4,106 research outputs found

    The Notions of the Closet and the Secret in Oscar Wilde\u27s, The Picture of Dorian Gray

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    This thesis will discuss the notions of the “closet” and “secret” within Oscar Wilde’s, The Picture of Dorian Gray, as well as offer a clear and precise definition of queer theory to assist in elucidating many of the concepts being discussed. Close reading techniques will be utilized to further uncover the metaphoric, symbolic, and otherwise figurative importance of certain aspects of The Picture of Dorian Gray and supporting texts. Through Judith Butler’s conceptualization of sex and gender, as well as Jacques Derrida’s interpretation of the “secret”, this paper will explicate the intricacies of Wilde’s work and unveil queered aspects in The Picture of Dorian Gray

    An analysis of Shadow in Lord Henry Character in Oscar Wilde’s “the Picture of Dorian Gray”

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    This study is aimed to analyze The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde in terms of analytical psychology. The problem concerns revealing the Shadow of Lord Henry's character which is portrayed in The Picture of Dorian Gray. The objective of this study is to analyze the shadow of Lord Henry's character in The Picture of Dorian Gray. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The source of data in this study is a novel by Oscar Wilde, titled The Picture of Dorian Gray which is published in 1890. The data were collected through the process of previewing, reading, and annotating and then the writer analyzed those data by using the theory of psychoanalysis by Carl Gustav Jung. It is found that Lord Henry is dominated by his shadow, as he cannot balance the other archetypes in his personality. He cannot define his true self because his shadow keeps haunting him, or in other words, Lord Henry’s self is the Shadow. Lord Henry’s shadow is manifested into Envious, Hypocrisy, Fear, Misogyny, and Machiavellian which is portrayed in The Picture of Dorian Gray. The other archetypes also play important role in arousing Lord Henry’s shadow such as Persona and Anima. The worst thing about Lord Henry’s shadow that it is not only affecting himself but also affecting another character that is Dorian Gray, where it thrusts and motivates Lord Henry to give destructive influence over him and eventually awakes Dorian’s own shadow

    Art and the Aesthetic of Graphic Novels as Seen in "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

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    Oscar’s views about Art for Art’s Sake were the primary focus of “The Decay of Lying: A Dialogue,” and "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Wilde believed that good art, real art, is a “lie”—it should not be a reflection of life, but rather influence life. In that way, people should make art from their own imaginations rather than what they see in the real world. Since it was first published, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" has been adapted into several other medias including graphic novels. Each graphic novel has a different style of art that all serve the same purpose successfully—to tell the tale of Dorian Gray and his portrait. This essay explores how graphic novels—specifically the adapted versions of "The Picture of Dorian Gray"—are representative of the primary text, as well as how the graphic novel medium provides the avenues necessary for the secondary texts to flourish as “Art for Art’s Sake.

    Misogyny in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Corpus Stylistic Analysis

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    This work is a corpus stylistic analysis of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray conducted by me with the aid of tools and corpora. More specifically, this research aims to investigate misogynistic aspects and comments present in the considered novel by way of corpus techniques.This work is a corpus stylistic analysis of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray conducted by me with the aid of tools and corpora. More specifically, this research aims to investigate misogynistic aspects and comments present in the considered novel by way of corpus techniques

    Hedonism as Seen in Oscar Wilde’s "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

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    This article discusses hedonism in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray through the main character’s actions and lifestyle. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) was published in the era where aestheticism movement was flourishing. Aestheticism is an arts movement that promoted art for the sake of its beauty alone. This movement is believed to be existed as a protest against the machine-made products in the Industrial Revolution which were regarded to be ugly. Therefore, the whole story of The Picture of Dorian Gray concerns about beauty. By analyzing the main character, this article aims to find out the role of the supporting characters, the similarity of Dorian’s lifestyle with the real Victorian gentlemen, and the role of beauty and art in Dorian Gray’s changing behavior. This study is conducted through library and internet research. It concludes that the main character Dorian Gray has undergone a process that changes his behavior which is involving the role of the supporting characters, the similarity of gentlemen’s lifestyle in the story with the real Victorian society, and the role of beauty and art which overall have changed Dorian’s behavior and lifestyle to the point where it can be regarded as hedonic


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    In this paper, the writer would like to analyze a novel entitled “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. The purpose of this writing is to analyze the psychological conflict of the main character. The writer uses psychoanalysis theory to analyze the psychological conflict of the main character in the novel and use library research. In this theory, the writer will discover the changes behavior of Dorian Gray. The main themes in this novel are youth, beauty and homosexuality; it becomes the reason why the writer entitles “Psychological Conflict Dorian Gray in The Novel Entitled “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde”

    Morality In Oscar Wilde’s The Picture Of Dorian Gray'. A Sociological Approach

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    This study, the writer analyzes The Picture of Dorian Gray written by Oscar Wilde by using sociological approach. This novel describes how the society influences moral personality in the late nineteenth century that reflects in Revolution Industry. The study belongs to qualitative method. In this method, the writer uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data sources and the object of the study are the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray itself, meanwhile the secondary data is any literature related with this study. The writer collects the data from both primary and secondary data that relating with this study. Then, the technique of data analysis is a descriptive analysis and content analysis. To prove that The Picture of Dorian Gray is based on the social background of English in the late nineteenth century, the study uses a Sociological Approach in analysis. Based on the analysis, the writer conclude that the novel is a literary work, which has close relation with the background of the society at the late of nineteenth century, especially in Victorian period. Oscar Wilde reflects the social condition in his literary work. The sociological analysis shows that the moral value influences by society

    The Picture Of Dorian Gray As A Reflection Of Oscar Wilde\u27s Life

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    For the past half-century Oscar tilde\u27s novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, has been the controversial subject matter of many literary writers. Literary critics have expressed diversities of opinions on the questions (l) What is the novel? and (2) What are the aspects of the novel? It is the task of the writer of this study to attempt to show through thorough analysis that Oscar Wilde\u27s novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is the life of the author. It has been observed that many potential readers have avoided the reading of Wilde\u27s novel because of the author\u27s reputation as a sexual invert. Readers, associating the novel with Wilde\u27s most appalling life, seemed to have conceived the idea that the novel is unwholesome. The writer wishes to point out that in order to give fairness to the author and not to overlook a good work, one should never judge a writing by the things an author may or may not do in his private life. Wilde\u27s novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, represents a work of an artist with unusual brain power and excellent talents

    The Uselessness of Art: Critique and Contradiction in The Picture of Dorian Gray

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    In the preface of The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890), Oscar Wilde argues that “all art is quite useless” and the only thing art is good for is its beauty. The Picture of Dorian Gray, however, is a work of literary art that is the opposite of useless; it serves as a critique of the hypocrisy of Victorian society. Strict legislative and cultural moral reforms at the time of the novel’s publication caused upper class Victorians to separate their private and public lives so that they could outwardly reflect society’s image of moral behavior while they really acted “immorally” behind closed doors. Wilde mocks his society’s dual morality in his novel, most notably through the increasingly hideous image of Dorian in a painting that reflects the title character’s immoral actions. The painting itself, an ugly but useful work of art, contradicts Wilde’s claim in his preface. By including the symbol of the painting of Dorian,Wilde insists that art can be two contradictory things at once, both paralleling Victorian duality and creating an aesthetic paradox within the novel. Wilde criticizes Victorian hypocrisy at the same time that he addresses its complexity in the context of both The Picture of Dorian Gray and Victorian society