69 research outputs found

    Production Scheduling in Integrated Steel Manufacturing

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    Steel manufacturing is both energy and capital intensive, and it includes multiple production stages, such as iron-making, steelmaking, and rolling. This dissertation investigates the order schedule coordination problem in a multi-stage manufacturing context. A mixed-integer linear programming model is proposed to generate operational (up to the minute) schedules for the steelmaking and rolling stages simultaneously. The proposed multi-stage scheduling model in integrated steel manufacturing can provide a broader view of the cost impact on the individual stages. It also extends the current order scheduling literature in steel manufacturing from a single-stage focus to the coordinated multi-stage focus. Experiments are introduced to study the impact of problem size (number of order batches), order due time and demand pattern on solution performance. Preliminary results from small data instances are reported. A novel heuristic algorithm, Wind Driven Algorithm (WDO), is explained in detail, and numerical parameter study is presented. Another well-known and effective heuristic approach based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used as a benchmark for performance comparison. Both algorithms are implemented to solve the scheduling model. Results show that WDO outperforms PSO for the proposed model on solving large sample data instances. Novel contributions and future research areas are highlighted in the conclusion

    Coil batching to improve productivity and energy utilization in steel production

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    This paper investigates a practical batching decision problem that arises in the batch annealing operations in the cold rolling stage of steel production faced by most large iron and steel companies in the world. The problem is to select steel coils from a set of waiting coils to form batches to be annealed in available batch annealing furnaces and choose a median coil for each furnace. The objective is to maximize the total reward of the selected coils less the total coil'coil and coil'furnace mismatching cost. For a special case of the problem that arises frequently in practical settings where the coils are all similar and there is only one type of furnace available, we develop a polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm to obtain an optimal solution. For the general case of the problem, which is strongly NP-hard, an exact branch-and-price-and-cut solution algorithm is developed using a column and row generation framework. A variable reduction strategy is also proposed to accelerate the algorithm. The algorithm is capable of solving medium-size instances to optimality within a reasonable computation time. In addition, a tabu search heuristic is proposed for solving larger instances. Three simple search neighborhoods, as well as a sophisticated variable-depth neighborhood, are developed. This heuristic can generate near-optimal solutions for large instances within a short computation time. Using both randomly generated and real-world production data sets, we show that our algorithms are superior to the typical rule-based planning approach used by many steel plants. A decision support system that embeds our algorithms was developed and implemented at Baosteel to replace their rule-based planning method. The use of the system brings significant benefits to Baosteel, including an annual net profit increase of at least 1.76 million U.S. dollars and a large reduction of standard coal consumption and carbon dioxide emissions

    An effective iterated greedy algorithm for the mixed no-idle flowshop scheduling problem

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    In the no-idle flowshop, machines cannot be idle after finishing one job and before starting the next one. Therefore, start times of jobs must be delayed to guarantee this constraint. In practice machines show this behavior as it might be technically unfeasible or uneconomical to stop a machine in between jobs. This has important ramifications in the modern industry including fiber glass processing, foundries, production of integrated circuits and the steel making industry, among others. However, to assume that all machines in the shop have this no-idle constraint is not realistic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to study the mixed no-idle extension where only some machines have the no-idle constraint. We present a mixed integer programming model for this new problem and the equations to calculate the makespan. We also propose a set of formulas to accelerate the calculation of insertions that is used both in heuristics as well as in the local search procedures. An effective iterated greedy (IG) algorithm is proposed. We use an NEH-based heuristic to construct a high quality initial solution. A local search using the proposed accelerations is employed to emphasize intensification and exploration in the IG. A new destruction and construction procedure is also shown. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, we present several adaptations of other well-known and recent metaheuristics for the problem and conduct a comprehensive set of computational and statistical experiments with a total of 1750 instances. The results show that the proposed IG algorithm outperforms existing methods in the no-idle and in the mixed no-idle scenarios by a significant margin.Quan-Ke Pan is partially supported by the National Science Foundation of China 61174187, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-13-0106), Science Foundation of Liaoning Province in China (2013020016), Basic scientific research foundation of Northeast University under Grant N110208001, Starting foundation of Northeast University under Grant 29321006, and Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing and Network Security (Liaocheng University). Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under the project "RESULT - Realistic Extended Scheduling Using Light Techniques" with reference DPI2012-36243-C02-01 co-financed by the European Union and FEDER funds and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, for the project MRPIV with reference PAID/2012/202.Pan, Q.; Ruiz García, R. (2014). An effective iterated greedy algorithm for the mixed no-idle flowshop scheduling problem. Omega. 44:41-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2013.10.002S41504

    Internet of Things in urban waste collection

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    Nowadays, the waste collection management has an important role in urban areas. This paper faces this issue and proposes the application of a metaheuristic for the optimization of a weekly schedule and routing of the waste collection activities in an urban area. Differently to several contributions in literature, fixed periodic routes are not imposed. The results significantly improve the performance of the company involved, both in terms of resources used and costs saving

    Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Maintenance Activities

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    A hybrid algorithm which combines particle swarm optimization (PSO) and iterated local search (ILS) is proposed for solving the hybrid flowshop scheduling (HFS) problem with preventive maintenance (PM) activities. In the proposed algorithm, different crossover operators and mutation operators are investigated. In addition, an efficient multiple insert mutation operator is developed for enhancing the searching ability of the algorithm. Furthermore, an ILS-based local search procedure is embedded in the algorithm to improve the exploitation ability of the proposed algorithm. The detailed experimental parameter for the canonical PSO is tuning. The proposed algorithm is tested on the variation of 77 Carlier and Néron’s benchmark problems. Detailed comparisons with the present efficient algorithms, including hGA, ILS, PSO, and IG, verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Towards A Computational Intelligence Framework in Steel Product Quality and Cost Control

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    Steel is a fundamental raw material for all industries. It can be widely used in vari-ous fields, including construction, bridges, ships, containers, medical devices and cars. However, the production process of iron and steel is very perplexing, which consists of four processes: ironmaking, steelmaking, continuous casting and rolling. It is also extremely complicated to control the quality of steel during the full manufacturing pro-cess. Therefore, the quality control of steel is considered as a huge challenge for the whole steel industry. This thesis studies the quality control, taking the case of Nanjing Iron and Steel Group, and then provides new approaches for quality analysis, manage-ment and control of the industry. At present, Nanjing Iron and Steel Group has established a quality management and control system, which oversees many systems involved in the steel manufacturing. It poses a high statistical requirement for business professionals, resulting in a limited use of the system. A lot of data of quality has been collected in each system. At present, all systems mainly pay attention to the processing and analysis of the data after the manufacturing process, and the quality problems of the products are mainly tested by sampling-experimental method. This method cannot detect product quality or predict in advance the hidden quality issues in a timely manner. In the quality control system, the responsibilities and functions of different information systems involved are intricate. Each information system is merely responsible for storing the data of its corresponding functions. Hence, the data in each information system is relatively isolated, forming a data island. The iron and steel production process belongs to the process industry. The data in multiple information systems can be combined to analyze and predict the quality of products in depth and provide an early warning alert. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new product quality control methods in the steel industry. With the waves of industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, intelligent technology has also been in-troduced in the field of quality control to improve the competitiveness of the iron and steel enterprises in the industry. Applying intelligent technology can generate accurate quality analysis and optimal prediction results based on the data distributed in the fac-tory and determine the online adjustment of the production process. This not only gives rise to the product quality control, but is also beneficial to in the reduction of product costs. Inspired from this, this paper provide in-depth discussion in three chapters: (1) For scrap steel to be used as raw material, how to use artificial intelligence algorithms to evaluate its quality grade is studied in chapter 3; (2) the probability that the longi-tudinal crack occurs on the surface of continuous casting slab is studied in chapter 4;(3) The prediction of mechanical properties of finished steel plate in chapter 5. All these 3 chapters will serve as the technical support of quality control in iron and steel production

    Lot sizing and furnace scheduling in small foundries

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    A lot sizing and scheduling problem prevalent in small market-driven foundries is studied. There are two related decision levels: (1) the furnace scheduling of metal alloy production, and (2) moulding machine planning which specifies the type and size of production lots. A mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation of the problem is proposed, but is impractical to solve in reasonable computing time for non-small instances. As a result, a faster relax-and-fix (RF) approach is developed that can also be used on a rolling horizon basis where only immediate-term schedules are implemented. As well as a MIP method to solve the basic RF approach, three variants of a local search method are also developed and tested using instances based on the literature. Finally, foundry-based tests with a real-order book resulted in a very substantial reduction of delivery delays and finished inventory, better use of capacity, and much faster schedule definition compared to the foundry's own practice. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    An integrated value-derivative model for the steel industry to evaluate and optimize the impact of operational strategies using total enterprise performance indicators

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a structured evaluation and optimization methodology for a prototype Value Chain Analysis model created by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to identify and select new operational strategies/technologies for steel manufacturing plants in order to enhance their performance. The research’s major objectives were (a) to develop an enterprise mathematical model that describes the steel manufacturing process in terms of performance indicators, that adequately explains the marginal changes in outputs that occur per unit changes in inputs at the process step level, and that further illustrates how each process chains together in the production sequence; (b) to develop enterprise mathematical programming models for a number of optimization approaches to search for optimal or pareto-optimal values of the process performance indicators given a set of parameters; and (c) to develop methods to numerically solve, through a mix of heuristic and optimization techniques, the mathematical programming problems to optimize the manufacturing process’ performance in order to achieve the maximum leveraged benefits for the entire enterprise

    Multi-population-based differential evolution algorithm for optimization problems

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    A differential evolution (DE) algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm for optimization problems over a continuous domain. To solve high dimensional global optimization problems, this work investigates the performance of differential evolution algorithms under a multi-population strategy. The original DE algorithm generates an initial set of suitable solutions. The multi-population strategy divides the set into several subsets. These subsets evolve independently and connect with each other according to the DE algorithm. This helps in preserving the diversity of the initial set. Furthermore, a comparison of combination of different mutation techniques on several optimization algorithms is studied to verify their performance. Finally, the computational results on the arbitrarily generated experiments, reveal some interesting relationship between the number of subpopulations and performance of the DE. Centralized charging of electric vehicles (EVs) based on battery swapping is a promising strategy for their large-scale utilization in power systems. In this problem, the above algorithm is designed to minimize total charging cost, as well as to reduce power loss and voltage deviation of power networks. The resulting algorithm and several others are executed on an IEEE 30-bus test system, and the results suggest that the proposed algorithm is one of effective and promising methods for optimal EV centralized charging
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