104 research outputs found

    Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review

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    Medical images can be intentionally or unintentionally manipulated both within the secure medical system environment and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and transmitted. Many organisations have invested heavily in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), which are intended to facilitate data security. However, it is common for images, and records, to be extracted from these for a wide range of accepted practices, such as external second opinion, transmission to another care provider, patient data request, etc. Therefore, confirming trust within medical imaging workflows has become essential. Digital watermarking has been recognised as a promising approach for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of medical images. Authenticity refers to the ability to identify the information origin and prove that the data relates to the right patient. Integrity means the capacity to ensure that the information has not been altered without authorisation. This paper presents a survey of medical images watermarking and offers an evident scene for concerned researchers by analysing the robustness and limitations of various existing approaches. This includes studying the security levels of medical images within PACS system, clarifying the requirements of medical images watermarking and defining the purposes of watermarking approaches when applied to medical images

    A Hybrid Digital Watermarking Approach Using Wavelets and LSB

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    The present paper proposed a novel approach called Wavelet based Least Significant Bit Watermarking (WLSBWM) for high authentication, security and copyright protection. Alphabet Pattern (AP) approach is used to generate shuffled image in the first stage and Pell’s Cat Map (PCM) is used for providing more security and strong protection from attacks. PCM applied on each 5×5 sub images. A wavelet concept is used to reduce the dimensionality of the image until it equals to the size of the watermark image. Discrete Cosign Transform is applied in the first stage; later N level Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is applied for reducing up to the size of the watermark image. The water mark image is inserted in LHn Sub band of the wavelet image using LSB concept. Simulation results show that the proposed technique produces better PSNR and similarity measure. The experimental results indicate that the present approach is more reliable and secure efficient.The robustness of the proposed scheme is evaluated against various image-processing attacks

    A survey of digital image watermarking techniques

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    Watermarking, which belong to the information hiding field, has seen a lot of research interest recently. There is a lot of work begin conducted in different branches in this field. Steganography is used for secret conmunication, whereas watermarking is used for content protection, copyright management, content authentication and tamper detection. In this paper we present a detailed survey of existing and newly proposed steganographic and watenmarking techniques. We classify the techniques based on different domains in which data is embedded. Here we limit the survey to images only

    Contextual biometric watermarking of fingerprint images

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    This research presents contextual digital watermarking techniques using face and demographic text data as multiple watermarks for protecting the evidentiary integrity of fingerprint image. The proposed techniques embed the watermarks into selected regions of fingerprint image in MDCT and DWT domains. A general image watermarking algorithm is developed to investigate the application of MDCT in the elimination of blocking artifacts. The application of MDCT has improved the performance of the watermarking technique compared to DCT. Experimental results show that modifications to fingerprint image are visually imperceptible and maintain the minutiae detail. The integrity of the fingerprint image is verified through high matching score obtained from the AFIS system. There is also a high degree of correlation between the embedded and extracted watermarks. The degree of similarity is computed using pixel-based metrics and human visual system metrics. It is useful for personal identification and establishing digital chain of custody. The results also show that the proposed watermarking technique is resilient to common image modifications that occur during electronic fingerprint transmission

    Localization of Copy-Move Forgery in speech signals through watermarking using DCT-QIM

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    Digital speech copyright protection and forgery identification are the prevalent issues in our advancing digital world. In speech forgery, voiced part of the speech signal is copied and pasted to a specific location which alters the meaning of the speech signal. Watermarking can be used to safe guard the copyrights of the owner. To detect copy-move forgeries a transform domain watermarking method is proposed. In the proposed method, watermarking is achieved through Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) rule. Hash bits are also inserted in watermarked voice segments to detect Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) in speech signals. Proposed method is evaluated on two databases and achieved good imperceptibility. It exhibits robustness in detecting the watermark and forgeries against signal processing attacks such as resample, low-pass filtering, jittering, compression and cropping. The proposed work contributes for forensics analysis in speech signals. This proposed work also compared with the some of the state-of-art methods

    Localization of Copy-Move Forgery in speech signals through watermarking using DCT-QIM

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    Digital speech copyright protection and forgery identification are the prevalent issues in our advancing digital world. In speech forgery, voiced part of the speech signal is copied and pasted to a specific location which alters the meaning of the speech signal. Watermarking can be used to safe guard the copyrights of the owner. To detect copy-move forgeries a transform domain watermarking method is proposed. In the proposed method, watermarking is achieved through Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) rule. Hash bits are also inserted in watermarked voice segments to detect Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) in speech signals. Proposed method is evaluated on two databases and achieved good imperceptibility. It exhibits robustness in detecting the watermark and forgeries against signal processing attacks such as resample, low-pass filtering, jittering, compression and cropping. The proposed work contributes for forensics analysis in speech signals. This proposed work also compared with the some of the state-of-art methods

    WAVELET BASED DATA HIDING OF DEM IN THE CONTEXT OF REALTIME 3D VISUALIZATION (Visualisation 3D Temps-Réel à Distance de MNT par Insertion de Données Cachées Basée Ondelettes)

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    The use of aerial photographs, satellite images, scanned maps and digital elevation models necessitates the setting up of strategies for the storage and visualization of these data. In order to obtain a three dimensional visualization it is necessary to drape the images, called textures, onto the terrain geometry, called Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Practically, all these information are stored in three different files: DEM, texture and position/projection of the data in a geo-referential system. In this paper we propose to stock all these information in a single file for the purpose of synchronization. For this we have developed a wavelet-based embedding method for hiding the data in a colored image. The texture images containing hidden DEM data can then be sent from the server to a client in order to effect 3D visualization of terrains. The embedding method is integrable with the JPEG2000 coder to accommodate compression and multi-resolution visualization. Résumé L'utilisation de photographies aériennes, d'images satellites, de cartes scannées et de modèles numériques de terrains amène à mettre en place des stratégies de stockage et de visualisation de ces données. Afin d'obtenir une visualisation en trois dimensions, il est nécessaire de lier ces images appelées textures avec la géométrie du terrain nommée Modèle Numérique de Terrain (MNT). Ces informations sont en pratiques stockées dans trois fichiers différents : MNT, texture, position et projection des données dans un système géo-référencé. Dans cet article, nous proposons de stocker toutes ces informations dans un seul fichier afin de les synchroniser. Nous avons développé pour cela une méthode d'insertion de données cachées basée ondelettes dans une image couleur. Les images de texture contenant les données MNT cachées peuvent ensuite être envoyées du serveur au client afin d'effectuer une visualisation 3D de terrains. Afin de combiner une visualisation en multirésolution et une compression, l'insertion des données cachées est intégrable dans le codeur JPEG 2000

    A dual watermarking scheme for identity protection

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    A novel dual watermarking scheme with potential applications in identity protection, media integrity maintenance and copyright protection in both electronic and printed media is presented. The proposed watermarking scheme uses the owner’s signature and fingerprint as watermarks through which the ownership and validity of the media can be proven and kept intact. To begin with, the proposed watermarking scheme is implemented on continuous-tone/greyscale images, and later extended to images achieved via multitoning, an advanced version of halftoning-based printing. The proposed watermark embedding is robust and imperceptible. Experimental simulations and evaluations of the proposed method show excellent results from both objective and subjective view-points