240 research outputs found

    P2PEdge : A Decentralised, Scalable P2P Architecture for Energy Trading in Real-Time

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    Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.K., D.H.-S., R.N.A., B.S. and K.M.; Formal analysis, J.K., D.H.-S. and B.S.; Investigation, J.K.; Methodology, J.K.; Project administration, K.M.; Supervision, K.M. and D.H.-S.; Validation, J.K. and D.H.-S.; Visualization, J.K.; Writing—original draft, J.K.; Writing—review & editing, J.K., K.M., D.H.-S., R.N.A. and B.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Zone-Based Privacy-Preserving Billing for Local Energy Market Based on Multiparty Computation

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    This paper proposes a zone-based privacy-preserving billing protocol for local energy markets that takes into account energy volume deviations of market participants from their bids. Our protocol incorporates participants' locations on the grid for splitting the deviations cost. The proposed billing model employs multiparty computation so that the accurate calculation of individual bills is performed in a decentralised and privacy-preserving manner. We also present a security analysis as well as performance evaluations for different security settings. The results show superiority of the honest-majority model to the dishonest majority in terms of computational efficiency. They also show that the billing can be executed for 5000 users in less than nine seconds in the online phase for all security settings, demonstrating its feasibility to be deployed in real local energy markets

    Privacy-Friendly Load Scheduling of Deferrable and Interruptible Domestic Appliances in Smart Grids

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    The massive integration of renewable energy sources in the power grid ecosystem with the aim of reducing carbon emissions must cope with their intrinsically intermittent and unpredictable nature. Therefore, the grid must improve its capability of controlling the energy demand by adapting the power consumption curve to match the trend of green energy generation. This could be done by scheduling the activities of deferrable and/or interruptible electrical appliances. However, communicating the users' needs about the usage of their appliances also leaks sensitive information about their habits and lifestyles, thus arising privacy concerns. This paper proposes a framework to allow the coordination of energy consumption without compromising the privacy of the users: the service requests generated by the domestic appliances are divided into crypto-shares using Shamir Secret Sharing scheme and collected through an anonymous routing protocol by a set of schedulers, which schedule the requests by directly operating on the shares. We discuss the security guarantees provided by our proposed infrastructure and evaluate its performance, comparing it with the optimal scheduling obtained by means of an Integer Linear Programming formulation

    Blockchain in Energy Communities, A proof of concept

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    This report aims at exploring the use of the distributed ledger paradigm to incentive the participation of the citizen to a truly free, open and interoperable energy market, producing a feasibility study and a first demo testbed, taking also into consideration privacy, cybersecurity and big-data issues of the smart-home in the Energy market context. This study is intended to support point 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of the DSM (COM(2015)192) and point 2.2 of the Energy Union package (COM(2015)80.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit

    Smart-Grid: Technology and the Psychology of Environmental Behavior Change

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    There is a schism in the legal scholarship between scholars who argue that value, norm, and information campaigns can induce pro-environmental behavior and those who contend that structural, psychological, and social forces sharply constrain behavior change. Both sides of this debate have neglected the critical and ever-increasing role of technology in addressing residential pollution. The example of electricity smart grids illustrates how technology engineered to override cognitive and behavioral limitations can comprehensively reduce household consumption and emissions. Electricity conservation suffers from multiple barriers to collective action, including large numbers of geographically dispersed polluters, low financial payoffs, and, the contribution of this Essay, the high behavioral demands of reducing consumption. By bringing into sharper analytical focus what is likely to be effective in households, smart grid enhances our understanding of the psychology of individual behavior and underscores the importance of technology to environmental behavior change

    Peer-to-Peer energy trading in micro/mini-grids for local energy communities: A review and case study of Nepal

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    Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are being integrated into the power market by customers rather than large scale energy suppliers, thereby slowly transforming the centralized, unidirectional market to a decentralized, bidirectional market and transitioning customers into prosumers. Various system architectures are used in the real field to coordinate the energy distribution in the micro/ mini-grids integrated with DERs, all of which have their strengths, weaknesses and challenges. Peer-to-peer (P2P) is an emerging architecture in the field of electrical energy trading and Distributed Generation (DG) management that can be applied in local energy markets. This paper focuses on P2P energy trading, with an in-depth discussion on its various operating algorithms, their principles, characteristics, features and scope through state of art review on P2P. Furthermore, the energy system of Nepal is used as a case study in this paper, and the micro/mini-grids of Nepal and their associated challenges, constraints and opportunities for improvement are discussed. Finally, an energy trading model is proposed to address the problems occurring in the specific case of Nepalese energy market

    An analysis of selected cases

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by Project CESME (Collaborative & Evolvable Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem) and the Portuguese FCT program UIDB/00066/2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)The rapid proliferation of renewable energy communities/ecosystems is an indication of their potential contribution to the ongoing energy transition. A common characteristic of these ecosystems is their complex composition, which often involves the interaction of multiple actors. Currently, the notions of "networking", "collaboration", "coordination", and "cooperation", although having different meanings, are often loosely used to describe these interactions, which creates a sense of ambiguity and confusion. To better characterize the nature of interactions in current and emerging ecosystems, this article uses the systematic literature review method to analyse 34 emerging cases. The objective is threefold (a) to study the interactions and engagements between the involved actors, aiming at identifying elements of collaboration. (b) Identify the adopted technological enablers, and (c) ascertain how the composition and functions of these ecosystems compare to virtual power plants. The outcome revealed that the interactions between the members of these ecosystems can be described as cooperation and not necessarily as collaboration, except in a few cases. Regarding technological enablers, a vast panoply of technologies, such as IoT devices, smart meters, intelligent software agents, peer-to-peer networks, distributed ledger systems/blockchain technology (including smart contracts, blockchain as a platform service, and cryptocurrencies) were found. In comparison with virtual power plants, these ecosystems have similar composition, thus, having multiple actors, comprised of decentralized and heterogeneous technologies, and are formed by aggregating various distributed energy resources. They are also supported by ICT and are characterized by the simultaneous flow of information and energy.publishersversionpublishe