18 research outputs found

    A survey of design techniques for system-level dynamic power management

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    Dynamic power management (DPM) is a design methodology for dynamically reconfiguring systems to provide the requested services and performance levels with a minimum number of active components or a minimum load on such components. DPM encompasses a set of techniques that achieves energy-efficient computation by selectively turning off (or reducing the performance of) system components when they are idle (or partially unexploited). In this paper, we survey several approaches to system-level dynamic power management. We first describe how systems employ power-manageable components and how the use of dynamic reconfiguration can impact the overall power consumption. We then analyze DPM implementation issues in electronic systems, and we survey recent initiatives in standardizing the hardware/software interface to enable software-controlled power management of hardware component

    Software controlled low cost thermoelectric energy harvester for ultra-low power wireless sensor nodes

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    General hardware architecture of an energy-harvested wireless sensor network node (EH-WSN) can be divided into power, sensing, computing and communication subsystems. Interrelation between these subsystems in combination with constrained energy supply makes design and implementation of EH-WSN a complex and challenging task. Separation of these subsystems into distinct hardware modules simplifies the design process and makes the architecture and software more generic, leading to more flexible solutions. From the other hand, tightly coupling these subsystems gives more room for optimizations at the price of increased complexity of the hardware and software. Additional engineering effort could be justified by a smaller, cheaper hardware, and more energy-efficient a wireless sensor node. The aim of this paper is to push further technical and economical boundaries related to EH-WSN by proposing a novel architecture which – by tightly coupling software and hardware of power, computing, and communication subsystems – allows the wireless sensor node to be powered by a thermoelectric generator working with about 1.5°C temperature difference while keeping the cost of all electronic components used to build such a node below 9 EUR (in volume)

    A survey of design techniques for system-level dynamic power management

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    Power Analysis and Optimization Techniques for Energy Efficient Computer Systems

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    Reducing power consumption has become a major challenge in the design and operation of to-day’s computer systems. This chapter describes different techniques addressing this challenge at different levels of system hardware, such as CPU, memory, and internal interconnection network, as well as at different levels of software components, such as compiler, operating system and user applications. These techniques can be broadly categorized into two types: Design time power analysis versus run-time dynamic power management. Mechanisms in the first category use ana-lytical energy models that are integrated into existing simulators to measure the system’s power consumption and thus help engineers to test power-conscious hardware and software during de-sign time. On the other hand, dynamic power management techniques are applied during run-time, and are used to monitor system workload and adapt the system’s behavior dynamically to save energy

    Application analyses of ultra-low-energy processor

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    Abstract. Low energy consumption has become a critical design feature in modern systems. Internet of Things, wearables and other portable devices create increasing demand for low power design where device size is dictated by battery and low energy means longer battery life and smaller physical size. These are crucial features for wearables and especially implantable medical devices. There are several low power and energy efficient techniques which are applied at different abstraction levels of the system design. A technique usually utilizing software control and hardware features is DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling), a dynamic power management technique which decreases processor clock frequency and supply voltage. Reduction in energy consumption is achieved with the cost of reduced performance. One of the questions with DVFS is how the execution frequencies are defined. This thesis presents a method for frequency optimization for applications executed on a single core processor. Execution trace data is used to profile the application. FreeRTOS operating system is used although tracing can be implemented with any real-time operating system executing tasks as separate threads. Based on profiling and user-defined data, task execution frequencies are defined assuming that execution time scales linearly with the frequency. A near-threshold ARM Cortex M3 with integrated power management and phase-locked loop is used for measurements. The measurements show that energy savings can be achieved without affecting correct application execution. However, the reduction in energy consumption depends highly on the system used and the application execution profile. Iterative testing and frequency optimization are required to ensure adequate performance. For energy efficiency optimization, energy consumption needs to be considered in every phase of the design.Matalan energiankulutuksen prosessorin sovellusanalyysi. Tiivistelmä. Matala energiankulutus on keskeinen ominaisuus nykyisten järjestelmien suunnittelussa. Esineiden Internet ja puettava tietotekniikka luovat tarpeen yhä pienemmälle energiankulutukselle. Laitteen koko määräytyy akun koon mukana. Matala tehonkulutus tarkoittaa pidempää akunkestoa ja pienempää fyysista kokoa. Nämä ovat ratkaisevia ominaisuuksia, erityisesti implantoitaville lääkinnällisille laitteille. Energiatehokkuuteen ja matalaan energiankulutukseen tähtääviä menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa eri abstraktiotasoilla järjestelmän suunnittelussa. Dynaaminen jännitteen ja taajuuden skaalaus on menetelmä, millä pyritään alentamaan dynaamista tehonkulutusta säätelemällä käyttöjännitettä ja kellotaajuutta. Suorituskyvyn kustannuksella on mahdollista saavuttaa matalampi energiankulutus. Keskeinen kysymys on, miten käytettävät kellotaajuudet tulee määritellä. Tässä diplomityössä kehitetään menetelmä, jota voidaan käyttää optimaalisten kellotaajuuksien määrittämiseen. Suorituksen aikana kerättävää dataa käytetään ohjelman profilointiin ja optimointimallin luomiseen. Suoritusdatan kerääminen on kehitetty FreeRTOS-käyttöjärjestelmälle, mutta periaate on sovellettavissa käyttöjärjestelmille, joissa tehtävät suoritetaan erillisissä prosesseissa. Profilointidata hyödynnetään yhdessä käyttäjän syöttämän data kanssa kellotaajuuksien määrittämiseen olettaen, että suoritusaika skaalautuu lineaarisesti kellotaajuden kanssa. Suositustaajuudet määritetään jokaiselle prosessille erikseen. Mittauksissa käytettiin ARM Cortex M3 prosessoria integroidulla tehonhallinnalla ja vaihelukolla. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että energiankulutusta voidaan pienentää vaikuttamatta sovelluksen virheettömään suoritukseen. Saavutettava hyöty tehonkulutuksessa on riippuvainen käytettävästä järjestelmästä ja sovelluksen suoritusprofiilista. Riittävä suorituskyky täytyy varmistaa iteratiivisella testaamisella ja kellotaajuuksien optimoinnilla. Tehonkulutus ja energiatehokkuus täytyy huomioida suunnitteluprosessin jokaisella osa-alueella, jotta parhaat tulokset saavutetaan

    Dynamic power management for portable systems

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    Portable systems require long battery lifetime while still delivering high performance. Dynamic power management (DPM) policies trade off the performance for the power consumption at the system level in portable devices. In this work we present the time-indexed SMDP model (TISMDP) that we use to derive optimal policy for DPM in portable systems. TISMDP model is needed to handle the non-exponential user request interarrival times we observed in practice. We use our policy to control power consumption on three different devices: the SmartBadge portable device [18], the Sony Vaio laptop hard disk and WLAN card. Simulation results show large savings for all three devices when using our algorithm. In addition, we measured the power consumption and performance of our algorithm and compared it with other DPM algorithms for laptop hard disk and WLAN card. The algorithm based on our TISMDP model has 1.7 times less power consumption as compared to the default Windows timeout policy for the hard disk and three times less power consumption as compared to the default algorithm for the WLAN card

    On the Energy Proportionality of Distributed NoSQL Data Stores

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    Hierarchical Thermal Management Policy for High-Performance 3D Systems with Liquid Cooling

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    3-Dimensional integrated circuits and systems are expected to be present in electronic products in the short term. We consider specifically 3-D multi-processor systems-onchip (MPSoCs), realized by stacking silicon CMOS chips and interconnecting them by means of through-silicon vias (TSVs). Because of the high power density of devices and interconnect in the 3D stack, thermal issues pose critical challenges, such as hot-spot avoidance and thermal gradient reduction. Thermal management is achieved by a combination of active control of on-chip switching rates as well as active interlayer cooling with pressurized fluids. In this paper, we propose a novel online thermal management policy for high-performance 3D systems with liquid cooling. Our proposed controller uses a hierarchical approach with a global controller regulating the active cooling and local controllers (on each layer) performing dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and interacting with the global controller. Then, the online control is achieved by policies that are computed off-line by solving an optimization problem that considers the thermal profile of 3D-MPSoCs, its evolution over time and current time-varying workload requirements. The proposed hierarchical scheme is scalable to complex (and heterogeneous) 3D chip stacks. We perform experiments on a 3D-MPSoC case study with different interlayer cooling structures, using benchmarks ranging from web-accessing to playing multimedia. Results show significant advantages in terms of energy savings that reaches values up to 50% versus state-of-the-art thermal control techniques for liquid cooling, and thermal balance with differences of less than 10oC per layer

    Online Thermal Control Methods for Multi-Processor Systems

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    With technological advances, the number of cores integrated on a chip is increasing. This, in turn is leading to thermal constraints and thermal design challenges. Temperature gradients and hot-spots not only affect the performance of the system, but also lead to unreliable circuit operation and affect the life-time of the chip. Meeting temperature constraints and reducing hot-spots are critical for achieving reliable and efficient operation of complex multi-core systems. In this article we analyze the use of four of the most promising families of online control techniques for thermal management of multi-processors system-on-chip (MPSoC). In particular, in our exploration we aim at achieving an online smooth thermal control action that minimizes the performance loss as well as the computational and hardware overhead of embedding a thermal management system inside the MPSoC. The definition of the optimization problem to tackle in this work considers the thermal profile of the system, its evolution over time and current time-varying workload requirements. Thus, this problem is formulated as a finite-horizon optimal control problem and we analyze the control features of different on-line thermal control approaches. In addition, we implemented the policies on an MPSoC hardware simulation platform and performed experiments on a cycle-accurate model of the 8-core Niagara multi-core architecture using benchmarks ranging from web-accessing to playing multimedia. Results show different trade-offs among the analyzed techniques regarding the thermal profile, the frequency setting, the power consumption and the implementation complexity