297 research outputs found

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin

    Lokaalstatistikute kasutamine rohumaade ja metsade kaugseires

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKĂ€esolev doktoritöö analĂŒĂŒsib lokaalstatistikute kasutamist rohumaade ja metsade kaugseires. Töö esimene osa kĂ€sitleb rohumaade monitoorimist tehisava-radari (synthetic aperture radar (SAR)) abil ning teine osa metsade kaugseiret kasutades optilisi sensoreid. AnalĂŒĂŒsides rohumaade niitmise ja C- laineala tehisava-radari interferomeetrilise koherentsuse seoseid leiti, et selle parameetri kasutamisel on potentsiaali niitmise tuvastamise algoritmide ja rakenduste vĂ€ljaarendamiseks. Tulemused nĂ€itavad, et pĂ€rast niitmist on VH ja VV polarisatsiooni 12-pĂ€eva interferomeetrilise koherentsuse mediaan vÀÀrtused statistiliselt oluliselt kĂ”rgemad vĂ”rreldes niitmise eelse olukorraga. Koherentsus on seda kĂ”rgem, mida vĂ€iksem on ajaline vahe niitmise ja pĂ€rast seda ĂŒles vĂ”etud esimese interferomeetrilise mÔÔtmise vahel. Hommikune kaste, sademed, pĂ”llutööde teostamine, nĂ€iteks kĂŒlv vĂ”i kĂŒndmine, kĂ”rgelt niitmine ja kiire rohu kasv pĂ€rast niitmist vĂ€hendavad koherentsust ja raskendavad niitmise sĂŒndmuste eristamist. Selleks, et eelpoolnimetatud mĂ”jusid leevendada tuleks tulevikus uurida 6-pĂ€eva koherentsuse ja niitmise sĂŒndmuste vahelisi seoseid. KĂ€esolevas doktoritöös esitatud tulemused loovad siiski tugeva aluse edasisteks uuringuteks ja arendusteks eesmĂ€rgiga vĂ”tta C-laineala tehisava-radari andmed niitmise tuvastamisel ka praktikas kasutusele. Lisaks nĂ€idati, et ortofotodel pĂ”hinevate metsa kaugseire hinnangute andmisel on abi lokaalstatistikute kasutamisest. AnalĂŒĂŒsides kaugseire hinnangut riigimetsa takseerandmete (national forest inventory) kohta leiti, et nĂ€idistel pĂ”hinev jĂ€reldamine (case-based reasoning (CBR)) sobib hĂ€sti selliste kaugseire ĂŒlesannete empiirilisteks lahendusteks, kus sisendandmetena on kasutatavad vĂ€ga paljud erinevad andmeallikad. Leiti, et klasteranalĂŒĂŒsi saab kasutada kaugseire tunnuste eelvaliku meetodina. VĂ”rreldes erinevaid tekstuuri statistikuid nĂ€idati, et lokaalselt arvutatud keskvÀÀrtus on kĂ”ige vÀÀrtuslikum tunnus. JĂ€reldati, et nii statistiliste kui ka struktuursete lokaalstatistikute kasutamisega saab lisada pikslipĂ”histele kaugseire hinnangutele olulist andmestikku.This thesis studies approaches for remote sensing of grasslands and forests based on local statistics. The first part of the thesis focuses on monitoring of grasslands with SAR and the second part to monitoring of forests with optical sensors. It is shown that there is potential to develop mowing detection algorithms and applications using C-band SAR temporal interferometric coherence. The results demonstrate that after a mowing event, median VH and VV polarisation 12-day interferometric coherence values are statistically significantly higher than those from before the event. The sooner after the mowing event the first interferometric acquisition is taken, the higher the coherence. Morning dew, precipitation, farming activities, such as sowing or ploughing, high residual straws after the cut and rapid growth of grass are causing the coherence to decrease and impede the distinction of a mowing event. In the future, six-day interferometric coherence should also be analysed in relation to mowing events to alleviate some of these factors. Nevertheless, the results presented in this thesis offer a strong basis for further research and development activities towards the practical use of spaceborne C-band SAR data for mowing detection. Further, it was shown that local statistics can be useful for estimation of forest parameters from ortophotos and they could also provide helpful ancillary information to conduct a photo-interpretation tasks over forested areas. It was demonstrated that cluster analysis can be used as pre-selection method for the reduction of remote sensing features. Additionally, it was shown that case-based reasoning (a machine learning method) is well suited for empirical solutions of remote sensing tasks where there are many different data sources available. It was concluded that the use of local statistics adds valuable data to pixel-based remote sensing estimations

    Biomass Representation in Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Data Sets

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    This work makes an attempt to explain the origin, features and potential applications of the elevation bias of the synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) datasets over areas covered by vegetation. The rapid development of radar-based remote sensing methods, such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and InSAR, has provided an alternative to the photogrammetry and LiDAR for determining the third dimension of topographic surfaces. The InSAR method has proved to be so effective and productive that it allowed, within eleven days of the space shuttle mission, for acquisition of data to develop a three-dimensional model of almost the entire land surface of our planet. This mission is known as the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). Scientists across the geosciences were able to access the great benefits of uniformity, high resolution and the most precise digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth like never before for their a wide variety of scientific and practical inquiries. Unfortunately, InSAR elevations misrepresent the surface of the Earth in places where there is substantial vegetation cover. This is a systematic error of unknown, yet limited (by the vertical extension of vegetation) magnitude. Up to now, only a limited number of attempts to model this error source have been made. However, none offer a robust remedy, but rather partial or case-based solutions. More work in this area of research is needed as the number of airborne and space-based InSAR elevation models has been steadily increasing over the last few years, despite strong competition from LiDAR and optical methods. From another perspective, however, this elevation bias, termed here as the “biomass impenetrability”, creates a great opportunity to learn about the biomass. This may be achieved due to the fact that the impenetrability can be considered a collective response to a few factors originating in 3D space that encompass the outermost boundaries of vegetation. The biomass, presence in InSAR datasets or simply the biomass impenetrability, is the focus of this research. The report, presented in a sequence of sections, gradually introduces terminology, physical and mathematical fundamentals commonly used in describing the propagation of electromagnetic waves, including the Maxwell equations. The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and InSAR as active remote sensing methods are summarised. In subsequent steps, the major InSAR data sources and data acquisition systems, past and present, are outlined. Various examples of the InSAR datasets, including the SRTM C- and X-band elevation products and INTERMAP Inc. IFSAR digital terrain/surface models (DTM/DSM), representing diverse test sites in the world are used to demonstrate the presence and/or magnitude of the biomass impenetrability in the context of different types of vegetation – usually forest. Also, results of investigations carried out by selected researchers on the elevation bias in InSAR datasets and their attempts at mathematical modelling are reviewed. In recent years, a few researchers have suggested that the magnitude of the biomass impenetrability is linked to gaps in the vegetation cover. Based on these hints, a mathematical model of the tree and the forest has been developed. Three types of gaps were identified; gaps in the landscape-scale forest areas (Type 1), e.g. forest fire scares and logging areas; a gap between three trees forming a triangle (Type 2), e.g. depending on the shape of tree crowns; and gaps within a tree itself (Type 3). Experiments have demonstrated that Type 1 gaps follow the power-law density distribution function. One of the most useful features of the power-law distributed phenomena is their scale-independent property. This property was also used to model Type 3 gaps (within the tree crown) by assuming that these gaps follow the same distribution as the Type 1 gaps. A hypothesis was formulated regarding the penetration depth of the radar waves within the canopy. It claims that the depth of penetration is simply related to the quantisation level of the radar backscattered signal. A higher level of bits per pixels allows for capturing weaker signals arriving from the lower levels of the tree crown. Assuming certain generic and simplified shapes of tree crowns including cone, paraboloid, sphere and spherical cap, it was possible to model analytically Type 2 gaps. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to investigate relationships between the impenetrability and various configurations of a modelled forest. One of the most important findings is that impenetrability is largely explainable by the gaps between trees. A much less important role is played by the penetrability into the crown cover. Another important finding is that the impenetrability strongly correlates with the vegetation density. Using this feature, a method for vegetation density mapping called the mean maximum impenetrability (MMI) method is proposed. Unlike the traditional methods of forest inventories, the MMI method allows for a much more realistic inventory of vegetation cover, because it is able to capture an in situ or current situation on the ground, but not for areas that are nominally classified as a “forest-to-be”. The MMI method also allows for the mapping of landscape variation in the forest or vegetation density, which is a novel and exciting feature of the new 3D remote sensing (3DRS) technique. Besides the inventory-type applications, the MMI method can be used as a forest change detection method. For maximum effectiveness of the MMI method, an object-based change detection approach is preferred. A minimum requirement for the MMI method is a time-lapsed reference dataset in the form, for example, of an existing forest map of the area of interest, or a vegetation density map prepared using InSAR datasets. Preliminary tests aimed at finding a degree of correlation between the impenetrability and other types of passive and active remote sensing data sources, including TerraSAR-X, NDVI and PALSAR, proved that the method most sensitive to vegetation density was the Japanese PALSAR - L-band SAR system. Unfortunately, PALSAR backscattered signals become very noisy for impenetrability below 15 m. This means that PALSAR has severe limitations for low loadings of the biomass per unit area. The proposed applications of the InSAR data will remain indispensable wherever cloud cover obscures the sky in a persistent manner, which makes suitable optical data acquisition extremely time-consuming or nearly impossible. A limitation of the MMI method is due to the fact that the impenetrability is calculated using a reference DTM, which must be available beforehand. In many countries around the world, appropriate quality DTMs are still unavailable. A possible solution to this obstacle is to use a DEM that was derived using P-band InSAR elevations or LiDAR. It must be noted, however, that in many cases, two InSAR datasets separated by time of the same area are sufficient for forest change detection or similar applications

    Study of the speckle noise effects over the eigen decomposition of polarimetric SAR data: a review

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    This paper is focused on considering the effects of speckle noise on the eigen decomposition of the co- herency matrix. Based on a perturbation analysis of the matrix, it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the mean value of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, as well as for the Entropy, the Anisotroopy and the dif- ferent a angles. The analytical expressions are compared against simulated polarimetric SAR data, demonstrating the correctness of the different expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The integration of freely available medium resolution optical sensors with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery capabilities for American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius) invasion detection and mapping.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Pietermaritzburg.The emergence of American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius) across South Africa has caused severe ecological and economic damage. To date, most of the efforts to mitigate its effects have been largely unsuccessful due to its prolific growth and widespread distribution. Accurate and timeous detection and mapping of Bramble is therefore critical to the development of effective eradication management plans. Hence, this study sought to determine the potential of freely available, new generation medium spatial resolution satellite imagery for the detection and mapping of American Bramble infestations within the UNESCO world heritage site of the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park (UDP). The first part of the thesis determined the potential of conventional freely available remote sensing imagery for the detection and mapping of Bramble. Utilizing the Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning algorithm, it was established that Bramble could be detected with limited users (45%) and reasonable producers (80%) accuracies. Much of the confusion occurred between the grassland land cover class and Bramble. The second part of the study focused on fusing the new age optical imagery and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery for Bramble detection and mapping. The synergistic potential of fused imagery was evaluated using multiclass SVM classification algorithm. Feature level image fusion of optical imagery and SAR resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 76%, with increased users and producers’ accuracies for Bramble. These positive results offered an opportunity to explore the polarization variables associated with SAR imagery for improved classification accuracies. The final section of the study dwelt on the use of Vegetation Indices (VIs) derived from new age satellite imagery, in concert with SAR to improve Bramble classification accuracies. Whereas improvement in classification accuracies were minimal, the potential of stand-alone VIs to detect and map Bramble (80%) was noteworthy. Lastly, dual-polarized SAR was fused with new age optical imagery to determine the synergistic potential of dual-polarized SAR to increase Bramble mapping accuracies. Results indicated a marked increase in overall Bramble classification accuracy (85%), suggesting improved potential of dual-polarized SAR and optical imagery in invasive species detection and mapping. Overall, this study provides sufficient evidence of the complimentary and synergistic potential of active and passive remote sensing imagery for invasive alien species detection and mapping. Results of this study are important for supporting contemporary decision making relating to invasive species management and eradication in order to safeguard ecological biodiversity and pristine status of nationally protected areas

    Available and missing data to model impact of climate change on European forests

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    Climate change is expected to cause major changes in forest ecosystems during the 21st century and beyond. To assess forest impacts from climate change, the existing empirical information must be structured, harmonised and assimilated into a form suitable to develop and test state-of-the-art forest and ecosystem models. The combination of empirical data collected at large spatial and long temporal scales with suitable modelling approaches is key to understand forest dynamics under climate change. To facilitate data and model integration, we identified major climate change impacts observed on European forest functioning and summarised the data available for monitoring and predicting such impacts. Our analysis of c. 120 forest-related databases (including information from remote sensing, vegetation inventories, dendroecology, palaeoecology, eddy-flux sites, common garden experiments and genetic techniques) and 50 databases of environmental drivers highlights a substantial degree of data availability and accessibility. However, some critical variables relevant to predicting European forest responses to climate change are only available at relatively short time frames (up to 10-20 years), including intra-specific trait variability, defoliation patterns, tree mortality and recruitment. Moreover, we identified data gaps or lack of data integration particularly in variables related to local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity, dispersal capabilities and physiological responses. Overall, we conclude that forest data availability across Europe is improving, but further efforts are needed to integrate, harmonise and interpret this data (i.e. making data useable for non-experts). Continuation of existing monitoring and networks schemes together with the establishments of new networks to address data gaps is crucial to rigorously predict climate change impacts on European forests.Peer reviewe

    Available and missing data to model impact of climate change on European forests

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    Climate change is expected to cause major changes in forest ecosystems during the 21st century and beyond. To assess forest impacts from climate change, the existing empirical information must be structured, harmonised and assimilated into a form suitable to develop and test state-of-the-art forest and ecosystem models. The combination of empirical data collected at large spatial and long temporal scales with suitable modelling approaches is key to understand forest dynamics under climate change. To facilitate data and model integration, we identified major climate change impacts observed on European forest functioning and summarised the data available for monitoring and predicting such impacts. Our analysis of c. 120 forest-related databases (including information from remote sensing, vegetation inventories, dendroecology, palaeoecology, eddy-flux sites, common garden experiments and genetic techniques) and 50 databases of environmental drivers highlights a substantial degree of data availability and accessibility. However, some critical variables relevant to predicting European forest responses to climate change are only available at relatively short time frames (up to 10-20 years), including intra-specific trait variability, defoliation patterns, tree mortality and recruitment. Moreover, we identified data gaps or lack of data integration particularly in variables related to local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity, dispersal capabilities and physiological responses. Overall, we conclude that forest data availability across Europe is improving, but further efforts are needed to integrate, harmonise and interpret this data (i.e. making data useable for non-experts). Continuation of existing monitoring and networks schemes together with the establishments of new networks to address data gaps is crucial to rigorously predict climate change impacts on European forests. © 2019 The Author(s
