267 research outputs found

    Towards a European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC)

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    The European Union (EU) initiative on the Digital Transformation of Health and Care (Digicare) aims to provide the conditions necessary for building a secure, flexible, and decentralized digital health infrastructure. Creating a European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC) within this environment should enable data sharing and analysis for health research across the EU, in compliance with data protection legislation while preserving the full trust of the participants. Such a HRIC should learn from and build on existing data infrastructures, integrate best practices, and focus on the concrete needs of the community in terms of technologies, governance, management, regulation, and ethics requirements. Here, we describe the vision and expected benefits of digital data sharing in health research activities and present a roadmap that fosters the opportunities while answering the challenges of implementing a HRIC. For this, we put forward five specific recommendations and action points to ensure that a European HRIC: i) is built on established standards and guidelines, providing cloud technologies through an open and decentralized infrastructure; ii) is developed and certified to the highest standards of interoperability and data security that can be trusted by all stakeholders; iii) is supported by a robust ethical and legal framework that is compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); iv) establishes a proper environment for the training of new generations of data and medical scientists; and v) stimulates research and innovation in transnational collaborations through public and private initiatives and partnerships funded by the EU through Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

    Computing patient data in the cloud: practical and legal considerations for genetics and genomics research in Europe and internationally

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    Biomedical research is becoming increasingly large-scale and international. Cloud computing enables the comprehensive integration of genomic and clinical data, and the global sharing and collaborative processing of these data within a flexibly scalable infrastructure. Clouds offer novel research opportunities in genomics, as they facilitate cohort studies to be carried out at unprecedented scale, and they enable computer processing with superior pace and throughput, allowing researchers to address questions that could not be addressed by studies using limited cohorts. A well-developed example of such research is the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes project, which involves the analysis of petabyte-scale genomic datasets from research centers in different locations or countries and different jurisdictions. Aside from the tremendous opportunities, there are also concerns regarding the utilization of clouds; these concerns pertain to perceived limitations in data security and protection, and the need for due consideration of the rights of patient donors and research participants. Furthermore, the increased outsourcing of information technology impedes the ability of researchers to act within the realm of existing local regulations owing to fundamental differences in the understanding of the right to data protection in various legal systems. In this Opinion article, we address the current opportunities and limitations of cloud computing and highlight the responsible use of federated and hybrid clouds that are set up between public and private partners as an adequate solution for genetics and genomics research in Europe, and under certain conditions between Europe and international partners. This approach could represent a sensible middle ground between fragmented individual solutions and a “one-size-fits-all” approach

    Smart City IoT Data Management with Proactive Middleware

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    With the increased emergence of cloud-based services, users are frequently perplexed as to which cloud service to use and whether it will be beneficial to them. The user must compare various services, which can be a time-consuming task if the user is unsure of what they might need for their application. This paper proposes a middleware solution for storing Internet of Things (IoT) data produced by various sensors, such as traffic, air quality, temperature, and so on, on multiple cloud service providers depending on the type of data. Standard cloud computing technologies become insufficient to handle the data as the volume of data generated by smart city devices grows. The middleware was created after a comparative study of various existing middleware. The middleware uses the concept of the federal cloud for the purpose of storing data. The middleware solution described in this paper makes it easier to distribute and classify IoT data to various cloud environments based on its type. The middleware was evaluated using a series of tests, which revealed its ability to properly manage smart city data across multiple cloud environments. Overall, this research contributes to the development of middleware solutions that can improve the management of IoT data in settings such as smart cities


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    This book is divided into different research areas relevant in Bioinformatics such as biological networks, next generation sequencing, high performance computing, molecular modeling, structural bioinformatics, molecular modeling and intelligent data analysis. Each book section introduces the basic concepts and then explains its application to problems of great relevance, so both novice and expert readers can benefit from the information and research works presented here

    Partitioning workflow applications over federated clouds to meet non-functional requirements

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    PhD ThesisWith cloud computing, users can acquire computer resources when they need them on a pay-as-you-go business model. Because of this, many applications are now being deployed in the cloud, and there are many di erent cloud providers worldwide. Importantly, all these various infrastructure providers o er services with di erent levels of quality. For example, cloud data centres are governed by the privacy and security policies of the country where the centre is located, while many organisations have created their own internal \private cloud" to meet security needs. With all this varieties and uncertainties, application developers who decide to host their system in the cloud face the issue of which cloud to choose to get the best operational conditions in terms of price, reliability and security. And the decision becomes even more complicated if their application consists of a number of distributed components, each with slightly di erent requirements. Rather than trying to identify the single best cloud for an application, this thesis considers an alternative approach, that is, combining di erent clouds to meet users' non-functional requirements. Cloud federation o ers the ability to distribute a single application across two or more clouds, so that the application can bene t from the advantages of each one of them. The key challenge for this approach is how to nd the distribution (or deployment) of application components, which can yield the greatest bene ts. In this thesis, we tackle this problem and propose a set of algorithms, and a framework, to partition a work ow-based application over federated clouds in order to exploit the strengths of each cloud. The speci c goal is to split a distributed application structured as a work ow such that the security and reliability requirements of each component are met, whilst the overall cost of execution is minimised. To achieve this, we propose and evaluate a cloud broker for partitioning a work ow application over federated clouds. The broker integrates with the e-Science Central cloud platform to automatically deploy a work ow over public and private clouds. We developed a deployment planning algorithm to partition a large work ow appli- - i - cation across federated clouds so as to meet security requirements and minimise the monetary cost. A more generic framework is then proposed to model, quantify and guide the partitioning and deployment of work ows over federated clouds. This framework considers the situation where changes in cloud availability (including cloud failure) arise during work ow execution

    Cloud technology options towards Free Flow of Data

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    This whitepaper collects the technology solutions that the projects in the Data Protection, Security and Privacy Cluster propose to address the challenges raised by the working areas of the Free Flow of Data initiative. The document describes the technologies, methodologies, models, and tools researched and developed by the clustered projects mapped to the ten areas of work of the Free Flow of Data initiative. The aim is to facilitate the identification of the state-of-the-art of technology options towards solving the data security and privacy challenges posed by the Free Flow of Data initiative in Europe. The document gives reference to the Cluster, the individual projects and the technologies produced by them

    BioClimate: a Science Gateway for Climate Change and Biodiversity research in the EUBrazilCloudConnect project

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    [EN] Climate and biodiversity systems are closely linked across a wide range of scales. To better understand the mutual interaction between climate change and biodiversity there is a strong need for multidisciplinary skills, scientific tools, and access to a large variety of heterogeneous, often distributed, data sources. Related to that, the EUBrazilCloudConnect project provides a user-oriented research environment built on top of a federated cloud infrastructure across Europe and Brazil, to serve key needs in different scientific domains, which is validated through a set of use cases. Among them, the most data-centric one is focused on climate change and biodiversity research. As part of this use case, the BioClimate Science Gateway has been implemented to provide end-users transparent access to (i) a highly integrated user-friendly environment, (ii) a large variety of data sources, and (iii) different analytics & visualization tools to serve a large spectrum of users needs and requirements. This paper presents a complete overview of BioClimate and the related scientific environment, in particular its Science Gateway, delivered to the end-user community at the end of the project.This work was supported by the EU FP7 EUBrazilCloudConnect Project (Grant Agreement 614048), and CNPq/Brazil (Grant Agreement no 490115/2013-6).Fiore, S.; Elia, D.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Brasileiro, FV.; Nuzzo, A.; Nassisi, P.; Rufino, LAA.... (2019). BioClimate: a Science Gateway for Climate Change and Biodiversity research in the EUBrazilCloudConnect project. Future Generation Computer Systems. 94:895-909. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2017.11.034S8959099