265 research outputs found

    In vivo measurement of human brain elasticity using a light aspiration device

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    The brain deformation that occurs during neurosurgery is a serious issue impacting the patient "safety" as well as the invasiveness of the brain surgery. Model-driven compensation is a realistic and efficient solution to solve this problem. However, a vital issue is the lack of reliable and easily obtainable patient-specific mechanical characteristics of the brain which, according to clinicians' experience, can vary considerably. We designed an aspiration device that is able to meet the very rigorous sterilization and handling process imposed during surgery, and especially neurosurgery. The device, which has no electronic component, is simple, light and can be considered as an ancillary instrument. The deformation of the aspirated tissue is imaged via a mirror using an external camera. This paper describes the experimental setup as well as its use during a specific neurosurgery. The experimental data was used to calibrate a continuous model. We show that we were able to extract an in vivo constitutive law of the brain elasticity: thus for the first time, measurements are carried out per-operatively on the patient, just before the resection of the brain parenchyma. This paper discloses the results of a difficult experiment and provide for the first time in-vivo data on human brain elasticity. The results point out the softness as well as the highly non-linear behavior of the brain tissue.Comment: Medical Image Analysis (2009) accept\'

    Joint registration and synthesis using a probabilistic model for alignment of MRI and histological sections

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    Nonlinear registration of 2D histological sections with corresponding slices of MRI data is a critical step of 3D histology reconstruction. This task is difficult due to the large differences in image contrast and resolution, as well as the complex nonrigid distortions produced when sectioning the sample and mounting it on the glass slide. It has been shown in brain MRI registration that better spatial alignment across modalities can be obtained by synthesizing one modality from the other and then using intra-modality registration metrics, rather than by using mutual information (MI) as metric. However, such an approach typically requires a database of aligned images from the two modalities, which is very difficult to obtain for histology/MRI. Here, we overcome this limitation with a probabilistic method that simultaneously solves for registration and synthesis directly on the target images, without any training data. In our model, the MRI slice is assumed to be a contrast-warped, spatially deformed version of the histological section. We use approximate Bayesian inference to iteratively refine the probabilistic estimate of the synthesis and the registration, while accounting for each other's uncertainty. Moreover, manually placed landmarks can be seamlessly integrated in the framework for increased performance. Experiments on a synthetic dataset show that, compared with MI, the proposed method makes it possible to use a much more flexible deformation model in the registration to improve its accuracy, without compromising robustness. Moreover, our framework also exploits information in manually placed landmarks more efficiently than MI, since landmarks inform both synthesis and registration - as opposed to registration alone. Finally, we show qualitative results on the public Allen atlas, in which the proposed method provides a clear improvement over MI based registration

    Joint super-resolution and synthesis of 1 mm isotropic MP-RAGE volumes from clinical MRI exams with scans of different orientation, resolution and contrast

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    Most existing algorithms for automatic 3D morphometry of human brain MRI scans are designed for data with near-isotropic voxels at approximately 1 mm resolution, and frequently have contrast constraints as well-typically requiring T1-weighted images (e.g., MP-RAGE scans). This limitation prevents the analysis of millions of MRI scans acquired with large inter-slice spacing in clinical settings every year. In turn, the inability to quantitatively analyze these scans hinders the adoption of quantitative neuro imaging in healthcare, and also precludes research studies that could attain huge sample sizes and hence greatly improve our understanding of the human brain. Recent advances in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are producing outstanding results in super-resolution and contrast synthesis of MRI. However, these approaches are very sensitive to the specific combination of contrast, resolution and orientation of the input images, and thus do not generalize to diverse clinical acquisition protocols - even within sites. In this article, we present SynthSR, a method to train a CNN that receives one or more scans with spaced slices, acquired with different contrast, resolution and orientation, and produces an isotropic scan of canonical contrast (typically a 1 mm MP-RAGE). The presented method does not require any preprocessing, beyond rigid coregistration of the input scans. Crucially, SynthSR trains on synthetic input images generated from 3D segmentations, and can thus be used to train CNNs for any combination of contrasts, resolutions and orientations without high-resolution real images of the input contrasts. We test the images generated with SynthSR in an array of common downstream analyses, and show that they can be reliably used for subcortical segmentation and volumetry, image registration (e.g., for tensor-based morphometry), and, if some image quality requirements are met, even cortical thickness morphometry. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/BBillot/SynthSR

    Valentino Braitenberg: From neuroanatomy to behavior and back

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    This article compiles an expose of Valentino Braitenberg's singular view on neuroanatomy and neuroscience. The review emphasizes his topologically informed work on neuroanatomy and his dialectics of brain-based explanations of motor behavior. Some of his early ideas on topologically informed neuroanatomy are presented, together with some of his more obscure work on the taxonomy of neural fiber bundles and synaptic arborizations. His functionally informed interpretations of neuroanatomy of the cerebellum, cortex, and hippocampus, are introduced. Finally, we will touch on his philosophical views and the inextricable role of function in the explanation of neural behavior


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    Image-guided surgery (IGS) has been a major area of interest in recent decades that continues to transform surgical interventions and enable safer, less invasive procedures. In the preoperative contexts, diagnostic imaging, including computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, offers a basis for surgical planning (e.g., definition of target, adjacent anatomy, and the surgical path or trajectory to the target). At the intraoperative stage, such preoperative images and the associated planning information are registered to intraoperative coordinates via a navigation system to enable visualization of (tracked) instrumentation relative to preoperative images. A major limitation to such an approach is that motions during surgery, either rigid motions of bones manipulated during orthopaedic surgery or brain soft-tissue deformation in neurosurgery, are not captured, diminishing the accuracy of navigation systems. This dissertation seeks to use intraoperative images (e.g., x-ray fluoroscopy and cone-beam CT) to provide more up-to-date anatomical context that properly reflects the state of the patient during interventions to improve the performance of IGS. Advanced motion models for inter-modality image registration are developed to improve the accuracy of both preoperative planning and intraoperative guidance for applications in orthopaedic pelvic trauma surgery and minimally invasive intracranial neurosurgery. Image registration algorithms are developed with increasing complexity of motion that can be accommodated (single-body rigid, multi-body rigid, and deformable) and increasing complexity of registration models (statistical models, physics-based models, and deep learning-based models). For orthopaedic pelvic trauma surgery, the dissertation includes work encompassing: (i) a series of statistical models to model shape and pose variations of one or more pelvic bones and an atlas of trajectory annotations; (ii) frameworks for automatic segmentation via registration of the statistical models to preoperative CT and planning of fixation trajectories and dislocation / fracture reduction; and (iii) 3D-2D guidance using intraoperative fluoroscopy. For intracranial neurosurgery, the dissertation includes three inter-modality deformable registrations using physic-based Demons and deep learning models for CT-guided and CBCT-guided procedures

    Processing of structural neuroimaging data in young children:bridging the gap between current practice and state-of-the-art methods

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    The structure of the brain is subject to very rapid developmental changes during early childhood. Pediatric studies based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) over this age range have recently become more frequent, with the advantage of providing in vivo and non-invasive high-resolution images of the developing brain, toward understanding typical and atypical trajectories. However, it has also been demonstrated that application of currently standard MRI processing methods that have been developed with datasets from adults may not be appropriate for use with pediatric datasets. In this review, we examine the approaches currently used in MRI studies involving young children, including an overview of the rationale for new MRI processing methods that have been designed specifically for pediatric investigations. These methods are mainly related to the use of age-specific or 4D brain atlases, improved methods for quantifying and optimizing image quality, and provision for registration of developmental data obtained with longitudinal designs. The overall goal is to raise awareness of the existence of these methods and the possibilities for implementing them in developmental neuroimaging studies

    A four-dimensional probabilistic atlas of the human brain

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    The authors describe the development of a four-dimensional atlas and reference system that includes both macroscopic and microscopic information on structure and function of the human brain in persons between the ages of 18 and 90 years. Given the presumed large but previously unquantified degree of structural and functional variance among normal persons in the human population, the basis for this atlas and reference system is probabilistic. Through the efforts of the International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM), 7,000 subjects will be included in the initial phase of database and atlas development. For each subject, detailed demographic, clinical, behavioral, and imaging information is being collected. In addition, 5,800 subjects will contribute DNA for the purpose of determining genotype-phenotype-behavioral correlations. The process of developing the strategies, algorithms, data collection methods, validation approaches, database structures, and distribution of results is described in this report. Examples of applications of the approach are described for the normal brain in both adults and children as well as in patients with schizophrenia. This project should provide new insights into the relationship between microscopic and macroscopic structure and function in the human brain and should have important implications in basic neuroscience, clinical diagnostics, and cerebral disorders

    A four-dimensional probabilistic atlas of the human brain

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    The authors describe the development of a four-dimensional atlas and reference system that includes both macroscopic and microscopic information on structure and function of the human brain in persons between the ages of 18 and 90 years. Given the presumed large but previously unquantified degree of structural and functional variance among normal persons in the human population, the basis for this atlas and reference system is probabilistic. Through the efforts of the International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM), 7,000 subjects will be included in the initial phase of database and atlas development. For each subject, detailed demographic, clinical, behavioral, and imaging information is being collected. In addition, 5,800 subjects will contribute DNA for the purpose of determining genotype– phenotype–behavioral correlations. The process of developing the strategies, algorithms, data collection methods, validation approaches, database structures, and distribution of results is described in this report. Examples of applications of the approach are described for the normal brain in both adults and children as well as in patients with schizophrenia. This project should provide new insights into the relationship between microscopic and macroscopic structure and function in the human brain and should have important implications in basic neuroscience, clinical diagnostics, and cerebral disorders

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe cerebrovasculature is vital in maintaining health in the brain, but can be damaged by traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even in cases without hemorrhage, vessels are deformed with the surrounding tissue. Subfailure deformation could result in altered mechanical properties and dysfunction of these vessels. This dissertation aims to provide a better understanding of the biaxial mechanical properties of cerebral arteries, as well as determine mechanical stretch thresholds which produce ultimate failure and subfailure alteration of mechanical properties or vessel function. Three in vitro studies were undertaken. Passive biaxial mechanical properties under physiological loading, as well as failure properties of rat middle cerebral arteries (MCAs), were measured and compared to those of human pial arteries. Best fit parameters for a Fung type strain energy function are provided for the biaxial mechanical properties. Rat MCAs are stiffer in the axial direction than the circumferential, but less stiff in both directions than human arteries. Rat MCAs also exhibit a lower ultimate failure stress but higher failure stretch. The effect of subfailure axial overstretch on the contractile behavior of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in rat MCAs was investigated. Potassium dose response tests were conducted before and after a single axial overstretch, with varying magnitude and strain rate. Overstretches beyond a threshold of both magnitude and strain rate significantly reduced SMC contraction relative to time-matched controls, mirrored by an increase in potassium concentration required to evoke the half maximal contraction. The effect of subfailure axial overstretch on passive mechanical properties in sheep MCAs was investigated. Axial response was measured before and after a single quasi-static overstretch of various magnitudes. Post-overstretch, samples showed persistent softening (lower stress values at a given level of stretch). Softening was only observed above an overstretch threshold, and then increased with overstretch severity until a second threshold was reached, above which softening did not increase until failure. This dissertation provides improved understanding of cerebrovascular mechanics and relationships between such data acquired from animals and humans. It also provides insight into the potential role of subfailure cerebrovascular damage in disease states associated with TBI, such as second impact syndrome and strok

    Bayesian generative learning of brain and spinal cord templates from neuroimaging datasets

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    In the field of neuroimaging, Bayesian modelling techniques have been largely adopted and recognised as powerful tools for the purpose of extracting quantitative anatomical and functional information from medical scans. Nevertheless the potential of Bayesian inference has not yet been fully exploited, as many available tools rely on point estimation techniques, such as maximum likelihood estimation, rather than on full Bayesian inference. The aim of this thesis is to explore the value of approximate learning schemes, for instance variational Bayes, to perform inference from brain and spinal cord MRI data. The applications that will be explored in this work mainly concern image segmentation and atlas construction, with a particular emphasis on the problem of shape and intensity prior learning, from large training data sets of structural MR scans. The resulting computational tools are intended to enable integrated brain and spinal cord morphometric analyses, as opposed to the approach that is most commonly adopted in neuroimaging, which consists in optimising separate tools for brain and spine morphometrics
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