updating of pre-existing landslide inventory maps. The results of our ongoing research show that Sentinel-1 might represent a significant improvement in terms of exploitation of SAR data for landslide mapping and monitoring due to both the shorter revisit time (up to 6 days in the close future) and the wavelength used, which determine an higher coherence compared to other SAR sensors

    State-of-the-art in studies of glacial isostatic adjustment for the British Isles: a literature review

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    Understanding the effects of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) of the British Isles is essential for the assessment of past and future sea-level trends. GIA has been extensively examined in the literature, employing different research methods and observational data types. Geological evidence from palaeo-shorelines and undisturbed sedimentary deposits has been used to reconstruct long-term relative sea-level change since the Last Glacial Maximum. This information derived from sea-level index points has been employed to inform empirical isobase models of the uplift in Scotland using trend surface and Gaussian trend surface analysis, as well as to calibrate more theory-driven GIA models that rely on Earth mantle rheology and ice sheet history. Furthermore, current short-term rates of GIA-induced crustal motion during the past few decades have been measured using different geodetic techniques, mainly continuous GPS (CGPS) and absolute gravimetry (AG). AG-measurements are generally employed to increase the accuracy of the CGPS estimates. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) looks promising as a relatively new technique to measure crustal uplift in the northern parts of Great Britain, where the GIA-induced vertical land deformation has its highest rate. This literature review provides an in-depth comparison and discussion of the development of these different research approaches

    Pyrenees deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 data and the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique

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    This study focuses on deformation mapping and monitoring using Sentinel-1 radar data and the DInSAR (Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technique. In particular, a Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique was used over 15000 ¿¿¿¿2 of the Pyrenees, located in Spain, Andorra and France. The main goal is to monitor deformations over a vegetated and mountainous region by exploiting the wide-area coverage, the high coherence and temporal sampling provided by the Sentinel-1satellites. All possible interferograms were generated using 150 images covering five years. The velocity map of the entire region is presented considering the characteristics of the study area, including vegetation and severe steep mountains. Two areas of deformation are shown, which are characterized by velocity values ranging between -20 to -40 mm/year.The work of S.M. Mirmazloumi has been funded by the Spanish State Research Agency, through a grant for a pre doctorate contract (Ref: PRE2018-083394). This work has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg V-A Spain, France and Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020), project EFA295/19Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version