52 research outputs found

    Spanish validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder-20 (IGD-20) Test

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    In recent years, problematic and addictive gaming has been a phenomenon of growing concern worldwide. In light of the increasing awareness about this issue, the latest (fifth) edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) included Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) as an area in need of more empirical research. The Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGD-20 Test) was developed as a valid and reliable tool to assess IGD. The aim of the present study was to validate the Spanish version of the IGD-20 Test, and analyze the different profiles found among a sample of 1,074 Spanish-speaking gamers. A confirmatory factor analysis showed the validity of the Spanish version of the IGD-20 Test and its six factor structure (i.e., salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict and relapse). The latent profile analysis (LPA) showed five different gamer classes. The 'disordered gamers’ class comprised 2.6% of the participants. Based on this class, sensitivity and specificity analyses showed an adequate empirical cut-off point of 75 (out of 100). It is concluded that the Spanish version of the IGD-20 Test is valid and reliable and can be used in research into IGD among Spanish speaking populations

    Video gaming in a hyperconnected world : a cross-sectional study of heavy gaming, problematic gaming symptoms, and online socializing in adolescents

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    Aims: Examining online social interactions along with patterns of video gaming behaviors and game addiction symptoms has the potential to enrich our understanding of disorders related to excessive video game play. Methods: We performed latent class analysis in a sample of 9733 adolescents based on heavy use of games, social networking and instant messaging, and game addiction symptoms. We used latent class regression to determine associations between classes, psychosocial well-being and friendship quality. Results: We identified two types of heavy gaming classes that differed in probability of online social interaction. Classes with more online social interaction reported fewer problematic gaming symptoms than those with less online social interaction. Most adolescents estimated to be in heavy gaming classes had more depressive symptoms than normative classes. Male non-social gamers had more social anxiety. Female social gamers had less social anxiety and loneliness, but lower self-esteem. Friendship quality attenuated depression in some male social gamers, but strengthened associations with loneliness in some male non-social gamers. Conclusions: In adolescents, symptoms of video game addiction depend not only on video game play but also on concurrent levels of online communication, and those who are very socially active online report fewer symptoms of game addiction

    The (co-)occurrence of problematic video gaming, substance use, and psychosocial problems in adolescents

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    Aims. The current study explored the nature of problematic (addictive) video gaming and the association with game type, psychosocial health, and substance use. Methods. Data were collected using a paper and pencil survey in the classroom setting. Three samples were aggregated to achieve a total sample of 8478 unique adolescents. Scales included measures of game use, game type, the Video game Addiction Test (VAT), depressive mood, negative self-esteem, loneliness, social anxiety, education performance, and use of cannabis, alcohol and nicotine (smoking). Results. Findings confirmed problematic gaming is most common amongst adolescent gamers who play multiplayer online games. Boys (60%) were more likely to play online games than girls (14%) and problematic gamers were more likely to be boys (5%) than girls (1%). High problematic gamers showed higher scores on depressive mood, loneliness, social anxiety, negative self-esteem, and self-reported lower school performance. Nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis using boys were almost twice more likely to report high PVG than non-users. Conclusions. It appears that online gaming in general is not necessarily associated with problems. However, problematic gamers do seem to play online games more often, and a small subgroup of gamers – specifically boys – showed lower psychosocial functioning and lower grades. Moreover, associations with alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis use are found. It would appear that problematic gaming is an undesirable problem for a small subgroup of gamers. The findings encourage further exploration of the role of psychoactive substance use in problematic gaming

    Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing: A Study of International Students in Singapore

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    We investigated the relationship between psychological wellbeing (as indicated by participants’ level of loneliness, perceived academic stress and depression) and generalized problematic internet use. Data was collected from a sample of 103 international students studying in Singapore. Statistical analyses revealed that depression was the most important predictor of problematic internet use, followed by academic stress. Loneliness was found to mediate the relationship between problematic internet use and depression or academic stress. Implications of the findings for international students in the University context have been discussed


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of this study is to examine the risk factors for internet gaming disorder (IGD). Specifically, it aims to: measure the severity of internet gaming among Filipino students; describe their internet gaming characteristic; and, identify which among the risk factors predict IGD. Methodology: Students who displayed five or more symptoms in the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale – Short Form (IGD9-SF) were identified. The internet gaming characteristics, Brief Self Control Scale (BSCS) to identify self-control levels, and Mini-IPIP for the personality of the participants were also collected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis to identify the significant risk factors for IGD using SPSS 17.0. Main Findings: Internet gaming characteristics such as time spent, money spent, and devices used were significant risk factors to IGD. Psychological factors such as self-control and personality traits (agreeableness and openness) were established and were also significant risk factors. The lower the self-control the higher the risk of developing IGD, as well as the more agreeable and open the gamers are the higher the risk to IGD. Applications of this study: Researchers and therapists should focus on developing intervention methods focusing on minimizing the device's exposure to lessen time and money spent in gaming as well as strengthening the self-control of the gamers.  Novelty/Originality of this study: This psychological inquiry contributed to the emerging psychological disorder IGD shedding light on its current debates and controversies. This established risk factors to IGD among Filipino students who are time spent, money spent, devices used, self-control, and personality factors such as agreeableness and openness


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin canggih memberikan kemudahan dan manfaat bagi masyarakat di era sekarang ini. Penggunaan internet tersebut tidak hanya memiliki fitur untuk mencari informasi, tetapi juga untuk berkomunikasi antar sesama pengguna tanpa harus bertemu secara langsung, bahkan saat ini internet memiliki fitur untuk hiburan yaitu, Game online. Penelitian ini membahas tentang kecenderungan bermain game online dengan tingkat stres. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan kecenderungan bermain game online dengan tingkat stres pada remaja. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode korelasional. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja yang berusia 18-22 tahun yang berdomisili di Yogyakarta. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu product moment. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukan bahwa kecenderungan bermain game online memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap tingkat stres dengan nila P = 0,000 < 0,05. Hasil uji person correlation product moment didapatkan hasil rhitung (0,500) > rtabel (0,235) sumbangan efektif kecenderungan bermain game online dalam mempengaruhi tingkat stres pada remaja yaitu sebesar 25,0% sedangkan 75,0% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lai

    Video gaming in a hyperconnected world: A cross-sectional study of heavy gaming, problematic gaming symptoms, and online socializing in adolescents

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    Aims Examining online social interactions along with patterns of video gaming behaviors and game addiction symptoms has the potential to enrich our understanding of disorders related to excessive video game play. Methods We performed latent class analysis in a sample of 9733 adolescents based on heavy use of games, social networking and instant messaging, and game addiction symptoms. We used latent class regression to determine associations between classes, psychosocial well-being and friendship quality. Results We identified two types of heavy gaming classes that differed in probability of online social interaction. Classes with more online social interaction reported fewer problematic gaming symptoms than those with less online social interaction. Most adolescents estimated to be in heavy gaming classes had more depressive symptoms than normative classes. Male non-social gamers had more social anxiety. Female social gamers had less social anxiety and loneliness, but lower self-esteem. Friendship quality attenuated depression in some male social gamers, but strengthened associations with loneliness in some male non-social gamers. Conclusions In adolescents, symptoms of video game addiction depend not only on video game play but also on concurrent levels of online communication, and those who are very socially active online report fewer symptoms of game addiction

    The problematic use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in adolescents by the cross sectional JOITIC study

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    Background: The emerging field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has brought about new interaction styles. Its excessive use may lead to addictive behaviours. The objective is to determine the prevalence of the problematic use of ICT such as Internet, mobile phones and video games, among adolescents enrolled in mandatory Secondary Education (ESO in Spanish) and to examine associated factors. Methods: Cross sectional, multi-centric descriptive study. Population: 5538 students enrolled in years one to four of ESO at 28 schools in the Vallès Occidental region (Barcelona, Spain). Data collection: self-administered socio-demographic and ICT access questionnaire, and validated questionnaires on experiences related to the use of the Internet, mobile phones and video games (CERI, CERM, CERV). Results: Questionnaires were collected from 5,538 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 20 (77.3 % of the total response), 48.6 % were females. Problematic use of the Internet was observed in 13.6 % of the surveyed individuals; problematic use of mobile phones in 2.4 % and problematic use in video games in 6.2 %. Problematic Internet use was associated with female students, tobacco consumption, a background of binge drinking, the use of cannabis or other drugs, poor academic performance, poor family relationships and an intensive use of the computer. Factors associated with the problematic use of mobile phones were the consumption of other drugs and an intensive use of these devices. Frequent problems with video game use have been associated with male students, the consumption of other drugs, poor academic performance, poor family relationships and an intensive use of these games. Conclusions: This study offers information on the prevalence of addictive behaviours of the Internet, mobile phones and video game use. The problematic use of these ICT devices has been related to the consumption of drugs, poor academic performance and poor family relationships. This intensive use may constitute a risk marker for ICT addictio

    Resorting to Internet: A look at university students’ problematic Internet use through meaning in life, self-efficacy and self-esteem

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    Internet can be used in a maladaptive way to escape from or compensate perceived inadequacies or the problems experiencing in daily life. In relation to this, in this study the relationship of meaning in life, self-efficacy and self-esteem to problematic Internet use was examined. Furthermore, the role of meaning in life, self-efficacy and self-esteem in predicting problematic Internet use was investigated. The study was carried out 410 university students (280 females and 130 males) attending the different grades of various departments in a school of education in Rize, Turkey. In the study, Sociodemographic Data Form, Problematic Internet Use Scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, General Self-Efficacy Scale and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed through SPSS 15.0 version and descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis were utilized in the analysis. Results showed that presence of meaning in life (r=-.26, p&lt;.01), self-efficacy (r=-.36, p&lt;.01) and self-esteem (r=-.29, p&lt;.01) are negatively and significantly correlated to problematic Internet use, on the contrary, search for meaning’s relationship was found in a positive way (r=.21, p&lt;.01). Besides, presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life and self-efficacy emerged as significant predictors of problematic Internet use. By discussing these results in line with the relevant literature, directions were given for further studies
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