1,140 research outputs found

    Strategy for enhancing reliability and lifetime of DC-AC inverters used for wind turbines

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    Lifetime of wind turbine inverters is below expectations therefore, novel design and drive strategies are timely required to achieve optimum life span. In this work, a novel driving strategy to mitigate stresses on inverters is proposed. First, an electro thermal analysis was carried out using finite element modelling methods. Subsequently, the outcomes of the models were validated using DC/AC IGBT based power inverter module interfaced to 1.1 kW electrical outputs of a horizontal wind turbine operated under different wind speeds. Real time data was collected using both dSPACE system and high speed thermal imaging camera. The proposed driving method is based on adjusting the switching frequency according to wind speed. Edge detection scheme was embedded in Simulink to determine temperature fluctuations caused by variations in wind speed profile. Effects of these fluctuations are mitigated by regulating the switching frequency and power losses based on a look up table and interpolation method. The proposed strategy of operation reduces cyclic temperature depended lifetime span (total lifetime consumption) to 1.45×10−5 cycles compared to 1.88×10−5 when operated under conventional fixed frequency. Wire-bond thermal stress was also reduced from 54.5 MPa, for the fixed switching frequency, to 45.5 MPa. This represents about 21% reduction in total lifetime consumption of inverter's wire-bond which, brings huge benefits to wind energy industry

    Power Quality Enhancement in Electricity Grids with Wind Energy Using Multicell Converters and Energy Storage

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    In recent years, the wind power industry is experiencing a rapid growth and more wind farms with larger size wind turbines are being connected to the power system. While this contributes to the overall security of electricity supply, large-scale deployment of wind energy into the grid also presents many technical challenges. Most of these challenges are one way or another, related to the variability and intermittent nature of wind and affect the power quality of the distribution grid. Power quality relates to factors that cause variations in the voltage level and frequency as well as distortion in the voltage and current waveforms due to wind variability which produces both harmonics and inter-harmonics. The main motivation behind work is to propose a new topology of the static AC/DC/AC multicell converter to improve the power quality in grid-connected wind energy conversion systems. Serial switching cells have the ability to achieve a high power with lower-size components and improve the voltage waveforms at the input and output of the converter by increasing the number of cells. Furthermore, a battery energy storage system is included and a power management strategy is designed to ensure the continuity of power supply and consequently the autonomy of the proposed system. The simulation results are presented for a 149.2 kW wind turbine induction generator system and the results obtained demonstrate the reduced harmonics, improved transient response, and reference tracking of the voltage output of the wind energy conversion system.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Power electronics:The enabling technology for renewable energy integration

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    Reliability Assessment of IGBT through Modelling and Experimental Testing

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    Lifetime of power electronic devices, in particular those used for wind turbines, is short due to the generation of thermal stresses in their switching device e.g., IGBT particularly in the case of high switching frequency. This causes premature failure of the device leading to an unreliable performance in operation. Hence, appropriate thermal assessment and implementation of associated mitigation procedure are required to put in place in order to improve the reliability of the switching device. This paper presents two case studies to demonstrate the reliability assessment of IGBT. First, a new driving strategy for operating IGBT based power inverter module is proposed to mitigate wire-bond thermal stresses. The thermal stress is characterised using finite element modelling and validated by inverter operated under different wind speeds. High-speed thermal imaging camera and dSPACE system are used for real time measurements. Reliability of switching devices is determined based on thermoelectric (electrical and/or mechanical) stresses during operations and lifetime estimation. Second, machine learning based data-driven prognostic models are developed for predicting degradation behaviour of IGBT and determining remaining useful life using degradation raw data collected from accelerated aging tests under thermal overstress condition. The durations of various phases with increasing collector-emitter voltage are determined over the device lifetime. A data set of phase durations from several IGBTs is trained to develop Neural Network (NN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) models, which is used to predict remaining useful life (RUL) of IGBT. Results obtained from the presented case studies would pave the path for improving the reliability of IGBTs

    Use, Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems:Experiences and Future Approaches

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    The aim of this book is to put the reader in contact with real experiences, current and future trends in the context of the use, exploitation and maintenance of renewable energy systems around the world. Today the constant increase of production plants of renewable energy is guided by important social, economical, environmental and technical considerations. The substitution of traditional methods of energy production is a challenge in the current context. New strategies of exploitation, new uses of energy and new maintenance procedures are emerging naturally as isolated actions for solving the integration of these new aspects in the current systems of energy production. This book puts together different experiences in order to be a valuable instrument of reference to take into account when a system of renewable energy production is in operation

    Power electronics technologies for renewable energy sources

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    Over the last decades, power grids are facing significant improvements mainly due to the integration of more and more technologies. In particular, renewable energy sources (RES) are contributing to moving from centralized energy production to a new paradigm of distributed energy production. Analyzing in more detail the requirements of the diverse technologies of RES, it is possible to identify a common and key point: power electronics. In fact, power electronics is the key technology to embrace the RES technologies towards controllability and the success of sustainability of power grids. In this context, this book chapter is focused on the analysis of diverse RES technologies from the point of view of power electronics, including the introduction and explanation of the operating principle of the most relevant RES, both in onshore and offshore scenarios. Additionally, are also presented the main topologies of power electronics converters used in the interface of RES.(undefined

    Power Semiconductors for An Energy-Wise Society

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    This IEC White Paper establishes the critical role that power semiconductors play in transitioning to an energy wise society. It takes an in-depth look at expected trends and opportunities, as well as the challenges surrounding the power semiconductors industry. Among the significant challenges mentioned is the need for change in industry practices when transitioning from linear to circular economies and the shortage of skilled personnel required for power semiconductor development. The white paper also stresses the need for strategic actions at the policy-making level to address these concerns and calls for stronger government commitment, policies and funding to advance power semiconductor technologies and integration. It further highlights the pivotal role of standards in removing technical risks, increasing product quality and enabling faster market acceptance. Besides noting benefits of existing standards in accelerating market growth, the paper also identifies the current standardization gaps. The white paper emphasizes the importance of ensuring a robust supply chain for power semiconductors to prevent supply-chain disruptions like those seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, which can have widespread economic impacts.The white paper highlights the importance of inspiring young professionals to take an interest in power semiconductors and power electronics, highlighting the potential to make a positive impact on the world through these technologies.The white paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers, regulators, industry and other IEC stakeholders for collaborative structures and accelerating the development and adoption of standards

    Design and implementation of rural microgrids : Laguna Grande case study

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    In 2015 the United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: a set of interrelated objectives and a guide to reach a more sustainable and higher quality future for all humanity. The goals were set with a timeline for 2030, the seventh goal refers specifically to the universal access to “affordable and clean energy”. Taking account the considerable fraction of world population that do not have access to electricity, especially in rural areas, this goal still requires a great effort and investment. Rural hybrid microgrids, that integrate and manage solar and wind energy resources to provide electric service to remote locations, are a promising solution to reach this “last mile” scenario. However, as is reported in the literature, there is still scarce information about the performance of these systems based on measured data obtained in real working field conditions. This work aims to contribute to this aspect mainly by analyzing the data obtained in the 9 kW Laguna Grande community hybrid microgrid, which is cooperative since 2016 in the coast of Perú, and has been equipped with sensors and data acquisition systems that measure and register solar radiation, wind speed, temperatures, and all the relevant electric parameters. As a preliminary study, the rural electrification gap and costs are assessed, as well as the availability of solar and wind resources in the area of interest. A literature and state of the art review is undertaken followed by the definition of the microgrid concept and the different ways in which a rural microgrid can be configured. The particular way in which the Laguna Grande microgrid is configured and instrumented is described. Measured meteorological conditions as solar radiation, wind speed and temperature are analyzed and related to the power generated by the photovoltaic arrays and wind turbine. This in turn leads to a balance with respect to the power delivered to the community and consequently to the voltage levels of the battery bank. Battery dynamics concepts are used to determine the depth of discharge (DOD) of the batteries in a real time regime. The statistics of the DOD values allows for the duration of the battery to be estimated which is a key factor to the microgrid economics and reliability. A parametric study is done to assess the effect of varying battery size on the technical and economic performance of the microgrid; similarly, with generating capacity in both photovoltaic arrays and wind turbines. Complementarily, a commercial software is used to optimize the microgrid, introducing state of the art components as lithium-ion batteries, power electronics and photovoltaic modules for a future upgrade. Finally, this study would not be complete without emphasizing the importance and adequate consideration of the human factor for the success and long-term sustainability of rural electrification projects.En el año 2015 las Naciones Unidas estableció los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: un conjunto de objetivos interrelacionados y una guía para alcanzar un futuro más sostenible y de mayor calidad para toda la humanidad. Las metas se establecieron con una línea de tiempo para el 2030, la séptima meta se refiere específicamente al acceso universal a “energía limpia y asequible”. Teniendo en cuenta la fracción considerable de la población mundial que no tiene acceso a la electricidad, especialmente en las zonas rurales, este objetivo aún requiere un gran esfuerzo e inversión. Las microrredes híbridas rurales, que integran y gestionan los recursos de energía solar y eólica para proporcionar servicio eléctrico a lugares remotos, son una solución prometedora para llegar a este escenario de “última milla”. Sin embargo, como se reporta en la literatura, aún existe poca información sobre el desempeño de estos sistemas basada en datos medidos y obtenidos en condiciones operativas, reales de campo. Este trabajo busca contribuir en este aspecto principalmente mediante el análisis de los datos obtenidos en la microrred híbrida comunitaria de 9 kW en Laguna Grande, que está operativa desde 2016 en la costa de Perú. Esta microrred ha sido equipada con sensores y sistemas de adquisición de datos que miden y registran la energía solar, radiación, velocidad del viento, temperaturas y todos los parámetros eléctricos relevantes. Como estudio preliminar se evalúa la brecha y costos de electrificación rural, así como la disponibilidad de recurso solar y eólico en la zona de interés. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica y del estado del arte, seguida de la definición del concepto de microrred y las diferentes formas en que se puede configurar una microrred rural. Se describe la forma particular en que se configura e instrumenta la microrred de Laguna Grande. Las condiciones meteorológicas medidas como la radiación solar, la velocidad del viento y la temperatura se analizan y relacionan con la energía generada por los arreglos fotovoltaicos y la turbina eólica. Esto a su vez conduce a realizar un balance con respecto a la potencia entregada a la comunidad y consecuentemente a los niveles de voltaje del banco de baterías. Los conceptos de dinámica de batería se utilizan para determinar la profundidad de descarga (DOD) de las baterías en un régimen a tiempo real. Las estadísticas de los valores DOD permiten estimar la duración de la batería, lo cual es un factor clave para la economía y confiabilidad de la microrred. Se realiza un estudio paramétrico para evaluar el efecto de variar el tamaño de la batería en el desempeño técnico y económico de la microrred; de igual forma, con la capacidad de generación tanto en arreglos fotovoltaicos como turbinas eólicas. Complementariamente, se utiliza un software comercial para optimizar la microrred, introduciendo componentes de última generación como baterías de iones de litio, electrónica de potencia y módulos fotovoltaicos para una futura actualización. Finalmente, este estudio no estaría completo sin enfatizar la importancia y la adecuada consideración del factor humano para el éxito y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de los proyectos de electrificación rural.Postprint (published version

    The Role of Power Electronic Converters in Microgrid Technology: A Review of Challenges, Solutions, and Research Directions

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    The paper is on the role of power electronic converters in microgrid technology: A review of challenges, solutions and research directions. The objective of the paper is to perform a comprehensive overview of the role of power electronic converters in microgrid technology, focusing on challenges, solutions, and research directions. Findings revealed that major challenges of power electronic converters integration in microgrid technology are voltage and frequency regulation issues, power quality issues, creative management and coordination challenges, and Integration of renewable energy sources. The solutions to these problems are advanced control algorithms such as Model Predictive Control (MPC); deployment of active power filters or harmonic compensators to reduce harmonic distortion and improve power quality; iimplement a centralized control system with centralized monitoring controllers to coordinate the operation of several converters and ensure consistent operation; and combining multiple renewable energy sources in a hybrid energy system to diversify generation sources and reduce the gap. The future research directions include, among others, advanced control strategies, grid-forming converters, wideband semiconductor, and cyber-security and Resilience. The paper concludes that the integration of power electronic converters into microgrid technology presents both opportunities and challenges. Although these converters play an important role in the efficient conversion, distribution and utilization of energy in microgrids, they face various technical and practical challenges. To mitigate these challenges, the implementation of advanced control strategies, grid-forming converters, etc., is inevitable.&nbsp