8,691 research outputs found

    Lanthanum ferromanganites thin films by sol–gel process. Influence of the organic/inorganic R ratio on the microstructural properties

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    Strontium-substituted lanthanum ferromanganites, La0.8Sr0.2Mn1−yFeyO3+δ (y=0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1), LSMF2Y (Y=10y) for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathode applications have been synthetized by a polymeric sol–gel route and deposited on YSZ substrates by a dip-coating process. The influence of the sol synthesis parameters (metal composition, organic and metal salt concentrations) on the thin film microstructure has been investigated. In this study, it has been shown that the organic/inorganic ratio, called R, appears as a key parameter to control the microstructural properties of final coatings

    Mechanism of Gene Silencing Suppression by the Geminivirus Protein TrAP

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    The hosts-virus arms race reaches the epigenetic level, where silencing of viral chromatin can serve as an innate defense mechanism to restrict invading DNA viruses. However, viruses can code for suppressor proteins to counter epigenetic silencing and escape host surveillance. Thus, the virus-encoded suppressors offer an untapped source of tools for the understanding of pathogenesis and chromatin regulation. TrAP is a transcription factor encoded by model DNA plant viruses of the family Geminiviridae, which is required for the expression of the virus late genes and for suppression of gene silencing. TrAP is known to interfere with the transcriptional gene-silencing (TGS) pathway by obstructing the methyl cycle in the cytoplasm. Nonetheless, multiple metabolic pathways other than chromatin regulation utilize the methyl donor, and TrAP mainly localizes to the nucleus; furthermore, TrAP is predicted to interact with the transcriptional machinery. Thus, we asked whether TrAP directly suppressed TGS. We first generated TrAP-stable transgenic plants, and through transcriptome and biochemical assays, we demonstrated that TrAP hampered TGS. We then identified TrAP-interacting partners using a proteomics approach, confirmed by protein interaction experiments in vivo and in vitro. To determine whether these interactions were physiologically relevant, we performed virus infection assays in various host genetic backgrounds. We demonstrated that TrAP interacts with multiple SET-domain proteins in Arabidopsis. Particularly, the H3K9me2 histone methyltransferase, Su(var)3-9 homolog 4/Kryptonite (SUVH4/KYP) is a bona fide cellular target of TrAP. TrAP expression phenocopies several TGS mutants, reduces the repressive H3K9me2 mark and CHH DNA methylation, and reactivates many endogenous KYP-repressed loci in vivo. KYP binds to the viral chromatin and controls its methylation to combat virus infection. We conclude that TrAP attenuates TGS by inhibiting KYP activity. Furthermore, we show that TrAP interacts with other proteins, such as the methyl cycle enzymes SAMe-synthetase 2 (SAM2) and the S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase 1 (SAHH1), the RNA processing Enhanced silencing phenotype 3 (ESP3), and the chromatin remodeler Relative of early flowering 6 (REF6). Our findings provide new insight in the host antiviral defense and virus counter- defense at an epigenetic level and provide a model system to study chromatin regulation, and virus infection

    Cognitive Coaching as Form of Professional Development in a Linguistically Diverse School

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    While American classrooms are described as linguistically diverse, teachers find themselves unprepared to successfully educate such students. Previous studies indicate that cognitive coaching is one form of professional development that can assist teachers in becoming self-directed practitioners who are able to reflect on their practice and adjust it to meet the needs of various learners, including linguistically diverse students (Batt, 2010; Costa & Garmston, 2002; Joyce & Showers, 2002). This study describes elementary teachers’ perceptions of cognitive coaching in a linguistically diverse school: (1) In what ways do teachers perceive cognitive coaching as professional development? (2) How do observed teacher behaviors reflect cognitive coaching? and (3) What changes in their practice of educating linguistically diverse students do teachers report as a result of cognitive coaching? This basic qualitative study focuses on three elementary mainstream teachers educating linguistically diverse students and one coach who used cognitive coaching techniques. Using data from semi-structured interviews and coaching conversations, this study identifies the following emergent themes: elements of reflective practice, creating new instructional applications, embracing the diversity spectrum, facilitating teacher-driven learning, and promoting shared responsibility. The results of this study indicate that teachers who participated in cognitive coaching believe that they (1) reflect on their practice more and on a deeper level, (2) intentionally plan their instruction, (3) adjust their instructional plan in response to their students\u27 needs using more formative assessments, and (4) value their work with the cognitive coach. In addition, cognitive coaching is linked to more responsive teaching, especially with linguistically diverse students

    Mechanism of Gene Silencing Suppression by the Geminivirus Protein TrAP

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    The hosts-virus arms race reaches the epigenetic level, where silencing of viral chromatin can serve as an innate defense mechanism to restrict invading DNA viruses. However, viruses can code for suppressor proteins to counter epigenetic silencing and escape host surveillance. Thus, the virus-encoded suppressors offer an untapped source of tools for the understanding of pathogenesis and chromatin regulation. TrAP is a transcription factor encoded by model DNA plant viruses of the family Geminiviridae, which is required for the expression of the virus late genes and for suppression of gene silencing. TrAP is known to interfere with the transcriptional gene-silencing (TGS) pathway by obstructing the methyl cycle in the cytoplasm. Nonetheless, multiple metabolic pathways other than chromatin regulation utilize the methyl donor, and TrAP mainly localizes to the nucleus; furthermore, TrAP is predicted to interact with the transcriptional machinery. Thus, we asked whether TrAP directly suppressed TGS. We first generated TrAP-stable transgenic plants, and through transcriptome and biochemical assays, we demonstrated that TrAP hampered TGS. We then identified TrAP-interacting partners using a proteomics approach, confirmed by protein interaction experiments in vivo and in vitro. To determine whether these interactions were physiologically relevant, we performed virus infection assays in various host genetic backgrounds. We demonstrated that TrAP interacts with multiple SET-domain proteins in Arabidopsis. Particularly, the H3K9me2 histone methyltransferase, Su(var)3-9 homolog 4/Kryptonite (SUVH4/KYP) is a bona fide cellular target of TrAP. TrAP expression phenocopies several TGS mutants, reduces the repressive H3K9me2 mark and CHH DNA methylation, and reactivates many endogenous KYP-repressed loci in vivo. KYP binds to the viral chromatin and controls its methylation to combat virus infection. We conclude that TrAP attenuates TGS by inhibiting KYP activity. Furthermore, we show that TrAP interacts with other proteins, such as the methyl cycle enzymes SAMe-synthetase 2 (SAM2) and the S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase 1 (SAHH1), the RNA processing Enhanced silencing phenotype 3 (ESP3), and the chromatin remodeler Relative of early flowering 6 (REF6). Our findings provide new insight in the host antiviral defense and virus counter- defense at an epigenetic level and provide a model system to study chromatin regulation, and virus infection

    Introducing alternative-based thresholding for defining functional regions of interest in fMRI

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    In fMRI research, one often aims to examine activation in specific functional regions of interest (fROIs). Current statistical methods tend to localize fROIs inconsistently, focusing on avoiding detection of false activation. Not missing true activation is however equally important in this context. In this study, we explored the potential of an alternative-based thresholding (ABT) procedure, where evidence against the null hypothesis of no effect and evidence against a prespecified alternative hypothesis is measured to control both false positives and false negatives directly. The procedure was validated in the context of localizer tasks on simulated brain images and using a real data set of 100 runs per subject. Voxels categorized as active with ABT can be confidently included in the definition of the fROI, while inactive voxels can be confidently excluded. Additionally, the ABT method complements classic null hypothesis significance testing with valuable information by making a distinction between voxels that show evidence against both the null and alternative and voxels for which the alternative hypothesis cannot be rejected despite lack of evidence against the null

    Primeiro estudo parasitológico em rã com garras Africano (Xenopus laevis, Anfibia) no Chile

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    Introduced species can arrive into new territories with parasites; however, these species are expected to face lower parasite richness than in their original regions. Both introduced hosts and parasites can affect native fauna. Since their release into the wild in Chile following laboratory use, Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 has widely spread throughout central Chile. The only pathogen described on the host is the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier, Nichols, 1999; thus, this is the first parasitological study of this species in Chile. In 10 localities in central Chile, 179 specimens of X. laevis were captured and examined for parasites in the gastrointestinal tube, cavities, lungs, liver, and skin. Only nine specimens of the genus Contracaecum Railliet, Henry, 1912 were found in six specimens of X. laevis from a private dam in La Patagua. It is likely that these parasites originated from species of native birds. This is the first record of Contracaecum sp. in Chilean amphibians.Espécies exóticas podem se introduzir em um novo território com seus parasitas, porém nesses casos, a riqueza parasitária seria menor. Contudo, hospedeiros exóticos e seus parasitas associados podem afetar a fauna nativa. Depois de ser dispensado do uso em laboratórios e solto em ambientes naturais, Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 tem se espalhado massivamente no Chile central. O único patógeno descrito para este anuro é o fungo Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier, Nichols, 1999. O presente estudo constitui a primeira pesquisa parasitológica realizada nesta espécie de rã introduzida no Chile. Em 10 localidades do Chile central, foram capturados 179 espécimes de X. laevis que foram examinadas em busca de parasitos dentro tubo digestivo, cavidades corporais, pulmões, fígado e pele. Nove espécimes do gênero Contracaecum Railliet, Henry, 1912 foram encontrados em seis espécimes de X. laevis de uma barragem em La Patagua. É provável que a origem destes parasitas sejam espécies de aves nativas. Este é o primeiro relato de Contracaecum sp. em anuros do Chile.Fil: Castillo, Cristóbal. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Lobos, Gabriel. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: González Acuña, Daniel. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Moreno, Lucila. Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanografía; ChileFil: Gonzalez, Cynthya Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Landaeta-Aqueveque, Carlos. Universidad de Concepción; Chil

    Impacto del comercio justo en el desarrollo de los Productores de Café en las diferentes cooperativas de base de CECOSEMAC R.L (Central de Cooperativas de Servicios Múltiples Aroma del Café) durante el segundo semestre del año 2011 en Matagalpa

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    Nuestro estudio lo realizamos en la Central de Cooperativas de Servicios Múltiples Aroma de Café en la cual 8 cooperativas están en comercio justo con una población fue de 329 obteniendo una muestra de 77 productor@s de café ubicadas en diferentes Municipios y departamentos de Matagalpa. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva, de tipo longitudinal correlacional porque vamos a estudiar el impacto que tiene el comercio justo en el desarrollo de los productores mediante las cooperativas. Aplicamos enfoque es cualitativo y cuantitativo utilizamos instrumentos medibles tales como: fuentes bibliográficos, electrónico, entrevistas, encuestas, guía de observación, grupo focal y matriz nutricional. Las cooperativas que pertenecen a CECOCSEMAC.R.L están funcionando bajo los estatutos de cooperativos son apoyadas en gran manera por la comercializadora mediante la ejecución constante de nuevos proyectos de desarrollo tanto del productor como de la comunidad. El comercio justo es una política que está enfocada en trabajar con productores asociados en cooperativas realizando obras sociales atraves de la certificación es decir las nomas que establece. El estar certificado constituye un elemento esencial para el mercado ya que constituye a la calidad y aceptación en el mercado del café para la cooperativa, ya que la certificación tiene nomas de calidad que la cooperativa tiene que realizar aplicación, tanto para el cultivo del café en su finca, beneficiado húmedo hasta el producto terminado lo cual se vuelve confiable para la salud del consumidor. La variable del desarrollo humano analizamos en dicho estudio basado en la teoría enfocado en el aumento de la riqueza humano a lugar de la riquezas económicas en donde vivimos, es decir obtener un beneficio lucrativo en donde destacamos que el comercio justo funciona en el desarrollo de las cooperativas mediantes los incentivos realizados mediante las entregas del caf

    NNESTs’ Professional Identity in the Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms

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    This study examines NNESTs’ professional identities as classroom teachers by analyzing NNESTS’ perceptions of their strengths and challenges. The study contributes to NNESTs forming their professional identity by recognizing, developing, and contesting authoritative discourse. A basic qualitative research design is employed to analyze the interview data. Participants are five NNESTs who teach in American classrooms. Three focused themes are identified; linguistic competence, cross-cultural competence, and pedagogical competence. NNEST superiority fallacy is added as the fourth theme. Additionally, the study briefly compares strengths and challenges of U.S. versus foreign graduates. NNESTs’ strengths and challenges are reported in line with other NNEST researchers: dual-language acquisition and cross-cultural experience, grammar knowledge, linguistic theories, and coping strategies as strengths, poor command of English language, lack of sociocultural strategies, and lack of confidence as weaknesses. New findings include NNESTs’ confidence as effective teachers with accent, intellectual competence in theories, and stronger credentials. This study asserts that the NNESTs’ multilingual and multicultural backgrounds can become valuable assets with less linguistic prejudice, and the need for a policy that provides the benchmark to measure their credentials rather than depending on biased assumptions. Suggestions to shape NNESTs’ professional identity are provide