25 research outputs found

    Robust filtering with randomly varying sensor delay: The finite-horizon case

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    Copyright [2009] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, we consider the robust filtering problem for discrete time-varying systems with delayed sensor measurement subject to norm-bounded parameter uncertainties. The delayed sensor measurement is assumed to be a linear function of a stochastic variable that satisfies the Bernoulli random binary distribution law. An upper bound for the actual covariance of the uncertain stochastic parameter system is derived and used for estimation variance constraints. Such an upper bound is then minimized over the filter parameters for all stochastic sensor delays and admissible deterministic uncertainties. It is shown that the desired filter can be obtained in terms of solutions to two discrete Riccati difference equations of a form suitable for recursive computation in online applications. An illustrative example is presented to show the applicability of the proposed method

    H∞ filtering for uncertain stochastic time-delay systems with sector-bounded nonlinearities

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link - Copyright 2008 Elsevier Ltd.In this paper, we deal with the robust H∞ filtering problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear time-delay stochastic systems. The system under consideration contains parameter uncertainties, Itô-type stochastic disturbances, time-varying delays, as well as sector-bounded nonlinearities. We aim at designing a full-order filter such that, for all admissible uncertainties, nonlinearities and time delays, the dynamics of the filtering error is guaranteed to be robustly asymptotically stable in the mean square, while achieving the prescribed H∞ disturbance rejection attenuation level. By using the Lyapunov stability theory and Itô’s differential rule, sufficient conditions are first established to ensure the existence of the desired filters, which are expressed in the form of a linear matrix inequality (LMI). Then, the explicit expression of the desired filter gains is also characterized. Finally, a numerical example is exploited to show the usefulness of the results derived.This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Tongwen Chen under the direction of Editor Ian Petersen. This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, an International Joint Project sponsored by the Royal Society of the UK and the NSFC of China, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK2007075, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Education Committee of China under Grant 06KJD110206, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 60774073 and 10671172, and the Scientific Innovation Fund of Yangzhou University of China under Grant 2006CXJ002

    Robust filtering for uncertain discrete-time systems : an improved LMI approach

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    Author name used in this publication: David ZhangVersion of RecordPublishe

    H? filtering of time-varying systems with bounded rates of variation

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    In this paper, the problem of robust filter design for time-varying discrete-time polytopic systems with bounded rates of variation is investigated. The design conditions are obtained by using a parameter-dependent Lyapunov function and the Finsler\u27s Lemma. A robust filter, that minimizes an upper bound to the H? performance of the estimation error, is obtained as the solution of an optimization problem. A more precise geometric representation of the parameter time variation was used in order to obtain less conservative design conditions. Robust filters for time-invariant, as well as arbitrarily time-varying, polytopic systems can be obtained as a particular case of the proposed method. Numerical examples illustrate the results

    H 2 And H ∞ Filtering Design Subject To Implementation Uncertainty

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    This paper presents new filtering design procedures for discrete-time linear systems. It provides a solution to the problem of linear filtering design, assuming that the filter is subject to parametric uncertainty. The problem is relevant, since the proposed filter design incorporates real world implementation constraints that are always present in practice. The transfer function and the state space realization of the filter are simultaneously computed. The design procedure can also handle plant parametric uncertainty. In this case, the plant parameters are assumed not to be exactly known but belonging to a given convex and closed polyhedron. Robust performance is measured by the H 2 and H ∞ norms of the transfer function from the noisy input to the filtering error. The results are based on the determination of an upper bound on the performance objectives. All optimization problems are linear with constraint sets given in the form of LMI (linear matrix inequalities). Global optimal solutions to these problems can be readily computed. Numerical examples illustrate the theory. © 2005 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.442515530Gevers, M., Li, G., (1993) Parametrizations in Control, Estimation and Filtering Problems, , Springer-Verlag, LondonWilliamson, D., Finite wordlength design of digital Kalman filters for state estimation (1985) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 30, pp. 930-939Williamson, D., Kadiman, K., Optimal finite wordlength linear quadratic regulators (1989) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 34, pp. 1218-1228Liu, K., Skelton, R.E., Grigoriadis, K., Optimal controllers for finite wordlength implementation (1992) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 37, pp. 1294-1304Hwang, S.Y., Minimum uncorrelated unit noise in state-space digital filtering (1977) IEEE Trans. Acoustics Speech Signal Process, 25, pp. 273-281Amit, G., Shaked, U., Minimization of roundoff errors in digital realizations of Kalman filters (1989) IEEE Trans. Acoustics Speech Signal Process, 37, pp. 1980-1982De Oliveira, M.C., Skelton, R.E., Synthesis of controllers with finite precision considerations (2001) Digital Controller Implementation and Fragility: A Modern Perspective, pp. 229-251. , R. S. H. Istepanian and J. F. Whidborne eds., Springer-Verlag, New YorkKeel, L.H., Bhattacharyya, S.P., Robust, fragile or optimal (1997) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 42, pp. 1098-1105Keel, L.H., Bhattacharyya, S.P., Authors' reply to: "Comments on 'Robust, fragile or optimal' " by P. M. Mäkilä (1998) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 43, p. 1268Dorato, P., Non-fragile controller design: An overview (1998) Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference, 5, pp. 2829-2831. , Philadelphia, IEEE, Piscataway, NJFamularo, D., Dorato, P., Abdallah, C.T., Haddad, W.H., Jadbabaie, A., Robust non-fragile LQ controllers: The static state feedback case (2000) Internat. J. Control, 73, pp. 159-165Yang, G.H., Wang, J.L., Robust nonfragile Kalman filtering for uncertain linear systems with estimator gain uncertainty (2001) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 46, pp. 343-348Haddad, W.M., Corrado, J.R., Robust resilient dynamic controllers for systems with parametric uncertainty and controller gain variations (2000) Internat. J. Control, 73, pp. 1405-1423Keel, L.H., Bhattacharyya, S.P., Stability margins and digital implementation of controllers (1998) Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference, 5, pp. 2852-2856. , (Philadelphia), IEEE, Piscataway, NJGeromel, J.C., Optimal linear filtering under parameter uncertainty (1999) IEEE Trans. Signal Process, 47, pp. 168-175Nesterov, Y., Nemirovskii, A., (1994) Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming, , SIAM, PhiladelphiaGeromel, J.C., Bernussou, J., Garcia, G., De Oliveira, M.C., H 2 and H ∞ robust filtering for discrete-time linear systems (2000) SIAM J. Control Optim., 38, pp. 1353-1368Geromel, J.C., De Oliveira, M.C., Bernussou, J., Robust filtering of discrete-time linear systems with parameter dependent Lyapunov functions (2002) SIAM J. Control Optim., 41, pp. 700-711De Oliveira, M.C., Bernussou, J., Geromel, J.C., A new discrete-time robust stability condition (1999) Systems Control Lett., 37, pp. 261-265Sayed, A.H., A framework for state-space estimation with uncertain models (2001) IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 46, pp. 998-1013Balakrishnan, V., Huang, Y., Packard, A., Doyle, J.C., Linear matrix inequalities in analysis with multipliers (1994) Proceedings of the 1994 American Control Conference, 2, pp. 1228-1232. , Baltimore, MD, IEEE, Piscataway, NJGeromel, J.C., Peres, P.L.D., Bernussou, J., On a convex parameter space method for linear control design of uncertain systems (1991) SIAM J. Control Optim., 29, pp. 381-40

    On the exact feasibility of convex scenario programs with discarded constraints

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    We revisit the so-called sampling and discarding approach used to quantify the probability of constraint violation of a solution to convex scenario programs when some of the original samples are allowed to be discarded. Motivated by two scenario programs that possess analytic solutions and the fact that the existing bound for scenario programs with discarded constraints is not tight, we analyze a removal scheme that consists of a cascade of optimization problems, where at each step we remove a superset of the active constraints. By relying on results from compression learning theory, we show that such a removal scheme leads to less conservative bounds for the probability of constraint violation than the existing ones. We also show that the proposed bound is tight by characterizing a class of optimization problems that achieves the given upper bound. The performance improvement of the proposed methodology is illustrated by an example that involves a resource sharing linear program

    Discrete-Time Model Predictive Control

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    Robust filtering of linear time invariant systems by means of polynomial Lyapunov functions

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    Orientadores: Pedro Luis Dias Peres, Ricardo Coração de Leão Fontoura de OliveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho apresenta novas condições na forma de desigualdades matriciais lineares para a síntese de filtros robustos H2 e H¥ de ordem completa, para sistemas incertos, contínuos e discretos no tempo. Os parâmetros incertos invariantes no tempo pertencem a um politopo com vértices conhecidos. Graças à existência de um número maior de variáveis de folga e à utilização de relaxações baseadas em matrizes polinomiais homogêneas, desigualdades matriciais lineares podem ser obtidas das condições propostas para o projeto de filtros robustos, com desempenho superior aos métodos existentes. A superioridade e eficiência do método proposto para o projeto dos filtros robustos são ilustradas por meio de comparações numéricas e exemplos da literaturaAbstract: This work presents new convex optimization procedures for full order robust H2 and H? filter design for continuous and discrete-time uncertain linear systems. The time-invariant uncertain parameters are supposed to belong to a polytope with known vertices. Thanks to the use of a larger number of slack variables and homogeneous polynomial relaxations, linear matrix inequalities for the design of robust filters can be derived from the proposed conditions, outperforming the existingmethods. The superiority and efficiency of the proposed method for robust filter design are illustrated by means of numerical comparisons in benchmark examples from the literatureMestradoAutomaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Robust Filtering Of Discrete-time Linear Systems With Parameter Dependent Lyapunov Functions

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    Robust filtering of linear time-invariant discrete-time uncertain systems is investigated through a new parameter dependent Lyapunov matrix procedure. Its main interest relies on the fact that the Lyapunov matrix used in stability checking does not appear in any multiplicative term with the uncertain matrices of the dynamic model. We shown how to use such an approach to determine high performance H2 robust filters by solving a linear problem constrained by linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The results encompass the previous works in the quadratic Lyapunov setting. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical results.157057