1,379 research outputs found

    Школа успіху

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    Кожна людина у всесвіті бажає бути успішним і щасливим, мати багато грошей, хороші відносини і прекрасне самопочуття. Але, на жаль не всі розуміють, як налагодити свою долю і виправити свій життєвий сценарій. Багато хто просто не вірять у себе і в свої сили. Вони опускають руки і мириться зі своїм плачевним станом. Більшість людей думають, що від них нічого не залежить. І це їхня велика помилка. Насправді кожна людина може змінити своє життя і добитися успіху. І потрібно взяти відповідальність і почати діяти, долаючи будь-які перешкоди на своєму шляху. Як змінити своє життя

    A Contribution to the Question of Marcin Siennik’s Nationality

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    The aim of the article is to supplement the knowledge of the German origin of Marcin Siennik by, among many other things, the information concerning his Protestant denomination, which influenced the way in which some fragments of the originally Italian The Secrets of the Reverend Maister Alexis of Piemont (Venice, 1555) were translated into Polish, and at the same time to present the views and doings of Sebastian Śleszkowski, the publisher of the second edition of the Polish translation of The Secrets (Kraków, 1620)

    Sekrety literatury i głód wtajemniczenia

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    This article concerns secrets and secrecy in narrative works. The author, following in the footsteps of Auerbach and Kermode, argues that secrets should be understood as discontinuous places, gaps that demand to be filled. Auerbach and Kermode pointed to the biblical origins of the secret narrative. The latter in The Genesis of Secrecy. On the Interpretation of Narrative noted that secrets presuppose a mode of initiation – this was the case in the gospel of St Mark he analysed, addressed to believers. However, this sender’s intention also appears in strictly literary texts that operate the convention of the secret. This article refers to four twentieth-century Polish narrative texts that use elements of secrecy in different ways. Mrożek’s Moniza Clavier conceals the confabulatory character of the first-person statement, Miłosz’s Dolina Issy and Gombrowicz’s Kosmos conceal the deeply autobiographical character of the reflection on individual fate, while the narrative in Lem’s Solaris activates the possibility of ‘vertical reading’, referring to the concept of some absolute. Secrets in literary texts tend to be secularized versions of religious narratives addressed to the initiated, and the promise of an integration of discontinuous places attracts sceptics and believers.This article concerns secrets and secrecy in narrative works. The author, following in the footsteps of Auerbach and Kermode, argues that secrets should be understood as discontinuous places, gaps that demand to be filled. Auerbach and Kermode pointed to the biblical origins of the secret narrative. The latter in The Genesis of Secrecy. On the Interpretation of Narrative noted that secrets presuppose a mode of initiation – this was the case in the gospel of St Mark he analysed, addressed to believers. However, this sender’s intention also appears in strictly literary texts that operate the convention of the secret. This article refers to four twentieth-century Polish narrative texts that use elements of secrecy in different ways. Mrożek’s Moniza Clavier conceals the confabulatory character of the first-person statement, Miłosz’s Dolina Issy and Gombrowicz’s Kosmos conceal the deeply autobiographical character of the reflection on individual fate, while the narrative in Lem’s Solaris activates the possibility of ‘vertical reading’, referring to the concept of some absolute. Secrets in literary texts tend to be secularized versions of religious narratives addressed to the initiated, and the promise of an integration of discontinuous places attracts sceptics and believers

    O micie uroczej Italii i przystojnego Włocha w najnowszych polskich powieściach romansowych

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    The myth of lovely Italy and handsome Italian men in the contemporary Polish romance novels Abstract The article aims at explaining the phenomenon of mass interest in Italy as a setting forcontemporary Polish romance novels. In order to understand said phenomenon, the authoranalyzes three romance novels published within the last decade. The article is divided intothree parts corresponding to aspects of the analyzed phenomenon: representation of thespace of Italy, representations of the Italian men and descriptions of changes occurring infemale characters due to their stay in Italy. The analysis, conducted with the use of Barthes’concept of myth, results in detailed description of elements of Italian myth and conceptsrelated to it. Keywords: Italy, stereotype, myth, space, romanc

    Sekrety ulicy Kącik

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    The author of memories about Kącik Street heading from Garbary Street to the Bydgoszcz Canal, built in the described period, draws on his own experiences, when he lived in this neighborhood as a young boy. He was walking this Street every day on his way to school. He mentions sixteen huge chestnut trees, which flooded the street with chestnuts, “ALFA” factory manufacturing photographic materials with large-scale chemical processing, warehouse buildings of “Lukullus” Chocolate Factory, smelling with sweets made by the production factory on Poznańska Street, Ludwig Buchholz “Leather Factory,” and a huge tannery with buildings reaching the Brda riverside. He recalls winter games from his childhood, slides on the Canal, and sleigh rides. He also brings to mind a picturesque public restroom made from metal, which was an object of ridicule among local youth. He remembers Ignatz Krause, a Jewish street player, former member of the Berlin Symphonists, expelled from the Third Reich. There were many people and events building a unique atmosphere of this “title” street

    Sekrety Zenona Fajfera

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    Liberature, the literary project created by Zenon Fajfer and Katarzyna Bazarnik, is usually read from the material perspective, which emphasizes the formal qualities of a work. The article tries to choose a different path. Firstly, it constructs the figure of a secret as the unrevealed foundation of Fajfer’s books. Secondly, it proposes to read this secret in the Marano mode. Hence, the secret of Marano, a Jew who has to conceal his own identity, supported by Jacques Derrida’s observations, becomes a departure point for a new hermeneutic model.Liberature, the literary project created by Zenon Fajfer and Katarzyna Bazarnik, is usually read from the material perspective, which emphasizes the formal qualities of a work. The article tries to choose a different path. Firstly, it constructs the figure of a secret as the unrevealed foundation of Fajfer’s books. Secondly, it proposes to read this secret in the Marano mode. Hence, the secret of Marano, a Jew who has to conceal his own identity, supported by Jacques Derrida’s observations, becomes a departure point for a new hermeneutic model

    Homosexual secrets : the search of Karol Radziszewski

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    Przedmiotem badawczym i główną osią tematyczną artykułu jest działalność artystyczna Karola Radziszewskiego. Praca ukazuje sylwetkę artysty jako zewnętrznego archiwizatora, który wykorzystuje archiwa, by opowiedzieć nieznane / zapomniane / ukryte historie. W artykule opisane i przeanalizowane zostaje to, w jaki sposób artysta przeszukuje archiwum - z jakich praktyk i metod korzysta, by uruchomić i ożywić niepożądane w dominującym reżimie widzialności w przestrzeni publicznej opowieści i obrazy dotyczące mniejszości seksualnych. Podjęte zostają też kwestie systemu funkcjonowania archiwum i wątek działalności Radziszewskiego skupiony wokół krytyki instytucjonalnej. W pracy postawiono tezę, że poszukiwania artysty stanowią sprawczy, performatywny i emancypacyjny gest wobec wykluczonych narracji i obrazów.The subject and the main thematic axis of the article is the artistic activity of Karol Radziszewski. The article presents the artist as an external archivist, who uses archives to tell the unknown / forgotten / hidden stories. The article provides a description and an analysis of the way Radziszewski searches the archives - what methods he uses to empower stories undesirable in view of the dominant discourse of public visibility. The article also examines the way the archives function and deals with the topic of Radziszewski's activity focused on institutional criticism. The article claims that the artist's search is a causative, performative and emancipatory gesture towards excluded narratives

    Market symphony

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    The idea for this article was conceived on my subsequent visit at Ludwig van Beethoven’s Museum at Bonngase 20 in Bonn in August 2007. Since 2004 in The Digital Beethoven’s House there has been an opportunity to listen to and watch Beethoven’s works, in totally new three-dimensional interpretation. This 3D computer visualisation of Beethoven’s works is expressed with the use of three-dimensional rotary-spiral trajectories. Their shape is strikingly similar to economic trajectories which designate vectors of goods with such components as: price, quality, and time. The 3D visualisation of the master’s works was possible due to equations which change the notation of sounds of music (of any instrument) onto the location of a point in 3 R+ . Each economic phenomenon presented in the Cartesian product (price, volume, time) eases sounds. In the paper the author poses a fundamental question. Is it possible to forecast the value of WIG 20 for tomorrow, hearing its sounds emitted up till today?The 3D computer visualisation of Beethoven’s works, three-dimensional rotary-spiral trajectories, new three-dimensional interpretation, Cartesian product: price, volume, time

    Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Vita Merlini – Missing Link or a Blind Alley in Merlin’s Character Development?

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    This article discusses briefly the character of Merlin created by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his early twelfth-century poem Vita Merlini and draws analogies between Merlin’s figure in the poem and earlier, mainly Welsh, sources, as well as the thirteenth-century French literature. Following Merlin’s character development and the major motifs connected with his figure across medieval texts the article tries to establish the place Vita Merlini occupies among other medieval texts dealing with Merlin’s character.

    Design of Electric Suction Pump

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    Zadáním této bakalářské práce je design transportní lékařské odsávačky. Hlavním cílem je navrhnout přístroj s plynule nastavitelným podtlakem pro všechny věkové kategorie, stabilním uchycením nádoby na sekrety, vhodně umístěným úložným prostorem pro hadice a s inovativními prvky. Práce vychází ze současného stavu poznání existujících produktů a jejich uspořádání. V návrhu jsou zohledněny technické i ergonomické požadavky. Finální produkt bude využíván hlavně integrovanými záchrannými systémy při výjezdech k pacientům.The assignment of this bachelor’s final thesis is the design of electric suction pump. The main goal is to design a device with adjustable vacuum for people of all age groups, a stable attachment of the secretion container, a suitable place storage space for tubing and innovative elements. The work is based on the current state of knowledge of existing products and their arrangement. The design takes into account technical and ergonomic requirements. The final product will be used mainly by rescuers of integrated rescue systems.