5,656 research outputs found

    SS 433 : a phenomenon imitating a Wolf-Rayet star

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    We present mid-infrared (2-12 micron) spectra of the microquasar SS 433 obtained with the Infrared Space Observatory (spectroscopic mode of ISOPHOT and ISOCAM). We compare them to the spectra of four Wolf-Rayet stars: WR78, WR134, WR136, and WR147 in the same wavelength range. The mid-infrared spectrum of SS 433 mainly shows HI and HeI emission lines and is very similar to the spectrum of WR147, a WN8(h)+B0.5V binary. The 2-12 micron continuum emission of SS 433 corresponds to optically thin and partially optically thick free-free emission, from which we calculate a mass loss rate of 2-3 x 10^{-4} Msun/yr if the wind is homogeneous and a third of these values if it is clumped. This is consistent with a strong stellar wind from a WN star. However, following recent studies concluding that the mass donor star of SS 433 is not a Wolf-Rayet star, we propose that this strong wind out flows from a geometrically thick envelope of material that surrounds the compact object like a stellar atmosphere, imitating the Wolf-Rayet phenomenon. This wind could also wrap the mass donor star, and at larger distances (~ 40 AU), it might form a dust envelope from which the thermal emission, detected with ISOPHOT at 25 micron and 60 micron, would originate. This wind also probably feeds the material that is ejected in the orbital plane of the binary system and that forms the equatorial outflow detected in radio at distances > 100 AU.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures (3 colour figures), accepted by A&A (in press

    Identification of the Mass Donor Star's Spectrum in SS 433

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    We present spectroscopy of the microquasar SS 433 obtained near primary eclipse and disk precessional phase Psi = 0.0, when the accretion disk is expected to be most ``face-on''. The likelihood of observing the spectrum of the mass donor is maximized at this combination of orbital and precessional phases since the donor is in the foreground and above the extended disk believed to be present in the system. The spectra were obtained over four different runs centered on these special phases. The blue spectra show clear evidence of absorption features consistent with a classification of A3-7 I. The behavior of the observed lines indicates an origin in the mass donor. The observed radial velocity variations are in anti-phase to the disk, the absorption lines strengthen at mid-eclipse when the donor star is expected to contribute its maximum percentage of the total flux, and the line widths are consistent with lines created in an A supergiant photosphere. We discuss and cast doubt on the possibility that these lines represent a shell spectrum rather than the mass donor itself. We re-evaluate the mass ratio of the system and derive masses of 10.9 +/- 3.1 Msun and 2.9 +/- 0.7 Msun for the mass donor and compact object plus disk, respectively. We suggest that the compact object is a low mass black hole. In addition, we review the behavior of the observed emission lines from both the disk/wind and high velocity jets.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 24 pages, 7 figure

    On the Origin of the Absorption Features in SS433

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    We present high-resolution optical spectroscopy of the X-ray binary system SS433, obtained over a wide range of orbital phases. The spectra display numerous weak absorption features, and include the clearest example seen to date of those features, resembling a mid-A type supergiant spectrum, that have previously been associated with the mass donor star. However, the new data preclude the hypothesis that these features originate solely within the photosphere of the putative mass donor, indicating that there may be more than one region within the system producing an A supergiant-like spectrum, probably an accretion disc wind. Indeed, whilst we cannot confirm the possibility that the companion star is visible at certain phase combinations, it is possible that all supergiant-like features observed thus far are produced solely in a wind. We conclude that great care must be taken when interpreting the behaviour of these weak features.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages, 6 figure

    Superbroad Component in Emission Lines of SS 433

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    We have detected new components in stationary emission lines of SS 433; these are the superbroad components that are low-contrast substrates with a width of 2000--2500 km s-1 in He I λ4922\lambda4922 and Hβ\beta and 4000--5000 km s-1 in He II λ4686\lambda4686. Based on 44 spectra taken during four years of observations from 2003 to 2007, we have found that these components in the He II and He I lines are eclipsed by the donor star; their behavior with precessional and orbital phases is regular and similar to the behavior of the optical brightness of SS 433. The same component in Hβ\beta shows neither eclipses nor precessional variability. We conclude that the superbroad components in the helium and hydrogen lines are different in origin. Electron scattering is shown to reproduce well the superbroad component of Hβ\beta at a gas temperature of 20--35 kK and an optical depth for Thomson scattering τ\tau \approx 0.25--0.35. The superbroad components of the helium lines are probably formed in the wind from the supercritical accretion disk. We have computed a wind model based on the concept of Shakura-Sunyaev supercritical disk accretion. The main patterns of the He II line profiles are well reproduced in this model: not only the appearance of the superbroad component but also the evolution of the central two-component part of the profile of this line during its eclipse by the donor star can be explained.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, published in Astronomy Letters, 2013, vol. 39, N 12, pp. 826 - 84

    Cygnus X-3 and the problem of the missing Wolf-Rayet X-ray binaries

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    Cygnus X-3 is a strong X-ray source (L_X about 10^38 erg/s) which is thought to consist of a compact object, accreting matter from a helium star. We find analytically that the estimated ranges of mass-loss rate and orbital-period derivative for Cyg X-3 are consistent with two models: i) the system is detached and the mass loss from the system comes from the stellar wind of a massive helium star, of which only a fraction that allows for the observed X-ray luminosity is accreted, or ii) the system is semidetached and a Roche-lobe-overflowing low- or moderate-mass helium donor transfers mass to the compact object, followed by ejection of its excess over the Eddington rate from the system. These analytical results appear to be consistent with evolutionary calculations. By means of population synthesis we find that currently in the Galaxy there may exist ~1 X-ray binary with a black hole that accretes from a >~ 7 MSun Wolf-Rayet star and ~1 X-ray binary in which a neutron star accretes matter from a Roche-lobe-overflowing helium star with mass <~ 1.5 MSun. Cyg X-3 is probably one of these systems.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&

    On the Nature of the Compact Object in SS~433. Observational Evidence of X-ray Photon Index Saturation

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray spectral properties observed from black hole candidate (BHC) binary SS~433. We have analyzed RXTE data from this source, coordinated with Green Bank Interferometer/RATAN-600. We show that SS~433 undergoes a X-ray spectral transition from the low hard state (LHS) to the intermediate state (IS). We show that the X-ray broad-band energy spectra during all spectral states are well fit by a sum of so called ``Bulk Motion Comptonization (BMC) component'' and by two (broad and narrow) Gaussians for the continuum and line emissions respectively. In addition to these spectral model components we also find a strong feature that we identify as a "blackbody-like (BB)" component which color temperature is in the range of 4-5 keV in 24 IS spectra during the radio outburst decay in SS~433. Our observational results on the "high temperature BB" bump leads us to suggest the presence of gravitationally redshifted annihilation line emission in this source. I\ We have also established the photon index saturation at about 2.3 in index vs mass accretion correlation. This index-mass accretion correlation allows us to evaluate the low limit of black hole (BH) mass of compact object in SS~433, M_{bh}> 2 solar masses, using the scaling method using BHC GX 339-4 as a reference source. Our estimate of the BH mass in SS 433 is consistent with recent BH mass measurement using the radial-velocity measurements of the binary system by Hillwig & Gies who find that M_{x}=(4.3+/-0.8 solar masses. This is the smallest BH mass found up to now among all BH sources. Moreover, the index saturation effect versus mass accretion rate revealed in SS~433, like in a number of other BH candidates, is the strong observational evidence for the presence of a BH in SS~433.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for the ApJ, 2010, October 1, v. 721 (2