7,495 research outputs found

    The visual preferences for forest regeneration and field afforestation : four case studies in Finland

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    The overall aim of this dissertation was to study the public's preferences for forest regeneration fellings and field afforestations, as well as to find out the relations of these preferences to landscape management instructions, to ecological healthiness, and to the contemporary theories for predicting landscape preferences. This dissertation includes four case studies in Finland, each based on the visualization of management options and surveys. Guidelines for improving the visual quality of forest regeneration and field afforestation are given based on the case studies. The results show that forest regeneration can be connected to positive images and memories when the regeneration area is small and some time has passed since the felling. Preferences may not depend only on the management alternative itself but also on the viewing distance, viewing point, and the scene in which the management options are implemented. The current Finnish forest landscape management guidelines as well as the ecological healthiness of the studied options are to a large extent compatible with the public's preferences. However, there are some discrepancies. For example, the landscape management instructions as well as ecological hypotheses suggest that the retention trees need to be left in groups, whereas people usually prefer individually located retention trees to those trees in groups. Information and psycho-evolutionary theories provide some possible explanations for people's preferences for forest regeneration and field afforestation, but the results cannot be consistently explained by these theories. The preferences of the different stakeholder groups were very similar. However, the preference ratings of the groups that make their living from forest - forest owners and forest professionals - slightly differed from those of the others. These results provide support for the assumptions that preferences are largely consistent at least within one nation, but that knowledge and a reference group may also influence preferences.Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin ihmisten maisemapreferenssejä (maisemallisia arvostuksia) metsänuudistamishakkuiden ja pellonmetsitysten suhteen sekä analysoitiin näiden preferenssien yhteyksiä maisemanhoito-ohjeisiin, vaihtoehtojen ekologiseen terveyteen ja preferenssejä ennustaviin teorioihin. Väitöskirja sisältää neljä tapaustutkimusta, jotka perustuvat hoitovaihtoehtojen visualisointiin ja kyselytutkimuksiin. Tapaustutkimusten pohjalta annetaan ohjeita siitä, kuinka uudistushakkuiden ja pellonmetsitysten visuaalista laatua voidaan parantaa. Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, että uudistamishakkuut voivat herättää myös myönteisiä mielikuvia ja muistoja, jos uudistusala on pieni ja hakkuun välittömät jäljet ovat jo peittyneet. Preferensseihin vaikuttaa hoitovaihtoehdon lisäksi mm. katseluetäisyys, katselupiste ja ympäristö, jossa vaihtoehto on toteutettu. Eri viiteryhmien (metsäammattilaiset, pääkaupunkiseudun asukkaat, ympäristönsuojelijat, tutkimusalueiden matkailijat, paikalliset asukkaat sekä metsänomistajat) maisemapreferenssit olivat hyvin samankaltaisia. Kuitenkin ne ryhmät, jotka saavat ainakin osan elannostaan metsästä - metsänomistajat ja metsäammattilaiset - pitivät metsänhakkuita esittävistä kuvista hieman enemmän kuin muut ryhmät. Nämä tulokset tukevat oletusta, että maisemapreferenssit ovat laajalti yhteneväisiä ainakin yhden kansan tai kulttuurin keskuudessa, vaikka myös viiteryhmä saattaa vaikuttaa preferensseihin jonkin verran. Nykyiset metsämaisemanhoito-ohjeet ovat pitkälti samankaltaisia tässä väitöskirjassa havaittujen maisemapreferenssien kanssa. Myöskään tutkittujen vaihtoehtoisten hoitotapojen ekologisen paremmuuden ja niihin kohdistuvien maisemallisten arvostusten välillä ei ollut suurta ristiriitaa. Kuitenkin joitakin eroavaisuuksia oli; esimerkiksi sekä maisemanhoito-ohjeiden että ekologisten hypoteesien mukaan säästöpuut tulisi jättää ryhmiin, kun taas ihmiset pitivät eniten yksittäin jätetyistä puista. Informaatiomalli ja psyko-evolutionaarinen teoria tarjoavat mahdollisia selityksiä uudistushakkuisiin ja pellonmetsitykseen kohdistuville preferensseille, vaikkakaan tutkimuksen tuloksia ei voida täysin selittää näillä teorioilla

    Aprendizado de máquina e análise de sentimentos para avaliar a evolução da pandemia de COVID-19 e os impactos no turismo

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    This article aims to analyze how the emotional, mental, and sentimental demands related with hospitality and hostility were developed during the pandemic of the COVID-19 in Brazil. As methological procedures was applied sequential mixed methods research. Firstly, about 1,000 pieces of news were collected from two Brazilian websites to be able to manually classify them in the feelings of hospitality and hostility. We use a machine learning supervisor analysis following a sentiment analysis technique. Secondly, the data were used for training in eight machine learning algorithms, through supervised analysis, being chosen the logistic regression for the data classification, because it fits better to the data, reaching 72% of accuracy. The data collected in two years of the pandemic, thus approximately 221,000 news were then classified using the chosen algorithm, which allowed the generation of graphics and analysis through inferential statistics, through the evolution of feelings of hospitality and hostility. The results indicate that in situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, people tend to behave hostilely, which leads to a lack of hospitality. The implications of this study are related to the ability to materialize, through the concepts of hospitality and hostility, the perception of visitors, guests, among other people, involved in the tourism sector. Therefore, the sentiment analysis from social media and news affected the tourism and hospitality industry.Cet article vise à analyser comment les demandes émotionnelles, mentales et sentimentales liées à l'hospitalité et à l'hostilité se sont développées pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19 au Brésil. Des procédures méthodologiques ont été appliquées à travers une recherche séquentielle à méthodes mixtes. Tout d'abord, environ 1 000 articles ont été collectés sur deux sites web brésiliens pour être classifiés manuellement selon les sentiments d'hospitalité et d'hostilité. Nous avons utilisé une analyse de sentiment supervisée par apprentissage automatique. Ensuite, les données ont été utilisées pour entraîner huit algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique, à travers une analyse supervisée, la régression logistique ayant été choisie pour la classification des données, car elle correspond mieux aux données, atteignant 72% de précision. Les données collectées sur deux ans de pandémie, soit environ 221 000 articles, ont ensuite été classées en utilisant l'algorithme choisi, ce qui a permis de générer des graphiques et des analyses à l'aide de statistiques inférentielles, montrant l'évolution des sentiments d'hospitalité et d'hostilité. Les résultats indiquent que dans des situations telles que la pandémie de la COVID-19, les gens ont tendance à adopter un comportement hostile, ce qui conduit à un manque d'hospitalité. Les implications de cette étude sont liées à la capacité de matérialiser, à travers les concepts d'hospitalité et d'hostilité, la perception des visiteurs, des clients et d'autres personnes impliquées dans le secteur du tourisme. Ainsi, l'analyse de sentiments à partir des médias sociaux et des actualités a affecté l'industrie du tourisme et de l'hospitalité.Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar como as demandas emocionais, mentais e sentimentais relacionadas à hospitalidade e hostilidade se desenvolveram durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. Procedimentos metodológicos foram aplicados por meio de pesquisa sequencial de métodos mistos. Primeiramente, cerca de 1.000 notícias foram coletadas em dois sites brasileiros para serem classificadas manualmente nos sentimentos de hospitalidade e hostilidade. Foi utilizada uma análise de sentimento supervisionada de aprendizado de máquina. Em segundo lugar, os dados foram usados para o treinamento em oito algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina, por meio de análise supervisionada, sendo escolhida a regressão logística para a classificação dos dados, por se adequar melhor aos dados, alcançando 72% de precisão. Os dados coletados ao longo de dois anos da pandemia, aproximadamente 221.000 notícias, foram então classificados usando o algoritmo escolhido, o que permitiu a geração de gráficos e análises por meio de estatísticas inferenciais, mostrando a evolução dos sentimentos de hospitalidade e hostilidade. Os resultados indicam que em situações como a pandemia de COVID-19, as pessoas tendem a se comportar de maneira hostil, o que leva à falta de hospitalidade. As implicações deste estudo estão relacionadas à capacidade de materializar, por meio dos conceitos de hospitalidade e hostilidade, a percepção de visitantes, hóspedes e outras pessoas envolvidas no setor de turismo. Portanto, a análise de sentimentos provenientes de mídias sociais e notícias afetou a indústria do turismo e da hospitalidade

    Identification of levels of sustainable consciousness of teachers in training through an e-portfolio

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    The contents of Education for Sustainable Development should be included in teachers’ initial and advanced training programs. A sustainable consciousness is one of the main foundations for determining the key competences for sustainability. However, there are not many empirical studies that deal with consciousness from education. In this context, the e-portfolio appears as a tool that promotes reflection and critical thinking, which are key competences for consciousness development. This work intends to propose a categorization system to extract types of consciousness and identify the levels of consciousness of teachers in training. For this research work, which is of an eminently qualitative nature, we have selected 25 e-portfolios of students (teachers in pre-service training) in the last year of the School of Education at the University of Macerata (Italy). The qualitative methodological procedure that was followed enabled deducing three bases that shape the consciousness of teachers in training: thinking, representation of reality, and type of consciousness. We concluded that the attainment of a sustainable consciousness in teachers requires activating and developing higher levels of thinking, as well as a projective and macrostructural representation of reality

    Communication of information in the digital age among social sciences students: Uncovering a synthetic indicator of performance

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the informational behavior of a group of future professionals in the field of social sciences (SS), in terms of their competence in the communication–dissemination of information. Design/methodology/approach: The IL-HUMASS, EVALCI/KN and EVALCI/SK tests regarding the affective (attitudes, motivations) and cognitive (knowledge, skills) dimensions are distributed to a stratified sample of five universities and eight degree courses in Spain. Infographics and non-parametric methods allow to compare the disciplinary profiles with regard to gender, academic course and academic degrees. An Information Literacy Communication synthetic indicator based on structural equation modeling includes the subjective and effective dimensions to measure the holistic learning outcomes in communication–dissemination of information. Findings: Significant differences regarding the informational behavior of future professionals in SS are discovered. The synthetic indicator allows academic degrees to be ranked in order to identify those in need of initiatives aimed at improving communication–dissemination competence. Practical implications: Findings must be taken into account to design effective learning programs. This methodological approach can be expanded to scientific and academic environments. Originality/value: The paper puts forward the first evidence-based study on communication–dissemination competence among future SS professionals, as no similar research has been found in the scientific literature. It is also the first time that the definition of a predictive performance indicator, based on a powerful statistical methodology, has been proposed

    Mapping applied visual art: a research journey in the streams of art and design

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    The research process behind the master´s degree thesis in Applied Visual Art (AVA) was divided into three main parts, due to the research questions; firstly, the thesis focused on defining the concept of Applied Visual Art (AVA), starting with on the definition given by the master´s degree programme (University of Lapland) and also on the experiences in AVA. Secondly, the concept of AVA was located within the fields of contemporary art and design. The historical development of art and design and their relationship were discussed, enabling to find the location for AVA practices. Thirdly, the thesis looked into the meaning of visualization in AVA research process. The visualization is included as a part of the process by creating an artistic part for the thesis. The main research strategy was action research, as the aim was to define AVA and the place for its practice through practical experiments. These experiments provided the possibility to observe and redevelop the concept of AVA. There were three practical experiments (action research cycles) conducted during the research journey. First two took place in Northern Finland (Inari, Rovaniemi and Ii) and the final in Scotland (Ayr), during my exchange studies. As a result of the process, the practices of AVA were located in the fields of contemporary art and design

    From Observations and Pictures to Images: Learning Lab@PP2 in Tourism Classes

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    Learning Lab@PP2 is a pedagogical tool that has been applied in a degree course in tourism at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, specifically in classes of Professional Practice II. It advocates that the learning process should occur in the complex context of society, organizations and professional relations that characterize the tourism industry. The goal is to contribute to the development of professional skills in tourism and educate students as citizens who must be aware of their role in today\u27s increasingly global world. Within Learning Lab methodology, this paper aims to share the benefits of using practical methods in tourism education environments, in this case based on two participatory exercises: (a) visual-based methodologies (photovoice); and (b) participant and non-participant observation as a method of analysing situations. The results from using this methodology will be also presented in addition to a discussion about the educational benefits framed by the experiential learning paradigm

    Looking Toward the Future : heritage Presentation and Interpretation and their Relation to ICT

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    Aquest article examina l'ús de les TIC en la presentació i la interpretació del conjunts de patrimoni cultural. Descriu les iniciatives actuals de desenvolupament d'aplicacions digitals per al registre i l'anàlisi de dades, la visualització i la interpretació pública. Suggereix que les TIC aplicades al patrimoni cultural han de continuar endavant amb els seus reptes tecnològics i científics, alhora que han de continuar reconeixent el patrimoni eminentment com una activitat social inserida en un context contemporani que canvia. Per això, el patrimoni digital ha de mirar més enllà del seu ús per a la divulgació de les dades científiques i reconèixer el seu major potencial com a propiciador de la reflexió i discussió del públic sobre el valor i el significat del passat.Este artículo examina el uso de las TIC en la presentación e interpretación de conjuntos del patrimonio cultural. Describe las actuales iniciativas de desarrollo de aplicaciones digitales para el registro y el análisis de datos, la visualización y la interpretación pública. Sugiere que las TIC aplicadas al Patrimonio Cultural han de seguir avanzando en sus retos tecnológicos y científicos, al tiempo que deben seguir reconociendo al patrimonio como, eminentemente una actividad social inserta en un contexto contemporáneo cambiante. Por ello, el patrimonio digital debe mirar más allá de su uso para la divulgación de los datos científicos y reconocer su mayor potencial como propiciador de la reflexión y discusión del público sobre el valor y el significado del pasado.This paper will examine use of ICT in the presentation and interpretation of cultural heritage sites. It will describe current initiatives in developing digital applications for data-collection and analysis, visualization, and public interpretation. It will suggest that Cultural Heritage ICT should continue to address its technological and scientific challenges, while also recognizing that heritage is, by its nature, a social activity embedded in a changing contemporary context. Thus digital heritage must look beyond its use for the dissemination of scientific data and recognize its wider potential for facilitating public reflection and discussion about the value and meaning of the Past

    The Visual Matrix Method: Imagery and Affect in a Group-based Research Setting

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    The visual matrix is a method for researching shared experience, stimulated by a sensory stimulus relevant to a research question. It is led by imagery, visualization and affect, which in the matrix take precedence over discourse. The method enables the symbolization of imaginative and emotional material, which might not otherwise be articulated and allows "unthought" dimensions of experience to emerge into consciousness in a participatory setting. We describe the process of the matrix with reference to the study "Public Art and Civic Engagement" (FROGGETT, MANLEY, ROY, PRIOR & DOHERTY, 2014) in which it was developed and tested. Subsequently, examples of its use in other contexts are provided. Both the matrix and post-matrix discussions are described, as is the interpretive process that follows. Theoretical sources are highlighted: its origins in social dreaming; the atemporal, associative nature of the thinking during and after the matrix which we describe through the Deleuzian idea of the rhizome; and the hermeneutic analysis which draws from object relations theory and the Lorenzerian tradition of scenic understanding. The matrix has been conceptualized as a "scenic rhizome" to account for its distinctive quality and hybrid origins in research practice. The scenic rhizome operates as a "third" between participants and the "objects" of contemplation. We suggest that some of the drawbacks of other group-based methods are avoided in the visual matrix—namely the tendency for inter-personal dynamics to dominate the event

    A taxonomic proposal for multiliteracies and their competences

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    The aim of this study is to analyze information and communication competences and their alphabets, both of which are necessary for effective knowledge-based content management. The evolution of the associated specialties or techniques, i.e., literacies, which have emerged to address this task more effectively are considered. The hypothesis that a taxonomic model can be used to order and coordinate literacies, in combination with an application metamodel within the framework of the Voremetur research project, was investigated. The methodology used to complete this analysis adopts an evolutionary approach comprising: (1) a first divergent phase describing the era of literacies and multiple literacies, in which field-specific competences and tools prevail; (2) a second convergent phase of information and digital literacy, whose associated competences become the targets of knowledge; and (3) a third divergent phase, based on multiliteracies, as a consequence of Big Data and its effects, to address which data literacy, together with "digital competences" emerged as new and complex ways of processing web content. Based on this premise, the classifications introduced by Bawden, Stordy, Secker & Coonan, and Mackey & Jacobson are proposed as a taxonomic model, using the metamodel definition from the Voremetur project. This results in the proposal of a multiliteracy including implementations that range from visual literacy and new media literacy, strategies for the selection of keywords as taxonomic labels, semantic control to define taxonomic categories, to a metamodel definition based on the categories obtained in the taxonomy. The development of the metamodel is presented through a program oriented at higher education within the framework of academic literacy, as a means for incorporation into curricula, including a definition of its paradigmatic and conceptual framework, the factors relevant to its programming and instructional design, educommunication as a didactic methodology approach, and digital educational objects as didactic materials, followed by an appropriate evaluation.This article is a result of the project "Vocabularies for a Network of Media Art Archives and Collections and its effects: Metaliteracy and Knowledge Tourism" (HAR2016-75949-C2-1-R) funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain