27 research outputs found

    Machine Learning in Robot Assisted Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Focused Review

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    Robot-assisted rehabilitation, which can provide repetitive, intensive and high-precision physics training, has a positive influence on motor function recovery of stroke patients. Current robots need to be more intelligent and more reliable in clinical practice. Machine learning algorithms (MLAs) are able to learn from data and predict future unknown conditions, which is of benefit to improve the effectiveness of robot-assisted rehabilitation. In this paper, we conduct a focused review on machine learning-based methods for robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation. Firstly, the current status of upper rehabilitation robots is presented. Then, we outline and analyze the designs and applications of MLAs for upper limb movement intention recognition, human-robot interaction control and quantitative assessment of motor function. Meanwhile, we discuss the future directions of MLAs-based robotic rehabilitation. This review article provides a summary of MLAs for robotic upper limb rehabilitation and contributes to the design and development of future advanced intelligent medical devices

    Biosignal‐based human–machine interfaces for assistance and rehabilitation : a survey

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    As a definition, Human–Machine Interface (HMI) enables a person to interact with a device. Starting from elementary equipment, the recent development of novel techniques and unobtrusive devices for biosignals monitoring paved the way for a new class of HMIs, which take such biosignals as inputs to control various applications. The current survey aims to review the large literature of the last two decades regarding biosignal‐based HMIs for assistance and rehabilitation to outline state‐of‐the‐art and identify emerging technologies and potential future research trends. PubMed and other databases were surveyed by using specific keywords. The found studies were further screened in three levels (title, abstract, full‐text), and eventually, 144 journal papers and 37 conference papers were included. Four macrocategories were considered to classify the different biosignals used for HMI control: biopotential, muscle mechanical motion, body motion, and their combinations (hybrid systems). The HMIs were also classified according to their target application by considering six categories: prosthetic control, robotic control, virtual reality control, gesture recognition, communication, and smart environment control. An ever‐growing number of publications has been observed over the last years. Most of the studies (about 67%) pertain to the assistive field, while 20% relate to rehabilitation and 13% to assistance and rehabilitation. A moderate increase can be observed in studies focusing on robotic control, prosthetic control, and gesture recognition in the last decade. In contrast, studies on the other targets experienced only a small increase. Biopotentials are no longer the leading control signals, and the use of muscle mechanical motion signals has experienced a considerable rise, especially in prosthetic control. Hybrid technologies are promising, as they could lead to higher performances. However, they also increase HMIs’ complex-ity, so their usefulness should be carefully evaluated for the specific application

    Biomechatronics: Harmonizing Mechatronic Systems with Human Beings

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    This eBook provides a comprehensive treatise on modern biomechatronic systems centred around human applications. A particular emphasis is given to exoskeleton designs for assistance and training with advanced interfaces in human-machine interaction. Some of these designs are validated with experimental results which the reader will find very informative as building-blocks for designing such systems. This eBook will be ideally suited to those researching in biomechatronic area with bio-feedback applications or those who are involved in high-end research on manmachine interfaces. This may also serve as a textbook for biomechatronic design at post-graduate level

    Proceedings XXIII Congresso SIAMOC 2023

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    Il congresso annuale della SocietĂ  Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), giunto quest’anno alla sua ventitreesima edizione, approda nuovamente a Roma. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, Ăš l’occasione per tutti i professionisti che operano nell’ambito dell’analisi del movimento di incontrarsi, presentare i risultati delle proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle piĂč recenti innovazioni riguardanti le procedure e le tecnologie per l’analisi del movimento nella pratica clinica. Il congresso SIAMOC 2023 di Roma si propone l’obiettivo di fornire ulteriore impulso ad una giĂ  eccellente attivitĂ  di ricerca italiana nel settore dell’analisi del movimento e di conferirle ulteriore respiro ed impatto internazionale. Oltre ai qualificanti temi tradizionali che riguardano la ricerca di base e applicata in ambito clinico e sportivo, il congresso SIAMOC 2023 intende approfondire ulteriori tematiche di particolare interesse scientifico e di impatto sulla societĂ . Tra questi temi anche quello dell’inserimento lavorativo di persone affette da disabilitĂ  anche grazie alla diffusione esponenziale in ambito clinico-occupazionale delle tecnologie robotiche collaborative e quello della protesica innovativa a supporto delle persone con amputazione. VerrĂ  infine affrontato il tema dei nuovi algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale per l’ottimizzazione della classificazione in tempo reale dei pattern motori nei vari campi di applicazione

    Robust Electromyography Based Control of Multifunctional Prostheses of The Upper Extremity

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    Multifunctional, highly dexterous and complex mechanic hand prostheses are emerging and currently entering the market. However, the bottleneck to fully exploiting all capabilities of these mechatronic devices, and to making all available functions controllable reliably and intuitively by the users, remains a considerable challenge. The robustness of scientific methods proposed to overcome this barrier is a crucial factor for their future commercial success. Therefore, in this thesis the matter of robust, multifunctional and dexterous control of prostheses of the upper limb was addressed and some significant advancements in the scientific field were aspired. To this end, several investigations grouped in four studies were conducted, all with the same focus on understanding mechanisms that influence the robustness of myoelectric control and resolving their deteriorating effects. For the first study, a thorough literature review of the field was conducted and it was revealed that many non-stationarities, which could be expected to affect the reliability of surface EMG pattern recognition myoprosthesis control, had been identified and studied previously. However, one significant factor had not been addressed to a sufficient extent: the effect of long-term usage and day-to-day testing. Therefore, a dedicated study was designed and carried out, in order to address the previously unanswered question of how reliable surface electromyography pattern recognition was across days. Eleven subjects, involving both able-bodied and amputees, participated in this study over the course of 5 days, and a pattern recognition system was tested without daily retraining. As the main result of this study, it was revealed that the time between training and testing a classifier was indeed a very relevant factor influencing the classification accuracy. More estimation errors were observed as more time lay between the classifier training and testing. With the insights obtained from the first study, the need for compensating signal non-stationarities was identified. Hence, in a second study, building up on the data obtained from the first investigation, a self-correction mechanism was elaborated. The goal of this approach was to increase the systems robustness towards non-stationarities such as those identified in the first study. The system was capable of detecting and correcting its own mistakes, yielding a better estimation of movements than the uncorrected classification or other, previously proposed strategies for error removal. In the third part of this thesis, the previously investigated ideas for error suppression for increased robustness of a classification based system were extended to regression based movement estimation. While the same method as tested in the second study was not directly applicable to regression, the same underlying idea was used for developing a novel proportional estimator. It was validated in online tests, with the control of physical prostheses by able-bodied and transradial amputee subjects. The proposed method, based on common spatial patterns, outperformed two state-of-the art control methods, demonstrating the benefit of increased robustness in movement estimation during applied tasks. The results showed the superior performance of robust movement estimation in real life investigations, which would have hardly been observable in offline or abstract cursor control tests, underlining the importance of tests with physical prostheses. In the last part of this work, the limitation of sequential movements of the previously explored system was addressed and a methodology for enhancing the system with simultaneous and proportional control was developed. As a result of these efforts, a system robust, natural and fluent in its movements was conceived. Again, online control tests of physical prostheses were performed by able-bodied and amputee subjects, and the novel system proved to outperform the sequential controller of the third study of this thesis, yielding the best control technique tested. An extensive set of tests was conducted with both able-bodied and amputee subjects, in scenarios close to clinical routine. Custom prosthetic sockets were manufactured for all subjects, allowing for experimental control of multifunction prostheses with advanced machine learning based algorithms in real-life scenarios. The tests involved grasping and manipulating objects, in ways as they are often encountered in everyday living. Similar investigations had not been conducted before. One of the main conclusions of this thesis was that the suppression of wrong prosthetic motions was a key factor for robust prosthesis control and that simultaneous wrist control was a beneficial asset especially for experienced users. As a result of all investigations performed, clinically relevant conclusions were drawn from these tests, maximizing the impact of the developed systems on potential future commercialization of the newly conceived control methods. This was emphasized by the close collaboration with Otto Bock as an industrial partner of the AMYO project and hence this work.2016-02-2

    Development of a new robust hybrid automata algorithm based on surface electromyography (SEMG) signal for instrumented wheelchair control

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    Instrumented wheelchair operates based on surface electromyography (sEMG) is one of alternative to assist impairment person for mobility. SEMG is chosen due to good in accuracy and easier preparation to place the electrodes. Motor neuron transmit electrical potential to muscle fibre to perform isometric, concentric or eccentric contraction. These electrical changes that is called Motor Unit Action Potential (MUAP) can be acquired and amplified by electrodes located on targeted muscles changes can be recorded and analysed using sEMG devices. But, sEMG device cost up to USD 2,100 for a sEMG data acquisition device that available on market is one of the drawback to be used by impairment person that most of them has financial problem due to unable to work like before. In addition, it is a closed source system that cannot be modified to improve the accuracy and adding more features. Open source system such as Arduino has limitation of specifications that makes able to apply nonpattern recognition control methods which is simpler and easier compared to pattern recognition. However, classification accuracy is lower than pattern recognition and it cannot be applied to higher number participants from different background and gender. This research aims are to develop an open-source Arduino based sEMG data acquisition device by formulating hybrid automata algorithm to differentiate MUAP activity during wheelchair propulsion. Addition of hybrid automata algorithm to run pattern and non-pattern recognition based control methods is an advantage to increase accuracy in differentiating forward stroke or hand return activity. Electrodes are placed on Biceps (BIC), Triceps (TRI), Extensor (EXT), Flexor (FIX) and MUAP activity recorded for 30 healthy persons. Then, experiment result was validated with simulation result using OpenSim biomedical modelling software. Mean, standard deviation (SD), confidence interval (CI) and maximum point different (MPD) of MUAP were calculated and to be used as thresholds for non-pattern recognition control method in method selection experiment. Meanwhile, pattern recognition is using Probability Density Function (PDF) to determine MUAP according to type of activities. Total of ten control methods determined from population and individual data were tested against another 10 healthy persons to evaluate the algorithm performance. Assessment of each control method done by misclassification matrix looking at True Positive (TP) and False Negative (FN) of power assist system activation period. Developed sEMG data acquisition device that is operated by Arduino MEGA 2560 and Myoware muscle sensors with sampling rate of above 400Hz successfully recorded MUAP from four arm muscles. Furthermore, 2.5 ms of average data latency for device to record, analyse, validate and creating commands to activate the power assist system. Data obtained from the device shows that most active muscle during wheelchair propulsion is TRI, followed by BIC and matched to OpenSim simulation result. In method selection experiment, 96.28% of average accuracy was achieved and different control methods were selected by misclassification matrix for each of persons. This method would be a control method to activate power assist system and selected based on conditions set in the algorithm. These findings indicated that open source Arduino board is capable of running real time pattern, non-pattern recognition based control methods by producing classification accuracy up to 99.48% even though it is known as just a microcontroller that has limitation to run complex classifiers. At the same time, a device that cost less than USD200 has 400Hz of sampling rate is as good as closed source device that is come with expensive price tag to own it. Based on algorithm evaluation, it shows that one control method couldn’t fit to all persons as per proven in method selection experiment. Different person has different control method that suit them the most. Lastly, BIC and TRI can be reference muscles to activate assistive device in instrumented wheelchair that is using propulsion as indication

    On the Utility of Representation Learning Algorithms for Myoelectric Interfacing

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    Electrical activity produced by muscles during voluntary movement is a reflection of the firing patterns of relevant motor neurons and, by extension, the latent motor intent driving the movement. Once transduced via electromyography (EMG) and converted into digital form, this activity can be processed to provide an estimate of the original motor intent and is as such a feasible basis for non-invasive efferent neural interfacing. EMG-based motor intent decoding has so far received the most attention in the field of upper-limb prosthetics, where alternative means of interfacing are scarce and the utility of better control apparent. Whereas myoelectric prostheses have been available since the 1960s, available EMG control interfaces still lag behind the mechanical capabilities of the artificial limbs they are intended to steer—a gap at least partially due to limitations in current methods for translating EMG into appropriate motion commands. As the relationship between EMG signals and concurrent effector kinematics is highly non-linear and apparently stochastic, finding ways to accurately extract and combine relevant information from across electrode sites is still an active area of inquiry.This dissertation comprises an introduction and eight papers that explore issues afflicting the status quo of myoelectric decoding and possible solutions, all related through their use of learning algorithms and deep Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models. Paper I presents a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for multi-label movement decoding of high-density surface EMG (HD-sEMG) signals. Inspired by the successful use of CNNs in Paper I and the work of others, Paper II presents a method for automatic design of CNN architectures for use in myocontrol. Paper III introduces an ANN architecture with an appertaining training framework from which simultaneous and proportional control emerges. Paper Iv introduce a dataset of HD-sEMG signals for use with learning algorithms. Paper v applies a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model to decode finger forces from intramuscular EMG. Paper vI introduces a Transformer model for myoelectric interfacing that do not need additional training data to function with previously unseen users. Paper vII compares the performance of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to that of classical pattern recognition algorithms. Lastly, paper vIII describes a framework for synthesizing EMG from multi-articulate gestures intended to reduce training burden

    Human Activity Recognition and Control of Wearable Robots

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    abstract: Wearable robotics has gained huge popularity in recent years due to its wide applications in rehabilitation, military, and industrial fields. The weakness of the skeletal muscles in the aging population and neurological injuries such as stroke and spinal cord injuries seriously limit the abilities of these individuals to perform daily activities. Therefore, there is an increasing attention in the development of wearable robots to assist the elderly and patients with disabilities for motion assistance and rehabilitation. In military and industrial sectors, wearable robots can increase the productivity of workers and soldiers. It is important for the wearable robots to maintain smooth interaction with the user while evolving in complex environments with minimum effort from the user. Therefore, the recognition of the user's activities such as walking or jogging in real time becomes essential to provide appropriate assistance based on the activity. This dissertation proposes two real-time human activity recognition algorithms intelligent fuzzy inference (IFI) algorithm and Amplitude omega (AωA \omega) algorithm to identify the human activities, i.e., stationary and locomotion activities. The IFI algorithm uses knee angle and ground contact forces (GCFs) measurements from four inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a pair of smart shoes. Whereas, the AωA \omega algorithm is based on thigh angle measurements from a single IMU. This dissertation also attempts to address the problem of online tuning of virtual impedance for an assistive robot based on real-time gait and activity measurement data to personalize the assistance for different users. An automatic impedance tuning (AIT) approach is presented for a knee assistive device (KAD) in which the IFI algorithm is used for real-time activity measurements. This dissertation also proposes an adaptive oscillator method known as amplitude omega adaptive oscillator (AωAOA\omega AO) method for HeSA (hip exoskeleton for superior augmentation) to provide bilateral hip assistance during human locomotion activities. The AωA \omega algorithm is integrated into the adaptive oscillator method to make the approach robust for different locomotion activities. Experiments are performed on healthy subjects to validate the efficacy of the human activities recognition algorithms and control strategies proposed in this dissertation. Both the activity recognition algorithms exhibited higher classification accuracy with less update time. The results of AIT demonstrated that the KAD assistive torque was smoother and EMG signal of Vastus Medialis is reduced, compared to constant impedance and finite state machine approaches. The AωAOA\omega AO method showed real-time learning of the locomotion activities signals for three healthy subjects while wearing HeSA. To understand the influence of the assistive devices on the inherent dynamic gait stability of the human, stability analysis is performed. For this, the stability metrics derived from dynamical systems theory are used to evaluate unilateral knee assistance applied to the healthy participants.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Aerospace Engineering 201