12 research outputs found

    A cascade of classifiers for extracting medication information from discharge summaries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extracting medication information from clinical records has many potential applications, and recently published research, systems, and competitions reflect an interest therein. Much of the early extraction work involved rules and lexicons, but more recently machine learning has been applied to the task.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We present a hybrid system consisting of two parts. The first part, field detection, uses a cascade of statistical classifiers to identify medication-related named entities. The second part uses simple heuristics to link those entities into medication events.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The system achieved performance that is comparable to other approaches to the same task. This performance is further improved by adding features that reference external medication name lists.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrates that our hybrid approach outperforms purely statistical or rule-based systems. The study also shows that a cascade of classifiers works better than a single classifier in extracting medication information. The system is available as is upon request from the first author.</p

    Distributional Semantic Models for Clinical Text Applied to Health Record Summarization

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    As information systems in the health sector are becoming increasingly computerized, large amounts of care-related information are being stored electronically. In hospitals clinicians continuously document treatment and care given to patients in electronic health record (EHR) systems. Much of the information being documented is in the form of clinical notes, or narratives, containing primarily unstructured free-text information. For each care episode, clinical notes are written on a regular basis, ending with a discharge summary that basically summarizes the care episode. Although EHR systems are helpful for storing and managing such information, there is an unrealized potential in utilizing this information for smarter care assistance, as well as for secondary purposes such as research and education. Advances in clinical language processing are enabling computers to assist clinicians in their interaction with the free-text information documented in EHR systems. This includes assisting in tasks like query-based search, terminology development, knowledge extraction, translation, and summarization. This thesis explores various computerized approaches and methods aimed at enabling automated semantic textual similarity assessment and information extraction based on the free-text information in EHR systems. The focus is placed on the task of (semi-)automated summarization of the clinical notes written during individual care episodes. The overall theme of the presented work is to utilize resource-light approaches and methods, circumventing the need to manually develop knowledge resources or training data. Thus, to enable computational semantic textual similarity assessment, word distribution statistics are derived from large training corpora of clinical free text and stored as vector-based representations referred to as distributional semantic models. Also resource-light methods are explored in the task of performing automatic summarization of clinical freetext information, relying on semantic textual similarity assessment. Novel and experimental methods are presented and evaluated that focus on: a) distributional semantic models trained in an unsupervised manner from statistical information derived from large unannotated clinical free-text corpora; b) representing and computing semantic similarities between linguistic items of different granularity, primarily words, sentences and clinical notes; and c) summarizing clinical free-text information from individual care episodes. Results are evaluated against gold standards that reflect human judgements. The results indicate that the use of distributional semantics is promising as a resource-light approach to automated capturing of semantic textual similarity relations from unannotated clinical text corpora. Here it is important that the semantics correlate with the clinical terminology, and with various semantic similarity assessment tasks. Improvements over classical approaches are achieved when the underlying vector-based representations allow for a broader range of semantic features to be captured and represented. These are either distributed over multiple semantic models trained with different features and training corpora, or use models that store multiple sense-vectors per word. Further, the use of structured meta-level information accompanying care episodes is explored as training features for distributional semantic models, with the aim of capturing semantic relations suitable for care episode-level information retrieval. Results indicate that such models performs well in clinical information retrieval. It is shown that a method called Random Indexing can be modified to construct distributional semantic models that capture multiple sense-vectors for each word in the training corpus. This is done in a way that retains the original training properties of the Random Indexing method, by being incremental, scalable and distributional. Distributional semantic models trained with a framework called Word2vec, which relies on the use of neural networks, outperform those trained using the classic Random Indexing method in several semantic similarity assessment tasks, when training is done using comparable parameters and the same training corpora. Finally, several statistical features in clinical text are explored in terms of their ability to indicate sentence significance in a text summary generated from the clinical notes. This includes the use of distributional semantics to enable case-based similarity assessment, where cases are other care episodes and their “solutions”, i.e., discharge summaries. A type of manual evaluation is performed, where human experts rates the different aspects of the summaries using a evaluation scheme/tool. In addition, the original clinician-written discharge summaries are explored as gold standard for the purpose of automated evaluation. Evaluation shows a high correlation between manual and automated evaluation, suggesting that such a gold standard can function as a proxy for human evaluations. --- This thesis has been published jointly with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway and University of Turku, Finland.This thesis has beenpublished jointly with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.Siirretty Doriast

    Exploration and adaptation of large language models for specialized domains

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    Large language models have transformed the field of natural language processing (NLP). Their improved performance on various NLP benchmarks makes them a promising tool—also for the application in specialized domains. Such domains are characterized by highly trained professionals with particular domain expertise. Since these experts are rare, improving the efficiency of their work with automated systems is especially desirable. However, domain-specific text resources hold various challenges for NLP systems. These challenges include distinct language, noisy and scarce data, and a high level of variation. Further, specialized domains present an increased need for transparent systems since they are often applied in high stakes settings. In this dissertation, we examine whether large language models (LLMs) can overcome some of these challenges and propose methods to effectively adapt them to domain-specific requirements. We first investigate the inner workings and abilities of LLMs and show how they can fill the gaps that are present in previous NLP algorithms for specialized domains. To this end, we explore the sources of errors produced by earlier systems to identify which of them can be addressed by using LLMs. Following this, we take a closer look at how information is processed within Transformer-based LLMs to better understand their capabilities. We find that their layers encode different dimensions of the input text. Here, the contextual vector representation, and the general language knowledge learned during pre-training are especially beneficial for solving complex and multi-step tasks common in specialized domains. Following this exploration, we propose solutions for further adapting LLMs to the requirements of domain-specific tasks. We focus on the clinical domain, which incorporates many typical challenges found in specialized domains. We show how to improve generalization by integrating different domain-specific resources into our models. We further analyze the behavior of the produced models and propose a behavioral testing framework that can serve as a tool for communication with domain experts. Finally, we present an approach for incorporating the benefits of LLMs while fulfilling requirements such as interpretability and modularity. The presented solutions show improvements in performance on benchmark datasets and in manually conducted analyses with medical professionals. Our work provides both new insights into the inner workings of pre-trained language models as well as multiple adaptation methods showing that LLMs can be an effective tool for NLP in specialized domains

    Automated machine learning for healthcare and clinical notes analysis

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    Machine learning (ML) has been slowly entering every aspect of our lives and its positive impact has been astonishing. To accelerate embedding ML in more applications and incorporating it in real-world scenarios, automated machine learning (AutoML) is emerging. The main purpose of AutoML is to provide seamless integration of ML in various industries, which will facilitate better outcomes in everyday tasks. In healthcare, AutoML has been already applied to easier settings with structured data such as tabular lab data. However, there is still a need for applying AutoML for interpreting medical text, which is being generated at a tremendous rate. For this to happen, a promising method is AutoML for clinical notes analysis, which is an unexplored research area representing a gap in ML research. The main objective of this paper is to fill this gap and provide a comprehensive survey and analytical study towards AutoML for clinical notes. To that end, we first introduce the AutoML technology and review its various tools and techniques. We then survey the literature of AutoML in the healthcare industry and discuss the developments specific to clinical settings, as well as those using general AutoML tools for healthcare applications. With this background, we then discuss challenges of working with clinical notes and highlight the benefits of developing AutoML for medical notes processing. Next, we survey relevant ML research for clinical notes and analyze the literature and the field of AutoML in the healthcare industry. Furthermore, we propose future research directions and shed light on the challenges and opportunities this emerging field holds. With this, we aim to assist the community with the implementation of an AutoML platform for medical notes, which if realized can revolutionize patient outcomes

    Knowledge-driven entity recognition and disambiguation in biomedical text

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    Entity recognition and disambiguation (ERD) for the biomedical domain are notoriously difficult problems due to the variety of entities and their often long names in many variations. Existing works focus heavily on the molecular level in two ways. First, they target scientific literature as the input text genre. Second, they target single, highly specialized entity types such as chemicals, genes, and proteins. However, a wealth of biomedical information is also buried in the vast universe of Web content. In order to fully utilize all the information available, there is a need to tap into Web content as an additional input. Moreover, there is a need to cater for other entity types such as symptoms and risk factors since Web content focuses on consumer health. The goal of this thesis is to investigate ERD methods that are applicable to all entity types in scientific literature as well as Web content. In addition, we focus on under-explored aspects of the biomedical ERD problems -- scalability, long noun phrases, and out-of-knowledge base (OOKB) entities. This thesis makes four main contributions, all of which leverage knowledge in UMLS (Unified Medical Language System), the largest and most authoritative knowledge base (KB) of the biomedical domain. The first contribution is a fast dictionary lookup method for entity recognition that maximizes throughput while balancing the loss of precision and recall. The second contribution is a semantic type classification method targeting common words in long noun phrases. We develop a custom set of semantic types to capture word usages; besides biomedical usage, these types also cope with non-biomedical usage and the case of generic, non-informative usage. The third contribution is a fast heuristics method for entity disambiguation in MEDLINE abstracts, again maximizing throughput but this time maintaining accuracy. The fourth contribution is a corpus-driven entity disambiguation method that addresses OOKB entities. The method first captures the entities expressed in a corpus as latent representations that comprise in-KB and OOKB entities alike before performing entity disambiguation.Die Erkennung und Disambiguierung von Entitäten für den biomedizinischen Bereich stellen, wegen der vielfältigen Arten von biomedizinischen Entitäten sowie deren oft langen und variantenreichen Namen, große Herausforderungen dar. Vorhergehende Arbeiten konzentrieren sich in zweierlei Hinsicht fast ausschließlich auf molekulare Entitäten. Erstens fokussieren sie sich auf wissenschaftliche Publikationen als Genre der Eingabetexte. Zweitens fokussieren sie sich auf einzelne, sehr spezialisierte Entitätstypen wie Chemikalien, Gene und Proteine. Allerdings bietet das Internet neben diesen Quellen eine Vielzahl an Inhalten biomedizinischen Wissens, das vernachlässigt wird. Um alle verfügbaren Informationen auszunutzen besteht der Bedarf weitere Internet-Inhalte als zusätzliche Quellen zu erschließen. Außerdem ist es auch erforderlich andere Entitätstypen wie Symptome und Risikofaktoren in Betracht zu ziehen, da diese für zahlreiche Inhalte im Internet, wie zum Beispiel Verbraucherinformationen im Gesundheitssektor, relevant sind. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, Methoden zur Erkennung und Disambiguierung von Entitäten zu erforschen, die alle Entitätstypen in Betracht ziehen und sowohl auf wissenschaftliche Publikationen als auch auf andere Internet-Inhalte anwendbar sind. Darüber hinaus setzen wir Schwerpunkte auf oft vernachlässigte Aspekte der biomedizinischen Erkennung und Disambiguierung von Entitäten, nämlich Skalierbarkeit, lange Nominalphrasen und fehlende Entitäten in einer Wissensbank. In dieser Hinsicht leistet diese Dissertation vier Hauptbeiträge, denen allen das Wissen von UMLS (Unified Medical Language System), der größten und wichtigsten Wissensbank im biomedizinischen Bereich, zu Grunde liegt. Der erste Beitrag ist eine schnelle Methode zur Erkennung von Entitäten mittels Lexikonabgleich, welche den Durchsatz maximiert und gleichzeitig den Verlust in Genauigkeit und Trefferquote (precision and recall) balanciert. Der zweite Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Klassifizierung der semantischen Typen von Nomen, die sich auf gebräuchliche Nomen von langen Nominalphrasen richtet und auf einer selbstentwickelten Sammlung von semantischen Typen beruht, die die Verwendung der Nomen erfasst. Neben biomedizinischen können diese Typen auch nicht-biomedizinische und allgemeine, informationsarme Verwendungen behandeln. Der dritte Beitrag ist eine schnelle Heuristikmethode zur Disambiguierung von Entitäten in MEDLINE Kurzfassungen, welche den Durchsatz maximiert, aber auch die Genauigkeit erhält. Der vierte Beitrag ist eine korpusgetriebene Methode zur Disambiguierung von Entitäten, die speziell fehlende Entitäten in einer Wissensbank behandelt. Die Methode wandelt erst die Entitäten, die in einem Textkorpus ausgedrückt aber nicht notwendigerweise in einer Wissensbank sind, in latente Darstellungen um und führt anschließend die Disambiguierung durch

    Evaluation des systèmes d'intelligence épidémiologique appliqués à la détection précoce des maladies infectieuses au niveau mondial.

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    Our work demonstrated the performance of the epidemic intelligence systems used for the early detection of infectious diseases in the world, the specific added value of each system, the greater intrinsic sensitivity of moderated systems and the variability of the type information source’s used. The creation of a combined virtual system incorporating the best result of the seven systems showed gains in terms of sensitivity and timeliness that would result from the integration of these individual systems into a supra-system. They have shown the limits of these tools and in particular: the low positive predictive value of the raw signals detected, the variability of the detection capacities for the same disease, but also the significant influence played by the type of pathology, the language and the region of occurrence on the detection of infectious events. They established the wide variety of epidemic intelligence strategies used by public health institutions to meet their specific needs and the impact of these strategies on the nature, the geographic origin and the number of events reported. As well, they illustrated that under conditions close to the routine, epidemic intelligence permitted the detection of infectious events on average one to two weeks before their official notification, hence allowing to alert health authorities and therefore the anticipating the implementation of eventual control measures. Our work opens new fields of investigation which applications could be important for both users systems.Nos travaux ont démontré les performances des systèmes d’intelligence épidémiologique en matière de détection précoce des évènements infectieux au niveau mondial, la valeur ajoutée spécifique de chaque système, la plus grande sensibilité intrinsèque des systèmes modérés et la variabilité du type de source d’information utilisé. La création d’un système virtuel combiné intégrant le meilleur résultat des sept systèmes a démontré les gains en termes de sensibilité et de réactivité, qui résulterait de l’intégration de ces systèmes individuels dans un supra-système. Ils ont illustrés les limites de ces outils et en particulier la faible valeur prédictive positive des signaux bruts détectés, la variabilité les capacités de détection pour une même pathologie, mais également l’influence significative jouée par le type de pathologie, la langue et la région de survenue sur les capacités de détection des évènements infectieux. Ils ont établis la grande diversité des stratégies d’intelligence épidémiologique mises en œuvre par les institutions de santé publique pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques et l’impact de ces stratégies sur la nature, l’origine géographique et le nombre des évènements rapportés. Ils ont également montré que dans des conditions proches de la routine, l’intelligence épidémiologique permettait la détection d’évènements infectieux en moyenne une à deux semaines avant leur notification officielle, permettant ainsi d’alerter les autorités sanitaires et d’anticiper la mise en œuvre d’éventuelles mesures de contrôle. Nos travaux ouvrent de nouveaux champs d’investigations dont les applications pourraient être importantes pour les utilisateurs comme pour les systèmes

    Efficient Neural Methods for Coreference Resolution

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    Coreference resolution is a core task in natural language processing and in creating language technologies. Neural methods and models for automatically resolving references have emerged and developed over the last several years. This progress is largely marked by continuous improvements on a single dataset and metric. In this thesis, the assumptions that underlie these improvements are shown to be unrealistic for real-world use due to the computational and data tradeoffs made to achieve apparently high performance. The thesis outlines and proposes solutions to three issues. First, to address the growing memory requirements and restrictions on input document length, a novel, constant memory neural model for coreference resolution is proposed and shown to attain performance comparable to contemporary models. Second, to address the failure of these models to generalize across datasets, continued training is evaluated and shown to be successful for transferring coreference resolution models between domains and languages. Finally, to combat the gains obtained via the use of increasingly large pretrained language models, multitask model pruning can be applied to maintain a single (small) model for multiple datasets. These methods reduce the computational cost of running a model and the annotation cost of creating a model for any arbitrary dataset. As real-world applications continue to demand resolution of coreference, methods that reduce the technical cost of training new models and making predictions are greatly desired, which this thesis addresses

    Development and user testing of a wellness data visualization solution

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    Use of information technology in health and wellness attracts a lot of attention these days from the general public, health care professionals, and the research community. A significant amount of research has been done lately in order to find ways to visualize health and wellness data in a holistic way which is easy to use and understand. The main objective of the thesis was to develop a health and wellness solution for visualizing the health and wellness status of an individual and monitoring his/her progress in the health and wellness coaching. The research focused on three main issues: 1) Devel-oping a Progress data component which allows for monitoring the adherence of clients to tasks and to see their performance, 2) integrating the component with two other com-ponents in the system to create a Health and wellness overview solution, and 3) testing and evaluation of the component and the solution to assess usability issues and to gather user feedback. The research followed a user-centered approach by focusing on the users and tasks from the beginning of the design process. This approach also included iterative design, with cycles of design, test, measure, and redesign. This approach was chosen to reach a high level of usability and user satisfaction by obtaining direct and indirect user feedback and requirements throughout the design process. After implementation, testing and evaluations were conducted in two phases, namely after the implementation of the Progress data component, and after the integration of the component with the rest of the system. The evaluations were conducted with two different types of potential users: general users, and experts in usability issues. Many different techniques and methods were used in the evaluation studies. These included four standardized usability questionnaires, and the comparison of the data between them, in order to obtain high levels of reliability of the data. The results showed a high level of satisfaction with all the metrics of usability of the system, with average responses between 5.66 and 6.60 in the 7-point Likert scale. With regard to overall user satisfaction, the results were equally positive in all four question-naires, with scores between 6.02 and 6.46 in the Likert scale. Some issues of interaction between the different components of the system still need further development, and the design should be evaluated on and, if need be, redesigned for, devices with different screen sizes. The results indicate that successful visualization can help people understand better their holistic health and wellness data


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