4,870 research outputs found

    Beyond reality - extending a presentation trainer with an immersive VR module

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    The development of multimodal sensor-based applications designed to support learners with the improvement of their skills is expensive since most of these applications are tailor-made and built from scratch. In this paper, we show how the Presentation Trainer (PT), a multimodal sensor-based application designed to support the development of public speaking skills, can be modularly extended with a Virtual Reality real-time feedback module (VR module), which makes usage of the PT more immersive and comprehensive. The described study consists of a formative evaluation and has two main objectives. Firstly, a technical objective is concerned with the feasibility of extending the PT with an immersive VR Module. Secondly, a user experience objective focuses on the level of satisfaction of interacting with the VR extended PT. To study these objectives, we conducted user tests with 20 participants. Results from our test show the feasibility of modularly extending existing multimodal sensor-based applications, and in terms of learning and user experience, results indicate a positive attitude of the participants towards using the application (PT+VR module). (DIPF/Orig.

    Development of a virtual audience concept for public speaking training in immersive virtual environments

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    Public speaking is common in today's work and study environment, yet many people dread giving presentations and sometimes even avoid them altogether. A frequent solution is to take up public speaking courses where speakers can learn presentation skills from speech trainers and rehearse in front of other trainees. By combining the opportunities of virtual reality with the characteristics and challenges of training sessions, the dissertation proposes a design concept for a virtual audience that can serve as speech training tool in immersive virtual environments. Through this approach the research addresses public speaking from a training angle - a novel view that wishes to complement the existing speech anxiety treatment studies in virtual reality. The work rests on a multidisciplinary ground and includes perspectives from interpersonal communication, virtual reality, human-computer interaction, and design of virtual learning environments.Die vorliegende Dissertation schlägt einen neuen Ansatz für Kommunikationstrainings und Sprechübungen vor, und führt ein Konzept für ein virtuelles Publikum ein. Das Publikum soll hierbei als Trainingsinstrument dienen und richtet sich an diejenigen, welche ihre rhetorischen Fähigkeiten und Präsentationstechniken verbessern möchten. Die Schlüssel-Komponente des Publikums bilden virtuelle Menschen, wobei diese möglichst realistisch aussehen und agieren sollen. Dies wirft eine zentrale Frage auf: Was sind die Merkmale eines realen Publikums und was machen die Menschen überhaupt, wenn sie vor einem Sprecher sitzen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurden zwei Studien durchgeführt. Die erste explorative Studie beschäftigt sich mit Experten im Kommunikationstraining und VR Bereich. Sieben Experten wurden sowohl über die Rolle von Publikumsanpassung, Interaktion, und Gruppendynamik als auch über technische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der virtuellen Realität befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kommunikationstrainingsprogramme hohe Publikumsanpassungen und Interaktivitätsmöglichkeiten erfordern. Um die Ergebnisse zu komplementieren, wurde ein Trainingsseminar beobachtet. Die Resultate der Beobachtung verdeutlichen die Bedeutung von Sprechübungen im Rahmen eines Kommunikationsprogramms sowie die bevorzugten Feedbackmethoden. Die zweite Studie umfasst die Beobachtung eines studentischen Publikums im Rahmen einer Vorlesung an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau. Die nonverbalen Verhaltensweisen von 14 Studierenden wurden kodiert und in aufmerksame oder unaufmerksame Verhaltensweisen aufgeteilt. Weiterhin wurde die Frequenz, Komplexität und Dauer der ausgewiesenen Reaktionen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser zwei Studien bilden das Fundament für die Entwicklung eines Designkonzepts für ein virtuelles Publikum. Dieses bezieht unterschiedliche Merkmale (z.B. demographische Charakteristika, Vorschläge für virtuelle Räumlichkeiten, etc.) ein. Zusätzlich wird eine Liste mit Indikatoren für Aufmerksamkeit und Unaufmerksamkeit eingebunden und ein fünfminütiges Szenario mit fünf virtuellen Menschen vorgestellt.The present dissertation proposes a novel approach to public speaking training and introduces a concept for a virtual audience in immersive virtual environments. The key component of such an audience are the virtual humans (VHs) whose role is to look and behave as closely as possible to a real public. Virtual audiences can then be used as training tools for people who wish to improve their public speaking and presentation skills. Two empirical studies were conducted to help identify relevant audience features and behaviors that occur in real life and that can be modeled for a virtual public. The first one is an exploratory study with experts in communication training and in fields related to virtual reality (VR). Seven experts were interviewed on the role and importance of audience customization, interaction, and group dynamic during training, as well as on technical possibilities to design virtual audiences with such features. The results show that audiences for communication training require extensive customization and interactivity options. To complement the findings, a speech practice session in a communication training seminar was observed and helped reveal the role of speech practice in the economy of the whole training seminar as well as the preferred feedback methods. In the second study, a video observation of a student audience during a lecture at Technische Universität Ilmenau was conducted. The nonverbal behaviors of 14 students were coded and divided into attentive and inattentive manifestations. The identified behaviors are further described and analyzed in terms of their frequency, complexity, and duration. The findings of both these studies helped create a design concept for a virtual audience with various characteristics (e.g., demographic features and virtual spaces they could inhabit) and a list with attentive and inattentive nonverbal behaviors the virtual humans could display. A five-minute scenario with virtual listeners is suggested as well

    Attention and Social Cognition in Virtual Reality:The effect of engagement mode and character eye-gaze

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    Technical developments in virtual humans are manifest in modern character design. Specifically, eye gaze offers a significant aspect of such design. There is need to consider the contribution of participant control of engagement. In the current study, we manipulated participants’ engagement with an interactive virtual reality narrative called Coffee without Words. Participants sat over coffee opposite a character in a virtual café, where they waited for their bus to be repaired. We manipulated character eye-contact with the participant. For half the participants in each condition, the character made no eye-contact for the duration of the story. For the other half, the character responded to participant eye-gaze by making and holding eye contact in return. To explore how participant engagement interacted with this manipulation, half the participants in each condition were instructed to appraise their experience as an artefact (i.e., drawing attention to technical features), while the other half were introduced to the fictional character, the narrative, and the setting as though they were real. This study allowed us to explore the contributions of character features (interactivity through eye-gaze) and cognition (attention/engagement) to the participants’ perception of realism, feelings of presence, time duration, and the extent to which they engaged with the character and represented their mental states (Theory of Mind). Importantly it does so using a highly controlled yet ecologically valid virtual experience

    AcademiaUP: Empowering Distance Education at University of Porto

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    In recent years, there has been a growing demand for online. University of Porto (U.Porto), established an unit of Educational Technologies 20 years ago and after an accumulated experience in providing an Learning Management Systems (LMS) to support face-to-face teaching and learning (T&L), in 2016, the U.Porto developed AcademiaUP, a portal and a LMS platform for the delivery of e-learning and blended learning courses. Based on LMS Moodle, AcademiaUP considers the specificities of deployment and creation of distance education contents and materials, as well as the target audience characteristics. Moodle was chosen because our acquired experience but also for its maturity, for being open source and fully customizable and for a large support community.AcademiaUP, has an extensively customized interface and technical infrastructure. It integrates with external tools, BigBlueButton to better respond to synchronous online communication and Panopto for lecture capture and video production. AcademiaUP uses new plugins and a new theme to improve usability and enable a more suitable navigation for formal and non-formal T&L environments - sequential content delivery and contextual presentation of activities and resources. When designing the new LMS for AcademiaUP we were inspired in Coursera Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) approach for the marketing of the courses and in Open2Study for the delivering of the courses. All changes, however, avoided altering Moodle's core code, allowing for easier upgrades whenever newer Moodle versions are available.For the future, we intend to integrate AcademiaUP with the University information system to improve consistency of courses and users essential to accreditation procedures and quality assurance

    Iowa Library Services FY12 Annual Report, June 2013

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    Annual report for State Library of Iow

    Massive open online course for Brazilian healthcare providers working with substance use disorders : curriculum design

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    Background: Interpersonal and technical skills are required for the care of people living with substance use disorders. Considering the applicability and usability of online courses as continuing professional education initiatives, this study aimed to describe the content design process of an introductory-level healthcare-centered Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Methods: The content of the course was informed through needs assessment, by using three sources: (a) narrative literature review, (b) Delphi health experts panel consensus, and (c) focus groups conducted with people living with substance use disorders. The data from the empirical research phases were analyzed through qualitative Thematic Analysis. Results: The product of this research project is the introductory-level Massive Open Online Course “Healthcare: Developing Relational Skills for the Assistance of People Living with Substance Use Disorders” which approaches health communication and empathetic relational professional skills as a means of reducing stigmatization of people living with substance use disorders. Conclusions: Diverse strategies for designing distance education initiatives have to consider different views on the subject being approached in such courses. The product presented in this paper has the potential to be an educational tool for topics traditionally not addressed in Brazilian continuing education and can be used as a model to the design of online courses directed to the development of work-related skills for the healthcare professions

    School Web Sites within the Educational Marketplace: A Case Study Investigating the Parents as Engaged Consumer-Users

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    Schools -- like their corporate counterparts -- recognize the many advantages that the Internet affords. Today\u27s schools vie for students, and thus use the web to market their services and showcase their management team (administrators, teachers, staff) and academic accomplishments. In a sense, then, web sites are the public face of education; those that are well-designed and multi-featured can enhance a district\u27s public image and create the perception of excellence and competence. This case study explores how one suburban, K-8 school district approaches web site development, specifically, the process by which decisions about design, development, and maintenance are made (and by whom); the ways in which they engage those who explore them--with a particular focus on parents; and, how well the sites adhere to generally recognized design attributes. Data were gathered through interviews with school administrators, document review, web site analysis, parent surveys, and parent focus groups. Results offer information to policymakers, administrators, and site designers regarding principles of web design unique to parents as educational consumers. Principles emerging from the case study can lead to additional research not only in the field of education, but, also, in the fields of web design and marketing

    An Overview of Self-Adaptive Technologies Within Virtual Reality Training

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    This overview presents the current state-of-the-art of self-adaptive technologies within virtual reality (VR) training. Virtual reality training and assessment is increasingly used for five key areas: medical, industrial & commercial training, serious games, rehabilitation and remote training such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Adaptation can be applied to five core technologies of VR including haptic devices, stereo graphics, adaptive content, assessment and autonomous agents. Automation of VR training can contribute to automation of actual procedures including remote and robotic assisted surgery which reduces injury and improves accuracy of the procedure. Automated haptic interaction can enable tele-presence and virtual artefact tactile interaction from either remote or simulated environments. Automation, machine learning and data driven features play an important role in providing trainee-specific individual adaptive training content. Data from trainee assessment can form an input to autonomous systems for customised training and automated difficulty levels to match individual requirements. Self-adaptive technology has been developed previously within individual technologies of VR training. One of the conclusions of this research is that while it does not exist, an enhanced portable framework is needed and it would be beneficial to combine automation of core technologies, producing a reusable automation framework for VR training

    Semi-Automated & Collaborative Online Training Module For Improving Communication Skills

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via the DOI in this recordThis paper presents a description and evaluation of the ROC Speak system, a platform that allows ubiquitous access to communication skills training. ROC Speak (available at rocspeak.com) enables anyone to go to a website, record a video, and receive feedback on smile intensity, body movement, volume modulation, filler word usage, unique word usage, word cloud of the spoken words, in addition to overall assessment and subjective comments by peers. Peer comments are automatically ranked and sorted for usefulness and sentiment (i.e., positive vs. negative). We evaluated the system with a diverse group of 56 online participants for a 10-day period. Participants submitted responses to career oriented prompts every other day. The participants were randomly split into two groups: 1) treatment - full feedback from the ROC Speak system; 2) control - written feedback from online peers. When judged by peers (p<.001) and independent raters (p<.05), participants from the treatment group demonstrated statistically significant improvement in overall speaking skills rating while the control group did not. Furthermore, in terms of speaking attributes, treatment group showed an improvement in friendliness (p<.001), vocal variety (p<.05) and articulation (p<.01)

    Understanding Cognition Across Modalities for the Assessment of Digital Resources

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    Drawing from the theories of the cognitive process, this paper explores the transmission, retention and transformation of information across oral, written, and digital modes of communication and how these concepts can be used to examine the assessment of digital resource tools. The exploration of interactions across modes of communication is used to gain an understanding of the interaction between the student, digital resource and teacher. Cognitive theory is considered as a basis for the assessment of digital resource tools. Lastly, principles for the assessment of digital resource tools are presented along with how assessment can be incorporated in the educational practice to enhance learning in higher education
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