1,463 research outputs found

    Relativistic Hydrodynamic Flows Using Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Structured Mesh Refinement

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    Astrophysical relativistic flow problems require high resolution three-dimensional numerical simulations. In this paper, we describe a new parallel three-dimensional code for simulations of special relativistic hydrodynamics (SRHD) using both spatially and temporally structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). We used the method of lines to discretize the SRHD equations spatially and a total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta scheme for time integration. For spatial reconstruction, we have implemented piecewise linear method (PLM), piecewise parabolic method (PPM), third order convex essentially non-oscillatory (CENO) and third and fifth order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes. Flux is computed using either direct flux reconstruction or approximate Riemann solvers including HLL, modified Marquina flux, local Lax-Friedrichs flux formulas and HLLC. The AMR part of the code is built on top of the cosmological Eulerian AMR code {\sl enzo}. We discuss the coupling of the AMR framework with the relativistic solvers. Via various test problems, we emphasize the importance of resolution studies in relativistic flow simulations because extremely high resolution is required especially when shear flows are present in the problem. We also present the results of two 3d simulations of astrophysical jets: AGN jets and GRB jets. Resolution study of those two cases further highlights the need of high resolutions to calculate accurately relativistic flow problems.Comment: 14 pages, 23 figures. A section on 3D GRB jet simulation added. Accepted by ApJ

    A Multidimensional Relativistic Hydrodynamics Code with a General Equation of State

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    The ideal gas equation of state with a constant adiabatic index, although commonly used in relativistic hydrodynamics, is a poor approximation for most relativistic astrophysical flows. Here we propose a new general equation of state for a multi-component relativistic gas which is consistent with the Synge equation of state for a relativistic perfect gas and is suitable for numerical (special) relativistic hydrodynamics. We also present a multidimensional relativistic hydrodynamics code incorporating the proposed general equation of state, based on the HLL scheme, which does not make use of a full characteristic decomposition of the relativistic hydrodynamic equations. The accuracy and robustness of this code is demonstrated in multidimensional calculations through several highly relativistic test problems taking into account nonvanishing tangential velocities. Results from three-dimensional simulations of relativistic jets show that the morphology and dynamics of the relativistic jets are significantly influenced by the different equation of state and by different compositions of relativistic perfect gases. Our new numerical code, combined with our proposed equation of state is very efficient and robust, and unlike previous codes, it gives very accurate results for thermodynamic variables in relativistic astrophysical flows.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Assessment of a high-resolution central scheme for the solution of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations

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    We assess the suitability of a recent high-resolution central scheme developed by Kurganov & Tadmor (2000) for the solution of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations. The novelty of this approach relies on the absence of Riemann solvers in the solution procedure. The computations we present are performed in one and two spatial dimensions in Minkowski spacetime. Standard numerical experiments such as shock tubes and the relativistic flat-faced step test are performed. As an astrophysical application the article includes two-dimensional simulations of the propagation of relativistic jets using both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. The simulations reported clearly show the capabilities of the numerical scheme to yield satisfactory results, with an accuracy comparable to that obtained by the so-called high-resolution shock-capturing schemes based upon Riemann solvers (Godunov-type schemes), even well inside the ultrarelativistic regime. Such central scheme can be straightforwardly applied to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws for which the characteristic structure is not explicitly known, or in cases where the exact solution of the Riemann problem is prohibitively expensive to compute numerically. Finally, we present comparisons with results obtained using various Godunov-type schemes as well as with those obtained using other high-resolution central schemes which have recently been reported in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, to appear in A&

    RAM: A Relativistic Adaptive Mesh Refinement Hydrodynamics Code

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    We have developed a new computer code, RAM, to solve the conservative equations of special relativistic hydrodynamics (SRHD) using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) on parallel computers. We have implemented a characteristic-wise, finite difference, weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme using the full characteristic decomposition of the SRHD equations to achieve fifth-order accuracy in space. For time integration we use the method of lines with a third-order total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta scheme. We have also implemented fourth and fifth order Runge-Kutta time integration schemes for comparison. The implementation of AMR and parallelization is based on the FLASH code. RAM is modular and includes the capability to easily swap hydrodynamics solvers, reconstruction methods and physics modules. In addition to WENO we have implemented a finite volume module with the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) for reconstruction and the modified Marquina approximate Riemann solver to work with TVD Runge-Kutta time integration. We examine the difficulty of accurately simulating shear flows in numerical relativistic hydrodynamics codes. We show that under-resolved simulations of simple test problems with transverse velocity components produce incorrect results and demonstrate the ability of RAM to correctly solve these problems. RAM has been tested in one, two and three dimensions and in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. We have demonstrated fifth-order accuracy for WENO in one and two dimensions and performed detailed comparison with other schemes for which we show significantly lower convergence rates. Extensive testing is presented demonstrating the ability of RAM to address challenging open questions in relativistic astrophysics.Comment: ApJS in press, 21 pages including 18 figures (6 color figures

    A multidimensional grid-adaptive relativistic magnetofluid code

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    A robust second order, shock-capturing numerical scheme for multi-dimensional special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics on computational domains with adaptive mesh refinement is presented. The base solver is a total variation diminishing Lax-Friedrichs scheme in a finite volume setting and is combined with a diffusive approach for controlling magnetic monopole errors. The consistency between the primitive and conservative variables is ensured at all limited reconstructions and the spatial part of the four velocity is used as a primitive variable. Demonstrative relativistic examples are shown to validate the implementation. We recover known exact solutions to relativistic MHD Riemann problems, and simulate the shock-dominated long term evolution of Lorentz factor 7 vortical flows distorting magnetic island chains.Comment: accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    AMRVAC and Relativistic Hydrodynamic simulations for GRB afterglow phases

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    We apply a novel adaptive mesh refinement code, AMRVAC, to numerically investigate the various evolutionary phases in the interaction of a relativistic shell with its surrounding cold Interstellar Medium (ISM). We do this for both 1D isotropic as well as full 2D jetlike fireball models. This is relevant for Gamma Ray Bursts, and we demonstrate that, thanks to the AMR strategy, we resolve the internal structure of the shocked shell-ISM matter, which will leave its imprint on the GRB afterglow. We determine the deceleration from an initial Lorentz factor γ=100\gamma=100 up to the almost Newtonian γO(2)\gamma\sim{\cal O}(2) phase of the flow. We present axisymmetric 2D shell evolutions, with the 2D extent characterized by their initial opening angle. In such jetlike GRB models, we discuss the differences with the 1D isotropic GRB equivalents. These are mainly due to thermally induced sideways expansions of both the shocked shell and shocked ISM regions. We found that the propagating 2D ultrarelativistic shell does not accrete all the surrounding medium located within its initial opening angle. Part of this ISM matter gets pushed away laterally and forms a wide bow-shock configuration with swirling flow patterns trailing the thin shell. The resulting shell deceleration is quite different from that found in isotropic GRB models. As long as the lateral shell expansion is merely due to ballistic spreading of the shell, isotropic and 2D models agree perfectly. As thermally induced expansions eventually lead to significantly higher lateral speeds, the 2D shell interacts with comparably more ISM matter and decelerates earlier than its isotropic counterpart.Comment: 12 pages, accepted in MNRAS, 12/01/200

    Dynamical Evolution of an Ultra-relativistic Fireball Colliding with a Freely Expanding Gas

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    We investigate the hydrodynamical evolution of an ultra-relativistic fireball colliding with a freely expanding gas. The hydrodynamical interaction of the fireball and the gas results in the formation of a geometrically thin shell. We study the dynamical evolution of the shell by an analytical way and perform a numerical simulation equipped with an adaptive mesh refinement to investigate the internal structure of the shell. The shocked gas can give rise to bright emission in the X-ray and gamma-ray energy range. We propose that the breakout emission from the forward shock and the photospheric emission from the reverse-shocked fireball contribute to early gamma-ray emission from gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Second-order accurate genuine BGK schemes for the ultra-relativistic flow simulations

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    This paper presents second-order accurate genuine BGK (Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook) schemes in the framework of finite volume method for the ultra-relativistic flows. Different from the existing kinetic flux-vector splitting (KFVS) or BGK-type schemes for the ultra-relativistic Euler equations, the present genuine BGK schemes are derived from the analytical solution of the Anderson-Witting model, which is given for the first time and includes the "genuine" particle collisions in the gas transport process. The BGK schemes for the ultra-relativistic viscous flows are also developed and two examples of ultra-relativistic viscous flow are designed. Several 1D and 2D numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the proposed BGK schemes not only are accurate and stable in simulating ultra-relativistic inviscid and viscous flows, but also have higher resolution at the contact discontinuity than the KFVS or BGK-type schemes.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figure

    WhiskyMHD: a new numerical code for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics

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    The accurate modelling of astrophysical scenarios involving compact objects and magnetic fields, such as the collapse of rotating magnetized stars to black holes or the phenomenology of gamma-ray bursts, requires the solution of the Einstein equations together with those of general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. We present a new numerical code developed to solve the full set of general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics equations in a dynamical and arbitrary spacetime with high-resolution shock-capturing techniques on domains with adaptive mesh refinements. After a discussion of the equations solved and of the techniques employed, we present a series of testbeds carried out to validate the code and assess its accuracy. Such tests range from the solution of relativistic Riemann problems in flat spacetime, over to the stationary accretion onto a Schwarzschild black hole and up to the evolution of oscillating magnetized stars in equilibrium and constructed as consistent solutions of the coupled Einstein-Maxwell equations.Comment: minor changes to match the published versio