141 research outputs found

    Critical Aspects of Electric Motor Drive Controllers and Mitigation of Torque Ripple - Review

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are playing a vital role in sustainable transportation. It is estimated that by 2030, Battery EVs will become mainstream for passenger car transportation. Even though EVs are gaining interest in sustainable transportation, the future of EV power transmission is facing vital concerns and open research challenges. Considering the case of torque ripple mitigation and improved reliability control techniques in motors, many motor drive control algorithms fail to provide efficient control. To efficiently address this issue, control techniques such as Field Orientation Control (FOC), Direct Torque Control (DTC), Model Predictive Control (MPC), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), and Intelligent Control (IC) techniques are used in the motor drive control algorithms. This literature survey exclusively compares the various advanced control techniques for conventionally used EV motors such as Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Brushless Direct Current Motor (BLDC), Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM), and Induction Motors (IM). Furthermore, this paper discusses the EV-motors history, types of EVmotors, EV-motor drives powertrain mathematical modelling, and design procedure of EV-motors. The hardware results have also been compared with different control techniques for BLDC and SRM hub motors. Future direction towards the design of EV by critical selection of motors and their control techniques to minimize the torque ripple and other research opportunities to enhance the performance of EVs are also presented.publishedVersio

    Performance degradation of surface PMSMs with demagnetization defect under predictive current control

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    To control the current of a surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine fed by a two-level voltage source inverter, a large variety of control algorithms exists. Each of these controllers performs differently concerning dynamic performance and control- and voltage quality, but also concerning sensitivity to demagnetization faults. Therefore, this paper investigates the performance degradation of three advanced predictive controllers under a partial demagnetization fault. The three predictive controllers are: finite-set model based predictive control, deadbeat control, and a combination of both previous algorithms. To achieve this goal, the three predictive controllers are first compared under healthy conditions, and afterwards under a partial demagnetization fault. A PI controller is added to the comparison in order to provide a model-independent benchmark. Key performance indicators, obtained from both simulations and experimental results on a 4 kW axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machine with yokeless and segmented armature topology, are introduced to enable a quantification of the performance degradation of the controllers under a demagnetization fault. A general conclusion is that the deadbeat controller shows superior control quality, even under partial demagnetization


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    A permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is one kind of popular motor. They are utilized in industrial applications because their abilities included operation at a constant speed, no need for an excitation current, no rotor losses, and small size. In the following paper, a fuzzy evolutionary algorithm is combined with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to control the speed of a PMSM. In this structure, to overcome the PMSM challenges, including nonlinear nature, cross-coupling, air gap flux, and cogging torque in operation, a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy logic-PID (TSFL-PID) controller is designed. Additionally, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is developed to optimize the membership functions' parameters and rule bases of the fuzzy logic PID controller. For evaluating the proposed controller's performance, the genetic algorithm (GA), as another evolutionary algorithm, is incorporated into the fuzzy PID controller. The results of the speed control of PMSM are compared. The obtained results demonstrate that although both controllers have excellent performance; however, the PSO based TSFL-PID controller indicates more superiority

    Electrical and magnetic faults diagnosis in permanent magnet synchronous motors

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    Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are an alternative in critical applications where high-speed operation, compactness and high efficiency are required. In these applications it is highly desired to dispose of an on-line, reliable and cost-effective fault diagnosis method. Fault prediction and diagnosis allows increasing electric machines performance and raising their lifespan, thus reducing maintenance costs, while ensuring optimum reliability, safe operation and timely maintenance. Consequently this thesis is dedicated to the diagnosis of magnetic and electrical faults in PMSMs. As a first step, the behavior of a healthy machine is studied, and with this aim a new 2D finite element method (FEM) modelbased system for analyzing surface-mounted PSMSs with skewed rotor magnets is proposed. It is based on generating a geometric equivalent non-skewed permanent magnet distribution which accounts for the skewed distribution of the practical rotor, thus avoiding 3D geometries and greatly reducing the computational burden of the problem. To diagnose demagnetization faults, this thesis proposes an on-line methodology based on monitoring the zero-sequence voltage component (ZSVC). Attributes of the proposed method include simplicity, very low computational burden and high sensibility when compared with the well known stator currents analysis method. A simple expression of the ZSVC is deduced, which can be used as a fault indicator parameter. Furthermore, mechanical effects arising from demagnetization faults are studied. These effects are analyzed by means of FEM simulations and experimental tests based on direct measurements of the shaft trajectory through self-mixing interferometry. For that purpose two perpendicular laser diodes are used to measure displacements in both X and Y axes. Laser measurements proved that demagnetization faults may induce a quantifiable deviation of the rotor trajectory. In the case of electrical faults, this thesis studies the effects of resistive unbalance and stator winding inter-turn short-circuits in PMSMs and compares two methods for detecting and discriminating both faults. These methods are based on monitoring and analyzing the third harmonic component of the stator currents and the first harmonic of the ZSVC. Finally, the Vold-Kalman filtering order tracking algorithm is introduced and applied to extract selected harmonics related to magnetic and electrical faults when the machine operates under variable speed and different load levels. Furthermore, different fault indicators are proposed and their behavior is validated by means of experimental data. Both simulation and experimental results show the potential of the proposed methods to provide helpful and reliable data to carry out a simultaneous diagnosis of resistive unbalance and stator winding inter-turn faults

    Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Recently, research concerning electrical machines and drives condition monitoring and fault diagnosis has experienced extraordinarily dynamic activity. The increasing importance of these energy conversion devices and their widespread use in uncountable applications have motivated significant research efforts. This paper presents an analysis of the state of the art in this field. The analyzed contributions were published in most relevant journals and magazines or presented in either specific conferences in the area or more broadly scoped events.Riera-Guasp, M.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Capolino, G. (2015). Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 62(3):1746-1759. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2375853S1746175962

    Field weakening and sensorless control solutions for synchronous machines applied to electric vehicles.

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    184 p.La polución es uno de los mayores problemas en los países industrializados. Por ello, la electrificación del transporte por carretera está en pleno auge, favoreciendo la investigación y el desarrollo industrial. El desarrollo de sistemas de propulsión eficientes, fiables, compactos y económicos juega un papel fundamental para la introducción del vehículo eléctrico en el mercado.Las máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes son, a día de hoy la tecnología más empleada en vehículos eléctricos e híbridos por sus características. Sin embargo, al depender del uso de tierras raras, se están investigando alternativas a este tipo de máquina, tales como las máquinas de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes. Para este tipo de máquinas síncronas es necesario desarrollar estrategias de control eficientes y robustas. Las desviaciones de parámetros son comunes en estas máquinas debido a la saturación magnética y a otra serie de factores, tales como tolerancias de fabricación, dependencias en función de la temperatura de operación o envejecimiento. Las técnicas de control convencionales, especialmente las estrategias de debilitamiento de campo dependen, en general, del conocimiento previo de dichos parámetros. Si no son lo suficientemente robustos, pueden producir problemas de control en las regiones de debilitamiento de campo y debilitamiento de campo profundo. En este sentido, esta tesis presenta dos nuevas estrategias de control de debilitamiento de campo híbridas basadas en LUTs y reguladores VCT.Por otro lado, otro requisito indispensable para la industria de la automoción es la detección de faltas y la tolerancia a fallos. En este sentido, se presenta una nueva estrategia de control sensorless basada en una estructura PLL/HFI híbrida que permite al vehículo continuar operando de forma pseudo-óptima ante roturas en el sensor de posición y velocidad de la máquina eléctrica. En esta tesis, ambas propuestas se validan experimentalmente en un sistema de propulsión real para vehículo eléctrico que cuenta con una máquina de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes de 51 kW

    Advances in the Field of Electrical Machines and Drives

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    Electrical machines and drives dominate our everyday lives. This is due to their numerous applications in industry, power production, home appliances, and transportation systems such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, ships, and aircrafts. Their development follows rapid advances in science, engineering, and technology. Researchers around the world are extensively investigating electrical machines and drives because of their reliability, efficiency, performance, and fault-tolerant structure. In particular, there is a focus on the importance of utilizing these new trends in technology for energy saving and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This Special Issue will provide the platform for researchers to present their recent work on advances in the field of electrical machines and drives, including special machines and their applications; new materials, including the insulation of electrical machines; new trends in diagnostics and condition monitoring; power electronics, control schemes, and algorithms for electrical drives; new topologies; and innovative applications

    Online parameter estimation for permanent magnet synchronous machines : an overview

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    Online parameter estimation of permanent magnet synchronous machines is critical for improving their control performance and operational reliability. This paper provides an overview of the recent achievements of online parameter estimation of PMSMs with examples. The critical issues in parameter estimation are firstly analysed, especially the rank-deficient issue and inverter nonlinearities. Then, the state-of-the-art online parameter estimation modelling techniques are reviewed and assessed. Finally, some typical applications and examples are outlined, e.g. estimation of mechanical parameters, improvement of sensored and sensorless control performance, thermal condition monitoring, and fault diagnosis, together with future research trends