4,947 research outputs found

    Different aspects of workflow scheduling in large-scale distributed systems

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    As large-scale distributed systems gain momentum, the scheduling of workflow applications with multiple requirements in such computing platforms has become a crucial area of research. In this paper, we investigate the workflow scheduling problem in large-scale distributed systems, from the Quality of Service (QoS) and data locality perspectives. We present a scheduling approach, considering two models of synchronization for the tasks in a workflow application: (a) communication through the network and (b) communication through temporary files. Specifically, we investigate via simulation the performance of a heterogeneous distributed system, where multiple soft real-time workflow applications arrive dynamically. The applications are scheduled under various tardiness bounds, taking into account the communication cost in the first case study and the I/O cost and data locality in the second.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU, under the COST program Action IC1305, “Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)”, and by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, under the project TIN2013-41350-P, “Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems”

    A Capability Approach for Designing Business Intelligence and Analytics Architectures

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    Business Intelligence and Analytics (BIA) is subject to an ongoing transformation, both on the technology and the business side. Given the lack of ready-to-use blueprints for the plethora of novel solutions and the ever-increasing variety of available concepts and tools, there is a need for conceptual support for architecture design decisions. After conducting a series of interviews to explore the relevance and direction of an architectural decision support concept, we propose a capability schema that involves actions, expected outcomes, and environmental limitations to identify fitting architecture designs. The applicability of the approach was evaluated with two cases. The results show that the derived framework can support the systematic development of fundamental architecture requirements. The work contributes to research by illustrating how to capture the elusive capability concept and showing its relation to BIA architectures. For further generalization, we created an open online repository to collect BIA capabilities and architectural designs

    Internet of robotic things : converging sensing/actuating, hypoconnectivity, artificial intelligence and IoT Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is evolving rapidly and influencing newdevelopments in various application domains, such as the Internet of MobileThings (IoMT), Autonomous Internet of Things (A-IoT), Autonomous Systemof Things (ASoT), Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Internetof Things Clouds (IoT-C) and the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) etc.that are progressing/advancing by using IoT technology. The IoT influencerepresents new development and deployment challenges in different areassuch as seamless platform integration, context based cognitive network integration,new mobile sensor/actuator network paradigms, things identification(addressing, naming in IoT) and dynamic things discoverability and manyothers. The IoRT represents new convergence challenges and their need to be addressed, in one side the programmability and the communication ofmultiple heterogeneous mobile/autonomous/robotic things for cooperating,their coordination, configuration, exchange of information, security, safetyand protection. Developments in IoT heterogeneous parallel processing/communication and dynamic systems based on parallelism and concurrencyrequire new ideas for integrating the intelligent “devices”, collaborativerobots (COBOTS), into IoT applications. Dynamic maintainability, selfhealing,self-repair of resources, changing resource state, (re-) configurationand context based IoT systems for service implementation and integrationwith IoT network service composition are of paramount importance whennew “cognitive devices” are becoming active participants in IoT applications.This chapter aims to be an overview of the IoRT concept, technologies,architectures and applications and to provide a comprehensive coverage offuture challenges, developments and applications

    Dynamic Resource Allocation in Embedded, High-Performance and Cloud Computing

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    The availability of many-core computing platforms enables a wide variety of technical solutions for systems across the embedded, high-performance and cloud computing domains. However, large scale manycore systems are notoriously hard to optimise. Choices regarding resource allocation alone can account for wide variability in timeliness and energy dissipation (up to several orders of magnitude). Dynamic Resource Allocation in Embedded, High-Performance and Cloud Computing covers dynamic resource allocation heuristics for manycore systems, aiming to provide appropriate guarantees on performance and energy efficiency. It addresses different types of systems, aiming to harmonise the approaches to dynamic allocation across the complete spectrum between systems with little flexibility and strict real-time guarantees all the way to highly dynamic systems with soft performance requirements. Technical topics presented in the book include: Load and Resource Models Admission Control Feedback-based Allocation and Optimisation Search-based Allocation Heuristics Distributed Allocation based on Swarm Intelligence Value-Based Allocation Each of the topics is illustrated with examples based on realistic computational platforms such as Network-on-Chip manycore processors, grids and private cloud environments.Note.-- EUR 6,000 BPC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilo

    Dynamic Resource Allocation in Embedded, High-Performance and Cloud Computing

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    The availability of many-core computing platforms enables a wide variety of technical solutions for systems across the embedded, high-performance and cloud computing domains. However, large scale manycore systems are notoriously hard to optimise. Choices regarding resource allocation alone can account for wide variability in timeliness and energy dissipation (up to several orders of magnitude). Dynamic Resource Allocation in Embedded, High-Performance and Cloud Computing covers dynamic resource allocation heuristics for manycore systems, aiming to provide appropriate guarantees on performance and energy efficiency. It addresses different types of systems, aiming to harmonise the approaches to dynamic allocation across the complete spectrum between systems with little flexibility and strict real-time guarantees all the way to highly dynamic systems with soft performance requirements. Technical topics presented in the book include: ‱ Load and Resource Models‱ Admission Control‱ Feedback-based Allocation and Optimisation‱ Search-based Allocation Heuristics‱ Distributed Allocation based on Swarm Intelligence‱ Value-Based AllocationEach of the topics is illustrated with examples based on realistic computational platforms such as Network-on-Chip manycore processors, grids and private cloud environments

    The Global War on Terror and U.S. Development Assistance: USAID allocation by country, 1998-2005

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    The launch of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) soon after September 11, 2001 has been predicted to fundamentally alter U.S. foreign aid programs. In particular, there is a common expectation that development assistance will be used to support strategic allies in the GWOT, perhaps at the expense of anti-poverty programs. In this paper we assess changes in country allocation by USAID over 1998-2001 versus 2002-05. In addition to standard aid allocation variables, we add several proxies for the GWOT, including the presence of foreign terrorist groups, sharing a border with a state sponsor of terrorism, troop contribution in Iraq, and relative share of Muslim population. We find that any major changes in aid allocation related to the GWOT appear to be affecting only a handful of critical countries, namely, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories. The extra resources to these countries also seem to be coming from overall increases in the bilateral aid envelope, combined with declines in aid to Israel, Egypt, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We do not find that any of our GWOT proxies (or their interactions) are significantly correlated with changes in country allocation of aid flows to the rest of the world, including to sub-Saharan African countries. Concerns that there is a large and systematic diversion of U.S. foreign aid from fighting poverty to fighting the GWOT do not so far appear to have been realized.Global War on Terror (GWOT), September 11, foreign aid, terrorism, Iraq, muslim, poverty

    Time-bounded distributed QoS-aware service configuration in heterogeneous cooperative environments

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    The scarcity and diversity of resources among the devices of heterogeneous computing environments may affect their ability to perform services with specific Quality of Service constraints, particularly in dynamic distributed environments where the characteristics of the computational load cannot always be predicted in advance. Our work addresses this problem by allowing resource constrained devices to cooperate with more powerful neighbour nodes, opportunistically taking advantage of global distributed resources and processing power. Rather than assuming that the dynamic configuration of this cooperative service executes until it computes its optimal output, the paper proposes an anytime approach that has the ability to tradeoff deliberation time for the quality of the solution. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed anytime algorithms are able to quickly find a good initial solution and effectively optimise the rate at which the quality of the current solution improves at each iteration, with an overhead that can be considered negligible

    Capability erosion dynamics

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    The notion of capability is widely invoked to explain differences in organizational performance, and research shows that strategically relevant capabilities can be both built and lost. However, while capability development is widely studied, capability erosion has not been integrated into our understanding of performance heterogeneity. To understand erosion, we study two software development organizations that experienced diverging capability trajectories despite similar organizational and technological settings. Building a simulation-based theory, we identify the adaptation trap, a mechanism through which managerial learning can lead to capability erosion: well-intentioned efforts by managers to search locally for the optimal workload balance lead them to systematically overload their organization and, thereby, cause capabilities to erode. The analysis of our model informs when capability erosion is likely and strategically relevant

    Modular software architecture for flexible reservation mechanisms on heterogeneous resources

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    Management, allocation and scheduling of heterogeneous resources for complex distributed real-time applications is a chal- lenging problem. Timing constraints of applications may be fulfilled by a proper use of real-time scheduling policies, admission control and enforcement of timing constraints. However, it is not easy to design basic infrastructure services that allow for an easy access to the allocation of multiple heterogeneous resources in a distributed environment. In this paper, we present a middleware for providing distributed soft real-time applications with a uniform API for reserving heterogeneous resources with real-time scheduling capabilities in a distributed environment. The architecture relies on standard POSIX OS facilities, such as time management and standard TCP/IP networking services, and it is designed around CORBA, in order to facilitate modularity, flexibility and portability of the applications using it. However, real-time scheduling is supported by proper extensions at the kernel-level, plugged within the framework by means of dedicated resource managers. Our current implementation on Linux supports reservation of CPU, disk and network bandwidth. However, additional resource managers supporting alternative real-time schedulers for these resources, as well as additional types of resources, may be easily added. We present experimental results gathered on both synthetic applications and a real multimedia video streaming case study, showing advantages deriving from the use of the proposed middleware. Finally, overhead figures are reported, showing sustainability of the approach for a wide class of complex, distributed, soft real-time applications
