457 research outputs found

    Is the timed-up and go test feasible in mobile devices? A systematic review

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    The number of older adults is increasing worldwide, and it is expected that by 2050 over 2 billion individuals will be more than 60 years old. Older adults are exposed to numerous pathological problems such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, post-stroke, and orthopedic disturbances. Several physiotherapy methods that involve measurement of movements, such as the Timed-Up and Go test, can be done to support efficient and effective evaluation of pathological symptoms and promotion of health and well-being. In this systematic review, the authors aim to determine how the inertial sensors embedded in mobile devices are employed for the measurement of the different parameters involved in the Timed-Up and Go test. The main contribution of this paper consists of the identification of the different studies that utilize the sensors available in mobile devices for the measurement of the results of the Timed-Up and Go test. The results show that mobile devices embedded motion sensors can be used for these types of studies and the most commonly used sensors are the magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyroscope available in off-the-shelf smartphones. The features analyzed in this paper are categorized as quantitative, quantitative + statistic, dynamic balance, gait properties, state transitions, and raw statistics. These features utilize the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors and facilitate recognition of daily activities, accidents such as falling, some diseases, as well as the measurement of the subject's performance during the test execution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Personalized functional health and fall risk prediction using electronic health records and in-home sensor data

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    Research has shown the importance of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and in-home sensor data for continuous health tracking and health risk predictions. With the increased computational capabilities and advances in machine learning techniques, we have new opportunities to use multi-modal health big data to develop accurate health tracking models. This dissertation describes the development, evaluation, and testing of systems for predicting functional health and fall risks in community-dwelling older adults using health data and machine learning techniques. In an initial study, we focused on organizing and de-identifying EHR data for analysis using HIPAA regulations. The dataset contained nine years of structured and unstructured EHR data obtained from TigerPlace, a senior living facility at Columbia, MO. The de-identification of this data was done using custom automated algorithms. The de-identified EHR data was used in several studies described in this dissertation. We then developed personalized functional health tracking models using geriatric assessments in the EHR data. Studies show that higher levels of functional health in older adults lead to a higher quality of life and improves the ability to age-in-place. Even though several geriatric assessments capture several aspects of functional health, there is limited research in longitudinally tracking the personalized functional health of older adults using a combination of these assessments. In this study, data from 150 older adult residents were used to develop a composite functional health prediction model using Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Short Form 12 (SF12). Tracking functional health objectively could help clinicians to make decisions for interventions in case of functional health deterioration. We next constructed models for fall risk prediction in older adults using geriatric assessments, demographic data, and GAITRite assessment data. A 6-month fall risk prediction model was developed with data from 93 older adult residents. Explainable AI techniques were used to provide explanations to the model predictions, such as which specific features increased the risk of fall in a particular model prediction. Such explanations to model predictions provide valuable insights for targeted interventions. In another study, we developed deep neural network models to predict fall risk from de-identified nursing notes data from 162 older adult residents from TigerPlace. Clinical nursing notes have been shown to contain valuable information related to fall risk factors. This analysis provides the groundwork for future experiments to predict fall risk in older adults using clinical notes. In addition to using EHR data to predict functional health and fall risk in older adults, two studies were conducted to predict fall and functional health from in-home sensor data. Models for in-home fall prediction using depth sensor imagery have been successfully used at TigerPlace. However, the model is prone to false fall alarms in several scenarios, such as pillows thrown on the floor and pets jumping from couches. A secondary fall analysis was performed by analyzing fall alert videos to further identify and remove false alarms. In the final study, we used in-home sensor data streaming from depth sensors and bed sensors to predict functional health and absolute geriatric assessment values. These prediction models can be used to predict the functional health of residents in absence of sparse and infrequent geriatric assessments. This can also provide continuous tracking of functional health in older adults using the streaming in-home sensor data

    Wearable Sensors Applied in Movement Analysis

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    Recent advances in electronics have led to sensors whose sizes and weights are such that they can be placed on living systems without impairing their natural motion and habits. They may be worn on the body as accessories or as part of the clothing and enable personalized mobile information processing. Wearable sensors open the way for a nonintrusive and continuous monitoring of body orientation, movements, and various physiological parameters during motor activities in real-life settings. Thus, they may become crucial tools not only for researchers, but also for clinicians, as they have the potential to improve diagnosis, better monitor disease development and thereby individualize treatment. Wearable sensors should obviously go unnoticed for the people wearing them and be intuitive in their installation. They should come with wireless connectivity and low-power consumption. Moreover, the electronics system should be self-calibrating and deliver correct information that is easy to interpret. Cross-platform interfaces that provide secure data storage and easy data analysis and visualization are needed.This book contains a selection of research papers presenting new results addressing the above challenges

    Real-Life Gait Performance as a Digital Biomarker for Motor Fluctuations: The Parkinson@Home Validation Study

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    Background: Wearable sensors have been used successfully to characterize bradykinetic gait in patients with Parkinson disease (PD), but most studies to date have been conducted in highly controlled laboratory environments. Objective: This paper aims to assess whether sensor-based analysis of real-life gait can be used to objectively and remotely monitor motor fluctuations in PD. Methods: The Parkinson@Home validation study provides a new reference data set for the development of digital biomarkers to monitor persons with PD in daily life. Specifically, a group of 25 patients with PD with motor fluctuations and 25 age-matched controls performed unscripted daily activities in and around their homes for at least one hour while being recorded on video. Patients with PD did this twice: once after overnight withdrawal of dopaminergic medication and again 1 hour after medication intake. Participants wore sensors on both wrists and ankles, on the lower back, and in the front pants pocket, capturing movement and contextual data. Gait segments of 25 seconds were extracted from accelerometer signals based on manual video annotations. The power spectral density of each segment and device was estimated using Welch’s method, from which the total power in the 0.5- to 10-Hz band, width of the dominant frequency, and cadence were derived. The ability to discriminate between before and after medication intake and between patients with PD and controls was evaluated using leave-one-subject-out nested cross-validation. Results: From 18 patients with PD (11 men; median age 65 years) and 24 controls (13 men; median age 68 years), ≥10 gait segments were available. Using logistic LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) regression, we classified whether the unscripted gait segments occurred before or after medication intake, with mean area under the receiver operator curves (AUCs) varying between 0.70 (ankle of least affected side, 95% CI 0.60-0.81) and 0.82 (ankle of most affected side, 95% CI 0.72-0.92) across sensor locations. Combining all sensor locations did not significantly improve classification (AUC 0.84, 95% CI 0.75-0.93). Of all signal properties, the total power in the 0.5- to 10-Hz band was most responsive to dopaminergic medication. Discriminating between patients with PD and controls was generally more difficult (AUC of all sensor locations combined: 0.76, 95% CI 0.62-0.90). The video recordings revealed that the positioning of the hands during real-life gait had a substantial impact on the power spectral density of both the wrist and pants pocket sensor. Conclusions: We present a new video-referenced data set that includes unscripted activities in and around the participants’ homes. Using this data set, we show the feasibility of using sensor-based analysis of real-life gait to monitor motor fluctuations with a single sensor location. Future work may assess the value of contextual sensors to control for real-world confounders

    A systems approach towards remote health-monitoring in older adults: Introducing a zero-interaction digital exhaust.

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    Using connected sensing devices to remotely monitor health is a promising way to help transition healthcare from a rather reactive to a more precision medicine oriented proactive approach, which could be particularly relevant in the face of rapid population ageing and the challenges it poses to healthcare systems. Sensor derived digital measures of health, such as digital biomarkers or digital clinical outcome assessments, may be used to monitor health status or the risk of adverse events like falls. Current research around such digital measures has largely focused on exploring the use of few individual measures obtained through mobile devices. However, especially for long-term applications in older adults, this choice of technology may not be ideal and could further add to the digital divide. Moreover, large-scale systems biology approaches, like genomics, have already proven beneficial in precision medicine, making it plausible that the same could also hold for remote-health monitoring. In this context, we introduce and describe a zero-interaction digital exhaust: a set of 1268 digital measures that cover large parts of a person's activity, behavior and physiology. Making this approach more inclusive of older adults, we base this set entirely on contactless, zero-interaction sensing technologies. Applying the resulting digital exhaust to real-world data, we then demonstrate the possibility to create multiple ageing relevant digital clinical outcome assessments. Paired with modern machine learning, we find these assessments to be surprisingly powerful and often on-par with mobile approaches. Lastly, we highlight the possibility to discover novel digital biomarkers based on this large-scale approach

    Sensor-based fall risk assessment in older adults with or without cognitive impairment: a systematic review

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    Background Higher age and cognitive impairment are associated with a higher risk of falling. Wearable sensor technology may be useful in objectively assessing motor fall risk factors to improve physical exercise interventions for fall prevention. This systematic review aims at providing an updated overview of the current research on wearable sensors for fall risk assessment in older adults with or without cognitive impairment. Therefore, we addressed two specific research questions: 1) Can wearable sensors provide accurate data on motor performance that may be used to assess risk of falling, e.g., by distinguishing between faller and non-faller in a sample of older adults with or without cognitive impairment?; and 2) Which practical recommendations can be given for the application of sensor-based fall risk assessment in individuals with CI? A systematic literature search (July 2019, update July 2020) was conducted using PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases. Community-based studies or studies conducted in a geriatric setting that examine fall risk factors in older adults (aged ≥60 years) with or without cognitive impairment were included. Predefined inclusion criteria yielded 16 cross-sectional, 10 prospective and 2 studies with a mixed design. Results Overall, sensor-based data was mainly collected during walking tests in a lab setting. The main sensor location was the lower back to provide wearing comfort and avoid disturbance of participants. The most accurate fall risk classification model included data from sit-to-walk and walk-to-sit transitions collected over three days of daily life (mean accuracy = 88.0%). Nine out of 28 included studies revealed information about sensor use in older adults with possible cognitive impairment, but classification models performed slightly worse than those for older adults without cognitive impairment (mean accuracy = 79.0%). Conclusion Fall risk assessment using wearable sensors is feasible in older adults regardless of their cognitive status. Accuracy may vary depending on sensor location, sensor attachment and type of assessment chosen for the recording of sensor data. More research on the use of sensors for objective fall risk assessment in older adults is needed, particularly in older adults with cognitive impairment

    Real-time human ambulation, activity, and physiological monitoring:taxonomy of issues, techniques, applications, challenges and limitations

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    Automated methods of real-time, unobtrusive, human ambulation, activity, and wellness monitoring and data analysis using various algorithmic techniques have been subjects of intense research. The general aim is to devise effective means of addressing the demands of assisted living, rehabilitation, and clinical observation and assessment through sensor-based monitoring. The research studies have resulted in a large amount of literature. This paper presents a holistic articulation of the research studies and offers comprehensive insights along four main axes: distribution of existing studies; monitoring device framework and sensor types; data collection, processing and analysis; and applications, limitations and challenges. The aim is to present a systematic and most complete study of literature in the area in order to identify research gaps and prioritize future research directions
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