74 research outputs found

    Non-Negative Spherical Deconvolution (NNSD) for Fiber Orientation Distribution Function Estimation

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    International audienceIn diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI), Spherical Deconvolution (SD) is a commonly used approach for estimating the fiber Orientation Distribution Function (fODF). As a Probability Density Function (PDF) that characterizes the distribution of fiber orientations, the fODF is expected to be non-negative and to integrate to unity on the continuous unit sphere S2 . However, many existing approaches, despite using continuous representation such as Spherical Harmonics (SH), impose non-negativity only on discretized points of S2. Therefore, non-negativity is not guaranteed on the whole S2 Existing approaches are also known to .exhibit false positive fODF peaks, especially in regions with low anisotropy, causing an over-estimation of the number of fascicles that traverse each voxel. This paper proposes a novel approach, called Non-Negative SD (NNSD), to overcome the above limitations. NNSD offers the following advantages. First, NNSD is the first SH based method that guarantees non-negativity of the fODF throughout the unit sphere. Second, unlike approaches such as Maximum Entropy SD (MESD), Cartesian Tensor Fiber Orientation Distribution (CT-FOD), and discrete representation based SD (DR-SD) techniques, the SH representation allows closed form of spherical integration, efficient computation in a low dimensional space resided by the SH coefficients, and accurate peak detection on the continuous domain defined by the unit sphere. Third, NNSD is significantly less susceptible to producing false positive peaks in regions with low anisotropy. Evaluations of NNSD in comparison with Constrained SD (CSD), MESD, and DR-SD (implemented using L1-regularized least-squares with non-negative constraint), indicate that NNSD yields improved performance for both synthetic and real data. The performance gain is especially prominent for high resolution (1.25 mm)^3 data

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDiffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) has become a popular technique to detect brain white matter structure. However, imaging noise, imaging artifacts, and modeling techniques, etc., create many uncertainties, which may generate misleading information for further analysis or applications, such as surgical planning. Therefore, how to analyze, effectively visualize, and reduce these uncertainties become very important research questions. In this dissertation, we present both rank-k decomposition and direct decomposition approaches based on spherical deconvolution to decompose the fiber directions more accurately for high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data, which will reduce the uncertainties of the fiber directions. By applying volume rendering techniques to an ensemble of 3D orientation distribution function (ODF) glyphs, which we call SIP functions of diffusion shapes, one can elucidate the complex heteroscedastic structural variation in these local diffusion shapes. Furthermore, we quantify the extent of this variation by measuring the fraction of the volume of these shapes, which is consistent across all noise levels, the certain volume ratio. To better understand the uncertainties in white matter fiber tracks, we propose three metrics to quantify the differences between the results of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) fiber tracking algorithms: the area between corresponding fibers of each bundle, the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) between two fiber bundle volumes, and the current distance between two fiber bundle volumes. Based on these metrics, we discuss an interactive fiber track comparison visualization toolkit we have developed to visualize these uncertainties more efficiently. Physical phantoms, with high repeatability and reproducibility, are also designed with the hope of validating the dMRI techniques. In summary, this dissertation provides a better understanding about uncertainties in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging: where and how much are the uncertainties? How do we reduce these uncertainties? How can we possibly validate our algorithms

    A linear and regularized ODF estimation algorithm to recover multiple fibers in Q-Ball imaging

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    Due the well-known limitations of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), high angular resolution diffusion imaging is currently of great interest to characterize voxels containing multiple fiber crossings. In particular, Q-ball imaging (QBI) is now a popular reconstruction method to obtain the orientation distribution function (ODF) of these multiple fiber distributions. The latter captures all important angular contrast by expressing the probability that a water molecule will diffuse into any given solid angle. However, QBI and other high order spin displacement estimation methods involve non-trivial numerical computations and lack a straightforward regularization process. In this paper, we propose a simple linear and regularized analytic solution for the Q-ball reconstruction of the ODF. First, the signal is modeled with a physically meaningful high order spherical harmonic series by incorporating the Laplace-Beltrami operator in the solution. This leads to an elegant mathematical simplification of the Funk-Radon transform using the Funk-Hecke formula. In doing so, we obtain a fast and robust model-free ODF approximation. We validate the accuracy of the ODF estimation quantitatively using the multi-tensor synthetic model where the exact ODF can be computed. We also demonstrate that the estimated ODF can recover known multiple fiber regions in a biological phantom and in the human brain. Another important contribution of the paper is the development of ODF sharpening methods. We show that sharpening the measured ODF enhances each underlying fiber compartment and considerably improves the extraction of fibers. The proposed techniques are simple linear transformations of the ODF and can easily be computed using our spherical harmonics machinery

    Graph diffusion distance: a difference measure for weighted graphs based on the graph Laplacian exponential kernel

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    pre-printWe propose a novel difference metric, called the graph diffusion distance (GDD), for quantifying the difference between two weighted graphs with the same number of vertices. Our approach is based on measuring the average similarity of heat diffusion on each graph. We compute the graph Laplacian exponential kernel matrices, corresponding to repeatedly solving the heat diffusion problem with initial conditions localized to single vertices. The GDD is then given by the Frobenius norm of the difference of the kernels, at the diffusion time yielding the maximum difference. We study properties of the proposed distance on both synthetic examples, and on real-data graphs representing human anatomical brain connectivity

    A preliminary study on the effect of motion correction on HARDI reconstruction

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    pre-printPost-acquisition motion correction is widely performed in diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to guarantee voxel-wise correspondence between DWIs. Whereas this is primarily motivated to save as many scans as possible if corrupted by motion, users do not fully understand the consequences of different types of interpolation schemes on the final analysis. Nonetheless, interpolation might increase the partial volume effect while not preserving the volume of the diffusion profile, whereas excluding poor DWIs may affect the ability to resolve crossing fibers especially with small separation angles. In this paper, we investigate the effect of interpolating diffusion measurements as well as the elimination of bad directions on the reconstructed fiber orientation diffusion functions and on the estimated fiber orientations. We demonstrate such an effect on synthetic and real HARDI datasets. Our experiments demonstrate that the effect of interpolation is more significant with small fibers separation angles where the exclusion of motion-corrupted directions decreases the ability to resolve such crossing fibers

    Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales

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    This open access book focuses on processing, modeling, and visualization of anisotropy information, which are often addressed by employing sophisticated mathematical constructs such as tensors and other higher-order descriptors. It also discusses adaptations of such constructs to problems encountered in seemingly dissimilar areas of medical imaging, physical sciences, and engineering. Featuring original research contributions as well as insightful reviews for scientists interested in handling anisotropy information, it covers topics such as pertinent geometric and algebraic properties of tensors and tensor fields, challenges faced in processing and visualizing different types of data, statistical techniques for data processing, and specific applications like mapping white-matter fiber tracts in the brain. The book helps readers grasp the current challenges in the field and provides information on the techniques devised to address them. Further, it facilitates the transfer of knowledge between different disciplines in order to advance the research frontiers in these areas. This multidisciplinary book presents, in part, the outcomes of the seventh in a series of Dagstuhl seminars devoted to visualization and processing of tensor fields and higher-order descriptors, which was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, on October 28–November 2, 2018
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