1,964 research outputs found

    Role of the medial part of the intraparietal sulcus in implementing movement direction

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    The contribution of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) to visually guided movements has been originally inferred from observations made in patients suffering from optic ataxia. Subsequent electrophysiological studies in monkeys and functional imaging data in humans have corroborated the key role played by the PPC in sensorimotor transformations underlying goal-directed movements, although the exact contribution of this structure remains debated. Here, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to interfere transiently with the function of the left or right medial part of the intraparietal sulcus (mIPS) in healthy volunteers performing visually guided movements with the right hand. We found that a "virtual lesion" of either mIPS increased the scattering in initial movement direction (DIR), leading to longer trajectory and prolonged movement time, but only when TMS was delivered 100-160 ms before movement onset and for movements directed toward contralateral targets. Control experiments showed that deficits in DIR consequent to mIPS virtual lesions resulted from an inappropriate implementation of the motor command underlying the forthcoming movement and not from an inaccurate computation of the target localization. The present study indicates that mIPS plays a causal role in implementing specifically the direction vector of visually guided movements toward objects situated in the contralateral hemifield

    Neuromechanical Tuning for Arm Motor Control

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    Movement is a fundamental behavior that allows us to interact with the external world. Its importance to human health is most evident when it becomes impaired due to disease or injury. Physical and occupational rehabilitation remains the most common treatment for these types of disorders. Although therapeutic interventions may improve motor function, residual deficits are common for many pathologies, such as stroke. The development of novel therapeutics is dependent upon a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms that govern movement. Movement of the human body adheres to the principles of classic Newtonian mechanics. However, due to the inherent complexity of the body and the highly variable repertoire of environmental contexts in which it operates, the musculoskeletal system presents a challenging control problem and the onus is on the central nervous system to reliably solve this problem. The neural motor system is comprised of numerous efferent and afferent pathways with a hierarchical organization which create a complex arrangement of feedforward and feedback circuits. However, the strategy that the neural motor system employs to reliably control these complex mechanics is still unknown. This dissertation will investigate the neural control of mechanics employing a “bottom-up” approach. It is organized into three research chapters with an additional introductory chapter and a chapter addressing final conclusions. Chapter 1 provides a brief description of the anatomical and physiological principles of the human motor system and the challenges and strategies that may be employed to control it. Chapter 2 describes a computational study where we developed a musculoskeletal model of the upper limb to investigate the complex mechanical interactions due to muscle geometry. Muscle lengths and moment arms contribute to force and torque generation, but the inherent redundancy of these actuators create a high-dimensional control problem. By characterizing these relationships, we found mechanical coupling of muscle lengths which the nervous system could exploit. Chapter 3 describes a study of muscle spindle contribution to muscle coactivation using a computational model of primary afferent activity. We investigated whether these afferents could contribute to motoneuron recruitment during voluntary reaching tasks in humans and found that afferent activity was orthogonal to that of muscle activity. Chapter 4 describes a study of the role of the descending corticospinal tract in the compensation of limb dynamics during arm reaching movements. We found evidence that corticospinal excitability is modulated in proportion to muscle activity and that the coefficients of proportionality vary in the course of these movements. Finally, further questions and future directions for this work are discussed in the Chapter 5

    A novel computational framework for deducing muscle synergies from experimental joint moments

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    Prior experimental studies have hypothesized the existence of a “muscle synergy” based control scheme for producing limb movements and locomotion in vertebrates. Such synergies have been suggested to consist of fixed muscle grouping schemes with the co-activation of all muscles in a synergy resulting in limb movement. Quantitative representations of these groupings (termed muscle weightings) and their control signals (termed synergy controls) have traditionally been derived by the factorization of experimentally measured EMG. This study presents a novel approach for deducing these weightings and controls from inverse dynamic joint moments that are computed from an alternative set of experimental measurements—movement kinematics and kinetics. This technique was applied to joint moments for healthy human walking at 0.7 and 1.7 m/s, and two sets of “simulated” synergies were computed based on two different criteria (1) synergies were required to minimize errors between experimental and simulated joint moments in a musculoskeletal model (pure-synergy solution) (2) along with minimizing joint moment errors, synergies also minimized muscle activation levels (optimal-synergy solution). On comparing the two solutions, it was observed that the introduction of optimality requirements (optimal-synergy) to a control strategy solely aimed at reproducing the joint moments (pure-synergy) did not necessitate major changes in the muscle grouping within synergies or the temporal profiles of synergy control signals. Synergies from both the simulated solutions exhibited many similarities to EMG derived synergies from a previously published study, thus implying that the analysis of the two different types of experimental data reveals similar, underlying synergy structures

    Neuroplasticity of Ipsilateral Cortical Motor Representations, Training Effects and Role in Stroke Recovery

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    This thesis examines the contribution of the ipsilateral hemisphere to motor control with the aim of evaluating the potential of the contralesional hemisphere to contribute to motor recovery after stroke. Predictive algorithms based on neurobiological principles emphasize integrity of the ipsilesional corticospinal tract as the strongest prognostic indicator of good motor recovery. In contrast, extensive lesions placing reliance on alternative contralesional ipsilateral motor pathways are associated with poor recovery. Within the predictive algorithms are elements of motor control that rely on contributions from ipsilateral motor pathways, suggesting that balanced, parallel contralesional contributions can be beneficial. Current therapeutic approaches have focussed on the maladaptive potential of the contralesional hemisphere and sought to inhibit its activity with neuromodulation. Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation I seek examples of beneficial plasticity in ipsilateral cortical motor representations of expert performers, who have accumulated vast amounts of deliberate practise training skilled bilateral activation of muscles habitually under ipsilateral control. I demonstrate that ipsilateral cortical motor representations reorganize in response to training to acquisition of skilled motor performance. Features of this reorganization are compatible with evidence suggesting ipsilateral importance in synergy representations, controlled through corticoreticulopropriospinal pathways. I demonstrate that ipsilateral plasticity can associate positively with motor recovery after stroke. Features of plastic change in ipsilateral cortical representations are shown in response to robotic training of chronic stroke patients. These findings have implications for the individualization of motor rehabilitation after stroke, and prompt reappraisal of the approach to therapeutic intervention in the chronic phase of stroke

    Muscle synergy analysis of lower-limb movements

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Biomedical Engineering (área de especialização em Medical Electronics)Neurological disorders and trauma often lead to impaired lower-limb motor coordination. Understanding how muscles combine to produce movement can directly benefit assistive solutions to those afflicted with these impairments. A theory in neuromusculoskeletal research, known as muscle synergies, has shown promising results in applications for this field. This hypothesis postulates that the Central Nervous System controls motor tasks through the time-variant combinations of modules (or synergies), each representing the co-activation of a group of muscles. There is, however, no unifying, evidence-based framework to ascertain muscle synergies, as synergy extraction methods vary greatly in the literature. Publications also focus on gait analysis, leaving a knowledge gap when concerning motor tasks important to daily life such as sitting and standing. The purpose of this dissertation is the development of a robust, evidence-based, task-generic synergy extraction framework unifying the divergent methodologies of this field of study, and to use this framework to study healthy muscle synergies on several activities of daily living: walking, sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit and knee flexion and extension. This was achieved by designing and implementing a cross-validated Non-Negative Matrix Factorization process and applying it to muscle electrical activity data. A preliminary study was undertaken to tune this configuration regarding cross-validating proportions, data structuring prior to factorization and evaluating criteria quantifying accuracy in modularity findings. Muscle synergies results were then investigated for different performing speeds to determine if their structure differed, and for consistency across subjects, to ascertain if a common set of muscle synergies underlay control on all subjects equally. Results revealed that the implemented framework was consistent in its ability to capture modularity (p < 0:05). The movements’ synergies also did not differ across the studied range of speeds (except one module in Knee Flexion) (p < 0:05). Additionally, a common set of muscle synergies was present across several subjects (p < 0:05), but shared commonality across every participant was only observed for the walking trials, for which much larger amounts of data were collected. Overall, the established framework is versatile and applicable for different lower-limb movements; muscle synergies findings for the examined movements may also be used as control references in assistive devices.As perturbações e traumas neurológicos afetam frequentemente a coordenação motora dos membros inferiores. Uma teoria recente em investigação neuromusculo-esquelética, denominada de sinergias musculares, tem demonstrado resultados promissores em soluções de assistência à população afetada por estes distúrbios. Esta teoria propõe que o Sistema Nervoso Central controla as tarefas motoras através de combinações variantes no tempo de módulos (ou sinergias), sendo que cada um representa a co-ativação de um grupo de músculos. No entanto, não existe nenhum processo uniformizante, empiricamente justificado para determinar sinergias musculares, porque os métodos de extração de sinergias variam muito na literatura. Para além disso, as publicações normalmente focam-se em análise da marcha, deixando uma lacuna de conhecimento em tarefas motoras do dia-a-dia, tais como sentar e levantar. O objetivo desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de um processo robusto, genérico e empiricamente justificado de extração de sinergias em várias tarefas motoras, unindo as metodologias divergentes neste campo de estudo, e subsequentemente utilizar este processo para estudar sinergias musculares de sujeitos saudáveis em várias atividades do dia-a-dia: marcha, erguer-se de pé partir de uma posição sentada, sentar-se a partir de uma posição de pé e extensão e flexão do joelho. Isto foi alcançado através da implementação de um processo de cross-validated Non-Negative Matrix Factorization e subsequente aplicação em dados de atividade elétrica muscular. Um estudo preliminar foi realizado para configurar este processo relativamente às proporções de cross-validation, estruturação de dados antes da fatorização e seleção de critério que quantifique o sucesso da representação modular dos dados. Os resultados da extração de sinergias de diferentes velocidades de execução foram depois examinados no sentido de descobrir se este fator influenciava a estrutura dos módulos motores, assim como se semelhanças entre as sinergias de diferentes sujeitos apontavam para um conjunto comum de sinergias musculares subjacente ao controlo do movimento. Os resultados revelaram que o processo implementado foi consistente na sua capacidade de capturar a modularidade nos dados recolhidos (p < 0:05). As sinergias de todos os movimentos também não diferiram para toda a gama de velocidades estudada (exceto um módulo na flexão do joelho) (p < 0:05). Por fim, um conjunto comum de sinergias musculares esteve presente em vários sujeitos (p < 0:05), mas só esteve presente em todos os sujeitos de igual forma para a marcha, para a qual a quantidade de dados recolhida foi muito maior. Globalmente, o processo implementado é versátil e aplicável a diferentes movimentos dos membros inferiores; os resultados das sinergias musculares para os movimentos examinados podem também ser utilizado como referências de controlo para dispositivos de assistência

    Neuromuscular Control Strategy during Object Transport while Walking: Adaptive Integration of Upper and Lower Limb Movements

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    When carrying an object while walking, a significant challenge for the central nervous system (CNS) is to preserve the object’s stability against the inter-segmental interaction torques and ground reaction forces. Studies documented several strategies used by the CNS: modulation of grip force (GF), alterations in upper limb kinematics, and gait adaptations. However, the question of how the CNS organizes the multi-segmental joint and muscle coordination patterns to deal with gait-induced perturbations remains poorly understood. This dissertation aimed to explore the neuromuscular control strategy utilized by the CNS to transport an object during walking successfully. Study 1 examined the inter-limb coordination patterns of the upper limbs when carrying a cylinder-shaped object while walking on a treadmill. It was predicted that transporting an object in one hand would affect the movement pattern of the contralateral arm to maintain the overall angular momentum. The results showed that transporting an object caused a decreased anti-phase coordination, but it did not induce significant kinematic and muscle activation changes in the unconstrained arm. Study 2 examined muscle synergy patterns for upper limb damping behavior by using non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF) method. Four synergies were identified, showing a proximal-to-distal pattern of activation preceding heel contacts. Study 3 examined the effect of different precision demands (carrying a cup with or without a ball) and altered visual information (looking forward vs. looking at an object) on the upper limb damping behavior and muscle synergies. Increasing precision demand induced stronger damping behavior and increased the electromyography (EMG) activation of wrist/hand flexors and extensors. The NNMF results replicated Study 2 in that the stabilization of proximal joints occurred before the distal joints. The results indicated that the damping incorporates tonic and phasic muscle activation to ensure object stabilization. Overall, three experiments showed that the CNS adopts a similar synergy pattern regardless of task constraint or altered gaze direction while modulating the amount of muscle activation for object stabilization. Kinematic changes can differ depending on the different levels of constraint, as shown in the smaller movement amplitude of the shoulder joint in the transverse plane during the task with higher precision demand

    Biceps brachii synergy and its contribution to target reaching tasks within a virtual cube

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    Ces dernières années, des travaux importants ont été observés dans le développement du contrôle prothétique afin d'aider les personnes amputées du membre supérieur à améliorer leur qualité de vie au quotidien. Certaines prothèses myoélectriques modernes des membres supérieurs disponibles dans le commerce ont de nombreux degrés de liberté et nécessitent de nombreux signaux de contrôle pour réaliser plusieurs tâches fréquemment utilisées dans la vie quotidienne. Pour obtenir plusieurs signaux de contrôle, de nombreux muscles sont requis mais pour les personnes ayant subi une amputation du membre supérieur, le nombre de muscles disponibles est plus ou moins réduit selon le niveau de l’amputation. Pour accroître le nombre de signaux de contrôle, nous nous sommes intéressés au biceps brachial, vu qu’anatomiquement il est formé de 2 chefs et que de la présence de compartiments a été observée sur sa face interne. Physiologiquement, il a été trouvé que les unités motrices du biceps sont activées à différents endroits du muscle lors de la production de diverses tâches fonctionnelles. De plus, il semblerait que le système nerveux central puisse se servir de la synergie musculaire pour arriver à facilement produire plusieurs mouvements. Dans un premier temps on a donc identifié que la synergie musculaire était présente chez le biceps de sujets normaux et on a montré que les caractéristiques de cette synergie permettaient d’identifier la posture statique de la main lorsque les signaux du biceps avaient été enregistrés. Dans un deuxième temps, on a réussi à démontrer qu’il était possible, dans un cube présenté sur écran, à contrôler la position d’une sphère en vue d’atteindre diverses cibles en utilisant la synergie musculaire du biceps. Les techniques de classification utilisées pourraient servir à faciliter le contrôle des prothèses myoélectriques.In recent years, important work has been done in the development of prosthetic control to help upper limb amputees improve their quality of life on a daily basis. Some modern commercially available upper limb myoelectric prostheses have many degrees of freedom and require many control signals to perform several tasks commonly used in everyday life. To obtain several control signals, many muscles are required, but for people with upper limb amputation, the number of muscles available is more or less reduced, depending on the level of amputation. To increase the number of control signals, we were interested in the biceps brachii, since it is anatomically composed of 2 heads and the presence of compartments was observed on its internal face. Physiologically, it has been found that the motor units of the biceps are activated at different places of the muscle during production of various functional tasks. In addition, it appears that the central nervous system can use muscle synergy to easily produce multiple movements. In this research, muscle synergy was first identified to be present in the biceps of normal subjects, and it was shown that the characteristics of this synergy allowed the identification of static posture of the hand when the biceps signals had been recorded. In a second investigation, we demonstrated that it was possible in a virtual cube presented on a screen to control online the position of a sphere to reach various targets by using muscle synergy of the biceps. Classification techniques have been used to improve the classification of muscular synergy features, and these classification techniques can be integrated with control algorithm that produces dynamic movement of myoelectric prostheses to facilitate the training of prosthetic control

    A Biomimetic Approach to Controlling Restorative Robotics

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    Movement is the only way a person can interact with the world around them. When trauma to the neuromuscular systems disrupts the control of movement, quality of life suffers. To restore limb functionality, active robotic interventions and/or rehabilitation are required. Unfortunately, the primary obstacle in a person’s recovery is the limited robustness of the human-machine interfaces. Current systems rely on control approaches that rely on the person to learn how the system works instead of the system being more intuitive and working with the person naturally. My research goal is to design intuitive control mechanisms based on biological processes termed the biomimetic approach. I have applied this control scheme to problems with restorative robotics focused on the upper and lower limb control. Operating an advanced active prosthetic hand is a two-pronged problem of actuating a high-dimensional mechanism and controlling it with an intuitive interface. Our approach attempts to solve these problems by going from muscle activity, electromyography (EMG), to limb kinematics calculated through dynamic simulation of a musculoskeletal model. This control is more intuitive to the user because they attempt to move their hand naturally, and the prosthetic hand performs that movement. The key to this approach was validating simulated muscle paths using both experimental measurements and anatomical constraints where data is missing. After the validation, simulated muscle paths and forces are used to decipher the intended movement. After we have calculated the intended movement, we can move a prosthetic hand to match. This approach required minimal training to give an amputee the ability to control prosthetic hand movements, such as grasping. A more intuitive controller has the potential to improve how people interact and use their prosthetic hands. Similarly, the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in people with damaged motor pathways or missing limbs require appropriate interventions. The problem of decoding human motor intent in a treadmill walking task can be solved with a biomimetic approach. Estimated limb speed is essential for this approach according to the theoretical input-output computation performed by spinal central pattern generators (CPGs), which represents neural circuitry responsible for autonomous control of stepping. The system used the locomotor phases, swing and stance, to estimate leg speeds and enable self-paced walking as well as steering in virtual reality with congruent visual flow. The unique advantage of this system over the previous state-of-art is the independent leg speed control, which is required for multidirectional movement in VR. This system has the potential to contribute to VR gait rehab techniques. Creating biologically-inspired controllers has the potential to improve restorative robotics and allow people a better opportunity to recover lost functionality post-injury. Movement is the only way a person can interact with the world around them. When trauma to the neuromuscular systems disrupts the control of movement, quality of life suffers. To restore limb functionality, active robotic interventions and/or rehabilitation are required. Unfortunately, the primary obstacle in a person’s recovery is the limited robustness of the human-machine interfaces. Current systems rely on control approaches that rely on the person to learn how the system works instead of the system being more intuitive and working with the person naturally. My research goal is to design intuitive control mechanisms based on biological processes termed the biomimetic approach. I have applied this control scheme to problems with restorative robotics focused on the upper and lower limb control.Operating an advanced active prosthetic hand is a two-pronged problem of actuating a high-dimensional mechanism and controlling it with an intuitive interface. Our approach attempts to solve these problems by going from muscle activity, electromyography (EMG), to limb kinematics calculated through dynamic simulation of a musculoskeletal model. This control is more intuitive to the user because they attempt to move their hand naturally, and the prosthetic hand performs that movement. The key to this approach was validating simulated muscle paths using both experimental measurements and anatomical constraints where data is missing. After the validation, simulated muscle paths and forces are used to decipher the intended movement. After we have calculated the intended movement, we can move a prosthetic hand to match. This approach required minimal training to give an amputee the ability to control prosthetic hand movements, such as grasping. A more intuitive controller has the potential to improve how people interact and use their prosthetic hands.Similarly, the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in people with damaged motor pathways or missing limbs require appropriate interventions. The problem of decoding human motor intent in a treadmill walking task can be solved with a biomimetic approach. Estimated limb speed is essential for this approach according to the theoretical input-output computation performed by spinal central pattern generators (CPGs), which represents neural circuitry responsible for autonomous control of stepping. The system used the locomotor phases, swing and stance, to estimate leg speeds and enable self-paced walking as well as steering in virtual reality with congruent visual flow. The unique advantage of this system over the previous state-of-art is the independent leg speed control, which is required for multidirectional movement in VR. This system has the potential to contribute to VR gait rehab techniques.Creating biologically-inspired controllers has the potential to improve restorative robotics and allow people a better opportunity to recover lost functionality post-injury


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    In all the experiments we investigated the relationship between the voluntary movement and the postural control. We particularly focused our attention on the role played by the APAs, since the general hypothesis is that the postural feed forward control of the movement is strictly bound to the voluntary movement itself in a complex and flexible way. In the first experiment we tested the hypothesis that APAs preceding an upper-limb target reaching movement could play a role also in controlling the movement accuracy. The aim of this study was seeking a direct proof of the relationship between the APAs amplitude and the endpoint of a target reaching movement. The aim of the second study was to determine whether a short term immobilization (12 h) interferes in parallel with both the activation of the prime mover muscle, responsible for a given movement, and the postural muscles that are recruited to stabilize the limb. In the third experiment was aimed at verifying whether the postural activation is affected by the phenomenon of the motor resonance as well as already described for the prime mover activation. The results of the first experiment reinforce the hypothesis that a successful on-target pointing movement relies upon a specific tuning between APAs and prime mover activation, as that obtained at the end of the adaptation phase. The most important result of the second experiment is that, although the prime mover activation remains unchanged after the immobilization, the trajectory described by the index finger is most likely changed between the two sessions due to the modification in the postural control that led to a less effective stabilization of the proximal joint, as was suggested by the mechanical model designed by Caronni and Cavallari (2009a). In the last experiment we demonstrated that the resonant response in resting subjects replicates, under threshold, both the primary movement and postural activity. The precocious increase in excitability observed in BB may be the expression of the anticipatory activation observed during the execution of the movement. Given that MR reflects aspects that are intrinsic to motor programming also this result strongly support the idea that primary movement and the postural command are essential components of the same neural process

    The Investigation of Motor Primitives During Human Reaching Movements and the Quantification of Post-Stroke Motor Impairment

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    Movement is a complex task, requiring precise and coordinated muscle contractions. The forces and torques produced during multi-segmental movement of the upper limbs in humans, must be controlled, in order for movement to be achieved successfully. Although a critical aspect of everyday life, there remain questions regarding the specific controller used by the central nervous system to govern movement. Furthermore, how this system is affected by neurological injuries such as stroke also remains in question. It was the goal of this thesis to examine the neurological control of movement in healthy individuals and apply these findings to the further investigation of chronically motor impaired stroke patients. Additionally, this work aimed at providing clinicians with a more reliable, easy to use, and inexpensive approach to quantify post-stroke motor impairment
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