1,049 research outputs found

    The EEG Activity during Binocular Depth Perception of 2D Images

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    © 2018 Marsel Fazlyyyakhmatov et al. The central brain functions underlying a stereoscopic vision were a subject of numerous studies investigating the cortical activity during binocular perception of depth. However, the stereo vision is less explored as a function promoting the cognitive processes of the brain. In this work, we investigated a cortical activity during the cognitive task consisting of binocular viewing of a false image which is observed when the eyes are refocused out of the random-dot stereogram plane (3D phenomenon). The power of cortical activity before and after the onset of the false image perception was assessed using the scull EEG recording. We found that during stereo perception of the false image the power of alpha-band activity decreased in the left parietal area and bilaterally in frontal areas of the cortex, while activity in beta-1, beta-2, and delta frequency bands remained to be unchanged. We assume that this suppression of alpha rhythm is presumably associated with increased attention necessary for refocusing the eyes at the plane of the false image

    Dissociating neural activity associated with the subjective phenomenology of monocular stereopsis : an EEG study

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    Support for DV and MU was provided by the Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (Grant Reference RGP-2016-269).The subjective phenomenology associated with stereopsis, of solid tangible objects separated by a palpable negative space, is conventionally thought to be a by-product of the derivation of depth from binocular disparity. However, the same qualitative impression has been reported in the absence of disparity, e.g., when viewing pictorial images monocularly through an aperture. Here we aimed to explore if we could identify dissociable neural activity associated with the qualitative impression of stereopsis, in the absence of the processing of binocular disparities. We measured EEG activity while subjects viewed pictorial (non-stereoscopic) images of 2D and 3D geometric forms under four different viewing conditions (Binocular, Monocular, Binocular aperture, Monocular aperture). EEG activity was analysed by oscillatory source localization (beamformer technique) to examine power change in occipital and parietal regions across viewing and stimulus conditions in targeted frequency bands (alpha: 8–13Hz & gamma: 60–90Hz). We observed expected event-related gamma synchronization and alpha desynchronization in occipital cortex and predominant gamma synchronization in parietal cortex across viewing and stimulus conditions. However, only the viewing condition predicted to generate the strongest impression of stereopsis (monocular aperture) revealed significantly elevated gamma synchronization within the parietal cortex for the critical contrasts (3D vs. 2D form). These findings suggest dissociable neural processes specific to the qualitative impression of stereopsis as distinguished from disparity processing.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to study dynamic stereoscopic depth perception

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    The parietal cortex has been widely implicated in the processing of depth perception by many neuroimaging studies, yet functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has been an under-utilised tool to examine the relationship of oxy- ([HbO]) and de-oxyhaemoglobin ([HbR]) in perception. Here we examine the haemodynamic response (HDR) to the processing of induced depth stimulation using dynamic random-dot-stereograms (RDS). We used fNIRS to measure the HDR associated with depth perception in healthy young adults (n = 13, mean age 24). Using a blocked design, absolute values of [HbO] and [HbR] were recorded across parieto-occipital and occipital cortices, in response to dynamic RDS. Control and test images were identical except for the horizontal shift in pixels in the RDS that resulted in binocular disparity and induced the percept of a 3D sine wave that 'popped out' of the test stimulus. The control stimulus had zero disparity and induced a 'flat' percept. All participants had stereoacuity within normal clinical limits and successfully perceived the depth in the dynamic RDS. Results showed a significant effect of this complex visual stimulation in the right parieto-occipital cortex (p < 0.01, η(2) = 0.54). The test stimulus elicited a significant increase in [HbO] during depth perception compared to the control image (p < 0.001, 99.99 % CI [0.008-0.294]). The similarity between the two stimuli may have resulted in the HDR of the occipital cortex showing no significant increase or decrease of cerebral oxygenation levels during depth stimulation. Cerebral oxygenation measures of [HbO] confirmed the strong association of the right parieto-occipital cortex with processing depth perception. Our study demonstrates the validity of fNIRS to investigate [HbO] and [HbR] during high-level visual processing of complex stimuli

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    The effects of stereo disparity on the behavioural and electrophysiological correlates of audio-visual motion in depth.

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    Motion is represented by low-level signals, such as size-expansion in vision or loudness changes in the auditory modality. The visual and auditory signals from the same object or event may be integrated and facilitate detection. We explored behavioural and electrophysiological correlates of congruent and incongruent audio-visual depth motion in conditions where auditory level changes, visual expansion, and visual disparity cues were manipulated. In Experiment 1 participants discriminated auditory motion direction whilst viewing looming or receding, 2D or 3D, visual stimuli. Responses were faster and more accurate for congruent than for incongruent audio-visual cues, and the congruency effect (i.e., difference between incongruent and congruent conditions) was larger for visual 3D cues compared to 2D cues. In Experiment 2, event-related potentials (ERPs) were collected during presentation of the 2D and 3D, looming and receding, audio-visual stimuli, while participants detected an infrequent deviant sound. Our main finding was that audio-visual congruity was affected by retinal disparity at an early processing stage (135 – 160 ms) over occipito-parietal scalp. Topographic analyses suggested that similar brain networks were activated for the 2D and 3D congruity effects, but that cortical responses were stronger in the 3D condition. Differences between congruent and incongruent conditions were observed between 140 – 200 ms, 220 – 280 ms, and 350 – 500 ms after stimulus onset

    Biosignalų požymių regos diskomfortui vertinti išskyrimas ir tyrimas

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    Comfortable stereoscopic perception continues to be an essential area of research. The growing interest in virtual reality content and increasing market for head-mounted displays (HMDs) still cause issues of balancing depth perception and comfortable viewing. Stereoscopic views are stimulating binocular cues – one type of several available human visual depth cues which becomes conflicting cues when stereoscopic displays are used. Depth perception by binocular cues is based on matching of image features from one retina with corresponding features from the second retina. It is known that our eyes can tolerate small amounts of retinal defocus, which is also known as Depth of Focus. When magnitudes are larger, a problem of visual discomfort arises. The research object of the doctoral dissertation is a visual discomfort level. This work aimed at the objective evaluation of visual discomfort, based on physiological signals. Different levels of disparity and the number of details in stereoscopic views in some cases make it difficult to find the focus point for comfortable depth perception quickly. During this investigation, a tendency for differences in single sensor-based electroencephalographic EEG signal activity at specific frequencies was found. Additionally, changes in eye tracker collected gaze signals were also found. A dataset of EEG and gaze signal records from 28 control subjects was collected and used for further evaluation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter reveals the fundamental knowledge ways of measuring visual discomfort based on objective and subjective methods. In the second chapter theoretical research results are presented. This research was aimed to investigate methods which use physiological signals to detect changes on the level of sense of presence. Results of the experimental research are presented in the third chapter. This research aimed to find differences in collected physiological signals when a level of visual discomfort changes. An experiment with 28 control subjects was conducted to collect these signals. The results of the thesis were published in six scientific publications – three in peer-reviewed scientific papers, three in conference proceedings. Additionally, the results of the research were presented in 8 conferences.Dissertatio

    A study to evaluate the reliability of using two-dimensional photographs, three-dimensional images, and stereoscopic projected three-dimensional images for patient assessment

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    Clinicians are accustomed to viewing conventional two-dimensional (2D) photographs and assume that viewing three-dimensional (3D) images is similar. Facial images captured in 3D are not viewed in true 3D; this may alter clinical judgement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of using conventional photographs, 3D images, and stereoscopic projected 3D images to rate the severity of the deformity in pre-surgical class III patients. Forty adult patients were recruited. Eight raters assessed facial height, symmetry, and profile using the three different viewing media and a 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS), and appraised the most informative viewing medium. Inter-rater consistency was above good for all three media. Intra-rater reliability was not significantly different for rating facial height using 2D (P = 0.704), symmetry using 3D (P = 0.056), and profile using projected 3D (P = 0.749). Using projected 3D for rating profile and symmetry resulted in significantly lower median VAS scores than either 3D or 2D images (all P < 0.05). For 75% of the raters, stereoscopic 3D projection was the preferred method for rating. The reliability of assessing specific characteristics was dependent on the viewing medium. Clinicians should be aware that the visual information provided when viewing 3D images is not the same as when viewing 2D photographs, especially for facial depth, and this may change the clinical impression