13 research outputs found

    Solving Stochastic B\"uchi Games on Infinite Arenas with a Finite Attractor

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    We consider games played on an infinite probabilistic arena where the first player aims at satisfying generalized B\"uchi objectives almost surely, i.e., with probability one. We provide a fixpoint characterization of the winning sets and associated winning strategies in the case where the arena satisfies the finite-attractor property. From this we directly deduce the decidability of these games on probabilistic lossy channel systems.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2013, arXiv:1306.241

    Real-time and Probabilistic Temporal Logics: An Overview

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    Over the last two decades, there has been an extensive study on logical formalisms for specifying and verifying real-time systems. Temporal logics have been an important research subject within this direction. Although numerous logics have been introduced for the formal specification of real-time and complex systems, an up to date comprehensive analysis of these logics does not exist in the literature. In this paper we analyse real-time and probabilistic temporal logics which have been widely used in this field. We extrapolate the notions of decidability, axiomatizability, expressiveness, model checking, etc. for each logic analysed. We also provide a comparison of features of the temporal logics discussed

    About Decisiveness of Dynamic Probabilistic Models

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    Decisiveness of infinite Markov chains with respect to some (finite or infinite) target set of states is a key property that allows to compute the reachability probability of this set up to an arbitrary precision. Most of the existing works assume constant weights for defining the probability of a transition in the considered models. However numerous probabilistic modelings require the (dynamic) weight to also depend on the current state. So we introduce a dynamic probabilistic version of counter machine (pCM). After establishing that decisiveness is undecidable for pCMs even with constant weights, we study the decidability of decisiveness for subclasses of pCM. We show that, without restrictions on dynamic weights, decisiveness is undecidable with a single state and single counter pCM. On the contrary with polynomial weights, decisiveness becomes decidable for single counter pCMs under mild conditions. Then we show that decisiveness of probabilistic Petri nets (pPNs) with polynomial weights is undecidable even when the target set is upward-closed unlike the case of constant weights. Finally we prove that the standard subclass of pPNs with a regular language is decisive with respect to a finite set whatever the kind of weights

    Decisive Markov Chains

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    We consider qualitative and quantitative verification problems for infinite-state Markov chains. We call a Markov chain decisive w.r.t. a given set of target states F if it almost certainly eventually reaches either F or a state from which F can no longer be reached. While all finite Markov chains are trivially decisive (for every set F), this also holds for many classes of infinite Markov chains. Infinite Markov chains which contain a finite attractor are decisive w.r.t. every set F. In particular, this holds for probabilistic lossy channel systems (PLCS). Furthermore, all globally coarse Markov chains are decisive. This class includes probabilistic vector addition systems (PVASS) and probabilistic noisy Turing machines (PNTM). We consider both safety and liveness problems for decisive Markov chains, i.e., the probabilities that a given set of states F is eventually reached or reached infinitely often, respectively. 1. We express the qualitative problems in abstract terms for decisive Markov chains, and show an almost complete picture of its decidability for PLCS, PVASS and PNTM. 2. We also show that the path enumeration algorithm of Iyer and Narasimha terminates for decisive Markov chains and can thus be used to solve the approximate quantitative safety problem. A modified variant of this algorithm solves the approximate quantitative liveness problem. 3. Finally, we show that the exact probability of (repeatedly) reaching F cannot be effectively expressed (in a uniform way) in Tarski-algebra for either PLCS, PVASS or (P)NTM.Comment: 32 pages, 0 figure

    Model Checking Probabilistic Pushdown Automata

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    We consider the model checking problem for probabilistic pushdown automata (pPDA) and properties expressible in various probabilistic logics. We start with properties that can be formulated as instances of a generalized random walk problem. We prove that both qualitative and quantitative model checking for this class of properties and pPDA is decidable. Then we show that model checking for the qualitative fragment of the logic PCTL and pPDA is also decidable. Moreover, we develop an error-tolerant model checking algorithm for PCTL and the subclass of stateless pPDA. Finally, we consider the class of omega-regular properties and show that both qualitative and quantitative model checking for pPDA is decidable

    Verifying nondeterministic probabilistic channel systems against ω\omega-regular linear-time properties

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    Lossy channel systems (LCSs) are systems of finite state automata that communicate via unreliable unbounded fifo channels. In order to circumvent the undecidability of model checking for nondeterministic LCSs, probabilistic models have been introduced, where it can be decided whether a linear-time property holds almost surely. However, such fully probabilistic systems are not a faithful model of nondeterministic protocols. We study a hybrid model for LCSs where losses of messages are seen as faults occurring with some given probability, and where the internal behavior of the system remains nondeterministic. Thus the semantics is in terms of infinite-state Markov decision processes. The purpose of this article is to discuss the decidability of linear-time properties formalized by formulas of linear temporal logic (LTL). Our focus is on the qualitative setting where one asks, e.g., whether a LTL-formula holds almost surely or with zero probability (in case the formula describes the bad behaviors). Surprisingly, it turns out that -- in contrast to finite-state Markov decision processes -- the satisfaction relation for LTL formulas depends on the chosen type of schedulers that resolve the nondeterminism. While all variants of the qualitative LTL model checking problem for the full class of history-dependent schedulers are undecidable, the same questions for finite-memory scheduler can be solved algorithmically. However, the restriction to reachability properties and special kinds of recurrent reachability properties yields decidable verification problems for the full class of schedulers, which -- for this restricted class of properties -- are as powerful as finite-memory schedulers, or even a subclass of them.Comment: 39 page

    PCTL Model Checking of Markov Chains: Truth and Falsity as Winning Strategies in Games

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    Probabilistic model checking is a technique for verifying whether a model such as a Markov chain satisfies a probabilistic, behavioral property – e.g. “with probability at least 0.999, a device will be elected leader. ” Such properties are expressible in probabilistic temporal logics, e.g. PCTL, and efficient algorithms exist for checking whether these formulae are true or false on finite-state models. Alas, these algorithms don’t supply diagnostic information for why a probabilistic property does or does not hold in a given model. We provide here complete and rigorous foundations for such diagnostics in the setting of countable labeled Markov chains and PCTL. For each model and PCTL formula, we define a game between a Verifier and a Refuter that is won by Verifier if the formula holds in the model, and won by Refuter if it doesn’t hold. Games are won by exactly one player, through monotone strategies that encode the diagnostic information for truth and falsity (respectively). These games are infinite with BĂŒchi type acceptance conditions where simpler fairness conditions are shown not be to sufficient. Verifier can always force finite plays for certain PCTL formulae, suggesting the existence of finite-state abstractions of models that satisfy such formulae

    Stochastic Games with Lossy Channels

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    We consider turn-based stochastic games on infinite graphs induced by game probabilistic lossy channel systems (GPLCS), the game version of probabilistic lossy channel systems (PLCS). We study games with BĂŒchi (repeated reachability) objectives and almost-sure winning conditions. These games are pure memoryless determined and, under the assumption that the target set is regular, a symbolic representation of the set of winning states for each player can be effectively constructed. Thus, turn-based stochastic games on GPLCS are decidable. This generalizes the decidability result for PLCS-induced Markov decision processes in [10]

    Eager Markov Chains

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    Abstract. We consider infinite-state discrete Markov chains which are eager: the probability of avoiding a defined set of final states for more thanÒsteps is bounded by some exponentially decreasing functionïżœ(Ò). We prove that eager Markov chains include those induced by Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems, Probabilistic Vector Addition Systems with States, and Noisy Turing Machines, and that the bounding functionïżœ(Ò) can be effectively constructed for them. Furthermore, we study the problem of computing the expected reward (or cost) of runs until reaching the final states, where rewards are assigned to individual runs by computable reward functions. For eager Markov chains, an effective path exploration scheme, based on forward reachability analysis, can be used to approximate the expected reward up-to an arbitrarily small error.

    Verifying infinite Markov chains with a finite attractor or the global coarseness property

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