420 research outputs found

    Fuzzy averaging filter for impulse noise reduction in colour images with a correction step

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    [EN] In this paper we propose a fuzzy detection and reduction method for impulse noise in colour images. Detection is based on the fuzzyfication of a well-known statistic called ROD. The noise degrees obtained are used to reduce impulses by employing a fuzzy averaging between the input colour vector and a robust estimate of noise-free colour vector within the input neighbourhood. Fuzzy averaging has some advantages in terms of both noise reduction and detail preservation in front of detect and replace approaches because of threshold based decisions of the latter. However, robustness of the former is lower. We solve this problem by including a correction mechanism that checks the fuzzy noise degree of the output and replaces it with a robust colour vector either when noise has not been properly reduced or when a colour artefact has been introduced. We carry out a thorough study of the method parameter setting and give a convenient and robust setting. Experimental results show that our approach is very robust in front of four different types of impulse noise.The authors are very grateful to the reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Valentin Gregori and Samuel Morillas acknowledges the support of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under grant MTM 2015-64373-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE). Bernardino Roig and Almanzor Sapena acknowledges the support of Generalitat Valencians under grant AICO/2017/059.Gregori Gregori, V.; Morillas, S.; Roig, B.; Sapena Piera, A. (2018). Fuzzy averaging filter for impulse noise reduction in colour images with a correction step. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 55:518-528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvcir.2018.06.025S5185285

    Development of Some Novel Nonlinear and Adaptive Digital Image Filters for Efficient Noise Suppression

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    Some nonlinear and adaptive digital image filtering algorithms have been developed in this thesis to suppress additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), bipolar fixed-valued impulse, also called salt and pepper noise (SPN), random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) and their combinations quite effectively. The present state-of-art technology offers high quality sensors, cameras, electronic circuitry: application specific integrated circuits (ASIC), system on chip (SOC), etc., and high quality communication channels. Therefore, the noise level in images has been reduced drastically. In literature, many efficient nonlinear image filters are found that perform well under high noise conditions. But their performance is not so good under low noise conditions as compared to the extremely high computational complexity involved therein. Thus, it is felt that there is sufficient scope to investigate and develop quite efficient but simple algorithms to suppress low-power noise in an image. When..

    Some novel digital image filters for suppression of impulsive noise

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    In digital imaging, quality of image degrades due to contamination of various types of noise during the process of acquisition, transmission and storage. Especially impulse noise appears during image acquisition and transmission, which severely degrades the image quality and cause a great loss of information details in an image. Various filtering technique are found in literature for removal of impulse noise. Nonlinear filter such as standard median, weight median filter, center weight median and switching based median filter out perform the linear filters. This thesis investigates the performance analysis of different nonlinear filtering schemes. The performance of these filters can be improved by incorporating the mechanism of noise detection and then applying switching based adaptive filtering approach. Three novel filtering approaches that incorporate the above principles are proposed. It is found that all three approaches give noticeable performance improvement of over many filters reported in literature

    A “Salt and Pepper” Noise Reduction Scheme for Digital Images Based on Support Vector Machines Classification and Regression

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    We present a new impulse noise removal technique based on Support Vector Machines (SVM). Both classification and regression were used to reduce the “salt and pepper” noise found in digital images. Classification enables identification of noisy pixels, while regression provides a means to determine reconstruction values. The training vectors necessary for the SVM were generated synthetically in order to maintain control over quality and complexity. A modified median filter based on a previous noise detection stage and a regression-based filter are presented and compared to other well-known state-of-the-art noise reduction algorithms. The results show that the filters proposed achieved good results, outperforming other state-of-the-art algorithms for low and medium noise ratios, and were comparable for very highly corrupted images

    On the Development of Impulsive Noise Removal Schemes

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    Noise Suppression from images is one of the most important concens in digital image porcessing. Impulsive noise is one such noise, which may corrupt images during their acquisitioni or transmission or storage etc.A variety of techniques are reported to remove this type of noise.It is observed that techniques which follow the two satage process of detection of noise and filtering of noisy pixels achieve better performance than others. In this thesis such schemes of impulsive noise detection and filtering thereof are proposed

    Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise

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    Impulse noise is a most common noise which affects the image quality during acquisition or transmission, reception or storage and retrieval process. Impulse noise comes under two categories: (1) fixed-valued impulse noise, also known as salt-and-pepper noise (SPN) due to its appearance, where the noise value may be either the minimum or maximum value of the dynamic gray-scale range of image and (2) random-valued impulse noise (RVIN), where the noisy pixel value is bounded by the range of the dynamic gray-scale of the image. In literature, many efficient filters are proposed to suppress the impulse noise. But their performance is not good under moderate and high noise conditions. Hence, there is sufficient scope to explore and develop efficient filters for suppressing the impulse noise at high noise densities. In the present research work, efforts are made to propose efficient filters that suppress the impulse noise and preserve the edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. It is clear from the literature that detection followed by filtering achieves better performance than filtering without detection. Hence, the proposed filters in this thesis are based on detection followed by filtering techniques. The filters which are proposed to suppress the SPN in this thesis are: Adaptive Noise Detection and Suppression (ANDS) Filter Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (REIR) Algorithm Impulse Denoising Using Improved Progressive Switching Median Filter (IDPSM) Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (IRIC) A Novel Adaptive Switching Filter-I (ASF-I) for Suppression of High Density SPN A Novel Adaptive Switching Filter-II (ASF-II) for Suppression of High Density SPN Impulse Denoising Using Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (IASF) In the first method, ANDS, neighborhood difference is employed for pixel classification. Controlled by binary image, the noise is filtered by estimating the value of a pixel with an adaptive switching based median filter applied exclusively to neighborhood pixels that are labeled noise-free. The proposed filter performs better in retaining edges and fine details of an image at low-to-medium densities of fixed-valued impulse noise.The REIR method is based on robust statistic technique, where adaptive window is used for pixel classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with Lorentzian estimator or average of the previously processed pixels. Because of adaptive windowing technique, the filter is able to suppress the noise at a density as high as 90%. In the proposed method, IDPSM, the noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in an adaptive filtering window. The iterative nature of the filter makes it more efficient in noise detection and adaptive filtering window technique makes it robust enough to preserve edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. The forth proposed method is IRIC. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of processed pixels in the filtering window. At high noise densities, the median filtering may not be able to reject outliers always. Under such circumstances, the processed left neighboring pixel is considered as the estimated output. The computational complexity of this method is equivalent to that of a median filter having a 3×3 window. The proposed algorithm requires simple physical realization structures. Therefore, this algorithm may be quite useful for online and real-time applications. Two different adaptive switching filters: ASF-I and ASF-II are developed for suppressing SPN at high noise density. The noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Depending on noise estimation, a small filtering window size is initially selected and then the scheme adaptively changes the window size based on the number of noise-free pixels. Therefore, the proposed method removes the noise much more effectively even at noise density as high as 90% and yields high image quality. In the proposed method IASF, noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Due to its iterative structure, the performance of this filter is better than existing order-statistic filters. Further, the adaptive filtering window makes it robust enough to preserve the edges and fine details of an image. Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise x The filters which are proposed for suppressing random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) are: Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (ALT-MAD) Algorithm The proposed method, Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm is a modified MAD (Median of the Absolute Deviations from the median) scheme alongwith a threshold employed for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in adaptive filtering window. Another proposed method for denoising the random-valued and fixed-valued impulse noise is ALT-MAD. A modified MAD based algorithm alongwith a local adaptive threshold is utilized for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in the filtering window of adaptively varied size. Three threshold functions are suggested and employed in this algorithm. Thus, three different versions, namely, ALT-MAD-1, ALT-MAD-2 and ALT-MAD-3 are developed. They are observed to be quite efficient in noise detection and filtering. In the last part of the thesis, some efforts are made to develop filters for color image denoising. The filters which perform better in denoising gray-scale images are developed for suppression of impulsive noise from color images. Since the performance of denoising filters degrades in other color spaces, efforts are made to develop color image denoising filters in RGB color space only in this research work. The developed filters are: Multi-Channel Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (MC-REIR) Algorithm Multi-Channel Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (MC-IRIC) Multi-Channel Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (MC-IASF) Multi-Channel Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (MC-ALT-MAD) Algorithm It is observed from the simulation results that the proposed filters perform better than the existing methods. The proposed methods: ASF-1 and IASF exhibit quite superior performance in suppressing SPN in high noise densities compared to other methods. Similarly ALT-MAD-3 exhibits much better performance in suppressing RVIN of low to medium noise densities.The REIR method is based on robust statistic technique, where adaptive window is used for pixel classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with Lorentzian estimator or average of the previously processed pixels. Because of adaptive windowing technique, the filter is able to suppress the noise at a density as high as 90%. In the proposed method, IDPSM, the noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in an adaptive filtering window. The iterative nature of the filter makes it more efficient in noise detection and adaptive filtering window technique makes it robust enough to preserve edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. The forth proposed method is IRIC. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of processed pixels in the filtering window. At high noise densities, the median filtering may not be able to reject outliers always. Under such circumstances, the processed left neighboring pixel is considered as the estimated output. The computational complexity of this method is equivalent to that of a median filter having a 3×3 window. The proposed algorithm requires simple physical realization structures. Therefore, this algorithm may be quite useful for online and real-time applications. Two different adaptive switching filters: ASF-I and ASF-II are developed for suppressing SPN at high noise density. The noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Depending on noise estimation, a small filtering window size is initially selected and then the scheme adaptively changes the window size based on the number of noise-free pixels. Therefore, the proposed method removes the noise much more effectively even at noise density as high as 90% and yields high image quality. In the proposed method IASF, noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Due to its iterative structure, the performance of this filter is better than existing order-statistic filters. Further, the adaptive filtering window makes it robust enough to preserve the edges and fine details of an image. Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise x The filters which are proposed for suppressing random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) are: Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (ALT-MAD) Algorithm The proposed method, Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm is a modified MAD (Median of the Absolute Deviations from the median) scheme alongwith a threshold employed for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in adaptive filtering window. Another proposed method for denoising the random-valued and fixed-valued impulse noise is ALT-MAD. A modified MAD based algorithm alongwith a local adaptive threshold is utilized for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in the filtering window of adaptively varied size. Three threshold functions are suggested and employed in this algorithm. Thus, three different versions, namely, ALT-MAD-1, ALT-MAD-2 and ALT-MAD-3 are developed. They are observed to be quite efficient in noise detection and filtering. In the last part of the thesis, some efforts are made to develop filters for color image denoising. The filters which perform better in denoising gray-scale images are developed for suppression of impulsive noise from color images. Since the performance of denoising filters degrades in other color spaces, efforts are made to develop color image denoising filters in RGB color space only in this research work. The developed filters are: Multi-Channel Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (MC-REIR) Algorithm Multi-Channel Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (MC-IRIC) Multi-Channel Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (MC-IASF) Multi-Channel Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (MC-ALT-MAD) Algorithm It is observed from the simulation results that the proposed filters perform better than the existing methods. The proposed methods: ASF-1 and IASF exhibit quite superior performance in suppressing SPN in high noise densities compared to other methods. Similarly ALT-MAD-3 exhibits much better performance in suppressing RVIN of low to medium noise densities.The REIR method is based on robust statistic technique, where adaptive window is used for pixel classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with Lorentzian estimator or average of the previously processed pixels. Because of adaptive windowing technique, the filter is able to suppress the noise at a density as high as 90%. In the proposed method, IDPSM, the noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in an adaptive filtering window. The iterative nature of the filter makes it more efficient in noise detection and adaptive filtering window technique makes it robust enough to preserve edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. The forth proposed method is IRIC. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of processed pixels in the filtering window. At high noise densities, the median filtering may not be able to reject outliers always. Under such circumstances, the processed left neighboring pixel is considered as the estimated output. The computational complexity of this method is equivalent to that of a median filter having a 3×3 window. The proposed algorithm requires simple physical realization structures. Therefore, this algorithm may be quite useful for online and real-time applications. Two different adaptive switching filters: ASF-I and ASF-II are developed for suppressing SPN at high noise density. The noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Depending on noise estimation, a small filtering window size is initially selected and then the scheme adaptively changes the window size based on the number of noise-free pixels. Therefore, the proposed method removes the noise much more effectively even at noise density as high as 90% and yields high image quality. In the proposed method IASF, noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Due to its iterative structure, the performance of this filter is better than existing order-statistic filters. Further, the adaptive filtering window makes it robust enough to preserve the edges and fine details of an image. Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise x The filters which are proposed for suppressing random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) are: Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (ALT-MAD) Algorithm The proposed method, Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm is a modified MAD (Median of the Absolute Deviations from the median) scheme alongwith a threshold employed for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in adaptive filtering window. Another proposed method for denoising the random-valued and fixed-valued impulse noise is ALT-MAD. A modified MAD based algorithm alongwith a local adaptive threshold is utilized for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in the filtering window of adaptively varied size. Three threshold functions are suggested and employed in this algorithm. Thus, three different versions, namely, ALT-MAD-1, ALT-MAD-2 and ALT-MAD-3 are developed. They are observed to be quite efficient in noise detection and filtering. In the last part of the thesis, some efforts are made to develop filters for color image denoising. The filters which perform better in denoising gray-scale images are developed for suppression of impulsive noise from color images. Since the performance of denoising filters degrades in other color spaces, efforts are made to develop color image denoising filters in RGB color space only in this research work. The developed filters are: Multi-Channel Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (MC-REIR) Algorithm Multi-Channel Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (MC-IRIC) Multi-Channel Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (MC-IASF) Multi-Channel Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (MC-ALT-MAD) Algorithm It is observed from the simulation results that the proposed filters perform better than the existing methods. The proposed methods: ASF-1 and IASF exhibit quite superior performance in suppressing SPN in high noise densities compared to other methods. Similarly ALT-MAD-3 exhibits much better performance in suppressing RVIN of low to medium noise densities

    Development of Impulsive Noise Detection Schemes for Selective Filtering in Images

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    Image Noise Suppression is a highly demanded approach in digital imaging systems design. Impulsive noise is one such noise, which is frequently encountered problem in acquistion, transmission and processing of images. In the area of image restoration, many state-of-the art filters consist of two main processes, classification (detection) and reconstruction (filtering). Classification is used to separate uncorrupted pixels from corrupted pixels. Reconstruction involves replacing the corrupted pixels by certain approximation technique. In this thesis such schemes of impulsive noise detection and filtering thereof are proposed. Impulsive noise can be Salt & Pepper Noise (SPN) or Random Valued Impulsive Noise (RVIN). Only RVIN model is considered in this thesis because of its realistic presence. In the RVIN model a corrupted pixel can take any value in the valid range. Adaptive threshold selection is emphasized for all the four proposed noise detection schemes. Incorporation of adaptive threshold into the noise detection process led to more reliable and more efficient detection of noise. Based on the noisy image characteristics and their statistics, threshold values are selected. To validate the efficacy of proposed noise filtering schemes, an application to image sharpening has been investigated under the noise conditions. It has been observed, if the noisy image passes through the sharpening scheme, the noise gets amplified and as a result the restored results are distorted. However, the prefiltering operations using the proposed schemes enhances the result to a greater extent. Extensive simulations and comparisons are done with competent schemes. It is observed, in general, that the proposed schemes are better in suppressing impulsive noise at different noise ratios than their counterparts

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering