39 research outputs found

    The rise and evolution of agile software development

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    Agile software development has dominated the second half of the past 50 years of software engineering. Retrospectives, one of the most common agile practices, enables reflection on past performance, discussion of current progress, and charting forth directions for future improvement. Because of agile's burgeoning popularity as the software development model of choice and a significant research subdomain of software engineering, it demands a retrospective of its own. This article provides a historical overview of agile's main focus areas and a holistic synthesis of its trends, their evolution over the past two decades, agile's current status, and, forecast from these, agile's likely future. This article is part of a theme issue on software engineering's 50th anniversary

    What more can software development learn from Agile manufacturing? A roadmap on the 20th anniversary of the Agile manifesto

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    The concept of agility originated in manufacturing and was later adopted by the software development discipline. In this article we argue that in the process some important aspects of the agility theory have been either ignored or misinterpreted. A historical review of the evolving paradigms and practices in software development and manufacturing on the 20th anniversary of the Agile Manifesto (2001) suggests that if the ideas and principles underlying agility are faithfully implemented it would lead to significant improvement in the software development process

    Systematic review on evaluating planning process in agile development methods

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    Agile development methods have been catering the need of faster delivery of theever-demanding domain of software engineering. These methods are able to deliver value to users and businesses via fast, reliable, and repeatable process.  Planning requirements and processes takes the driving seat in a dynamic environment because the value proposition rapidly changes. This paper exhibits asystematic literature review of planning processes implementedby various agile methods in order to find the best suited agile method in terms of robust planning. Keywords: It was found that Scrum is the best suited agile method for planning processes

    The State of Empathy in Agile Information System Development Methodologies (ISDMs)

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    The planning fallacy highlights people’s propensity to underestimate project completion times leading to disastrous results. Yet this is only one out of more than a hundred cognitive biases known to affect people’s thinking processes. Beholden to these powerful biological mechanisms, practitioners must continually contend with these biases to create something greater than themselves, painting a picture of ISDs as a socially complex process of negotiation. Agile ISDMs acknowledges this social reality, and with its popularity, understanding the factors of successful human interaction is now more important than ever. Despite empathy’s central role in communication, a rigorous search of IS literature has surprisingly found no studies of it in Agile ISDMs. This paper contributes to IS research by pioneering an exploratory study on the state of empathy in Agile ISDMs, gathering data on the field towards the creation of an initial theory, setting the stage for a richer, more robust theorizing

    A Rhetorical Analysis of the Agile Manifesto on its 20th Anniversary

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    The Agile Software Development (ASD) method is guided by the Agile manifesto which consists of an Agile philosophy and a set of 12 principles. However, despite the indisputable impact of Agile philosophy and principles on software development around the world, the phenomenon of its popularity has not received requisite attention by researchers. In this article we use the rhetorical analysis by focus group of eight industry experts and academics to understand the appeal and attractiveness of ASD to the software development community. We discover that the time was ripe for its introduction with many paradigms and established approaches getting challenged due to rapid pace of technological changes and rise in business uncertainties. The Agile manifesto and its principles tapped into the mood of the moment and perhaps unwittingly through an amalgamation of popular theories of the time from management and manufacturing created a movement generally welcomed by the software developers, but which intrigued many among the software engineering community who were traditionally strong adherents of Taylorism and its principles

    Modelado en 3D de una puerta de la ciudad de Rennes del siglo XV: Portes Mordelaises

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    [EN] The Portes Mordelaises, remnants of the medieval city walls of Rennes, France, has been the subject of several archaeological excavations until 2017. From these excavations, we created a three-dimensional (3D) model of the site reconstructed as it would have appeared during the 15th century, including the surrounding plus the interiors of its famed towers. Once our efforts and results were officially recognised as being of national interest by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Department of Heritage and the National Museum Service of France, we presented our virtual model reconstruction in an exhibition curated by the Museum of Bretagne, entitled "Rennes, les vies d'une ville" (Rennes, the Lives of a City). This approach to 3D reconstruction of the site served to further study Rennes’ origins, its construction, organisation, as well as its historic relationship to surrounding territories. The main objective of this work was to investigate, using of a significant and com[ES] Las Portes Mordelaises, restos de las murallas medievales de la ciudad de Rennes, Francia, han sido objeto de varias excavaciones arqueológicas hasta el año 2017. A partir de estas excavaciones, pudimos crear un modelo tridimensional (3D) del sitio reconstruido tal y como habría aparecido durante el siglo XV, incluyendo los terrenos circundantes así como los interiores de sus famosas torres. Una vez que nuestros esfuerzos y resultados fueron reconocidos oficialmente como de interés nacional por el Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicación de Francia, el Departamento de Patrimonio así como el Servicio Nacional de Museos de Francia, presentamos nuestra reconstrucción del modelo virtual en una exposición gestionada por el Museo de Bretaña titulada "Rennes, las vidas de una ciudad”. Este enfoque de la reconstrucción en 3D del sitio sirvió para profundizar en el estudio de los orígenes de Rennes, su construcción, su organización, así como su relación histórica con los territorios circundantes. EBarreau, J.; Esnault, E.; Foucher, J.; Six, M.; Le Faou, C. (2020). 3D modelling of a 15th century city gate of Rennes: Portes Mordelaises. Virtual Archaeology Review. 11(22):41-55. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.12653OJS41551122Ahmad, T., Afzal, M., Hayat, F., Asif, H. S., Ahsan, S., & Saleem, Y. (2012). Need for software design methodology for remote sensing applications. Life Sci Journal, 9(3), 2152-2156.Al-Baghdadi, M. A. S. (2017). 3D printing and 3D scanning of our ancient history: Preservation and protection of our cultural heritage and identity. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 8(5), 441-456.Alix, C., Carron, D., Roux-Capron, E., & Josserand, L. (2016). La porte Bannier, entrée principale de la ville d'Orléans aux XIVe-XVe siècles. Archeologie medievale, (46), 91-122. https://doi.org/10.4000/archeomed.2781Athanasoulis, D., Georgiou, A., Simou, X., Sfika, A., Klotsa, V., Zirogianni, T., Theodoropoulos, C., & Deligianni, E.-O. (2015). Bridging monuments through digital repository and graphic reconstruction methodologies. The Digital Enhancement Project of Argolid, Arcadia and Corinthia castles, Greece. In 2015 Digital Heritage, Vol. 1, (pp. 107- 110). Granada, Spain. https://doi.org/10.1109/digitalheritage.2015.7413846Auer, C. (2017). L'archéologie high tech - xenius arte. Retrieved February 16, 2017, from www.cnrs.fr/CNRSHebdo/bretagne-paysdeloire/actus.php?numero=11666Banfi, F., Brumana, R., & Stanga, C. (2019). Extended reality and informative models for the architectural heritage: from scan-to-BIM process to virtual and augmented reality. Virtual Archaeology Review, 10(21), 14-30. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2019.11923Barreau, J. B. (2017). Techniques de production, d'exploration et d'analyse d'environnements archéologiques virtuels.(Production, exploration and analysis techniques of virtual archaeological environments) (Doctoral dissertation, INSA de Rennes, France). Retrieved from https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01633811/documentBarreau, J.-B., Bernard, Y., Petit, Q., Beuchet, L., Petit, E., Platen, V., Gaugne, R., Le Rumeur, J., & Gouranton, V. (2014). Combination of 3D scanning, modeling and analyzing methods around the castle of Coatfrec reconstitution. In Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2014 (pp. 418-426). Limassol, Cyprus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_40Barreau, J.-B., Gaugne, R., Bernard, Y., Le Cloirec, G., & Gouranton, V. (2013). The West Digital Conservatory of Archaelogical Heritage project. In 2013 Digital Heritage (pp. 1-8). Marseille, France. https://doi.org/10.1109/digitalheritage.2013.6743795Barreau, J.-B., Lanoe, E., & Gaugne, R. (2020). 3D sketching of the fortified entrance of the citadel of Aleppo from a few sightseeing photos. In Kremers H. (Ed.), Digital Cultural Heritage (pp. 359-371). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15200-0_24Barrera-Vera, J. A. (2005). Generation of virtual models of historical tapial walls in Seville (Spain). In VSMM 2005: proceedings of the eleventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Virtual reality at work in the 21st century: impact on society. Ghent, Belgium.Bayraktar, C. (2016). V-RAY 3.3. Istanbul: Kodlab Yayin Dağitim Yazilim Ltd.şti.Boochs, F., Hoffmann, A., Huxhagen, U., & Welter, D. (2006). Digital reconstruction of archeological objects using hybrid sensing techniques-The example Porta Nigra at Trier. Bar International Series, 1568, 395-400.Bosser, A. G. (2004). Massively multi-player games: Matching game design with technical design. In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology (pp. 263-268). Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1145/1067343.1067378Brioso, X., Calderón, C., Aguilar, R., & Pando, M. A. (2019). Preliminary methodology for the integration of lean construction, bim and virtual reality in the planning phase of structural intervention in heritage structures. In Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (pp. 484-492). Cusco, Peru. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99441-3_52Canciani, M., Conigliaro, E., Grasso, M. D., Papalini, P., & Saccone, M. (2016). 3D survey and augmented reality for cultural heritage. The case study of Aurelian wall at Castra Praetoria in Rome. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B5, 931-937. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-xli-b5-931-2016Carrión-Ruiz, B., Blanco-Pons, S., Weigert, A., Fai, S., & Lerma, J. L. (2019). Merging photogrammetry and augmented reality: The Canadian Library of Parliament. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42(2/W11), 367-371. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w11-367-2019Châtellier, L. (2011). Modélisation 3d: la porte Cailhau. Retrieved May 20, 2011, from https://www.kiwimage.com/2011/3d/modelisation-3d-la-porte-cailhau/Contenson, L. D. (1907). Les remparts de Rennes. Bulletin Monumental, 71(1), 431-441. https://doi.org/10.3406/bulmo.1907.11425Debacker, P. (2019). Grâce aux nouvelles technologies, les archeologues sont plus efficaces. 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    Enabling Agile Environments - Software Tools Revisited with an Agile Mindset

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    Technology plays an increasing role in organisations and agile environments. The growing adoption of digital technology and the resulting unprecedented transformation of workplaces are potentially putting agile values and principles under attack. Agile mindset is a central aspect of agile concepts and embodies agile values and principles among other characteristics. In order to reconcile technology adoption and agile values, a framework is proposed which integrates agile mindset properties into software tool appropriation. The framework is based on information systems (IS) models of structuration and provides a means to translate implicit mindset properties into explicit actions performable by users. The research follows the design science research paradigm and utilises qualitative methods of data collection and analysis to create an artefact that was evaluated in practice

    Relationship between mature software engineering practices and agility practices

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    This paper reports on research work on Argentinean software development organizations. The analysis pro-vides insights on the profile of the companies regarding the usage of agile methods and software engineering practices trends, their motivations, and drivers. The conclusions can be used to understand what drivers facilitate the understanding of bonds between both in order to increase their competitiveness in domestic and off-shore markets.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Challenges in fulfilling requirements in user-centric information system design

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    Tietojärjestelmät ovat nykypäivän liiketoiminnan tärkeimpiä apuvälineitä. Tietojärjestelmien avulla voidaan jakaa, tallentaa ja hyödyntää liiketoiminnassa käytettäviä tietoja. Järjestelmien suunnittelun haasteena on ymmärtää asiakkaita ja tarkemmin järjestelmän käyttäjiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa halutaan tarkastella näitä haasteita ja selvittää syitä niiden ilmenemiseen. Tutkimuksen tietolähteinä toimivat sähköiset kirjat, artikkelit, diplomityöt, konferenssijulkaisut sekä fyysiset kirjat. Tutkimuksen päätutkimuskysymyksenä oli: ”Mitä haasteita ilmenee vaatimusten yhteensovittamisessa tietojärjestelmien käyttäjäkeskeiseen suunnitteluun?”. Päätutkimuskysymyksen lisäksi tutkimuksessa haluttiin selventää keskeisiä käsitteitä, kuten vaatimusmäärittely ja käyttäjäkokemus. Nämä käsitteet tukevat toisiaan tietojärjestelmien suunnittelussa, jonka takia niitä halutaan täsmentää lukijoille. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tutkitaan vaatimusmäärittelyn vaiheita sekä tietojärjestelmän kehittämisen prosessia. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on hahmottaa vaatimusmäärittelyn haasteita sekä vaatimuksien yhteensovittamisen haasteita tietojärjestelmien käyttäjäkeskeiseen suunnitteluun. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan tehdä johtopäätös, että vaatimuksien yhteensovittaminen tietojärjestelmien käyttäjäkeskeiseen suunnitteluun ei ole yksinkertaista. Vaatimusmäärittely on tietojärjestelmien suunnittelun ensimmäisiä, mutta myös kriittisimpiä vaiheita. Vaatimusmäärittelyssä ilmenevät ongelmat haittaavat tulevia suunnitteluprosessin vaiheita. Haasteina ovat esimerkiksi asiakkaan tietämättömyys omista tarpeistaan tai suunnittelijoiden väärä käsitys asiakkaiden tarpeista, jotka eivät ole todenmukaisia. Tutkimuksen tuloksien avulla tietojärjestelmäsuunnittelijat voivat hahmottaa käytännön suunnitteluratkaisuissaan tutkimuksessa esiin tulevia haasteita ja kehittää suunnittelua enemmän käyttäjäkeskeisemmäksi ja asiakaslähtöisemmäksi