480 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Digital Microfluidic Biochips with Reconfigurable Operation Execution

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    Electrowetting and Droplet Transport in Digital Microfluidic Chips for Mixing Applications

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    Microfluidics- based biochips have varies applications like high throughput analyses, DNA sequencing, automated drug discovery, real time bio-molecular recognition, parallel immunoassays, single cell studies and protein RNA interaction and environmental toxicity monitoring. Based upon the fluid flow pattern microfluidic based devices can be categorized in two types. They are continuous flow microfluidic device and discrete flow microfluidic device or digital microfluidic. The continuous flow uses permanently etched microchannels, micro-pumps, and micro-valves for the application such as mixing, splitting, and transportation. In contrast to this discrete type flow uses array of electrodes, voltage to controlled droplet independently for the same application

    Lab on chip for multiple disease dictation based on electrowetting

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    Digital Microfluidics (DMF) is a new field of science and technology that introduces movement of nanoliter to microliter size droplets on patterned electrodes. Droplets can be moved, dispensed, merged, and split on devices. Sequential chemical reaction, and DNA extraction are examples of biological applications of DMF. Microfluidics-based biochips have varies applications like high throughput analyses, DNA sequencing, automated drug discovery, real time bio-molecular recognition, parallel immunoassays, single cell studies and protein RNA interaction and environmental toxicity monitoring. Discrete type flow uses array of electrodes, voltage to controlled droplet independently for the same application. The advantages of discrete type flow over continuous type are dynamic reconfigurability, reusable, control parameters are in electric domain, no mechanical parts and fault tolerance. The principle of electrowetting is used to deform and to actuate the droplet. The challenges with EWOD devices are the deciding threshold voltage, used for clinical diagnostic to protect the cell from damage, avoiding the cross talk between electrodes because of electrostatic effect to maintain droplet on proper path and the automated multiplexing technique use for switching the electrode voltage

    Microfluidic very large-scale integration for biochips: Technology, testing and fault-tolerant design

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    Microfluidic biochips are replacing the conventional biochemical analyzers by integrating all the necessary functions for biochemical analysis using microfluidics. Biochips are used in many application areas, such as, in vitro diagnostics, drug discovery, biotech and ecology. The focus of this paper is on continuous-flow biochips, where the basic building block is a microvalve. By combining these microvalves, more complex units such as mixers, switches, multiplexers can be built, hence the name of the technology, “microfluidic Very Large-Scale Integration” (mVLSI). A roadblock in the deployment of microfluidic biochips is their low reliability and lack of test techniques to screen defective devices before they are used for biochemical analysis. Defective chips lead to repetition of experiments, which is undesirable due to high reagent cost and limited availability of samples. This paper presents the state-of-the-art in the mVLSI platforms and emerging research challenges in the area of continuous-flow microfluidics, focusing on testing techniques and fault-tolerant design

    Microfluidic Systems for Pathogen Sensing: A Review

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    Rapid pathogen sensing remains a pressing issue today since conventional identification methodsare tedious, cost intensive and time consuming, typically requiring from 48 to 72 h. In turn, chip based technologies, such as microarrays and microfluidic biochips, offer real alternatives capable of filling this technological gap. In particular microfluidic biochips make the development of fast, sensitive and portable diagnostic tools possible, thus promising rapid and accurate detection of a variety of pathogens. This paper will provide a broad overview of the novel achievements in the field of pathogen sensing by focusing on methods and devices that compliment microfluidics

    Microchips and their significance in isolation of circulating tumor cells and monitoring of cancers

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    In micro-fluid systems, fluids are injected into extremely narrow polymer channels in small amounts such as micro-, nano-, or pico-liter scales. These channels themselves are embedded on tiny chips. Various specialized structures in the chips including pumps, valves, and channels allow the chips to accept different types of fluids to be entered the channel and along with flowing through the channels, exert their effects in the framework of different reactions. The chips are generally crystal, silicon, or elastomer in texture. These highly organized structures are equipped with discharging channels through which products as well as wastes of the reactions are secreted out. A particular advantage regarding the use of fluids in micro-scales over macro-scales lies in the fact that these fluids are much better processed in the chips when they applied as micro-scales. When the laboratory is miniaturized as a microchip and solutions are injected on a micro-scale, this combination makes a specialized construction referred to as "lab-on-chip". Taken together, micro-fluids are among the novel technologies which further than declining the costs; enhancing the test repeatability, sensitivity, accuracy, and speed; are emerged as widespread technology in laboratory diagnosis. They can be utilized for monitoring a wide spectrum of biological disorders including different types of cancers. When these microchips are used for cancer monitoring, circulatory tumor cells play a fundamental role

    Strategic Optimization Techniques For FRTU Deployment and Chip Physical Design

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    Combinatorial optimization is a complex engineering subject. Although formulation often depends on the nature of problems that differs from their setup, design, constraints, and implications, establishing a unifying framework is essential. This dissertation investigates the unique features of three important optimization problems that can span from small-scale design automation to large-scale power system planning: (1) Feeder remote terminal unit (FRTU) planning strategy by considering the cybersecurity of secondary distribution network in electrical distribution grid, (2) physical-level synthesis for microfluidic lab-on-a-chip, and (3) discrete gate sizing in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuit. First, an optimization technique by cross entropy is proposed to handle FRTU deployment in primary network considering cybersecurity of secondary distribution network. While it is constrained by monetary budget on the number of deployed FRTUs, the proposed algorithm identi?es pivotal locations of a distribution feeder to install the FRTUs in different time horizons. Then, multi-scale optimization techniques are proposed for digital micro?uidic lab-on-a-chip physical level synthesis. The proposed techniques handle the variation-aware lab-on-a-chip placement and routing co-design while satisfying all constraints, and considering contamination and defect. Last, the first fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) is proposed for the delay driven discrete gate sizing problem, which explores the theoretical view since the existing works are heuristics with no performance guarantee. The intellectual contribution of the proposed methods establishes a novel paradigm bridging the gaps between professional communities

    University of Malaya Research Bulletin, Volume 1, 2015

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    Previously known as IPPP UM Research Bulleti