1,293 research outputs found

    Design of robust control for uncertain fuzzy quadruple-tank systems with time-varying delays

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    Producción CientíficaThe robust H∞ observer-based control design is addressed here for non-linear Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with time-varying delays, subject to uncertainties and external disturbances. This is motivated by the quadruple-tank with time delay control problem. The observer design methodology is based on constructing an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF) for an augmented system formed from the original and the delayed states. The bilinear terms are transferred to the linear matrix inequalities, thanks to a change of variables which can be solved in one step. Furthermore, by employing the L2 performance index, the adverse effects of persistent bounded disturbances is largely avoided. The proposed method has the advantage of relating the controller and Lyapunov function to both the original and delayed states. Then, the controller and observer gains are obtained simultaneously by solving these inequalities with off-the-shelf software (Yalmip/MATLAB toolbox). Finally, an application to a simulated quadruple-tank system with time delay is carried out to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed technique, showing a compromise between controller simplicity and robustness that outperforms previous approaches.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Subspace-Based Takagi-Sugeno Modeling for Improved LMI Performance

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    "© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] Given a nonlinear system, the sector-nonlinearity methodology provides a systematic way of transforming it in an equivalent Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) model. However, such transformation is not unique: conservatism of shape-independent performance conditions in the form of linear matrix inequalities results in some models yielding better results than others. This paper provides some guidelines on choosing a sector-nonlinearity T-S model, with provable optimality (in a particular sense) in the case of quadratic nonlinearities. The approach is based on Hessian and restrictions of a function onto a subspace.This work was supported by the following institutions: Project Ciencia Basica SEP-CONACYT CB-168406, Project DPI2016-81002, (Spanish government, MINECO), Grant PROMETEOII/2013/004 (Generalitat Valenciana) and, the Scholarship GRISOLIA/2014/006.Robles-Ruiz, R.; Sala, A.; Bernal Reza, MÁ.; Gonzalez-German, IT. (2017). Subspace-Based Takagi-Sugeno Modeling for Improved LMI Performance. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 25(4):754-767. https://doi.org/10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.2574927S75476725


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    Servo systems become more and more important in control systems applications in various fields as both separate control systems and actuators. Ensuring very good control system performance using few information on the servo system model (viewed as a controlled process) is a challenging task. Starting with authors’ results on data-driven model-free control, fuzzy control and the indirect model-free tuning of fuzzy controllers, this paper suggests a low-cost approach to the data-driven fuzzy control of servo systems. The data-driven fuzzy control approach consists of six steps: (i) open-loop data-driven system identification to produce the process model from input-output data expressed as the system step response, (ii) Proportional-Integral (PI) controller tuning using the Extended Symmetrical Optimum (ESO) method, (iii) PI controller parameters mapping onto parameters of Takagi-Sugeno PI-fuzzy controller in terms of the modal equivalence principle, (iv) closed-loop data-driven system identification, (v) PI controller tuning using the ESO method, (vi) PI controller parameters mapping onto parameters of Takagi-Sugeno PI-fuzzy controller. The steps (iv), (v) and (vi) are optional. The approach is applied to the position control of a nonlinear servo system. The experimental results obtained on laboratory equipment validate the approach


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    A multivariable control technique is proposed for a type of nonlinear system with parameter intervals. The control is based upon the feedback linearization scheme called Generic Model Control, and alters the control calculation by utilizing parameter intervals, employing an adaptive step, averaging control predictions, and applying an interval problem solution. The proposed approach is applied in controlling both a linear and a nonlinear arc welding system as well in other simulations of scalar and multivariable systems

    Novel Yinger Learning Variable Universe Fuzzy Controller

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    Sistemas granulares evolutivos

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    Orientador: Fernando Antonio Campos GomideTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente tem-se observado um crescente interesse em abordagens de modelagem computacional para lidar com fluxos de dados do mundo real. Métodos e algoritmos têm sido propostos para obtenção de conhecimento a partir de conjuntos de dados muito grandes e, a princípio, sem valor aparente. Este trabalho apresenta uma plataforma computacional para modelagem granular evolutiva de fluxos de dados incertos. Sistemas granulares evolutivos abrangem uma variedade de abordagens para modelagem on-line inspiradas na forma com que os humanos lidam com a complexidade. Esses sistemas exploram o fluxo de informação em ambiente dinâmico e extrai disso modelos que podem ser linguisticamente entendidos. Particularmente, a granulação da informação é uma técnica natural para dispensar atenção a detalhes desnecessários e enfatizar transparência, interpretabilidade e escalabilidade de sistemas de informação. Dados incertos (granulares) surgem a partir de percepções ou descrições imprecisas do valor de uma variável. De maneira geral, vários fatores podem afetar a escolha da representação dos dados tal que o objeto representativo reflita o significado do conceito que ele está sendo usado para representar. Neste trabalho são considerados dados numéricos, intervalares e fuzzy; e modelos intervalares, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy. A aprendizagem de sistemas granulares é baseada em algoritmos incrementais que constroem a estrutura do modelo sem conhecimento anterior sobre o processo e adapta os parâmetros do modelo sempre que necessário. Este paradigma de aprendizagem é particularmente importante uma vez que ele evita a reconstrução e o retreinamento do modelo quando o ambiente muda. Exemplos de aplicação em classificação, aproximação de função, predição de séries temporais e controle usando dados sintéticos e reais ilustram a utilidade das abordagens de modelagem granular propostas. O comportamento de fluxos de dados não-estacionários com mudanças graduais e abruptas de regime é também analisado dentro do paradigma de computação granular evolutiva. Realçamos o papel da computação intervalar, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy em processar dados incertos e prover soluções aproximadas de alta qualidade e sumário de regras de conjuntos de dados de entrada e saída. As abordagens e o paradigma introduzidos constituem uma extensão natural de sistemas inteligentes evolutivos para processamento de dados numéricos a sistemas granulares evolutivos para processamento de dados granularesAbstract: In recent years there has been increasing interest in computational modeling approaches to deal with real-world data streams. Methods and algorithms have been proposed to uncover meaningful knowledge from very large (often unbounded) data sets in principle with no apparent value. This thesis introduces a framework for evolving granular modeling of uncertain data streams. Evolving granular systems comprise an array of online modeling approaches inspired by the way in which humans deal with complexity. These systems explore the information flow in dynamic environments and derive from it models that can be linguistically understood. Particularly, information granulation is a natural technique to dispense unnecessary details and emphasize transparency, interpretability and scalability of information systems. Uncertain (granular) data arise from imprecise perception or description of the value of a variable. Broadly stated, various factors can affect one's choice of data representation such that the representing object conveys the meaning of the concept it is being used to represent. Of particular concern to this work are numerical, interval, and fuzzy types of granular data; and interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy modeling frameworks. Learning in evolving granular systems is based on incremental algorithms that build model structure from scratch on a per-sample basis and adapt model parameters whenever necessary. This learning paradigm is meaningful once it avoids redesigning and retraining models all along if the system changes. Application examples in classification, function approximation, time-series prediction and control using real and synthetic data illustrate the usefulness of the granular approaches and framework proposed. The behavior of nonstationary data streams with gradual and abrupt regime shifts is also analyzed in the realm of evolving granular computing. We shed light upon the role of interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy computing in processing uncertain data and providing high-quality approximate solutions and rule summary of input-output data sets. The approaches and framework introduced constitute a natural extension of evolving intelligent systems over numeric data streams to evolving granular systems over granular data streamsDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Fuel cell hybrid model for predicting hydrogen inflow through energy demand

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    [Abstract]: Hydrogen-based energy storage and generation is an increasingly used technology, especially in renewable systems because they are non-polluting devices. Fuel cells are complex nonlinear systems, so a good model is required to establish efficient control strategies. This paper presents a hybrid model to predict the variation of H2 flow of a hydrogen fuel cell. This model combining clusters’ techniques to get multiple Artificial Neural Networks models whose results are merged by Polynomial Regression algorithms to obtain a more accurate estimate. The model proposed in this article use the power generated by the fuel cell, the hydrogen inlet flow, and the desired power variation, to predict the necessary variation of the hydrogen flow that allows the stack to reach the desired working point. The proposed algorithm has been tested on a real proton exchange membrane fuel cell, and the results show a great precision of the model, so that it can be very useful to improve the efficiency of the fuel cell system.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; H2SMART-mGRID (DPI2017-85540-R

    New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

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    The book New Approaches in Automation and Robotics offers in 22 chapters a collection of recent developments in automation, robotics as well as control theory. It is dedicated to researchers in science and industry, students, and practicing engineers, who wish to update and enhance their knowledge on modern methods and innovative applications. The authors and editor of this book wish to motivate people, especially under-graduate students, to get involved with the interesting field of robotics and mechatronics. We hope that the ideas and concepts presented in this book are useful for your own work and could contribute to problem solving in similar applications as well. It is clear, however, that the wide area of automation and robotics can only be highlighted at several spots but not completely covered by a single book