82 research outputs found

    The GNU GaMa Project - Adjustment of Geodetic Networks

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    The development of Free Software is a well established and successful phenomenon which could hardly exist without the Internet, where groups of programmers scattered all around the world are developing software. The idea of Free Software is highly attractive to talented creative students and can stimulate and support their profesional activities. The GNU GaMa [4] for adjusting of geodetic networks, with input data described in XML, is given here as a concrete example. Free Software [3] (or Open Source) projects need not be limited to software development but can generally cover any professional project based on free information exchange; a suggested example is the planned collection of model geodetic networks described in XML

    A Progress Report on Numerical Solutions of Least Squares Adjustment in GNU Project Gama

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    GNU project Gama for adjustment of geodetic networks is presented. Numerical solution of Least Squares Adjustment in the project is based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and General Orthogonalization Algorithm (GSO). Both algorithms enable solution of singular systems resulting from adjustment of free geodetic networks.

    Geoinformatics Study at the CTU in Prague

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    At the CTU in Prague, there is a long tradition of master degree courses in geodesy, geodetic surveying and cartography. Taking into account the fast development of information technologies in recent decades, we decided to prepare a new study program that would combine computer science with a background of geodetic and cartographic know-how. Apart from other sources, our plans were inspired and influenced by the Review of Education Needs, a report prepared by Stig Enemark (Prague 1998), and by our experience from several Virtual Academy workshops.We have decided to call this program “Geoinformatics” to emphasize the role of computer technologies in collecting, analyzing and exploiting information about our planet. Within this presentation we will explain the basic ideas behind our new study program and emphasize the features that distinguish it from classical geodetic or cartographic programs. We will mention the connection between our new study program and several geodetic and software projects running at our institute – software development for real-time GPS applications, cooperation with the Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, on the development of so-called Bernese GPS Software, the GNU project Gama for adjustment of geodetic networks, etc

    Geoinformatics Study at the Czech Technical University in Prague

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    At the CTU in Prague, there is a long tradition of master degree courses in geodesy, geodetic surveying and cartography. Taking into account the fast development of information technologies in recent decades, we decided to prepare a new study program that would combine computer science with a background of geodetic and cartographic know-how.  Apart from other sources, our plans were inspired and influenced by the Review of Education Needs, a report prepared by Stig Enemark (Prague 1998), and by our experience from several Virtual Academy workshops.We have decided to call this program „Geoinformatics“ to emphasize the role of computer technologies in collecting, analyzing and exploiting information about our planet.  Within this presentation we will explain the basic ideas behind our new study program and emphasize the features that distinguish it from classical geodetic or cartographic programs. We will mention the connection between our new study program and several geodetic and software projects running at our institute - software development for real-time GPS applications, cooperation with the Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, on the development of so-called Bernese GPS Software, the GNU project Gama for adjustment of geodetic networks, etc.

    Epigenetic regulation of HLA class II genes and their role in autoimmune diseases

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    (EN) Type 1 diabetes (T1D) belongs among polygenic multifactorial autoimmune diseases. The highest risk is associated with HLA (human leukocyte antigen) class II genes, including HLA-DQA1 gene. Our aim was to investigate DNA methylation of HLA-DQA1 promoter alleles (QAP) and correlate methylation status with individual HLA-DQA1 allele expression of T1D patients and healthy controls. DNA methylation is one of the epigenetic modifications, that regulate gene expression and is known to be shaped by the environment. 61 T1D patients and 39 healthy controls were involved in this study. Isolated DNA was treated with sodium bisulfite and HLA-DQA1 promoter sequence was amplified using nested PCR. After sequencing, DNA methylation of HLA-DQA1 promoter alleles was analyzed. Individual mRNA HLA-DQA1 relative allele expression was assessed using two different endogenous controls (PPIA, DRA). We have found statistically significant differences in HLA-DQA1 allele 02:01 expression (PPIA normalization, Pcorr=0.041; DRA normalization, Pcorr=0.052) between healthy controls and T1D patients. The complete methylation profile of the HLA-DQA1 promoter was gained with the most methylated allele DQA1*02:01 and the least methylated DQA1*05:01 in both studied groups. Methylation profile observed in T1D patients and healthy...(CZ) Diabetes mellitus 1. typu (T1D) patří mezi polygenní multifaktoriální autoimunitní onemocnění. S rozvojem diabetu je z genetického hlediska nejvíce asociována oblast HLA genů II. třídy, včetně genu HLA-DQA1, který je jeho součástí. Cílem této práce bylo identifikovat methylační profil promotorové části HLA-DQA1 a methylační profil korelovat s expresí jednotlivých alel HLA-DQA1. DNA methylace patří mezi epigenetickou modifikaci, která reguluje expresi genů a je o ní známo, že se mění v závislosti na působení vnějšího prostředí. Do této studie bylo celkem zahrnuto 61 diabetických pacientů a 39 zdravých kontrol. Od pacientů byla získána DNA, vystavena působení bisulfitu sodného a pomocí metody nested PCR byl amplifikován promotorový úsek HLA-DQA1. Amplifikovaný úsek byl sekvenován a poté byl analyzován methylační profil promotoru. Relativní exprese jednotlivých HLA-DQA1 alel byla změřena za využití kvantitativního PCR a porovnána oproti dvěma endogenním kontrolám (PPIA, HLA-DRA). Alela DQA1*02:01 měla u zdravých kontrol signifikantně vyšší expresi než u T1D pacientů (normalizace oproti PPIA, Pkor.=0,041; normalizace oproti DRA, Pkor.=0,052). Methylační profil mezi oběma skupinami byl velice podobný jak na úrovni celkové methylace, tak i na úrovni jednotlivých CpG dinukleotidů. Mezi nejvíce...Department of Medical Genetics 3FM CUÚstav lékařské genetiky 3. LF UK3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Design of Transmition for Combustion Engines Testing Stand

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    Tato bakalářská práce obsahuje konstrukční návrh převodového mechanismu pro zkušebnu spalovacích motorů týmu CTU Cartech. V úvodu práce je uvedena rešerše popisující tým CTU Cartech, metody měření spalovacích motorů a možnosti přenosu výkonu pro toto použití. Práce dále řeší návrh a volbu jednotlivých součástí mechanismu. Dále je zde uveden návrh spojení stěžejních částí mechanismu, který je doplněn o kontrolní výpočty. Práce obsahuje 3D model převodového mechanismu a vybranou 2D výkresovou dokumentaci.This bachelor thesis contains the engineering design of the transmission mechanism for Cartech CTU team´s combustion engine testing room.In the introduction of the thesis is presented research describing the team CTU Cartech, measurement methods for combustion engines and power transmission options for this use. The thesis also describes design of the actual transmission and selection of individual components for the mechanism. The following chapter is a proposal of the connection of mechanism´s key parts which is completed with check calculations. The thesis includes a 3D model of the transmission mechanism and selected 2D drawings

    Epigenetic regulation of HLA class II genes and their role in autoimmune diseases.

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    Abstrakt Úvod: Diabetes mellitus 1. typu (T1D) je multifaktoriální autoimunitní onemocnění, jehož incidence v Evropě neustále roste. Největší genetické riziko T1D je spojováno s geny HLA (lidské leukocytární antigeny) II. třídy. HLA II. třídy hrají klíčovou úlohu při regulaci imunitní odpovědi. Podílejí se na selekci T buněčného repertoáru v thymu a na prezentaci antigenních peptidů CD4+ T lymfocytům. Exprese genů HLA II. třídy je regulována pomocí regulačních sekvencích, které se nacházejí 150 - 300 párů bazí před místem iniciace transkripce. Polymorfismy v těchto regulačních sekvencích souvisí s rozvojem některých autoimunitních onemocnění. V oblasti promotorové sekvence genu HLA DQA1 bylo identifikováno několik různých promotorů HLA DQA1 (pojmenované jako alely QAP). Alely QAP jsou uchovávány souhlasně s haplotypem. Alely QAP mají různou promotorovou sílu a ovlivňují expresi dané alely genu HLA DQA1. Promotorová síla alel QAP může být ovlivněna methylací DNA. Cíle: Našim cílem bylo určit methylační profil promotorů genu HLA DQA1 a stanovit expresi jednotlivých alel genu HLA DQA1 u pacientů s T1D. Metody: Do studie bylo zahrnuto 30 diabetiků 1. typu (věkové rozmezí 21 - 76 let). Nejprve byl zjištěn jejich genotyp HLA II. třídy (HLA DRB1, HLA DQA1 a HLA DQB1) pomocí sekvenčně specifických primerů....Abstract Background: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease. Its incidence in Europe is continuously rising. The highest T1D risk is associated with HLA (human leukocyte antigen) class II genes. HLA class II molecules play a key role in regulation of immune response. They contribute to the selection of T cell repertoire by presenting antigenic peptides to the CD4+ T lymphocytes. HLA class II expression is controlled by regulatory module that is situated 150 - 300 base pairs upstream of the transcription- initiation site in all HLA class II genes. Polymorphisms in this region are linked to some autoimmune diseases. There were identified several promoter alleles (named QAP) in the HLA DQA1 gene promoter region. Most of the polymorphisms appear to be conserved within haplotype. Individual QAP alleles may have a different promoter strength by which they influence expression of HLA DQA1 gene alleles. Promoter strength can be modulated by DNA methylation. Aims:Our aim was to define methylation profile of HLA DQA1 promoters and determine the mRNA expression of individual alleles of HLA DQA1 gene in T1D patients. The mRNA expression level of HLA DQA1 gene alleles was determined using quantitative PCR. Methods: 30 diabetic pacients (age range 21 to 76 years), were included in this pilot...Department of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult