10 research outputs found

    Influence of different abstractions on the performance analysis of distributed hard real-time systems

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    System level performance analysis plays a fundamental role in the design process of hard real-time embedded systems. Several different approaches have been presented so far to address the problem of accurate performance analysis of distributed embedded systems in early design stages. The existing formal analysis methods are based on essentially different concepts of abstraction. However, the influence of these different models on the accuracy of the system analysis is widely unknown, as a direct comparison of performance analysis methods has not been considered so far. We define a set of benchmarks aimed at the evaluation of performance analysis techniques for distributed systems. We apply different analysis methods to the benchmarks and compare the results obtained in terms of accuracy and analysis times, highlighting the specific effects of the various abstractions. We also point out several pitfalls for the analysis accuracy of single approaches and investigate the reasons for pessimistic performance prediction

    Safe and Secure Support for Public Safety Networks

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    International audienceAs explained by Tanzi et al. in the first volume of this book, communicating and autonomous devices will surely have a role to play in the future Public Safety Networks. The “communicating” feature comes from the fact that the information should be delivered in a fast way to rescuers. The “autonomous” characteristic comes from the fact that rescuers should not have to concern themselves about these objects: they should perform their mission autonomously so as not to delay the intervention of the rescuers, but rather to assist them efficiently and reliably.</p

    Analytic real-time analysis and timed automata: a hybrid methodology for the performance analysis of embedded real-time systems

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    This paper presents a compositional and hybrid approach for the performance analysis of distributed real-time systems. The developed methodology abstracts system components by either flow-oriented and purely analytic descriptions or by state-based models in the form of timed automata. The interaction among the heterogeneous components is modeled by streams of discrete events. In total this yields a hybrid framework for the compositional analysis of embedded systems. It supplements contemporary techniques for the following reasons: (a) state space explosion as intrinsic to formal verification is limited to the level of isolated components; (b) computed performance metrics such as buffer sizes, delays and utilization rates are not overly pessimistic, because coarse-grained analytic models are used only for components that conform to the stateless model of computation. For demonstrating the usefulness of the presented ideas, a corresponding tool-chain has been implemented. It is used to investigate the performance of a two-staged computing system, where one stage exhibits state-dependent behavior that is only coarsely coverable by a purely analytic and stateless component abstraction. Finally, experiments are performed to ascertain the scalability and the accuracy of the proposed approac

    Modelling and Analyses of Embedded Systems Design

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    Durchgängige Timing-Bewertung von Vernetzungsarchitekturen und Gateway-Systemen im Kraftfahrzeug

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    Die steigende Anzahl von Elektrik-/Elektronik-Systemen im Automobil und damit verbunden das zunehmende Kommunikationsaufkommen stellen immer höhere Anforderungen an den Entwicklungsprozess. Aufgrund der wachsenden Anzahl an vernetzten Funktionen spielt die Betrachtung des Timing-Verhaltens der Systeme eine zentrale Rolle. Die Arbeit beschreibt eine Methodik, welche eine durchgängige Bewertung von Vernetzungsarchitekturen und Gateway-Systemen hinsichtlich deren Timing-Verhaltens ermöglicht

    Timed Automata Based Analysis of Embedded System Architectures

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    Contains fulltext : 34463.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access

    Algorithmique du Network Calculus

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    Le Network Calculus est une théorie visant à calculer des bornes pire-cas sur les performances des réseaux de communication. Le réseau est modélisé par un graphe orienté où les noeuds représentent des serveurs, et les flux traversant le réseau doivent suivre les arcs. S'ajoutent à cela des contraintes sur les courbes de trafic (la quantité de données passées par un point depuis la mise en route du réseau) et sur les courbes de service (la quantité de travail fournie par chaque serveur). Pour borner les performances pire-cas, comme la charge en différents points ou les délais de bout en bout, ces enveloppes sont combinées à l'aide d'opérateurs issus notamment des algèbres tropicales : min, +, convolution-(min, +)... Cette thèse est centrée sur l'algorithmique du Network Calculus, à savoir comment rendre effectif ce formalisme. Ce travail nous a amené d'abord à comparer les variations présentes dans la littérature sur les modèles utilisés, révélant des équivalences d'expressivité comme entre le Real-Time Calculus et le Network Calculus. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons proposé un nouvel opérateur (min, +) pour traiter le calcul de performances en présence d'agrégation de flux, et nous avons étudié le cas des réseaux sans dépendances cycliques sur les flux et avec politique de service quelconque. Nous avons montré la difficulté algorithmique d'obtenir précisément les pires cas, mais nous avons aussi fourni une nouvelle heuristique pour les calculer. Elle s'avère de complexité polynomiale dans des cas intéressants.Network Calculus is a theory aiming at computing worst-case bounds on performances in communication networks. The network is usually modelled by a digraph : the servers are located on the nodes and the flows must follow path in the digraph. There are constraints on the trafic curves (how much data have been through a given point since the activation of the network) and on the service curves (how much work each server may provide). To derive bounds on the worst-case performances, as the backlog or the end-to-end delay, these envelopes are combined thanks to tropical algebra operators: min, +, convolution... This thesis focuses on Network Calculus algorithmics, that is how effective is this formalism. This work led us to compare various models in the litterature, and to show expressiveness equivalence between Real-Time Calculus and Network Calculus. Then, we suggested a new (min, +) operator to compute performances bounds in networks with agregated flows and we studied feed-forward networks under blind multiplexing. We showed the difficulty to compute these bounds, but we gave an heuristic, which is polynomial for interesting cases.LYON-ENS Sciences (693872304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Performanzanalyse von Multiprozessor-Echtzeitsystemen mit gemeinsamen Ressourcen

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    Approches d'optimisation et de personnalisation des réseaux sur puce (NoC : Networks on Chip)

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    Systems-on-chip (SoC) have become more and more complex due to the development of integrated circuit technology.Recent studies have shown that in order to improve the performance of a specific SoC application domain, the on-chipinter-connects (OCI) architecture must be customized at design-time or at run-time. Related approaches generallyprovide application-specific SoCs tailored to specific applications. The aim of this thesis is to carry out new approachesfor Network-on-Chip (NoC) and study their performances, especially in terms of latency, throughput, energyconsumption and simplicity of implementation.We have proposed an approach to allow designers to customize a candidate OCI architecture by adding strategiclinks in order to match large application workload. The analytical evaluation focuses on improving the physicalparameters of the NoC topology regardless of the application that should run on. The evaluation by simulationfocuses to evaluate the communication performances of the NoC. Simulations results show the effectiveness ofthis approach to improve the NoC performances. We have also introduced a compartmental Fluid-flow basedmodeling approach to allocate required resource for each buffer based on the application traffic pattern. Simulationsare conducted and results show the efficiency of this modeling method for a buffer space optimized allocation.Finally, we proposed a joint approach based on a system dynamics theory for evaluating the performance of a flowcontrol algorithm in NoCs. This algorithm allows NoC elements to dynamically adjust their inflow by using afeedback control-based mechanism. Analytical and simulation results showed the viability of this mechanism forcongestion avoidance in NoCs.Les systèmes embarqués sur puce (SoC : Systems-on-Chip) sont devenus de plus en plus complexes grâce à l’évolution de la technologie des circuits intégrés. Des études récentes ont montré que pour améliorer les performances du réseau su puce (NoC : Network-on-Chip), l’architecture de celui-ci pouvait être personnalisée, soit au moment de la conception, soit au moment de l’exécution. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’implémenter de nouvelles approches pour améliorer les performances des NoCs, notamment la latence, le débit, la consommation d’énergie, et la simplicité de mise en œuvre.Nous avons proposé une approche pour permettre aux concepteurs de personnaliser l'architecture d’un NoC par insertion de liens stratégiques, pour qu’elle soit adaptée à de nombreuses applications, sous la contrainte d’un budget limité en termes de nombre de liens. L’évaluation analytique porte sur l’amélioration des paramètres physiques de la topologie du NoC sans tenir compte de l’application qui devrait s’exécuter dessus. L’évaluation par simulation porte sur l’évaluation des performances de communication du NoC. Les résultats de simulations montrent l’efficacité de notre approche pour améliorer les performances du NoC. Nous avons également introduit une approche de modélisation par réseau à compartiments pour allouer les ressources nécessaires pour chaque tampon selon le modèle de trafic de l'application cible. Les résultats de simulations montrent l'efficacité de cette approche de modélisation pour l’allocation optimisée de l'espace tampon. Enfin, nous avons proposé une approche conjointe basée sur la théorie des systèmes dynamiques pour évaluer la performance d'un algorithme de contrôle de flux dans les NoCs. Cet algorithme permet aux éléments du NoC d’ajuster dynamiquement leur entrée en utilisant un mécanisme basé sur le contrôle de flux par rétroaction. Les résultats d’évaluations analytiques et de simulation montrent la viabilité de ce mécanisme pour éviter la congestion dans les NoCs

    Performanzanalyse fĂĽr Multi-Core Multi-Mode Systeme mit gemeinsam genutzten Ressourcen - Verfahren und Anwendung auf AUTOSAR -

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    In order to implement multi-core systems for single-mode and multi-mode real-time applications, as can be found in modern automobiles, their development process requires appropriate methods and tools for timing and performance verification. In this context, this thesis proposes first novel approaches for the analysis of worst-case blocking-times and response-times for single-mode real-time applications that share resources in partitioned multi-core systems. For this purpose a compositional performance analysis methodology is adopted and extended to take into account the contention of tasks on the processor cores and on the shared resources under different combinations of processor scheduling policies and shared resource arbitration strategies. Highly relevant is the compatibility of the proposed analysis methods with the specifications of the automotive AUTOSAR standard, which defines the combination of (1) preemptive, non-preemptive and cooperative core local scheduling with (2) lock-based arbitration of core local shared resources and spinlock-based arbitration of inter-core shared resources. Further, this thesis proposes novel timing analysis solutions for multi-mode distributed real-time systems. For such systems, the settling time of a mode change, called mode change transition latency, is identified as an important system parameter that has been neglected before. This thesis contributes a novel analysis algorithm which gives a maximum bound on each mode change transition latency of multi-mode distributed applications. Knowing the settling time of each mode change, the impact of multiple mode changes and of the possible overload situations can be handled in the early development phases of real-time systems. Finally, an approach for safely handling shared resources across mode changes is presented and a corresponding timing analysis method is contributed. The new analysis solution combines modeling and analysis elements of the multi-core and multi-mode related analysis solutions and focuses on the specification of the AUTOSAR standard. This enables system designers to handle the timing behavior of more complex systems in which the problems of mode management, multi-core scheduling and shared resource arbitration coexist. The applicability and usefulness of the contributed analysis solutions are highlighted by experimental evaluations, which are enabled by the implementation of the proposed analysis methods in a performance analysis tool framework.Um Multicore-Systeme für die Umsetzung zeitkritischer Single- und Multi-Mode Anwendungen in sicherheitskritischen Umgebungen einsetzen zu können, werden in dem Entwicklungsprozess geeignete Analysemethoden und Tools zur Bestimmung des Zeitverhaltens und der Performanz benötigt. Als erster Beitrag dieser Dissertation werden neue Analyseverfahren eingeführt, um die Worst-Case-Antwortzeiten und -Blockierungszeiten für statische Echtzeitanwendungen in Single-Mode eingebetteten Multicore-Systemen mit gemeinsam genutzten Ressourcen zu bestimmen. Die entwickelten Verfahren nutzen einen existierenden kompositionellen Performanzanalyseansatz und erweitern diesen, um verschiedene Kombinationen von partitionierenden Multiprozessor-Schedulingverfahren und –Synchronisationsmechanismen behandeln zu können. Besonders praxisrelevant ist die Möglichkeit, die Kombination von (1) preemptives, nicht-preemptives sowie kooperatives Prozessor-Scheduling und (2) Spinlock-basierten Synchronisationsmechanismen zu analysieren, die heute in AUTOSAR-konformen Automotive-Softwarearchitekturen standardisiert sind. Als zweiter Beitrag wird in dieser Dissertation ein neuer Ansatz für die Analyse der zeitlichen Auswirkungen von mehreren Szenarienübergängen in vernetzten Multi-Mode eingebetteten Systemen eingeführt. Als erste konstruktive Maßnahme ermöglicht das in dieser Arbeit präsentierte Verfahren die Berechnung der Einschwingzeit jedes Szenarioübergangs und leistet dadurch eine wichtige Hilfestellung beim Systementwurf. Auf diese Weise können die Auswirkungen der Szenarienübergänge, einschließlich der zeitlich begrenzten Überlastsituationen, kontrolliert und in den Systementwurf frühzeitig einbezogen werden. Als letzter Beitrag dieser Dissertation wird ein Ansatz für die Handhabung der Zugriffskonflikte auf gemeinsam genutzten Ressourcen in Multi-Mode eingebetteten Multicore-Systemen präsentiert und eine entsprechende Analysemethode eingeführt. Die neue Analyse kombiniert Modellierungs- und Analyse-Elemente der vorher in dieser Arbeit eingeführten Analyseansätze, und ermöglicht die Untersuchung des ungünstigsten Zeitverhaltens viel komplexer eingebetteten Multicore-Systemen. Dabei werden erneut Spezifikationen der AUTOSAR-Standards berücksichtigt. Nicht zuletzt werden alle Analysemethoden in eine Toolumgebung implementiert und für verschiedene Experimente, die deren praktische Anwendbarkeit hervorheben, angewendet