25,474 research outputs found

    Towards safer mining: the role of modelling software to find missing persons after a mine collapse

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    Purpose. The purpose of the study is to apply science and technology to determine the most likely location of a container in which three miners were trapped after the Lily mine disaster. Following the collapse of the Crown Pillar at Lily Mine in South Africa on the 5th of February 2016, there was a national outcry to find the three miners who were trapped in a surface container lamp room that disappeared in the sinkhole that formed during the surface col-lapse. Methods. At a visit to Lily Mine on the 9th of March, the Witwatersrand Mining Institute suggested a two-way strategy going forward to find the container in which the miners are trapped and buried. The first approach, which is the subject of this paper, is to test temporal 3D modeling software technology to locate the container, and second, to use scientific measurement and testing technologies. The overall methodology used was to first, request academia and research entities within the University to supply the WMI with ideas, which ideas list was compiled as responses came in. These were scrutinized and literature gathered for a conceptual study on which these ideas are likely to work. The software screening and preliminary testing of such software are discussed in this article. Findings. The findings are that software modeling is likely to locate the present position of the container, but accurate data and a combination of different advanced software packages will be required, but at tremendous cost. Originality. This paper presents original work on how software technology can be used to locate missing miners. Practical implications. The two approaches were not likely to recover the miners alive because of the considerable time interval, but will alert the rescue team and mine workers when they come in close proximity to them.Мета. Визначення можливого місця локалізації лампового приміщення контейнера, в якому опинилися три шахтаря після аварії на шахті Лілі (Барбертон, Мпумаланга) методом комп’ютерного моделювання. Після обвалення стельового цілика на шахті Лілі 5 лютого 2016 року почалася національна кампанія з порятунку трьох шахтарів, які залишилися у ламповому приміщенні поверхневого транспортного контейнера, що провалився в утворену після вибуху воронку. Методика. Співробітниками Гірничого Інституту (Уітуотерс) запропонована двостадійна стратегія пошуку контейнера, в якому існує ймовірність знаходження шахтарів. В рамках першого підходу (який розглядається у даній статті) для виявлення контейнера здійснювалось випробування комп’ютерної технології 3D-моделювання в часі. Другий підхід передбачав технологію проведення наукового вимірювання та експерименту. В цілому, методологія включала, насамперед, підключення викладацького та наукового складу університету до вирішення проблеми шляхом комплексної генерації ідей, які були об’єднані в загальний список, вивчені із залученням відповідних літературних джерел, і найбільш реалістичні ідеї були виділені із загального переліку. Дана стаття розглядає результати комп’ютерної експертизи цих ідей та перевірки надійності відповідного програмного забезпечення. Результати. Для зручності моделювання процес обвалення був розділений на три окремі фази: руйнування воронки, руйнування західного схилу та небезпека ковзання на південних схилах. Ідентифіковано програмні технології, які можуть імітувати рух контейнера у перших двох фазах обвалення. В результаті моделювання у програмному забезпеченні ParaView виявлено місце розташування даного контейнера. Виконано аналіз південного схилу за допомогою ArcGIS і складені карти небезпеки схилу для району, а також підземні карти порятунку з маршрутами евакуації. Встановлено, що комп’ютерне моделювання може визначити місцезнаходження контейнера, але для цього потрібні точні вихідні дані й комплекс дорогих високоефективних програмних пакетів. Наукова новизна. Вперше застосовано комплекс комп’ютерних технологій та програмного забезпечення для пошуку зниклих шахтарів після аварійних ситуацій у підземному просторі шахт. Практична значимість. При застосуванні двостадійної стратегії пошуку шахтарів, що опинилися під завалом порід, команда рятувальників отримає сигнал про наближення до їх місцезнаходження.Цель. Определение возможного места локализации лампового помещения контейнера, в котором оказались три шахтера после аварии на шахте Лили (Барбертон, Мпумаланга) методом компьютерного моделирования. После обрушения потолочного целика на шахте Лили 5 февраля 2016 года началась национальная кампания по спасению трех шахтеров, оставшихся в ламповом помещении поверхностного транспортного контейнера, который провалился в воронку, образовавшуюся после взрыва. Методика. Сотрудниками Горного Института (Уитуотерс) предложена двухстадийная стратегия поиска контейнера, в котором существует вероятность нахождения шахтеров. В рамках первого подхода (который рассматривается в данной статье) для обнаружения контейнера производилось испытание компьютерной технологии 3D-моделирования во времени. Второй подход предполагал технологию проведения научного измерения и эксперимента. В целом, методология включала, прежде всего, подключение преподавательского и научного состава университета к решению проблемы путем комплексной генерации идей, которые были объединены в общий список, изучены с привлечением соответствующих литературных источников, и наиболее реалистичные идеи были выделены из общего списка. Настоящая статья рассматривает результаты компьютерной экспертизы данных идей и проверки надежности соответствующего программного обеспечения. Результаты. Для удобства моделирования процесс обрушения был разделен на три отдельные фазы: разрушение воронки, разрушение западного склона и опасность скольжения на южных склонах. Идентифицированы программные технологии, которые могут имитировать движение контейнера в первых двух фазах обрушения. В результате моделирования в программном обеспечении ParaView выявлено местоположение данного контейнера. Выполнен анализа южного склона с помощью ArcGIS и составлены карты опасности склона для района, а также подземные карты спасения с маршрутами эвакуации. Установлено, что компьютерное моделирование может определить местонахождение контейнера, но для этого нужны точные исходные данные и комплекс дорогостоящих высокоэффективных программных пакетов. Научная новизна. Впервые применен комплекс компьютерных технологий и программного обеспечения для поиска пропавших шахтеров после аварийных ситуаций в подземном пространстве шахт. Практическая значимость. При применении двухстадийной стратегии поиска шахтеров, оказавшихся под завалом пород, команда горноспасателей получит сигнал о приближении к их местонахождению.The results of the article were obtained without the support of any of the projects or funding

    National Soils Database

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    End of project reportThe objectives of the National Soils Database project were fourfold. The first was to generate a national database of soil geochemistry to complete the work that commenced with a survey of the South East of Ireland carried out in 1995 and 1996 by Teagasc (McGrath and McCormack, 1999). Secondly, to produce point and interpolated spatial distribution maps of major, minor and trace elements and to interpret these with respect to underlying parent material, glacial geology, land use and possible anthropogenic effects. A third objective was to investigate the microbial community structure in a range of soil types to determine the relationship between soil microbiology and chemistry. The final objective was to establish a National Soils Archive

    Optimal mapping of terrestrial gamma dose rates using geological parent material and aerogeophysical survey data

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    Regulatory authorities need ways to estimate natural terrestrial gamma radiation dose rates (nGy h−1) across the landscape accurately, to assess its potential deleterious health effects. The primary method for estimating outdoor dose rate is to use an in situ detector supported 1 m above the ground, but such measurements are costly and cannot capture the landscape-scale variation in dose rates which are associated with changes in soil and parent material mineralogy. We investigate the potential for improving estimates of terrestrial gamma dose rates across Northern Ireland (13542 km2) using measurements from 168 sites and two sources of ancillary data: (i) a map based on a simplified classification of soil parent material, and (ii) dose estimates from a national-scale, airborne radiometric survey. We used the linear mixed modelling framework in which the two ancillary variables were included in separate models as fixed effects, plus a correlation structure which captures the spatially correlated variance component. We used a cross-validation procedure to determine the magnitude of the prediction errors for the different models. We removed a random subset of 10 terrestrial measurements and formed the model from the remainder (n = 158), and then used the model to predict values at the other 10 sites. We repeated this procedure 50 times. The measurements of terrestrial dose vary between 1 and 103 (nGy h−1). The median absolute model prediction errors (nGy h−1) for the three models declined in the following order: no ancillary data (10.8) > simple geological classification (8.3) > airborne radiometric dose (5.4) as a single fixed effect. Estimates of airborne radiometric gamma dose rate can significantly improve the spatial prediction of terrestrial dose rate

    An enhanced classification of artificial ground

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    This report describes a detailed scheme for the mapping and recording of artificial ground. It presents codes and descriptions that underpin the entries in the British Geological Survey stratigraphical lexico

    Hydrological conceptual model characterisation of an abandoned mine site in semiarid climate : the Sierra de Cartagena-La Unión (SE Spain)

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    A comprehensive study at Sierra de Cartagena-La Unión (SE Spain) abandoned mine site was carried out to characterise the regime and water quality of the groundwater system after the mine closure. The system consists of five geologic fractured blocks belonging to the Alpujarride and Nevado-Filabride complexes. The aquifer units are composed of limestone and dolostone materials. Recharge is mainly controlled by the N-130 fault system, man-made induced fractures, open-pits and underground workings. Discharge is indicated from open pit lakes by the proximal dome-shaped groundwater level contours. Aquifer natural recharge, assessed by fracture density maps and chloride mass balance, provided consistent results. The water hydrochemical facies show a marked sulphate concentration and acidic pH (average pH of 2.53-6.30). A maximum concentration of 4,100 mg/L of Zn and 40,000 mg/L of sulphate was observed in open-pit lakes. Springs present the lowest residence time and are low mineralised with an average pH of 7.6. Geochemical modelling based on the PHREEQCI code indicates water undersaturation with respect to almost all related mineral species and anoxic conditions prevail in the system. Although an adequate understanding of the regional system is provided, a further detailed hydrochemical study is necessary to assess the undergoing geochemical changes

    Hotspots of soil organic carbon storage revealed by laboratory hyperspectral imaging

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    Subsoil organic carbon (OC) is generally lower in content and more heterogeneous than topsoil OC, rendering it difficult to detect significant differences in subsoil OC storage. We tested the application of laboratory hyperspectral imaging with a variety of machine learning approaches to predict OC distribution in undisturbed soil cores. Using a bias-corrected random forest we were able to reproduce the OC distribution in the soil cores with very good to excellent model goodness-of-fit, enabling us to map the spatial distribution of OC in the soil cores at very high resolution (~53 × 53 µm). Despite a large increase in variance and reduction in OC content with increasing depth, the high resolution of the images enabled statistically powerful analysis in spatial distribution of OC in the soil cores. In contrast to the relatively homogeneous distribution of OC in the plough horizon, the subsoil was characterized by distinct regions of OC enrichment and depletion, including biopores which contained ~2–10 times higher SOC contents than the soil matrix in close proximity. Laboratory hyperspectral imaging enables powerful, fine-scale investigations of the vertical distribution of soil OC as well as hotspots of OC storage in undisturbed samples, overcoming limitations of traditional soil sampling campaigns

    British Geological Survey Annual Science Review 2012-13

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    The British Geological Survey (BGS) is part of the Natural Environment Research Council and is its principal supplier of national capability in geoscience. We advance understanding of the structure, properties and processes of the solid Earth system through interdisciplinary surveys, monitoring, modelling and research for the benefit of society. We are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge for creating wealth, using natural resources sustainably, reducing risk and living with the impacts of environmental change. Our vision To be the world’s leading centre for geoscience impact

    The permafrost carbon inventory on the Tibetan Plateau : a new evaluation using deep sediment cores

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    Acknowledgements We are grateful for Dr. Jens Strauss and the other two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments on an earlier version of this MS, and appreciate members of the IBCAS Sampling Campaign Teams for their assistance in field investigation. This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China on Global Change (2014CB954001 and 2015CB954201), National Natural Science Foundation of China (31322011 and 41371213), and the Thousand Young Talents Program.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Methane Mitigation:Methods to Reduce Emissions, on the Path to the Paris Agreement

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    The atmospheric methane burden is increasing rapidly, contrary to pathways compatible with the goals of the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Paris Agreement. Urgent action is required to bring methane back to a pathway more in line with the Paris goals. Emission reduction from “tractable” (easier to mitigate) anthropogenic sources such as the fossil fuel industries and landfills is being much facilitated by technical advances in the past decade, which have radically improved our ability to locate, identify, quantify, and reduce emissions. Measures to reduce emissions from “intractable” (harder to mitigate) anthropogenic sources such as agriculture and biomass burning have received less attention and are also becoming more feasible, including removal from elevated-methane ambient air near to sources. The wider effort to use microbiological and dietary intervention to reduce emissions from cattle (and humans) is not addressed in detail in this essentially geophysical review. Though they cannot replace the need to reach “net-zero” emissions of CO2, significant reductions in the methane burden will ease the timescales needed to reach required CO2 reduction targets for any particular future temperature limit. There is no single magic bullet, but implementation of a wide array of mitigation and emission reduction strategies could substantially cut the global methane burden, at a cost that is relatively low compared to the parallel and necessary measures to reduce CO2, and thereby reduce the atmospheric methane burden back toward pathways consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement