947 research outputs found

    Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computation in Remote Sensing

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and evolutionary computation methods have been successfully applied in remote sensing applications since they offer unique advantages for the analysis of remotely-sensed images. ANNs are effective in finding underlying relationships and structures within multidimensional datasets. Thanks to new sensors, we have images with more spectral bands at higher spatial resolutions, which clearly recall big data problems. For this purpose, evolutionary algorithms become the best solution for analysis. This book includes eleven high-quality papers, selected after a careful reviewing process, addressing current remote sensing problems. In the chapters of the book, superstructural optimization was suggested for the optimal design of feedforward neural networks, CNN networks were deployed for a nanosatellite payload to select images eligible for transmission to ground, a new weight feature value convolutional neural network (WFCNN) was applied for fine remote sensing image segmentation and extracting improved land-use information, mask regional-convolutional neural networks (Mask R-CNN) was employed for extracting valley fill faces, state-of-the-art convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object detection models were applied to automatically detect airplanes and ships in VHR satellite images, a coarse-to-fine detection strategy was employed to detect ships at different sizes, and a deep quadruplet network (DQN) was proposed for hyperspectral image classification

    Reconstruction of Daily 30 m Data from HJ CCD, GF-1 WFV, Landsat, and MODIS Data for Crop Monitoring

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    With the recent launch of new satellites and the developments of spatiotemporal data fusion methods, we are entering an era of high spatiotemporal resolution remote-sensing analysis. This study proposed a method to reconstruct daily 30 m remote-sensing data for monitoring crop types and phenology in two study areas located in Xinjiang Province, China. First, the Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion Approach (STDFA) was used to reconstruct the time series high spatiotemporal resolution data from the Huanjing satellite charge coupled device (HJ CCD), Gaofen satellite no. 1 wide field-of-view camera (GF-1 WFV), Landsat, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Then, the reconstructed time series were applied to extract crop phenology using a Hybrid Piecewise Logistic Model (HPLM). In addition, the onset date of greenness increase (OGI) and greenness decrease (OGD) were also calculated using the simulated phenology. Finally, crop types were mapped using the phenology information. The results show that the reconstructed high spatiotemporal data had a high quality with a proportion of good observations (PGQ) higher than 0.95 and the HPLM approach can simulate time series Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI) very well with R2 ranging from 0.635 to 0.952 in Luntai and 0.719 to 0.991 in Bole, respectively. The reconstructed high spatiotemporal data were able to extract crop phenology in single crop fields, which provided a very detailed pattern relative to that from time series MODIS data. Moreover, the crop types can be classified using the reconstructed time series high spatiotemporal data with overall accuracy equal to 0.91 in Luntai and 0.95 in Bole, which is 0.028 and 0.046 higher than those obtained by using multi-temporal Landsat NDVI data

    Towards a set of agrosystem-specific cropland mapping methods to address the global cropland diversity

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    Accurate cropland information is of paramount importance for crop monitoring. This study compares five existing cropland mapping methodologies over five contrasting Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) sites of medium to large average field size using the time series of 7-day 250 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) mean composites (red and near-infrared channels). Different strategies were devised to assess the accuracy of the classification methods: confusion matrices and derived accuracy indicators with and without equalizing class proportions, assessing the pairwise difference error rates and accounting for the spatial resolution bias. The robustness of the accuracy with respect to a reduction of the quantity of calibration data available was also assessed by a bootstrap approach in which the amount of training data was systematically reduced. Methods reached overall accuracies ranging from 85% to 95%, which demonstrates the ability of 250 m imagery to resolve fields down to 20 ha. Despite significantly different error rates, the site effect was found to persistently dominate the method effect. This was confirmed even after removing the share of the classification due to the spatial resolution of the satellite data (from 10% to 30%). This underlines the effect of other agrosystems characteristics such as cloudiness, crop diversity, and calendar on the ability to perform accurately. All methods have potential for large area cropland mapping as they provided accurate results with 20% of the calibration data, e.g. 2% of the study area in Ukraine. To better address the global cropland diversity, results advocate movement towards a set of cropland classification methods that could be applied regionally according to their respective performance in specific landscapes.Instituto de Clima y AguaFil: Waldner, François. Université catholique de Louvain. Earth and Life Institute - Environment, Croix du Sud; BelgicaFil: De Abelleyra, Diego. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Veron, Santiago Ramón. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información; ArgentinaFil: Zhang, Miao. Chinese Academy of Science. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth; ChinaFil: Wu, Bingfang. Chinese Academy of Science. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth; ChinaFil: Plotnikov, Dmitry. Russian Academy of Sciences. Space Research Institute. Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Laboratory; RusiaFil: Bartalev, Sergey. Russian Academy of Sciences. Space Research Institute. Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Laboratory; RusiaFil: Lavreniuk, Mykola. Space Research Institute NAS and SSA. Department of Space Information Technologies; UcraniaFil: Skakun, Sergii. Space Research Institute NAS and SSA. Department of Space Information Technologies; Ucrania. University of Maryland. Department of Geographical Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Kussul, Nataliia. Space Research Institute NAS and SSA. Department of Space Information Technologies; UcraniaFil: Le Maire, Guerric. UMR Eco&Sols, CIRAD; Francia. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Meio Ambiante; BrasilFil: Dupuy, Stéphane. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement. Territoires, Environnement, Télédétection et Information Spatiale; FranciaFil: Jarvis, Ian. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Science and Technology Branch. Agri-Climate, Geomatics and Earth Observation; CanadáFil: Defourny, Pierre. Université Catholique de Louvain. Earth and Life Institute - Environment, Croix du Sud; Belgic

    A systematic review of the use of Deep Learning in Satellite Imagery for Agriculture

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    Agricultural research is essential for increasing food production to meet the requirements of an increasing population in the coming decades. Recently, satellite technology has been improving rapidly and deep learning has seen much success in generic computer vision tasks and many application areas which presents an important opportunity to improve analysis of agricultural land. Here we present a systematic review of 150 studies to find the current uses of deep learning on satellite imagery for agricultural research. Although we identify 5 categories of agricultural monitoring tasks, the majority of the research interest is in crop segmentation and yield prediction. We found that, when used, modern deep learning methods consistently outperformed traditional machine learning across most tasks; the only exception was that Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks did not consistently outperform Random Forests (RF) for yield prediction. The reviewed studies have largely adopted methodologies from generic computer vision, except for one major omission: benchmark datasets are not utilised to evaluate models across studies, making it difficult to compare results. Additionally, some studies have specifically utilised the extra spectral resolution available in satellite imagery, but other divergent properties of satellite images - such as the hugely different scales of spatial patterns - are not being taken advantage of in the reviewed studies.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures and lots of large tables. Supplementary materials section included here in main pd

    Effect of the Red-Edge Band from Drone Altum Multispectral Camera in Mapping the Canopy Cover of Winter Wheat, Chickweed, and Hairy Buttercup

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    The detection and mapping of winter wheat and the canopy cover of associated weeds, such as chickweed and hairy buttercup, are essential for crop and weed management. With emerging drone technologies, the use of a multispectral camera with the red-edge band, such as Altum, is commonly used for crop and weed mapping. However, little is understood about the contribution of the red-edge band in mapping. The aim of this study was to examine the addition of the red-edge band from a drone with an Altum multispectral camera in improving the detection and mapping of the canopy cover of winter wheat, chickweed, and hairy buttercup. The canopy cover of winter wheat, chickweed, and hairy buttercup were classified and mapped with the red-edge band inclusively and exclusively using a random forest classification algorithm. Results showed that the addition of the red-edge band increased the overall mapping accuracy of about 7%. Furthermore, the red-edge wavelength was found to better detect winter wheat relative to chickweed and hairy buttercup. This study demonstrated the usefulness of the red-edge band in improving the detection and mapping of winter wheat and associated weeds (chickweed and hairy buttercup) in agricultural fields

    Investigation of remote sensing techniques as inputs to operational resource management

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Visual interpretation of 1:125,000 color LANDSAT prints produced timely level 1 maps of accuracies in excess of 80% for agricultural land identification. Accurate classification of agricultural land via digital analysis of LANDSAT CCT's required precise timing of the date of data collection with mid to late June optimum for western South Dakota. The LANDSAT repetitive nine day cycle over the state allowed the surface areas of stockdams and small reservoir systems to be monitored to provide a timely approximation of surface water conditions on the range. Combined use of DIRS, K-class, and LANDSAT CCT's demonstrated the ability to produce aspen maps of greater detail and timeliness than was available using US Forest Service maps. Visual temporal analyses of LANDSAT imagery improved highway map drainage information and were used to prepare a seven county drainage network. An optimum map of flood-prone areas was developed, utilizing high altitude aerial photography and USGS maps

    Applications of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in Chinese agriculture:Challenges and opportunities

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    Ensuring adequate food supplies to a large and increasing population continues to be the key challenge for China. Given the increasing integration of China within global markets for agricultural products, this issue is of considerable significance for global food security. Over the last 50 years, China has increased the production of its staple crops mainly by increasing yield per unit land area. However, this has largely been achieved through inappropriate agricultural practices, which have caused environmental degradation, with deleterious consequences for future agricultural productivity. Hence, there is now a pressing need to intensify agriculture in China using practices that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Given the dynamic nature of crops over space and time, the use of remote sensing technology has proven to be a valuable asset providing end-users in many countries with information to guide sustainable agricultural practices. Recently, the field has experienced considerable technological advancements reflected in the availability of ‘hyper-sensing’ (high spectral, spatial and temporal) satellite imagery useful for monitoring, modelling and mapping of agricultural crops. However, there still remains a significant challenge in fully exploiting such technologies for addressing agricultural problems in China. This review paper evaluates the potential contributions of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ to agriculture in China and identifies the opportunities and challenges for future work. We perform a critical evaluation of current capabilities in satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in agriculture with an emphasis on Chinese sensors. Our analysis draws on a series of in-depth examples based on recent and on-going projects in China that are developing ‘hyper-sensing’ approaches for (i) measuring crop phenology parameters and predicting yields; (ii) specifying crop fertiliser requirements; (iii) optimising management responses to abiotic and biotic stress in crops; (iv) maximising yields while minimising water use in arid regions; (v) large-scale crop/cropland mapping; and (vi) management zone delineation. The paper concludes with a synthesis of these application areas in order to define the requirements for future research, technological innovation and knowledge exchange in order to deliver yield sustainability in China

    Monitoring global vegetation

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    An attempt is made to identify the need for, and the current capability of, a technology which could aid in monitoring the Earth's vegetation resource on a global scale. Vegetation is one of our most critical natural resources, and accurate timely information on its current status and temporal dynamics is essential to understand many basic and applied environmental interrelationships which exist on the small but complex planet Earth