649 research outputs found

    NUMA Time Warp

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    It is well known that Time Warp may suffer from large usage of memory, which may hamper the efficiency of the memory hierarchy. To cope with this issue, several approaches have been devised, mostly based on the reduction of the amount of used virtual memory, e.g., by the avoidance of checkpointing and the exploitation of reverse computing. In this article we present an orthogonal solution aimed at optimizing the latency for memory access operations when running Time Warp systems on Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) multi-processor/multi-core computing systems. More in detail, we provide an innovative Linux-based architecture allowing per simulation-object management of memory segments made up by disjoint sets of pages, and supporting both static and dynamic binding of the memory pages reserved for an individual object to the different NUMA nodes, depending on what worker thread is in charge of running that simulation object along a given wall-clock-time window. Our proposal not only manages the virtual pages used for the live state image of the simulation object, rather, it also copes with memory pages destined to keep the simulation object's event buffers and any recoverability data. Further, the architecture allows memory access optimization for data (messages) exchanged across the different simulation objects running on the NUMA machine. Our proposal is fully transparent to the application code, thus operating in a seamless manner. Also, a free software release of our NUMA memory manager for Time Warp has been made available within the open source ROOT-Sim simulation platform. Experimental data for an assessment of our innovative proposal are also provided in this article

    Towards lightweight and high-performance hardware transactional memory

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    Conventional lock-based synchronization serializes accesses to critical sections guarded by the same lock. Using multiple locks brings the possibility of a deadlock or a livelock in the program, making parallel programming a difficult task. Transactional Memory (TM) is a promising paradigm for parallel programming, offering an alternative to lock-based synchronization. TM eliminates the risk of deadlocks and livelocks, while it provides the desirable semantics of Atomicity, Consistency, and Isolation of critical sections. TM speculatively executes a series of memory accesses as a single, atomic, transaction. The speculative changes of a transaction are kept private until the transaction commits. If a transaction can break the atomicity or cause a deadlock or livelock, the TM system aborts the transaction and rolls back the speculative changes. To be effective, a TM implementation should provide high performance and scalability. While implementations of TM in pure software (STM) do not provide desirable performance, Hardware TM (HTM) implementations introduce much smaller overhead and have relatively good scalability, due to their better control of hardware resources. However, many HTM systems support only the transactions that fit limited hardware resources (for example, private caches), and fall back to software mechanisms if hardware limits are reached. These HTM systems, called best-effort HTMs, are not desirable since they force a programmer to think in terms of hardware limits, to use both HTM and STM, and to manage concurrent transactions in HTM and STM. In contrast with best-effort HTMs, unbounded HTM systems support overflowed transactions, that do not fit into private caches. Unbounded HTM systems often require complex protocols or expensive hardware mechanisms for conflict detection between overflowed transactions. In addition, an execution with overflowed transactions is often much slower than an execution that has only regular transactions. This is typically due to restrictive or approximative conflict management mechanism used for overflowed transactions. In this thesis, we study hardware implementations of transactional memory, and make three main contributions. First, we improve the general performance of HTM systems by proposing a scalable protocol for conflict management. The protocol has precise conflict detection, in contrast with often-employed inexact Bloom-filter-based conflict detection, which often falsely report conflicts between transactions. Second, we propose a best-effort HTM that utilizes the new scalable conflict detection protocol, termed EazyHTM. EazyHTM allows parallel commits for all non-conflicting transactions, and generally simplifies transaction commits. Finally, we propose an unbounded HTM that extends and improves the initial protocol for conflict management, and we name it EcoTM. EcoTM features precise conflict detection, and it efficiently supports large as well as small and short transactions. The key idea of EcoTM is to leverage an observation that very few locations are actually conflicting, even if applications have high contention. In EcoTM, each core locally detects if a cache line is non-conflicting, and conflict detection mechanism is invoked only for the few potentially conflicting cache lines.La Sincronización tradicional basada en los cerrojos de exclusión mutua (locks) serializa los accesos a las secciones críticas protegidas este cerrojo. La utilización de varios cerrojos en forma concurrente y/o paralela aumenta la posibilidad de entrar en abrazo mortal (deadlock) o en un bloqueo activo (livelock) en el programa, está es una de las razones por lo cual programar en forma paralela resulta ser mucho mas dificultoso que programar en forma secuencial. La memoria transaccional (TM) es un paradigma prometedor para la programación paralela, que ofrece una alternativa a los cerrojos. La memoria transaccional tiene muchas ventajas desde el punto de vista tanto práctico como teórico. TM elimina el riesgo de bloqueo mutuo y de bloqueo activo, mientras que proporciona una semántica de atomicidad, coherencia, aislamiento con características similares a las secciones críticas. TM ejecuta especulativamente una serie de accesos a la memoria como una transacción atómica. Los cambios especulativos de la transacción se mantienen privados hasta que se confirma la transacción. Si una transacción entra en conflicto con otra transacción o sea que alguna de ellas escribe en una dirección que la otra leyó o escribió, o se entra en un abrazo mortal o en un bloqueo activo, el sistema de TM aborta la transacción y revierte los cambios especulativos. Para ser eficaz, una implementación de TM debe proporcionar un alto rendimiento y escalabilidad. Las implementaciones de TM en el software (STM) no proporcionan este desempeño deseable, en cambio, las mplementaciones de TM en hardware (HTM) tienen mejor desempeño y una escalabilidad relativamente buena, debido a su mejor control de los recursos de hardware y que la resolución de los conflictos así el mantenimiento y gestión de los datos se hace en hardware. Sin embargo, muchos de los sistemas de HTM están limitados a los recursos de hardware disponibles, por ejemplo el tamaño de las caches privadas, y dependen de mecanismos de software para cuando esos límites son sobrepasados. Estos sistemas HTM, llamados best-effort HTM no son deseables, ya que obligan al programador a pensar en términos de los límites existentes en el hardware que se esta utilizando, así como en el sistema de STM que se llama cuando los recursos son sobrepasados. Además, tiene que resolver que transacciones hardware y software se ejecuten concurrentemente. En cambio, los sistemas de HTM ilimitados soportan un numero de operaciones ilimitadas o sea no están restringidos a límites impuestos artificialmente por el hardware, como ser el tamaño de las caches o buffers internos. Los sistemas HTM ilimitados por lo general requieren protocolos complejos o mecanismos muy costosos para la detección de conflictos y el mantenimiento de versiones de los datos entre las transacciones. Por otra parte, la ejecución de transacciones es a menudo mucho más lenta que en una ejecución sobre un sistema de HTM que este limitado. Esto es debido al que los mecanismos utilizados en el HTM limitado trabaja con conjuntos de datos relativamente pequeños que caben o están muy cerca del núcleo del procesador. En esta tesis estudiamos implementaciones de TM en hardware. Presentaremos tres contribuciones principales: Primero, mejoramos el rendimiento general de los sistemas, al proponer un protocolo escalable para la gestión de conflictos. El protocolo detecta los conflictos de forma precisa, en contraste con otras técnicas basadas en filtros Bloom, que pueden reportar conflictos falsos entre las transacciones. Segundo, proponemos un best-effort HTM que utiliza el nuevo protocolo escalable detección de conflictos, denominado EazyHTM. EazyHTM permite la ejecución completamente paralela de todas las transacciones sin conflictos, y por lo general simplifica la ejecución. Por último, proponemos una extensión y mejora del protocolo inicial para la gestión de conflictos, que llamaremos EcoTM. EcoTM cuenta con detección de conflictos precisa, eficiente y es compatible tanto con transacciones grandes como con pequeñas. La idea clave de EcoTM es aprovechar la observación que en muy pocas ubicaciones de memoria aparecen los conflictos entre las transacciones, incluso en aplicaciones tienen muchos conflictos. En EcoTM, cada núcleo detecta localmente si la línea es conflictiva, además existe un mecanismo de detección de conflictos detallado que solo se activa para las pocas líneas de memoria que son potencialmente conflictivas

    DarkCache: Energy-performance Optimization of Tiled Multi-cores by Adaptively Power Gating LLC Banks

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    The Last Level Cache (LLC) is a key element to improve application performance in multi-cores. To handle the worst case, the main design trend employs tiled architectures with a large LLC organized in banks, which goes underutilized in several realistic scenarios. Our proposal, named DarkCache, aims at properly powering off such unused banks to optimize the Energy-Delay Product (EDP) through an adaptive cache reconfiguration, thus aggressively reducing the leakage energy. The implemented solution is general and it can recognize and skip the activation of the DarkCache policy for the few strong memory intensive applications that actually require the use of the entire LLC. The validation has been carried out on 16- and 64-core architectures also accounting for two state-of-the-art methodologies. Compared to the baseline solution, DarkCache exhibits a performance overhead within 2% and an average EDP improvement of 32.58% and 36.41% considering 16 and 64 cores, respectively. Moreover, DarkCache shows an average EDP gain between 16.15% (16 cores) and 21.05% (64 cores) compared to the best state-of-the-art we evaluated, and it confirms a good scalability since the gain improves with the size of the architecture

    3rd Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7598)

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    This manuscript includes recent scientific work regarding the Intel Single Chip Cloud computer and describes approaches for novel approaches for programming and run-time organization

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Demand-driven, concurrent discrete event simulation

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    Software-Oriented Data Access Characterization for Chip Multiprocessor Architecture Optimizations

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    The integration of an increasing amount of on-chip hardware in Chip-Multiprocessors (CMPs) poses a challenge of efficiently utilizing the on-chip resources to maximize performance. Prior research proposals largely rely on additional hardware support to achieve desirable tradeoffs. However, these purely hardware-oriented mechanisms typically result in more generic but less efficient approaches. A new trend is designing adaptive systems by exploiting and leveraging application-level information. In this work a wide range of applications are analyzed and remarkable data access behaviors/patterns are recognized to be useful for architectural and system optimizations. In particular, this dissertation work introduces software-based techniques that can be used to extract data access characteristics for cross-layer optimizations on performance and scalability. The collected information is utilized to guide cache data placement, network configuration, coherence operations, address translation, memory configuration, etc. In particular, an approach is proposed to classify data blocks into different categories to optimize an on-chip coherent cache organization. For applications with compile-time deterministic data access localities, a compiler technique is proposed to determine data partitions that guide the last level cache data placement and communication patterns for network configuration. A page-level data classification is also demonstrated to improve address translation performance. The successful utilization of data access characteristics on traditional CMP architectures demonstrates that the proposed approach is promising and generic and can be potentially applied to future CMP architectures with emerging technologies such as the Spin-transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM)

    Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

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    This thesis presents tools for Transactional Memory (TM) applications that cover multiple TM systems (Software, Hardware, and hybrid TM) and use information of all different layers of the TM software stack. Therefore, this thesis addresses a number of challenges to extract static information, information about the run time behavior, and expert-level knowledge to develop these new methods and strategies for the optimization of TM applications

    Efficient Interconnection Network Design for Heterogeneous Architectures

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    The onset of big data and deep learning applications, mixed with conventional general-purpose programs, have driven computer architecture to embrace heterogeneity with specialization. With the ever-increasing interconnected chip components, future architectures are required to operate under a stricter power budget and process emerging big data applications efficiently. Interconnection network as the communication backbone thus is facing the grand challenges of limited power envelope, data movement and performance scaling. This dissertation provides interconnect solutions that are specialized to application requirements towards power-/energy-efficient and high-performance computing for heterogeneous architectures. This dissertation examines the challenges of network-on-chip router power-gating techniques for general-purpose workloads to save static power. A voting approach is proposed as an adaptive power-gating policy that considers both local and global traffic status through router voting. In addition, low-latency routing algorithms are designed to guarantee performance in irregular power-gating networks. This holistic solution not only saves power but also avoids performance overhead. This research also introduces emerging computation paradigms to interconnects for big data applications to mitigate the pressure of data movement. Approximate network-on-chip is proposed to achieve high-throughput communication by means of lossy compression. Then, near-data processing is combined with in-network computing to further improve performance while reducing data movement. The two schemes are general to play as plug-ins for different network topologies and routing algorithms. To tackle the challenging computational requirements of deep learning workloads, this dissertation investigates the compelling opportunities of communication algorithm-architecture co-design to accelerate distributed deep learning. MultiTree allreduce algorithm is proposed to bond with message scheduling with network topology to achieve faster and contention-free communication. In addition, the interconnect hardware and flow control are also specialized to exploit deep learning communication characteristics and fulfill the algorithm needs, thereby effectively improving the performance and scalability. By considering application and algorithm characteristics, this research shows that interconnection network can be tailored accordingly to improve the power-/energy-efficiency and performance to satisfy heterogeneous computation and communication requirements