1,582 research outputs found

    Cluster Failure Revisited: Impact of First Level Design and Data Quality on Cluster False Positive Rates

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    Methodological research rarely generates a broad interest, yet our work on the validity of cluster inference methods for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) created intense discussion on both the minutia of our approach and its implications for the discipline. In the present work, we take on various critiques of our work and further explore the limitations of our original work. We address issues about the particular event-related designs we used, considering multiple event types and randomisation of events between subjects. We consider the lack of validity found with one-sample permutation (sign flipping) tests, investigating a number of approaches to improve the false positive control of this widely used procedure. We found that the combination of a two-sided test and cleaning the data using ICA FIX resulted in nominal false positive rates for all datasets, meaning that data cleaning is not only important for resting state fMRI, but also for task fMRI. Finally, we discuss the implications of our work on the fMRI literature as a whole, estimating that at least 10% of the fMRI studies have used the most problematic cluster inference method (P = 0.01 cluster defining threshold), and how individual studies can be interpreted in light of our findings. These additional results underscore our original conclusions, on the importance of data sharing and thorough evaluation of statistical methods on realistic null data

    Directional clustering through matrix factorization

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    This paper deals with a clustering problem where feature vectors are clustered depending on the angle between feature vectors, that is, feature vectors are grouped together if they point roughly in the same direction. This directional distance measure arises in several applications, including document classification and human brain imaging. Using ideas from the field of constrained low-rank matrix factorization and sparse approximation, a novel approach is presented that differs from classical clustering methods, such as seminonnegative matrix factorization, K-EVD, or k-means clustering, yet combines some aspects of all these. As in nonnegative matrix factorization and K-EVD, the matrix decomposition is iteratively refined to optimize a data fidelity term; however, no positivity constraint is enforced directly nor do we need to explicitly compute eigenvectors. As in k-means and K-EVD, each optimization step is followed by a hard cluster assignment. This leads to an efficient algorithm that is shown here to outperform common competitors in terms of clustering performance and/or computation speed. In addition to a detailed theoretical analysis of some of the algorithm's main properties, the approach is empirically evaluated on a range of toy problems, several standard text clustering data sets, and a high-dimensional problem in brain imaging, where functional magnetic resonance imaging data are used to partition the human cerebral cortex into distinct functional regions

    A Bayesian General Linear Modeling Approach to Cortical Surface fMRI Data Analysis

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    Cortical surface functional magnetic resonance imaging (cs-fMRI) has recently grown in popularity versus traditional volumetric fMRI. In addition to offering better whole-brain visualization, dimension reduction, removal of extraneous tissue types, and improved alignment of cortical areas across subjects, it is also more compatible with common assumptions of Bayesian spatial models. However, as no spatial Bayesian model has been proposed for cs-fMRI data, most analyses continue to employ the classical general linear model (GLM), a “massive univariate” approach. Here, we propose a spatial Bayesian GLM for cs-fMRI, which employs a class of sophisticated spatial processes to model latent activation fields. We make several advances compared with existing spatial Bayesian models for volumetric fMRI. First, we use integrated nested Laplacian approximations, a highly accurate and efficient Bayesian computation technique, rather than variational Bayes. To identify regions of activation, we utilize an excursions set method based on the joint posterior distribution of the latent fields, rather than the marginal distribution at each location. Finally, we propose the first multi-subject spatial Bayesian modeling approach, which addresses a major gap in the existing literature. The methods are very computationally advantageous and are validated through simulation studies and two task fMRI studies from the Human Connectome Project. Supplementary materials for this article, including a standardized description of the materials available for reproducing the work, are available as an online supplement

    Impacts of Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition on Sensitivity and Specificity in fMRI

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    Simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging can be used to decrease the time between acquisition of fMRI volumes, which can increase sensitivity by facilitating the removal of higher-frequency artifacts and boosting effective sample size. The technique requires an additional processing step in which the slices are separated, or unaliased, to recover the whole brain volume. However, this may result in signal “leakage” between aliased locations, i.e., slice “leakage,” and lead to spurious activation (decreased specificity). SMS can also lead to noise amplification, which can reduce the benefits of decreased repetition time. In this study, we evaluate the original slice-GRAPPA (no leak block) reconstruction algorithmand acceleration factor (AF = 8) used in the fMRI data in the young adult Human Connectome Project (HCP). We also evaluate split slice-GRAPPA (leak block), which can reduce slice leakage. We use simulations to disentangle higher test statistics into true positives (sensitivity) and false positives (decreased specificity). Slice leakage was greatly decreased by split slice-GRAPPA. Noise amplification was decreased by using moderate acceleration factors (AF = 4). We examined slice leakage in unprocessed fMRI motor task data from the HCP. When data were smoothed, we found evidence of slice leakage in some, but not all, subjects. We also found evidence of SMS noise amplification in unprocessed task and processed resting-state HCP data

    Scalable Bayesian methods for the analysis of neuroimaging data

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    The recent surge in large-scale population health datasets, such as the UK Biobank or the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, requires the development of scalable statistical methods that are capable of analysing the rich multitude of data sources. This thesis focuses on the scalable analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) neuroimaging data, such as binary lesion masks and task-based functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). In particular, we introduce two Bayesian spatial models with sparsity priors on the spatially varying coefficients and extend our work to suit the large sample sizes found in population health studies. Firstly, we propose a scalable hierarchical Bayesian image-on-scalar regression model, called BLESS, capable of handling binary responses and of placing continuous spike-and-slab mixture priors on spatially varying parameters. Thereby, enforcing spatial dependency on the parameter dictating the amount of sparsity within the probability of inclusion. The use of mean-field variational inference with dynamic posterior exploration, which is an annealing-like strategy that improves optimisation, allows our method to scale to large sample sizes. We validate our results via simulation studies and an application to binary lesion masks from the UK Biobank. Secondly, we extend our method to account for underestimation of posterior variance due to variational inference by providing an approximate posterior sampling approach inspired by Bayesian bootstrap ideas and spike-and-slab priors with random shrinkage targets. Besides accurate uncertainty quantification, this approach is capable of producing novel cluster size-based imaging statistics, such as credible intervals of cluster size, and measures of reliability of cluster occurrence. Thirdly, we develop a Bayesian nonparametric scalar-on-image regression model with a relaxed-thresholded Gaussian process prior on the spatially varying coefficients in order to introduce sparsity and smoothness into the model. Our main contribution is the improved scalability, allowing for larger sample sizes and bigger image dimensions, which is made possible by replacing posterior sampling with a variational approximation. We validate our results via simulation studies and an application to cortical surface task-based fMRI data from the ABCD study

    An empirical comparison of surface-based and volume-based group studies in neuroimaging

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    International audienceBeing able to detect reliably functional activity in a population of subjects is crucial in human brain mapping, both for the understanding of cognitive functions in normal subjects and for the analysis of patient data. The usual approach proceeds by normalizing brain volumes to a common three-dimensional template. However, a large part of the data acquired in fMRI aims at localizing cortical activity, and methods working on the cortical surface may provide better inter-subject registration than the standard procedures that process the data in the volume. Nevertheless, few assessments of the performance of surface-based (2D) versus volume-based (3D) procedures have been shown so far, mostly because inter-subject cortical surface maps are not easily obtained. In this paper we present a systematic comparison of 2D versus 3D group-level inference procedures, by using cluster-level and voxel-level statistics assessed by permutation, in random effects (RFX) and mixed-effects analyses (MFX). We consider different schemes to perform meaningful comparisons between thresholded statistical maps in the volume and on the cortical surface. We find that surface-based multi-subject statistical analyses are generally more sensitive than their volume-based counterpart, in the sense that they detect slightly denser networks of regions when performing peak-level detection; this effect is less clear for cluster-level inference and is reduced by smoothing. Surface-based inference also increases the reliability of the activation maps

    Areas activated during naturalistic reading comprehension overlap topological visual, auditory, and somatotomotor maps

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    Cortical mapping techniques using fMRI have been instrumental in identifying the boundaries of topological (neighbor-preserving) maps in early sensory areas. The presence of topological maps beyond early sensory areas raises the possibility that they might play a significant role in other cognitive systems, and that topological mapping might help to delineate areas involved in higher cognitive processes. In this study, we combine surface-based visual, auditory, and somatomotor mapping methods with a naturalistic reading comprehension task in the same group of subjects to provide a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the cortical overlap between sensory-motor maps in all major sensory modalities, and reading processing regions. Our results suggest that cortical activation during naturalistic reading comprehension overlaps more extensively with topological sensory-motor maps than has been heretofore appreciated. Reading activation in regions adjacent to occipital lobe and inferior parietal lobe almost completely overlaps visual maps, whereas a significant portion of frontal activation for reading in dorsolateral and ventral prefrontal cortex overlaps both visual and auditory maps. Even classical language regions in superior temporal cortex are partially overlapped by topological visual and auditory maps. By contrast, the main overlap with somatomotor maps is restricted to a small region on the anterior bank of the central sulcus near the border between the face and hand representations of M-I

    Cognition and maps : reading and scene comprehension extensively overlap topological viusal, auditory and somatomotor maps in the human cortex

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    Cortical mapping techniques using fMRI have been instrumental in identifying the boundaries of topological maps in early sensory areas. The presence of topological maps beyond early sensory areas raises the possibility that they might play a significant role in other cognitive systems, and that topological mapping might help to delineate areas involved in higher cognitive processes. This thesis investigates the three way interplay between the full extent of topologically mapped sensory-motor regions (detected using retinotopic, tonotopic and somatomotor mapping) and activation observed during two high level comprehension specific tasks in the same set of subjects across the whole cortex. In the first set of studies, I combined surface based visual, auditory, and somatomotor mapping methods with a naturalistic reading comprehension task to provide a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the cortical overlap between sensory-motor maps in all major modalities, and reading processing regions. The results suggest that cortical activation during naturalistic reading comprehension overlaps more extensively with topological sensorymotor maps than has been heretofore appreciated. To further differentiate the activations observed during the reading study, a separate fMRI study involving a purely picture-based narrative scene comprehension task was carried out on the same set of subjects. The results from the cumulative dataset suggest that the reading and scene activations are centred around the same regions in the occipito-parietal, temporal and frontal cortex. The shared activations between reading and scene also largely overlap with topological cortical maps. Additionally, there are regions overlapping with maps in occipito-parietal, temporal and frontal cortex that are distinct to either reading or scene processing. Finally, the mapping studies also identified several previously unreported maps in the cortex including a visual and a tonotopic map in the cingulate cortex, and several tonotopic maps in the frontal cortex