18 research outputs found

    Noise- and compression-robust biological features for texture classification

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    Texture classification is an important aspect of many digital image processing applications such as surface inspection, content-based image retrieval, and biomedical image analysis. However, noise and compression artifacts in images cause problems for most texture analysis methods. This paper proposes the use of features based on the human visual system for texture classification using a semisupervised, hierarchical approach. The texture feature consists of responses of cells which are found in the visual cortex of higher primates. Classification experiments on different texture libraries indicate that the proposed features obtain a very high classification near 97%. In contrast to other well-established texture analysis methods, the experiments indicate that the proposed features are more robust to various levels of speckle and Gaussian noise. Furthermore, we show that the classification rate of the textures using the presented biologically inspired features is hardly affected by image compression techniques

    A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results

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    [EN] The use of image processing for the detection and classification of defects has been a reality for some time in science and industry. New methods are continually being presented to improve every aspect of this process. However, these new approaches are applied to a small, private collection of images, which makes a real comparative study of these methods very difficult. The objective of this paper was to compile a public annotated benchmark, that is, an extensive set of images with and without defects, and make these public, to enable the direct comparison of detection and classification methods. Moreover, different methods are reviewed and one of these is applied to the set of images; the results of which are also presented in this paper.The authors thank for the financial support provided by IVACE (Institut Valencia de Competitivitat Empresarial, Spain) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Europe), throughout the projects: AUTOVIMOTION and INTELITEX.Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Albero Albero, T.; Miralles, I.; Pérez-Llorens, R.; Moreno, J. (2019). A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results. AUTEX Research Journal. 19(4):363-374. https://doi.org/10.2478/aut-2019-0035S36337419

    Automated assessment of steatosis in murine fatty liver

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    Although mice are commonly used to study different aspects of fatty liver disease, currently there are no validated fully automated methods to assess steatosis in mice. Accurate detection of macro- and microsteatosis in murine models of fatty liver disease is important in studying disease pathogenesis and detecting potential hepatotoxic signature during drug development. Further, precise quantification of macrosteatosis is essential for quantifying effects of therapies. Here, we develop and validate the performance of automated classifiers built using image processing and machine learning methods for detection of macro- and microsteatosis in murine fatty liver disease and study the correlation of automated quantification of macrosteatosis with expert pathologist’s semi-quantitative grades. The analysis is performed on digital images of 27 Hematoxylin & Eosin stained murine liver biopsy samples. An expert liver pathologist scored the amount of macrosteatosis and also annotated macro- and microsteatosis lesions on the biopsy images using a web-application. Using these annotations, supervised machine learning and image processing techniques, we created classifiers to detect macro- and microsteatosis. For macrosteatosis prediction, the model’s precision, sensitivity and area under the receiver operator characteristic (AUROC) were 94.2%, 95%, 99.1% respectively. When correlated with pathologist’s semi-quantitative grade of steatosis, the model fits with a coefficient of determination value of 0.905. For microsteatosis prediction, the model has precision, sensitivity and AUROC of 79.2%, 77%, 78.1% respectively. Validation by the expert pathologist of classifier’s predictions made on unseen images of biopsy samples showed 100% and 63% accuracy for macro- and microsteatosis, respectively. This novel work demonstrates that fully automated assessment of steatosis is feasible in murine liver biopsies images. Our classifier has excellent sensitivity and accuracy for detection of macrosteatosis in murine fatty liver disease

    Characterization and classification of textures on natural images

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    The existing texture classification methods are generally based on a parameter extraction stage followed by a classifier stage . Using this kind of method,for an operational application requires to take into account the risk of classes mixture in the parameters space . We propose to take profit of Gagalowicz conjecture in order ta minimise this risk . The conjecture provides us with a set of parameters which totally describe the texture. We show that a connectionnist classifier is able to deal efficiently with these parameters .La plus grande partie des méthodes de classification de textures existantes consiste à alimenter un classifieur par un ensemble de paramètres caractéristiques calculés localement sur l'image texturée. La mise en œuvre de ces méthodes dans le cadre d'applications opérationnelles suppose la prise en compte d'un élément important : le risque de confusion de classes dans l'espace paramétrique. Pour éviter ce problème, nous proposons d'exploiter la conjecture de Gagalowicz [12], qui nous fournit un ensemble de paramètres suffisants pour caractériser totalement la texture. Nous montrons qu'un classifieur connexionniste est capable d'exploiter efficacement ces paramètre

    Analysis and synthesis of iris images

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    Of all the physiological traits of the human body that help in personal identification, the iris is probably the most robust and accurate. Although numerous iris recognition algorithms have been proposed, the underlying processes that define the texture of irises have not been extensively studied. In this thesis, multiple pair-wise pixel interactions have been used to describe the textural content of the iris image thereby resulting in a Markov Random Field (MRF) model for the iris image. This information is expected to be useful for the development of user-specific models for iris images, i.e. the matcher could be tuned to accommodate the characteristics of each user\u27s iris image in order to improve matching performance. We also use MRF modeling to construct synthetic irises based on iris primitive extracted from real iris images. The synthesis procedure is deterministic and avoids the sampling of a probability distribution making it computationally simple. We demonstrate that iris textures in general are significantly different from other irregular textural patterns. Clustering experiments indicate that the synthetic irises generated using the proposed technique are similar in textural content to real iris images

    A Review of Recent Advances in Surface Defect Detection using Texture analysis Techniques

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    In this paper, we systematically review recent advances in surface inspection using computer vision andimage processing techniques, particularly those based on texture analysis methods. The aim is to reviewthe state-of-the-art techniques for the purposes of visual inspection and decision making schemes that areable to discriminate the features extracted from normal and defective regions. This field is so vast that itis impossible to cover all the aspects of visual inspection. This paper focuses on a particular but importantsubset which generally treats visual surface inspection as texture analysis problems. Other topics related tovisual inspection such as imaging system and data acquisition are out of the scope of this survey.The surface defects are loosely separated into two types. One is local textural irregularities which is themain concern for most visual surface inspection applications. The other is global deviation of colour and/ortexture, where local pattern or texture does not exhibit abnormalities. We refer this type of defects as shadeor tonality problem. The second type of defects have been largely neglected until recently, particularly whencolour imaging system has been widely used in visual inspection and where chromatic consistency plays animportant role in quality control. The emphasis of this survey though is still on detecting local abnormalities,given the fact that majority of the reported works are dealing with the first type of defects.The techniques used to inspect textural abnormalities are discussed in four categories, statistical approaches,structural approaches, filter based methods, and model based approaches, with a comprehensivelist of references to some recent works. Due to rising demand and practice of colour texture analysis inapplication to visual inspection, those works that are dealing with colour texture analysis are discussedseparately. It is also worth noting that processing vector-valued data has its unique challenges, which conventionalsurface inspection methods have often ignored or do not encounter.We also compare classification approaches with novelty detection approaches at the decision makingstage. Classification approaches often require supervised training and usually provide better performancethan novelty detection based approaches where training is only carried out on defect-free samples. However,novelty detection is relatively easier to adapt and is particularly desirable when training samples areincomplet