359 research outputs found

    The Simplest Analysis Method for Non-stationary Sinusoidal Modeling

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    International audienceThis paper introduces an analysis method based on the generalization of the phase vocoder approach to non-stationary sinusoidal modeling. This new method is then compared to the reassignment method for the estimation of all the parameters of the model (phase, amplitude, frequency, amplitude modulation, and frequency modulation), and to the Cramér-Rao bounds. It turns out that this method compares to the state of the art in terms of performances, with the great advantage of being much simpler

    Analysis and decomposition of frequency modulated multicomponent signals

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    Frequency modulated (FM) signals are studied in many research fields, including seismology, astrophysics, biology, acoustics, animal echolocation, radar and sonar. They are referred as multicomponent signals (MCS), as they are generally composed of multiple waveforms, with specific time-dependent frequencies, known as instantaneous frequencies (IFs). Many applications require the extraction of signal characteristics (i.e. amplitudes and IFs). that is why MCS decomposition is an important topic in signal processing. It consists of the recovery of each individual mode and it is often performed by IFs separation. The task becomes very challenging if the signal modes overlap in the TF domain, i.e. they interfere with each other, at the so-called non-separability region. For this reason, a general solution to MCS decomposition is not available yet. As a matter of fact, the existing methods addressing overlapping modes share the same limitations: they are parametric, therefore they adapt only to the assumed signal class, or they rely on signal-dependent and parametric TF representations; otherwise, they are interpolation techniques, i.e. they almost ignore the information corrupted by interference and they recover IF curve by some fitting procedures, resulting in high computational cost and bad performances against noise. This thesis aims at overcoming these drawbacks, providing efficient tools for dealing with MCS with interfering modes. An extended state-of-the-art revision is provided, as well as the mathematical tools and the main definitions needed to introduce the topic. Then, the problem is addressed following two main strategies: the former is an iterative approach that aims at enhancing MCS' resolution in the TF domain; the latter is a transform-based approach, that combines TF analysis and Radon Transform for separating individual modes. As main advantage, the methods derived from both the iterative and the transform-based approaches are non-parametric, as they do not require specific assumptions on the signal class. As confirmed by the experimental results and the comparative studies, the proposed approach contributes to the current state of the-art improvement

    Seeing sound: a new way to illustrate auditory objects and their neural correlates

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    This thesis develops a new method for time-frequency signal processing and examines the relevance of the new representation in studies of neural coding in songbirds. The method groups together associated regions of the time-frequency plane into objects defined by time-frequency contours. By combining information about structurally stable contour shapes over multiple time-scales and angles, a signal decomposition is produced that distributes resolution adaptively. As a result, distinct signal components are represented in their own most parsimonious forms.  Next, through neural recordings in singing birds, it was found that activity in song premotor cortex is significantly correlated with the objects defined by this new representation of sound. In this process, an automated way of finding sub-syllable acoustic transitions in birdsongs was first developed, and then increased spiking probability was found at the boundaries of these acoustic transitions. Finally, a new approach to study auditory cortical sequence processing more generally is proposed. In this approach, songbirds were trained to discriminate Morse-code-like sequences of clicks, and the neural correlates of this behavior were examined in primary and secondary auditory cortex. It was found that a distinct transformation of auditory responses to the sequences of clicks exists as information transferred from primary to secondary auditory areas. Neurons in secondary auditory areas respond asynchronously and selectively -- in a manner that depends on the temporal context of the click. This transformation from a temporal to a spatial representation of sound provides a possible basis for the songbird's natural ability to discriminate complex temporal sequences

    Towards Real-Time Non-Stationary Sinusoidal Modelling of Kick and Bass Sounds for Audio Analysis and Modification

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    Sinusoidal Modelling is a powerful and flexible parametric method for analysing and processing audio signals. These signals have an underlying structure that modern spectral models aim to exploit by separating the signal into sinusoidal, transient, and noise components. Each of these can then be modelled in a manner most appropriate to that component's inherent structure. The accuracy of the estimated parameters is directly related to the quality of the model's representation of the signal, and the assumptions made about its underlying structure. For sinusoidal models, these assumptions generally affect the non-stationary estimates related to amplitude and frequency modulations, and the type of amplitude change curve. This is especially true when using a single analysis frame in a non-overlapping framework, where biased estimates can result in discontinuities at frame boundaries. It is therefore desirable for such a model to distinguish between the shape of different amplitude changes and adapt the estimation of this accordingly. Intra-frame amplitude change can be interpreted as a change in the windowing function applied to a stationary sinusoid, which can be estimated from the derivative of the phase with respect to frequency at magnitude peaks in the DFT spectrum. A method for measuring monotonic linear amplitude change from single-frame estimates using the first-order derivative of the phase with respect to frequency (approximated by the first-order difference) is presented, along with a method of distinguishing between linear and exponential amplitude change. An adaption of the popular matching pursuit algorithm for refining model parameters in a segmented framework has been investigated using a dictionary comprised of sinusoids with parameters varying slightly from model estimates, based on Modelled Pursuit (MoP). Modelling of the residual signal using a segmented undecimated Wavelet Transform (segUWT) is presented. A generalisation for both the forward and inverse transforms, for delay compensations and overlap extensions for different lengths of Wavelets and the number of decomposition levels in an Overlap Save (OLS) implementation for dealing with convolution block-based artefacts is presented. This shift invariant implementation of the DWT is a popular tool for de-noising and shows promising results for the separation of transients from noise

    Multichannel analysis of normal and continuous adventitious respiratory sounds for the assessment of pulmonary function in respiratory diseases

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialRespiratory sounds (RS) are produced by turbulent airflows through the airways and are inhomogeneously transmitted through different media to the chest surface, where they can be recorded in a non-invasive way. Due to their mechanical nature and airflow dependence, RS are affected by respiratory diseases that alter the mechanical properties of the respiratory system. Therefore, RS provide useful clinical information about the respiratory system structure and functioning. Recent advances in sensors and signal processing techniques have made RS analysis a more objective and sensitive tool for measuring pulmonary function. However, RS analysis is still rarely used in clinical practice. Lack of a standard methodology for recording and processing RS has led to several different approaches to RS analysis, with some methodological issues that could limit the potential of RS analysis in clinical practice (i.e., measurements with a low number of sensors, no controlled airflows, constant airflows, or forced expiratory manoeuvres, the lack of a co-analysis of different types of RS, or the use of inaccurate techniques for processing RS signals). In this thesis, we propose a novel integrated approach to RS analysis that includes a multichannel recording of RS using a maximum of five microphones placed over the trachea and the chest surface, which allows RS to be analysed at the most commonly reported lung regions, without requiring a large number of sensors. Our approach also includes a progressive respiratory manoeuvres with variable airflow, which allows RS to be analysed depending on airflow. Dual RS analyses of both normal RS and continuous adventitious sounds (CAS) are also proposed. Normal RS are analysed through the RS intensity–airflow curves, whereas CAS are analysed through a customised Hilbert spectrum (HS), adapted to RS signal characteristics. The proposed HS represents a step forward in the analysis of CAS. Using HS allows CAS to be fully characterised with regard to duration, mean frequency, and intensity. Further, the high temporal and frequency resolutions, and the high concentrations of energy of this improved version of HS, allow CAS to be more accurately characterised with our HS than by using spectrogram, which has been the most widely used technique for CAS analysis. Our approach to RS analysis was put into clinical practice by launching two studies in the Pulmonary Function Testing Laboratory of the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital for assessing pulmonary function in patients with unilateral phrenic paralysis (UPP), and bronchodilator response (BDR) in patients with asthma. RS and airflow signals were recorded in 10 patients with UPP, 50 patients with asthma, and 20 healthy participants. The analysis of RS intensity–airflow curves proved to be a successful method to detect UPP, since we found significant differences between these curves at the posterior base of the lungs in all patients whereas no differences were found in the healthy participants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that uses a quantitative analysis of RS for assessing UPP. Regarding asthma, we found appreciable changes in the RS intensity–airflow curves and CAS features after bronchodilation in patients with negative BDR in spirometry. Therefore, we suggest that the combined analysis of RS intensity–airflow curves and CAS features—including number, duration, mean frequency, and intensity—seems to be a promising technique for assessing BDR and improving the stratification of BDR levels, particularly among patients with negative BDR in spirometry. The novel approach to RS analysis developed in this thesis provides a sensitive tool to obtain objective and complementary information about pulmonary function in a simple and non-invasive way. Together with spirometry, this approach to RS analysis could have a direct clinical application for improving the assessment of pulmonary function in patients with respiratory diseases.Los sonidos respiratorios (SR) se generan con el paso del flujo de aire a través de las vías respiratorias y se transmiten de forma no homogénea hasta la superficie torácica. Dada su naturaleza mecánica, los SR se ven afectados en gran medida por enfermedades que alteran las propiedades mecánicas del sistema respiratorio. Por lo tanto, los SR proporcionan información clínica relevante sobre la estructura y el funcionamiento del sistema respiratorio. La falta de una metodología estándar para el registro y procesado de los SR ha dado lugar a la aparición de diferentes estrategias de análisis de SR con ciertas limitaciones metodológicas que podrían haber restringido el potencial y el uso de esta técnica en la práctica clínica (medidas con pocos sensores, flujos no controlados o constantes y/o maniobras forzadas, análisis no combinado de distintos tipos de SR o uso de técnicas poco precisas para el procesado de los SR). En esta tesis proponemos un método innovador e integrado de análisis de SR que incluye el registro multicanal de SR mediante un máximo de cinco micrófonos colocados sobre la tráquea yla superficie torácica, los cuales permiten analizar los SR en las principales regiones pulmonares sin utilizar un número elevado de sensores . Nuestro método también incluye una maniobra respiratoria progresiva con flujo variable que permite analizar los SR en función del flujo respiratorio. También proponemos el análisis combinado de los SR normales y los sonidos adventicios continuos (SAC), mediante las curvas intensidad-flujo y un espectro de Hilbert (EH) adaptado a las características de los SR, respectivamente. El EH propuesto representa un avance importante en el análisis de los SAC, pues permite su completa caracterización en términos de duración, frecuencia media e intensidad. Además, la alta resolución temporal y frecuencial y la alta concentración de energía de esta versión mejorada del EH permiten caracterizar los SAC de forma más precisa que utilizando el espectrograma, el cual ha sido la técnica más utilizada para el análisis de SAC en estudios previos. Nuestro método de análisis de SR se trasladó a la práctica clínica a través de dos estudios que se iniciaron en el laboratorio de pruebas funcionales del hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, para la evaluación de la función pulmonar en pacientes con parálisis frénica unilateral (PFU) y la respuesta broncodilatadora (RBD) en pacientes con asma. Las señales de SR y flujo respiratorio se registraron en 10 pacientes con PFU, 50 pacientes con asma y 20 controles sanos. El análisis de las curvas intensidad-flujo resultó ser un método apropiado para detectar la PFU , pues encontramos diferencias significativas entre las curvas intensidad-flujo de las bases posteriores de los pulmones en todos los pacientes , mientras que en los controles sanos no encontramos diferencias significativas. Hasta donde sabemos, este es el primer estudio que utiliza el análisis cuantitativo de los SR para evaluar la PFU. En cuanto al asma, encontramos cambios relevantes en las curvas intensidad-flujo yen las características de los SAC tras la broncodilatación en pacientes con RBD negativa en la espirometría. Por lo tanto, sugerimos que el análisis combinado de las curvas intensidad-flujo y las características de los SAC, incluyendo número, duración, frecuencia media e intensidad, es una técnica prometedora para la evaluación de la RBD y la mejora en la estratificación de los distintos niveles de RBD, especialmente en pacientes con RBD negativa en la espirometría. El método innovador de análisis de SR que se propone en esta tesis proporciona una nueva herramienta con una alta sensibilidad para obtener información objetiva y complementaria sobre la función pulmonar de una forma sencilla y no invasiva. Junto con la espirometría, este método puede tener una aplicación clínica directa en la mejora de la evaluación de la función pulmonar en pacientes con enfermedades respiratoriasAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Décompositions en éléments sonores et applications musicales

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    National audienceIn this paper is presented the DESAM project which was divided in two parts. The first one was devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of parametric and non-parametric techniques for decomposing audio signals into sound elements. The second part focused on some musical applications of these decompositions. Most aspects that have been considered in this project have led to the proposal of new methods which have been grouped together into the so-called DESAM Toolbox, a set of Matlab® functions dedicated to the estimation of widely used spectral models for music signals. Although those models can be used in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) tasks, the core functions of the toolbox do not focus on any specific application. It is rather aimed at providing a range of state-of-the-art signal processe soumission à Traitement du signalDans cet article sont présentés de manière synthétique les résultats du projet ANR DE-SAM (Décompositions en Éléments Sonores et Applications Musicales). Ce projet comportait deux parties, la première portant sur des avancées théoriques de techniques de décompositions de signaux audionumériques et la seconde traitant d'applications musicales de ces décompo-sitions. La plupart des aspects abordés dans le projet ont donné lieu à de nouvelles méthodes et algorithmes qui sont regroupés au sein d'une boîte à outils, la DESAM Toolbox. Celle-ci rassemble un ensemble de fonctions Matlab® dédiées à l'estimation de modèles spectraux très utilisés pour les signaux musicaux. Les méthodes étudiées dans ce projet peuvent bien sûr être utiles pour la recherche automatique d'informations dans les signaux musicaux, mais elles constituent avant tout une collection d'outils récents pour décomposer les signaux selon dif-férents modèles, avec pour résultat des représentations mi-niveau variées, pouvant être utiles dans d'autres domaines d'application

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Large-scale analysis of frequency modulation in birdsong data bases

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    DS & MP are supported by an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship EP/G007144/1. Our thanks to Alan McElligott for helpful advice while preparing the manuscript; Sašo Muševič for discussion and for making his DDM software available; and Rémi Gribonval and team at INRIA Rennes for discussion and software development during a research visit

    Real-time spectral modelling of audio for creative sound transformation

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo