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    785 research outputs found

    Pomiędzy bestsellerem a poetologią. O aurze dzieła, dyskrecji wobec czytelnika i tajemnicy formy na przykładzie noweli Siegfrieda Lenza Minuta ciszy (2008)

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    Siegfried Lenz’s novella (2008, English edition 2009) has not only been appreciated by literary critics, but also turned out to be a great bestseller. The novella is a frequent subject of research analysis, es- pecially in terms of its location in the tradition of German and world novella writing. This diversity of reception is astonishing and presents an interesting phenomenon. The novella tells a banal love story, but through an intentional silence and a series of intertextual tropes it also creates mysteriousness. The analysis proposed here is based on Walter Benjamin’s notion of “aura” in the 1930s. From today’s point of view, this concept requires a few additions, primarily from the perspective of systems theory. As it turns out this concept can be applied both to the content of the novella and to the strategy of literary criticism, as well as to explain the role of form and context in the personal perception of the text.  Siegfried Lenz’s novella (2008, English edition 2009) has not only been appreciated by literary critics, but also turned out to be a great bestseller. The novella is a frequent subject of research analysis, es- pecially in terms of its location in the tradition of German and world novella writing. This diversity of reception is astonishing and presents an interesting phenomenon. The novella tells a banal love story, but through an intentional silence and a series of intertextual tropes it also creates mysteriousness. The analysis proposed here is based on Walter Benjamin’s notion of “aura” in the 1930s. From today’s point of view, this concept requires a few additions, primarily from the perspective of systems theory. As it turns out this concept can be applied both to the content of the novella and to the strategy of literary criticism, as well as to explain the role of form and context in the personal perception of the text. &nbsp

    Tajemnice Września

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    The author indicates that a research reflection on the civilian experience of September 1939, as recorded in the pages of Polish literature, will make it possible to complete the picture that emerges from previous analyses, dominated by the soldier’s, military experience. This work requires a broader view of the events of the beginning of the war, going beyond the meanings and time defined by military actions. Seen in this way, literary September appears as an as yet undiscovered mystery.The author indicates that a research reflection on the civilian experience of September 1939, as recorded in the pages of Polish literature, will make it possible to complete the picture that emerges from previous analyses, dominated by the soldier’s, military experience. This work requires a broader view of the events of the beginning of the war, going beyond the meanings and time defined by military actions. Seen in this way, literary September appears as an as yet undiscovered mystery

    Tęsknota za człowieczeństwem. Dehumanizacja w muzyce gry Cyberpunk 2077

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    Video games are often analysed as textual objects. This default literary point of view, while providing valuable conclusions, fails to observe some essential points that are realised in different modes of narration. Here I will analyse the Cyberpunk 2077 video game from a musical perspective. I will be “listening to” the game rather than “reading” it. This kind of hermeneutical approach will highlight certain ideas of CP2077. I will focus on the issue of dehumanisation, and show that musically the game places special emphasis on this. I will point out the musical characteristics that can affect players and interpret the rationale behind it.Video games are often analysed as textual objects. This default literary point of view, while providing valuable conclusions, fails to observe some essential points that are realised in different modes of narration. Here I will analyse the Cyberpunk 2077 video game from a musical perspective. I will be “listening to” the game rather than “reading” it. This kind of hermeneutical approach will highlight certain ideas of CP2077. I will focus on the issue of dehumanisation, and show that musically the game places special emphasis on this. I will point out the musical characteristics that can affect players and interpret the rationale behind it

    O teatr przyszłości. Zapomniane źródła włoskiego myślenia performatycznego

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    Italian theater studies in 20th century focused on the theater as the art of staging a dramatic text and it’s analysis. Over the past decade, theater anthropology and performance studies make their way among these relics of the past century slowly but effectively, and the sources of the Italian performance studies are indicated in the 1960s and 1970s. Meanwhile, the interest of Italian researchers in restored behavior is reflected in texts published in-between the two world wars. The subject of the analysis are two texts by Corrado Pavolini who we consider to be a precursor of Italian performance studies.Italian theater studies in 20th century focused on the theater as the art of staging a dramatic text and it’s analysis. Over the past decade, theater anthropology and performance studies make their way among these relics of the past century slowly but effectively, and the sources of the Italian performance studies are indicated in the 1960s and 1970s. Meanwhile, the interest of Italian researchers in restored behavior is reflected in texts published in-between the two world wars. The subject of the analysis are two texts by Corrado Pavolini who we consider to be a precursor of Italian performance studies

    Spis treści

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    Autotematyzm out of the blue. Kilka uwag o poezji Julii Hartwig na marginesie wiersza Reprymenda

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    The article discusses different variants of metareflection in Julia Hartwig’s poetry, situating them against the background of a comprehensive concept of the poet’s work. The analysis of her poem Reprymenda [Reprimand] gives rise to a proposal of authotematism specific to Hartwig’s poetry, here called ‘out of the blue’ autothematism and contrasted with the concept of avant-garde poetry. This metapoetic formula is then extended to other texts in the volume Jasne niejasne [Bright Unclear], in which the mimetic aspect of literature in particular is problematised and the ethical dimension of Hartwig’s oeuvre is highlighted.The article discusses different variants of metareflection in Julia Hartwig’s poetry, situating them against the background of a comprehensive concept of the poet’s work. The analysis of her poem Reprymenda [Reprimand] gives rise to a proposal of authotematism specific to Hartwig’s poetry, here called ‘out of the blue’ autothematism and contrasted with the concept of avant-garde poetry. This metapoetic formula is then extended to other texts in the volume Jasne niejasne [Bright Unclear], in which the mimetic aspect of literature in particular is problematised and the ethical dimension of Hartwig’s oeuvre is highlighted

    Klaudian i jego tajemnica

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    The aim of this chapter is to present the mythological poem by Claudianus about Proserpine’s kidnapping and marriage. The poem still encourage the scholars to discussion about its aim and the state of its preservation. I will also focus my attention to the intratextual as well intertextual connections joining the poem with itself and the wide ancient tradition. I will propose two very hypothetical lines of interpretation concerning the De raptu Proserpinae.The aim of this chapter is to present the mythological poem by Claudianus about Proserpine’s kidnapping and marriage. The poem still encourage the scholars to discussion about its aim and the state of its preservation. I will also focus my attention to the intratextual as well intertextual connections joining the poem with itself and the wide ancient tradition. I will propose two very hypothetical lines of interpretation concerning the De raptu Proserpinae

    „… prawda musi wybrać połowę paradoksu i połowę stereotypu”. O tajemnicach Żyda wiecznego tułacza Aleksandra Wata

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    Aleksander Wat’s novella The Wandering Jew, published in 1926, is his only prose text in which the Jewish motif is the very center of the narrative. Wat carefully avoids dramatic or frightening notes, staying away from the characters created by Potocki, Quinet, Schubart, and Meyrink. However, certain aspects of the old version of the ancient myth remain: the millennial peregrination through history, the absolute solitude of the hero, and his magical movement and appearance in different parts of the world. The fusion of Catholicism and communism in the shadow of Marranism, represented by the protagonist Nathan, reflects grotesquely either on the phenomenon of Jewish youth fleeing the shtetls observed by young Wat, or on his own ecumenical dreams and reflections on the metahistorical role of Jews and their conversion. The article analyzes this issue also with particular regard either to the reception of the old Christian legend, or to the Anti-semitic narrative on the conspiracy of Jewish converts, shared by Keith Gilbert Chesterton, a contemporary writer very important for Wat.Aleksander Wat’s novella The Wandering Jew, published in 1926, is his only prose text in which the Jewish motif is the very center of the narrative. Wat carefully avoids dramatic or frightening notes, staying away from the characters created by Potocki, Quinet, Schubart, and Meyrink. However, certain aspects of the old version of the ancient myth remain: the millennial peregrination through history, the absolute solitude of the hero, and his magical movement and appearance in different parts of the world. The fusion of Catholicism and communism in the shadow of Marranism, represented by the protagonist Nathan, reflects grotesquely either on the phenomenon of Jewish youth fleeing the shtetls observed by young Wat, or on his own ecumenical dreams and reflections on the metahistorical role of Jews and their conversion. The article analyzes this issue also with particular regard either to the reception of the old Christian legend, or to the Anti-semitic narrative on the conspiracy of Jewish converts, shared by Keith Gilbert Chesterton, a contemporary writer very important for Wat

    Różne marginesy

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    The article contains a review of bell hooks’ Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center (1984; Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, Warszawa 2013, second edition 2022). The text by the American scholar presents groundbreaking theses for the development of the Black feminism movement – she was one of the first to draw attention to the need to take into account various social determinants of violence against women. At the same time, it emphasizes the exclusionary and marginalizing assumptions of second-wave feminism that dominated in the mid-twentieth century. In my review, I reflect on the importance of republishing a theoretical book that examines the systemic violence faced by Black women in a patriarchal and white society. For me, it is important to ask about the relevance of hooks’ reflections and the role they play in thinking about feminism in contemporary capitalist society. I also reflect on the applicability of hooks’ theory in Polish feminism context.The article contains a review of bell hooks’ Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center (1984; Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, Warszawa 2013, second edition 2022). The text by the American scholar presents groundbreaking theses for the development of the Black feminism movement – she was one of the first to draw attention to the need to take into account various social determinants of violence against women. At the same time, it emphasizes the exclusionary and marginalizing assumptions of second-wave feminism that dominated in the mid-twentieth century. In my review, I reflect on the importance of republishing a theoretical book that examines the systemic violence faced by Black women in a patriarchal and white society. For me, it is important to ask about the relevance of hooks’ reflections and the role they play in thinking about feminism in contemporary capitalist society. I also reflect on the applicability of hooks’ theory in Polish feminism context

    Odkrywanie tajemnicy - rozwiązywanie zagadki. O scenariuszu telewizyjnego serialu kryminalnego (na przykładzie serialu Rojst)

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    Authors of the series use various scenario techniques, creating the aesthetics of a black retro-crime with consciously developed allusions to the end of the communist era in Poland. They concern: space-time, dramaturgy, props, characters and the audio sphere. Their message is, on the one hand, an expression of a certain nostalgia for the lost time, and on the other, a kind of resentment with historically deepened criticism of the reality of the time. Solving a criminal mystery becomes at the same time uncovering the mystery of a double murder and a double suicide, it also refers to a mystery from many years ago, connected by the thread of romance.Authors of the series use various scenario techniques, creating the aesthetics of a black retro-crime with consciously developed allusions to the end of the communist era in Poland. They concern: space-time, dramaturgy, props, characters and the audio sphere. Their message is, on the one hand, an expression of a certain nostalgia for the lost time, and on the other, a kind of resentment with historically deepened criticism of the reality of the time. Solving a criminal mystery becomes at the same time uncovering the mystery of a double murder and a double suicide, it also refers to a mystery from many years ago, connected by the thread of romance


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