56,551 research outputs found

    Out-Tournament Adjacency Matrices with Equal Ranks

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    Much work has been done in analyzing various classes of tournaments, giving a partial characterization of tournaments with adjacency matrices having equal and full real, nonnegative integer, Boolean, and term ranks. Relatively little is known about the corresponding adjacency matrix ranks of local out-tournaments, a larger family of digraphs containing the class of tournaments. Based on each of several structural theorems from Bang-Jensen, Huang, and Prisner, we will identify several classes of out-tournaments which have the desired adjacency matrix rank properties. First we will consider matrix ranks of out-tournament matrices from the perspective of the structural composition of the strong component layout of the adjacency matrix. Following that, we will consider adjacency matrix ranks of an out-tournament based on the cycles that the out-tournament contains. Most of the remaining chapters consider the adjacency matrix ranks of several classes of out-tournaments based on the form of their underlying graphs. In the case of the strong out-tournaments discussed in the final chapter, we examine the underlying graph of a representation that has the strong out-tournament as its catch digraph

    SLACID - Sparse Linear Algebra in a Column-Oriented In-Memory Database System

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    Scientific computations and analytical business applications are often based on linear algebra operations on large, sparse matrices. With the hardware shift of the primary storage from disc into memory it is now feasible to execute linear algebra queries directly in the database engine. This paper presents and compares different approaches of storing sparse matrices in an in-memory column-oriented database system. We show that a system layout derived from the compressed sparse row representation integrates well with a columnar database design and that the resulting architecture is moreover amenable to a wide range of non-numerical use cases when dictionary encoding is used. Dynamic matrix manipulation operations, like online insertion or deletion of elements, are not covered by most linear algebra frameworks. Therefore, we present a hybrid architecture that consists of a read-optimized main and a write-optimized delta structure and evaluate the performance for dynamic sparse matrix workloads by applying workflows of nuclear science and network graphs

    Optimizing an Organized Modularity Measure for Topographic Graph Clustering: a Deterministic Annealing Approach

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    This paper proposes an organized generalization of Newman and Girvan's modularity measure for graph clustering. Optimized via a deterministic annealing scheme, this measure produces topologically ordered graph clusterings that lead to faithful and readable graph representations based on clustering induced graphs. Topographic graph clustering provides an alternative to more classical solutions in which a standard graph clustering method is applied to build a simpler graph that is then represented with a graph layout algorithm. A comparative study on four real world graphs ranging from 34 to 1 133 vertices shows the interest of the proposed approach with respect to classical solutions and to self-organizing maps for graphs

    NodeTrix: Hybrid Representation for Analyzing Social Networks

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    The need to visualize large social networks is growing as hardware capabilities make analyzing large networks feasible and many new data sets become available. Unfortunately, the visualizations in existing systems do not satisfactorily answer the basic dilemma of being readable both for the global structure of the network and also for detailed analysis of local communities. To address this problem, we present NodeTrix, a hybrid representation for networks that combines the advantages of two traditional representations: node-link diagrams are used to show the global structure of a network, while arbitrary portions of the network can be shown as adjacency matrices to better support the analysis of communities. A key contribution is a set of interaction techniques. These allow analysts to create a NodeTrix visualization by dragging selections from either a node-link or a matrix, flexibly manipulate the NodeTrix representation to explore the dataset, and create meaningful summary visualizations of their findings. Finally, we present a case study applying NodeTrix to the analysis of the InfoVis 2004 coauthorship dataset to illustrate the capabilities of NodeTrix as both an exploration tool and an effective means of communicating results

    An Upper Bound on the Size of Obstructions for Bounded Linear Rank-Width

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    We provide a doubly exponential upper bound in pp on the size of forbidden pivot-minors for symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices over a fixed finite field F\mathbb{F} of linear rank-width at most pp. As a corollary, we obtain a doubly exponential upper bound in pp on the size of forbidden vertex-minors for graphs of linear rank-width at most pp. This solves an open question raised by Jeong, Kwon, and Oum [Excluded vertex-minors for graphs of linear rank-width at most kk. European J. Combin., 41:242--257, 2014]. We also give a doubly exponential upper bound in pp on the size of forbidden minors for matroids representable over a fixed finite field of path-width at most pp. Our basic tool is the pseudo-minor order used by Lagergren [Upper Bounds on the Size of Obstructions and Interwines, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 73:7--40, 1998] to bound the size of forbidden graph minors for bounded path-width. To adapt this notion into linear rank-width, it is necessary to well define partial pieces of graphs and merging operations that fit to pivot-minors. Using the algebraic operations introduced by Courcelle and Kant\'e, and then extended to (skew-)symmetric matrices by Kant\'e and Rao, we define boundaried ss-labelled graphs and prove similar structure theorems for pivot-minor and linear rank-width.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    HARP: Hierarchical Representation Learning for Networks

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    We present HARP, a novel method for learning low dimensional embeddings of a graph's nodes which preserves higher-order structural features. Our proposed method achieves this by compressing the input graph prior to embedding it, effectively avoiding troublesome embedding configurations (i.e. local minima) which can pose problems to non-convex optimization. HARP works by finding a smaller graph which approximates the global structure of its input. This simplified graph is used to learn a set of initial representations, which serve as good initializations for learning representations in the original, detailed graph. We inductively extend this idea, by decomposing a graph in a series of levels, and then embed the hierarchy of graphs from the coarsest one to the original graph. HARP is a general meta-strategy to improve all of the state-of-the-art neural algorithms for embedding graphs, including DeepWalk, LINE, and Node2vec. Indeed, we demonstrate that applying HARP's hierarchical paradigm yields improved implementations for all three of these methods, as evaluated on both classification tasks on real-world graphs such as DBLP, BlogCatalog, CiteSeer, and Arxiv, where we achieve a performance gain over the original implementations by up to 14% Macro F1.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201

    A Regularized Graph Layout Framework for Dynamic Network Visualization

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    Many real-world networks, including social and information networks, are dynamic structures that evolve over time. Such dynamic networks are typically visualized using a sequence of static graph layouts. In addition to providing a visual representation of the network structure at each time step, the sequence should preserve the mental map between layouts of consecutive time steps to allow a human to interpret the temporal evolution of the network. In this paper, we propose a framework for dynamic network visualization in the on-line setting where only present and past graph snapshots are available to create the present layout. The proposed framework creates regularized graph layouts by augmenting the cost function of a static graph layout algorithm with a grouping penalty, which discourages nodes from deviating too far from other nodes belonging to the same group, and a temporal penalty, which discourages large node movements between consecutive time steps. The penalties increase the stability of the layout sequence, thus preserving the mental map. We introduce two dynamic layout algorithms within the proposed framework, namely dynamic multidimensional scaling (DMDS) and dynamic graph Laplacian layout (DGLL). We apply these algorithms on several data sets to illustrate the importance of both grouping and temporal regularization for producing interpretable visualizations of dynamic networks.Comment: To appear in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, supporting material (animations and MATLAB toolbox) available at http://tbayes.eecs.umich.edu/xukevin/visualization_dmkd_201
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